accessing Inner class while creating BitmapField & adding it in HorizontalFieldManager - blackberry

I'm creating a inner class in a method. After that I am accessing some statements like,
public class Test extends MainScreen
HorizontalFieldManager hfm;
Bitmap bitmap[] = new Bitmap[100];
BitmapField[] bitmapField = new BitmapField[100];
int countBitmap = 0;
VerticalFieldManager vfm_Main = new VerticalFieldManager();
hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager(HorizontalFieldManager.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
void drawBitmap()
bitmap[countBitmap] = new Bitmap(100, 100);
bitmapField[countBitmap] = new BitmapField(bitmap[countBitmap]){
public void paint(Graphics g)
for(int i = 0 ; i < bitmapField.length; i++)
if(bitmapField[i] != null)
But here the problem is after creating the bitmap & before creating the bitmapField, control goes to
synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()){hfm.add(bitmapField[countBitmap]); }
So before creating the bitmapField, it adds it in hfm.
So the output is coming like "Everytime a new BitmapField is added in hfm (means at the same position by replacing the previous one)". But I want the BitmapFields come next to each other in hfm.
How to do it?
Any solution why the control goes first to hfm.add() before the new bitmapField() inner class?

first of all, several suggestions about code:
see no reason using synchronized since it's UI thread
don't setBitmap, bitmap is already passed to BitmapField constructor
actually all BitmapFields come next to each other in hfm, to make it clear, I've add number to each one.
if you want some custom constructor or new fields in BitmapField, it's better to create new class as an extension of BitmapField
class TestScr extends MainScreen {
HorizontalFieldManager hfm;
Bitmap bitmap[] = new Bitmap[100];
BitmapField[] bitmapField = new BitmapField[100];
TestScr() {
hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager();
void drawBitmap() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
bitmap[i] = new Bitmap(50, 50);
Graphics graphics = new Graphics(bitmap[i]);
String number = Integer.toString(i);
Font font = graphics.getFont().derive(Font.BOLD, 40, Ui.UNITS_px);
int textWidth = graphics.getFont().getAdvance(number);
int textHeight = graphics.getFont().getHeight();
int x = (bitmap[i].getWidth() - textWidth) / 2;
int y = (bitmap[i].getHeight() - textHeight) / 2;
graphics.drawText(number, x, y);
bitmapField[i] = new BitmapField(bitmap[i]) {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int width = getWidth() - 1;
int height = getHeight() - 1;
g.drawLine(0, 0, width, 0);
g.drawLine(width, 0, width, height);
g.drawLine(width, height, 0, height);
g.drawLine(0, height, 0, 0);


Remove raised effect in blackberry objectchoicefield and buttonfield

I am trying to achieve a flat look for blackberry controls, namely objectchoicefield and buttonfield.
The following code does not seem to do the trick. (The width setting does work, but not the border setting.)
public static ObjectChoiceField GetDropdownList(String label, String[] data)
ObjectChoiceField ocf = new ObjectChoiceField(null, data, 0, Field.FIELD_LEFT);
ocf.setBorder(BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(0,0,0,0)));
return ocf;
I get the same appearance with or without the setBorder statement. Basically I do not want any 3D look or shadow or shine or rounded corners.
This might not do everything you want, but you can try looking at this custom ObjectChoiceField that I built for OS 4.6 and lower devices. I wanted to add a glossy, 3D look, but you could change the custom paint() code I used to make a simpler, flatter look.
Taking my example, changing the rounded corner radius to 1, and removing the call to super.paint(g) gives something like this:
public class CustomChoiceField extends ObjectChoiceField {
private int _bgWidth = 0;
private int _bgHeight = 0;
private int _numChoices = 0;
private boolean _hasFocus = false;
private static final int HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = 0xFF185AB5; // blue-ish
private static final int RADIUS = 1; // rounded corner radius in pixels
private static final int DFLT_PADDING = 20;
public CustomChoiceField(Object[] choices, int initialIndex) {
super("", choices, initialIndex);
_numChoices = choices.length;
public int getPreferredHeight() {
return _bgHeight;
public int getPreferredWidth() {
return _bgWidth;
protected void layout(int width, int height) {
if (_bgWidth == 0 || _bgHeight == 0) {
if (height <= Display.getHeight()) {
// probably using custom Manager to specify size
_bgWidth = width;
_bgHeight = height;
} else {
// use default sizing
_bgHeight = DFLT_PADDING + getHeightOfChoices();
for (int i = 0; i < _numChoices; i++) {
_bgWidth = Math.max(_bgWidth, DFLT_PADDING + getWidthOfChoice(i));
super.layout(_bgWidth, _bgHeight);
super.setExtent(_bgWidth, _bgHeight);
protected void applyTheme(Graphics arg0, boolean arg1) {
// do nothing
protected void drawFocus(Graphics g, boolean on) {
// do nothing .. handled manually in paint(g)
protected void onFocus(int direction) {
_hasFocus = true;
protected void onUnfocus() {
_hasFocus = false;
invalidate(); // required to clear focus
protected void paint(Graphics g) {
int oldColor = g.getColor();
// field color depends on whether we have focus or not
int bgColor = (_hasFocus) ? HIGHLIGHT_COLOR : Color.BLACK;
// when the field has focus, we make it a little less transparent
int alpha = (_hasFocus) ? 0xDD : 0xBB;
g.fillRoundRect(0, 0, _bgWidth, _bgHeight, RADIUS, RADIUS);
// draw a plain white line as a border
g.drawRoundRect(0, 0, _bgWidth, _bgHeight, RADIUS, RADIUS);
// draw the currently selected choice's text (also in white)
String text = (String)getChoice(getSelectedIndex());
int y = (_bgHeight - getFont().getHeight()) / 2;
g.drawText(text, 0, y, DrawStyle.HCENTER | DrawStyle.TOP, _bgWidth);
And you use the CustomChoiceField like this:
private ObjectChoiceField[] ocf = new ObjectChoiceField[3];
public ObjectChoiceScreen() {
Object[] choices1 = new Object[] { "one", "two", "three" };
ocf[0] = new CustomChoiceField(choices1, 0);
Object[] choices2 = new Object[] { "ichi", "ni", "san" };
ocf[1] = new CustomChoiceField(choices2, 0);
Object[] choices3 = new Object[] { "uno", "dos", "tres" };
ocf[2] = new CustomChoiceField(choices3, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < ocf.length; i++) {
ocf[i].setMargin(new XYEdges(10, 10, 10, 10));
This isn't production code, so you'll need to test it yourself. For example, it doesn't handle changing the choices with setChoices(). But, it's a start, and will get you something like this:
You'll notice the difference in color between the first two object choice fields, and the bottom one, which is focused.
My code has the same popup for selecting choices as the normal ObjectChoiceField. So, you still may get rounded corners that way. In my case, I didn't need to change that look and feel, so I'm not sure how you might change that, too.

How to create Horizontal scroll view with the TextField in Blackberry

I am new to the Blackberry Field, I want to create a customized Horizontal scroll view which should exactly looks like in the below image. Any Help will be Apprreciated
I am using Blackberry Simulator 9900, Thanks in advance .
I guess Middle portion is ONLY scrollable, right ?
You must have one HorizontalFieldManager with HORIZONTAL_SCROLL ( Middle one )
e.g. HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager( HORIZONTAL_SCROLL );
add your custom field in this manager.
You must add hfm in Custom OuterManager.
For your reference I'm posting my own code here...
private class HScroll extends MainScreen{
public HScroll() {
super( USE_ALL_WIDTH );
OuterManager father = new OuterManager( );
LabelField ll = new LabelField("<");
HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager( HORIZONTAL_SCROLL );
for( int i=0; i<10; i++ ){
ButtonField btn = new ButtonField(" i " + i);
LabelField ll1 = new LabelField(">");
private class OuterManager extends net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager{
public OuterManager() {
protected void sublayout(int width, int height) {
int x = 0;
Field ff = getField( 0 );
Field ff2 = getField( 2 );
setPositionChild(ff, x, 0);
layoutChild(ff, ff.getPreferredWidth(), ff.getPreferredHeight());
x = x + ff.getPreferredWidth();
Field ff1 = getField( 1 );
setPositionChild(ff1, x , 0);
layoutChild(ff1, width - ff.getPreferredWidth() - ff2.getPreferredWidth() , ff1.getPreferredHeight());
x = width - ff2.getPreferredWidth();
setPositionChild(ff2, x, 0);
layoutChild(ff2, ff2.getPreferredWidth(), ff2.getPreferredHeight());
setExtent(width, height);

Put FieldManager at center of the screen in a BlackBerry app

I know about how to put field on the center of the screen with horizontally and vertically.
However I got success with the field, but I want to set the VerticalFieldManager or HorizontalFieldManage to the center of the screen.
My code is like below, but I am not able to set it at center of the screen.
final Bitmap scale = new Bitmap(Display.getWidth(),Display.getHeight());
_backgroundBitmap.scaleInto(scale, Bitmap.FILTER_LANCZOS);
// this manager is used for the static background image
mainManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT | Manager.USE_ALL_WIDTH | Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL) {
public void paint(Graphics graphics) {
graphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, deviceWidth, deviceHeight,scale, 0, 0);
// this manger is used for adding the componentes
subManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL | Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR) {
/*protected void sublayout(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
int displayWidth = deviceWidth;
int displayHeight = deviceHeight;
super.sublayout(displayWidth, displayHeight);
setExtent(displayWidth, displayHeight);
VerticalFieldManager dataManager = new VerticalFieldManager(){};
dataManager.setMargin(20, 20, 20, 20);
HorizontalFieldManager categoryLayout = new HorizontalFieldManager(FIELD_VCENTER | USE_ALL_WIDTH | FIELD_HCENTER){
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
LabelField cateName = new LabelField("Category", FIELD_VCENTER){
protected void layout(int width, int height) {
super.layout(width, height);
this.setExtent(150, this.getHeight());
choice_country.setMargin(10, 10, 10, 10);
categoryLayout.add(new BitmapField(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("vertical_line.png"), FIELD_VCENTER));
HorizontalFieldManager distanceLayout = new HorizontalFieldManager(FIELD_VCENTER | USE_ALL_WIDTH | FIELD_HCENTER){
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
LabelField distName = new LabelField("Distance", FIELD_VCENTER){
protected void layout(int width, int height) {
super.layout(width, height);
this.setExtent(150, this.getHeight());
choice_distance.setMargin(10, 10, 10, 10);
distanceLayout.add(new BitmapField(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("vertical_line.png"), FIELD_VCENTER));
listNames = new Vector();
listImage = new Vector();
//new GetList().execute(null);
ButtonField b_search = new ButtonField("Search", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK | ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER);
b_search.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
if (choice_country.getSelectedIndex() != 0
|| choice_distance.getSelectedIndex() != 0) {
new SubmitSearch().execute(null);
} else {
Dialog.alert("Select atleast One of Two(Category/Distance).");
What's wrong in my code?
Here I am using mainManager to display the Background of the app.
subManager is just for container. datamanager is to include mane HorizontalFieldManager.
Now I want is the datamanager is to be display vertically at center of the screen. It not depend on the HorizontalLayout I am going to add in it.
VerticalManager will ignore any vertical modificators like FIELD_VCENTER.
You have to implement your own Manager which will put submanager to center of the screen. Something like this:
protected void sublayout(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
submanager.sublayout(displayWidth, displayHeight);
//after sublayout submanager knows his real dimensions
int submanagerWidth = submanager.getWidth();
int submanagerHeight = submanager.getHeight();
int x = (displayWidth - submanagerWidth) >> 1;
int y = (displayHeight - submanagerHeight) >> 1;
setPositionChild(submanager, x, y);
setExtent(displayWidth, displayHeight);
In example I assumed that submanager is only one child. But is there are several it's clear how to modify example.
If there are several children (for example 2):
protected void sublayout(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
int height = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
submanager[i].sublayout(displayWidth, displayHeight);
height += submanager[i].getHeight();
int y = (displayHeight - height) >> 1;
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int submanagerWidth = submanager[i].getWidth();
int submanagerHeight = submanager[i].getHeight();
int x = (displayWidth - submanagerWidth) >> 1;
setPositionChild(submanager[i], x, y);
y += submanagerHeight;
setExtent(displayWidth, max(height, submanagerHeight));
Why don't you use something like this?
mainManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT |
DrawStyle.HCENTER /* or DrawStyle.VCENTER */)

Image gone After Focusing

This is before focus state. It work fine.
This is on focusing state. It work fine.
This is after focus state. It occurred problem where the image gone.
It works fine for the top right but top left image got problem.
Here is my custom VerticalFieldManager:
public class Custom_TopField extends HorizontalFieldManager implements
FieldChangeListener {
private Bitmap bg = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("header_bar.png");
private Bitmap download = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("btn_download.png");
private Bitmap downloadactive = Bitmap
private Bitmap refresh = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("icon_refresh.png");
private Bitmap refreshactive = Bitmap
private Bitmap back = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("btn_back.png");
private Bitmap backctive = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("btn_back_active.png");
private Bitmap news = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("icon_news.png");
private Bitmap newsactive = Bitmap
private Custom_ButtonField downloadbtn, refreshbtn, backbtn, newsbtn;
private Custom_LabelField title;
Custom_TopField(final MainScreen mainscreen) {
Background background = BackgroundFactory.createBitmapBackground(bg);
title = new Custom_LabelField("东方日报", DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS
| LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.HCENTER
| Field.FOCUSABLE, Color.WHITE) {
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
Main.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new Main_AllLatestNews());
return true;
title.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 33));
downloadbtn = new Custom_ButtonField(download, downloadactive,
refreshbtn = new Custom_ButtonField(refresh, refreshactive,
backbtn = new Custom_ButtonField(back, backctive, backctive);
/*newsbtn = new Custom_ButtonField(news, newsactive, newsactive);
protected void sublayout(int width, int height) {
Field field = getField(0);
layoutChild(field, 120, Font.getDefault().getHeight());
setPositionChild(field, (getPreferredWidth() - title.getWidth()) / 2,
field = getField(1);
layoutChild(field, download.getWidth(), download.getHeight());
setPositionChild(field, getPreferredWidth()
- (download.getWidth() + 10),
getPreferredHeight() - (download.getHeight() + 5));
field = getField(2);
layoutChild(field, refresh.getWidth(), refresh.getHeight());
getPreferredWidth() - (refresh.getWidth() + 10),
getPreferredHeight() - (refresh.getHeight() + 5));
field = getField(3);
layoutChild(field, back.getWidth(), back.getHeight());
setPositionChild(field, 10, 5);
/*field = getField(4);
layoutChild(field, news.getWidth(), news.getHeight());
setPositionChild(field, 10, 5);*/
width = Math.min(width, getPreferredWidth());
height = Math.min(height, getPreferredHeight());
setExtent(width, height);
public int getPreferredHeight() {
return 70;
public int getPreferredWidth() {
return Display.getWidth();
public void paint(Graphics graphics) {
int rectHeight = getPreferredHeight();
int rectWidth = getPreferredWidth();
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, rectWidth, rectHeight);
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
if (field == downloadbtn) {
} else if (field == refreshbtn) {
} else if (field == backbtn) {
} else if (field == newsbtn) {
Here is custom button field
public class Custom_ButtonField extends ButtonField {
Bitmap mNormal;
Bitmap mFocused;
Bitmap mActive;
int mWidth;
int mHeight;
private int color = -1;
String text;
public Custom_ButtonField(Bitmap normal, Bitmap focused, Bitmap active) {
mNormal = normal;
mFocused = focused;
mActive = active;
mWidth = mNormal.getWidth();
mHeight = mNormal.getHeight();
setMargin(0, 0, 0, 0);
setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
setBorder(BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(0, 0, 0, 0)));
BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(0, 0, 0, 0)));
public Custom_ButtonField(String text, Bitmap normal, Bitmap focused,
Bitmap active, int color) {
this.color = color;
mNormal = normal;
mFocused = focused;
mActive = active;
mWidth = mNormal.getWidth();
mHeight = mNormal.getHeight();
setMargin(0, 0, 0, 0);
setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
setBorder(BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(0, 0, 0, 0)));
BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(0, 0, 0, 0)));
this.text = text;
protected void onFocus(int direction) {
protected void onUnfocus() {
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
Bitmap bitmap = null;
switch (getVisualState()) {
bitmap = mNormal;
bitmap = mFocused;
bitmap = mActive;
bitmap = mNormal;
graphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(),
bitmap, 0, 0);
graphics.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 25));
graphics.drawText(text, (mNormal.getWidth() - Font.getDefault()
.getAdvance(text)) / 2, ((mNormal.getHeight() - Font
.getDefault().getHeight()) / 2) + 10, DrawStyle.HCENTER
| DrawStyle.VCENTER);
public int getPreferredWidth() {
return mWidth;
public int getPreferredHeight() {
return mHeight;
protected void layout(int width, int height) {
setExtent(mWidth, mHeight);
This is the second problem just like this I've seen in the last couple weeks.
To understand the solution, first you should understand the basic UI classes in BlackBerry.
First, we have the Field class. A Field is the base class of the normal UI components. If you write a UI component yourself, from scratch, then you would subclass Field:
public class MyWidget extends Field {
However, if there already exists a BlackBerry class that does almost what you need, and you just need to change its behaviour a bit, then you would subclass something else. For example:
public class MyButtonWidget extends ButtonField {
The same pattern exists for the Manager class. If you are writing a Manager from scratch, then extend Manager:
public class MyManager extends Manager {
which involves doing this, according to the BlackBerry docs:
Implementing your own layout manager
If you have particular needs, you
can implement your own manager. Extend the Manager class, and
implement sublayout, getPreferredWidth, and getPreferredHeight. For
efficiency, you may optionally override subpaint.
However, if an existing Manager subclass already does most of what you need, and you just want to customize it, then you might consider extending that subclass:
public class MyHorizontalManager extends HorizontalFieldManager {
In your case, your Custom_TopField is doing all of the required work for a fully custom Manager (see the highlighted quote above from the javadocs). So, there's not really any reason for you to extend HorizontalFieldManager. A HorizontalFieldManager is used when you just want to add() your fields, and have them all laid out horizontally. But, you do that explicitly in your sublayout() code. As it turns out, it looks like your logic is competing with the base class.
So, what you should do, is have your class just extend Manager:
public class Custom_TopField extends Manager implements FieldChangeListener {
If you do that, you will need to call a different super constructor. Something like this (you might want to pick different style constants depending on your needs):
Custom_TopField(final MainScreen mainscreen) {
Another alternative would be to simply not implement sublayout(), extend HorizontalFieldManager like you originally had, and then control layout with the child fields' margins and long style flags. But, since the solution I gave above requires only changing 2 lines of code, that's probably the easiest for you this time.
Other Problem(s)
I also noticed in your code, and screenshots, that the Download button doesn't show up. I don't know the exact size of all your png images, but if the refresh and download images are the same size, then your current logic is just laying out the refresh button right over the download button. So, the download button is hidden. That's probably not what you want?

Designing a slot machine in blackberry

I am a Blackberry java developer. I am trying to develop a simple slot machine logic. I am new to animated graphics etc in blackberry. So, can anyone tell me how to design a simple slot machine where on pressing a button the images in 3 blocks must start rotating and after it stops the prizes will be displayed according to the pics. So can u plz help me with some samples or tutorials of how to do it...
Edit: I am developing it just as fun application that doesnt involve any money transactions. So, any Blackberry developers plz guide me how to achieve the task and to spin the three images on click of a button...
This is a simple example but you will have to deal with decoration, smooth rolling etc yourself.
Let's say you have 6 images 70x70.
Simple BitmapField extension to paint current slot image, half of image above and half of image below:
class SlotField extends BitmapField {
Bitmap bmp1 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("img1.png");
Bitmap bmp2 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("img2.png");
Bitmap bmp3 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("img3.png");
Bitmap bmp4 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("img4.png");
Bitmap bmp5 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("img5.png");
Bitmap bmp6 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("img6.png");
Bitmap[] bmps = new Bitmap[] { bmp1, bmp2, bmp3, bmp4, bmp5, bmp6 };
int mPos = 0;
public SlotField(int position) {
mPos = position;
public int getBitmapHeight() {
return bmp1.getHeight() * 2;
public int getBitmapWidth() {
return bmp1.getWidth();
protected void layout(int width, int height) {
setExtent(getBitmapWidth(), getBitmapHeight());
int getNextPos() {
if (mPos == bmps.length - 1) {
return 0;
} else
return mPos + 1;
int getPrevPos() {
if (mPos == 0) {
return bmps.length - 1;
} else
return mPos - 1;
protected void paint(Graphics g) {
Bitmap hImg = bmps[getPrevPos()];
Bitmap mImg = bmps[mPos];
Bitmap lImg = bmps[getNextPos()];
g.drawBitmap(0, 0, 70, 35, hImg, 0, 35);
g.drawBitmap(0, 35, 70, 70, mImg, 0, 0);
g.drawBitmap(0, 105, 70, 35, lImg, 0, 0);
Now put these fields on screen and animate with timer:
class MainScr extends MainScreen {
SlotField slot1 = new SlotField(0);
SlotField slot2 = new SlotField(3);
SlotField slot3 = new SlotField(5);
boolean running = false;
public MainScr() {
HorizontalFieldManager hField = new HorizontalFieldManager();
ButtonField btnRoll = new ButtonField("Roll");
btnRoll.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
if (!running)
void rollSlots() {
Timer timer = new Timer();
final Random rnd = new Random();
TimerTask ttask1 = new TimerTask() {
int cycle = 0;
public void run() {
slot1.mPos = slot1.getNextPos();
if (cycle >= 100+rnd.nextInt(6))
TimerTask ttask2 = new TimerTask() {
int cycle = 0;
public void run() {
slot2.mPos = slot2.getNextPos();
if (cycle >= 100+rnd.nextInt(6))
TimerTask ttask3 = new TimerTask() {
int cycle = 0;
public void run() {
slot3.mPos = slot3.getNextPos();
if (cycle >= 100+rnd.nextInt(6))
timer.schedule(ttask1, 0, 50);
timer.schedule(ttask2, 200, 50);
timer.schedule(ttask3, 400, 50);
alt text
For UI functionality read
Blackberry User Interface Design - Customizable UI?
Blackberry - fields layout animation
The simulation of mechanical reels on a gaming machine is protected by United States Patent 7452276. The patent web page has links to 40 other US and international patents that you would have to investigate before you could start developing your software.
After you received permission from all of the different US and international patent holders to develop your software, you would develop a long .gif strip with the different images that you quickly move down in three or more positions. Your software would have to distort the top and bottom edges of the visible portions of the .gif strip to give the appearance of a mechanical slot wheel.
