Link_to action in nested controller? - ruby-on-rails

So I've created an action, lets call it 'raise' in the controller 'elevator'. 'elevator' is nested in 'building'.
What routes should I create, or what link_to url can I make so
/buldings/2/elevators/4/raise will work?

If you really want to nest them like that, here's the route. You didn't specify a Rails version, so this is something that will work with recent versions, as opposed to just in 2.3+.
map.resources :buildings do |buildings|
buildings.resources :elevators, :member => {:up => :put}
Note the name change for your action. Please don't name an action "raise." That's a method in Kernel. You're going to give someone an aneurism when they try to debug your code.
You'll end up with a path helper that looks like this.
up_building_elevator_path(:building_id => 2, :elevator_id => 4)
After setting up the routes, you can see all of the routes available to your elevators by running:
rake -T | grep elevator


Error using alias for routes in Ruby on Rails

I have a route with a namespace
namespace :publishers do
resources :authors
get 'books' :to => 'books'
get 'books/custom_report/:id', :to => "curriculos#custom_report"
Often I will have to make links in my application and I know than it`s possible to use a alias for routing like this:
<%= link_to "Books", publishers_books_path %>
I call that publishers_books_path a alias route, does this is the correct name?
Furthermore, I still not able to understand the logic with this alias naming because i can`t use for a new or a custom action like this
link_to 'Show the report', publishers_books_custom_report_path(params[:id])
I'm always get a error of undefined_method for publishers_books_custom_report_path
So there`s some questions
First of all whats it`s the correct name of this feature in RoR?
How I can use the custom_report as aliases to link_to? And also if i need to use some basic operations like new, update, insert?
Can someone give me the link to the documentation to really understant that feature?
First of all whats it`s the correct name of this feature in RoR?
The docs use "path helper" and "named route helpers" interchangeably.
How I can use the custom_report as aliases to link_to?
Use rails route or visit /rails/info/routes in your dev server to get a list of all your routes, their helpers, and controller actions.
Apparently it is publishers_path which doesn't seem right. You can fix this with an as.
get 'books/custom_report/:id', to: "curriculos#custom_report", as: :books_custom_report
And also if i need to use some basic operations like new, update,
A get declares just that one specific route. If you need all the operations on a model, declare it as a resource.
namespace :publishers do
resource :authors
resource :books
get 'books/custom_report/:id', to: "curriculos#custom_report", as: :books_custom_report
Can someone give me the link to the documentation to really understand that feature?
Rails Routing From The Outside In.

Why is link_to with an absolute url considered technically superior to targetting controller action?

New to rails, so if this is discussed somewhere, just link me off: I had a good search but all I could find were people trying to figure out how to use link_to, not any discussion of this comment:
link_to "Profile", profile_path(#profile)
# => Profile
in place of the older more verbose, non-resource-oriented
link_to "Profile", :controller => "profiles", :action => "show", :id => #profile
# => Profile
I get that the latter is more verbose, and thus undesirable, but the former seems like a strange thing to be recommending.
If I have an action at say: /blah/add and I link to it using:
link_to "Link", link_add_path
Then I'm linking to This is a hard coded url.
If I change the route that this maps to, I have to change every instance of link_to in my code base to point to the new absolute url. This seems crazy.
However, if I link to it using:
link_to "Link", :controller => "thing", :action => "add"
Then the url is dynamically determined. If I have to change the path all I do is edit config/routes.rb and not touch any of my code. This seems like much lower maintenance.
I appreciate it's slightly more complex than that, the blah_path variable is not actually a static route, and actually contains some smarts like the application base url and prevents you from linking to urls that don't exist, but it seems like a step backwards to facilitate a fractionally less verbose syntax.
So, what's up with that?
What technical reason would you choose the former link_to syntax over the latter?
"You're doing it wrong" :P
Seriously though: use named resources, and here's why that's cool:
you've got this in your routes file:
resources :user_orders
And you are using "user_orders_path" everywhere. Then you do a refactor and decide (because the orders are now generic) that you want the controller to be called "orders" but you don't want to break all your old code. you can do this:
resources :user_orders, controller: "orders"
And your existing links will continue to work! (plus you can add a "orders" resource to move things over to the new scheme)
There's also neat things like named links:
match 'exit' => 'sessions#destroy', :as => :logout
I'd also like to add, if you needed to refactor your controller using the old link syntax - you'd still have to change a pile of controller links!
Then I'm linking to This is a hard coded url.
No, it's not. link_add_path is a method generated by Rails that points to a specific route in your config/routes.rb. You can see this by running
rake routes | grep link_add
If I change the route that this maps to, I have to change every instance of link_to in my code base to point to the new absolute url. This seems crazy.
No, you don't. Take the following example
get "link/add", as: :link_add, controller: :links, action: :add
If I run the above
rake routes | grep link_add
I get
link_add GET /link/add(.:format) links#add
But what if I change the name of my controller to UrisController? Just change the route in config/routes.rb
get "link/add", as: :link_add, controller: :uris, action: :add
and now you have
link_add GET /link/add(.:format) uris#add
The link_to's don't have to change because the link_add_path method is still mapped to the newly modified line in my config/routes.rb because the route name is the same. With your more explicit way of specifying controllers/actions for every link_to, you have to go through every link and update it manually to reflect the new controller: :uris controller.
Read about Naming Routes in the rails guide.

make pretty url with routes.rb

I would like to do something to this effect, I believe:
map.connect 'show/:company_name/:id',
:controller => 'companies',
:action => 'show'
Basically, each time the show action is called, I would like it to take the company_name param and place it into the url as such (show/:company_name/:id)
However, it seems I am using old (rails 2.x routing api) and cannot use map.connect without getting an error. How can I upgrade this?
Is there some way to do this with "match"?
This is the error I see when I try to use map.connect:
undefined local variable or method `map' for #<ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper:0x103757458>
I think your routes lack a "/" symbol in the first line.
Try this:
match '/show/:company_name/:id' => 'companies#show'
You can check your routes path with command rake routes.
Besides, the show action is the default RESTful method in Rails. I'll suggest you change a equivalent word, and reserve "show" action for future or other situation.
In Rails convention, you can write resources :companies, and the path will be /companies/:id using show action.
Some adjustment, in app/models/company.rb
def to_param
So your url will look like
In app/controllers/companies_controller.rb
#company = Company.find_by_name(params[:id])
If I'm understanding your goal, try
match 'companies/show/:company_name/:id' => 'companies#show'

Help with rails routes

Im having a little trouble setting up routes.
I have a 'users' controller/model/views set up restfully
so users is set up to be a resource in my routes.
I want to change that to be 'usuarios' instead cause the app will be made for spanish speaking region... the reason the user model is in english is cause I was following the authlogic set up and wasnt sure if naming the model usuario instead would create trouble.. so basically this is what I have in mr routes.rb to get this functionality done.
map.resources :usuarios,:controller=>"users", :path_names => {:edit => 'editar' }
the problem is that when I try to register a new user I get this error
Only get, put, and delete requests are allowed.
this happens after I have filled out my register form and clicked on submit...
Have you tried using the 'as' option to change how the url looks without modifying the routes?
This example is from the documentation:
# products_path == '/productos'
map.resources :products, :as => 'productos' do |product|
# product_reviews_path(product) == '/productos/1234/comentarios'
product.resources :product_reviews, :as => 'comentarios'
You can try rake routes | grep usuarios from a terminal window (cd to the project root first) to make sure that the proper named routes are setup properly. You can cross reference that with the form tag you are using to make sure that the action for the form is correct.

Ruby on rails paths and routes

I'm trying to get the hang of basic Rails routing.
I have a model called page which I generated with a scaffold.
I have added a method called addchild which I would like to access through
So far so good. However, I want to set up a link to this method like so:
<%= link_to 'Add child page', addchild_page_path(page) %>
Passing the ID of the current page as a parameter.
When I load my index view (where the link is), I get the following message:
undefined local variable or method `addchild_page_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb67797d0>
Have I misunderstood how the path/link_to method works?
My routes file looks like this:
map.resources :pages
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You need to add a route to it to be able to use the named path methods.
Since you mentioned you used scaffolding, you probably have the route setup as a resource, so all that you need to do is add the method:
map.resources :pages, :member => {:addchild => :get}
Would give you an addchild_pages_path (and the actual created path would look like /pages/:id/addchild
You then use it like this: addchild_pages_path page, don't call the id method directly since it is not resourceful (you won't use the to_param in the page class, which you might want to do later).
If you really want the url to show up as /pages/addchild/:id (which I don't recommend) you can add
map.addchild_page "/pages/addchild/:id", :controller => :pages, :method => :addchild
before the map.resources :pages row in your routes.rb, and then use the path method as above.
