Does Seaside scale? - scalability

Seaside is known as "the heretical web framework". One of the points that make it heretical is that it has much shared state. That however is something which, in my current understanding, hinders easy scaling.
Ruby on rails on the other hand shares as less state as possible. It has been known to scale pretty well, even if it is dog slow compared to modern smalltalk vms. flickr uses php and has scaled to an extremly big infrastructure...
So has anybody some experience in the scaling of Seaside?

Ramon Leon shares some of his experience on upscaling seaside on his (excellent) blog. You can read very concrete ideas with sample code about configuring and tuning seaside.
Enjoy :-)

Short answer:
you can scale Seaside applications like hell yah
Long answer:
In the IT domain, scaling is one thing but it has two dimensions:
Almost everybody thought about scaling in the vertical dimension. That was until intel and friends reached some physical barriers and started to add cores to compensate the current impossibility of adding MHz.
That's when all we started to be more aware of scaling horizontally as the way to go.
Why am I telling you this?
Because Seaside is a smalltalk image running in a VM and that is roughly the same situation of a system in a server of a monocore processor.
Taking that as foundation, you scale web apps by making a cluster of servers. It's the natural thing to do, it's the fault tolerant thing to do, is the topologically intelligent thing to do, is the flexible thing to do, I guess you get the idea...
So, if for scaling, you do the same as intel & friends, you embrace the horizontal way. And it's even cheaper that the vertical way (that will lead you to IBM and Sun servers that are as good as expensive).
RoR applications are typically scaled horizontally. Google has countless cheap servers to do their thing. It works perfectly fine no matter how dramatized people want's to impress you throwing at you a bunch of forgettable twitter whales.
If they talk to you about that, you just be polite and hear what they say but remember this:
perfect is the enemy of the good
the unfinished perfect will never be as value as the good thing done
BTW, Amazon does something like that too (and it kind of couple geolocation so they enhance the chances of attending your requests with the cluster that is closest to your location).
On the other hand, the way Avi scaled dabbledb (Seaside based web application company bought by twitter) was using one vm per customer account (starting up and shutting down those on demand).
Having a lot of state in an image doesn't make scaling impossible nor complicated.
Just different.
The way to go is with a load balancer that uses sticky sessions so you can have one image attenting all the requests of an user session. You make things so any worker-image behind the load balancer can attend any user of a given app. And that's pretty much it.
To be able to do that you need to share the persistent objects among workers. All the users databases needs to be accessible by the workers at anytime and need to deal well with concurrency.
We designed airflowing scalable in that way.
It's economically convenient too because you can start with N very small (depending on the RAM of your first server) and increase it on demand until you reach the hardware limit.
Once you reach the hardware limit, you just add another host to the cluster and recofigure the balancer (and the access to the databases).
Simple, economic and elegant. seems to scale quite well. Moreover, one can use GemStone GLASS to run Seaside.

On this interview Avi Bryant the creator of Seaside and Co founder DabbleDB
Explains how they make it scale.
From what I understand:
each customer has it's own Squeak
When a customer comes Apache decides based on the user name which port to send it to.
Based on the port it starts the customer's Squeak Image.
That way it can grow to an infinite number of servers.
I think this solution works for them based on the specifics of their application each customer doesn't need to share info between them. So no need for o centralized DB.
Anyway it is better to watch the interview rather than my half-made summary.

Yes, Seaside scales down fantastically. A single developer can create and maintain complex applications for small groups very well.
[coming back to this after a few years]
This actually is much more important than scaling up. Computer speed still grows a lot, and 99% of all applications can now run on one machine. Speed of development, and especially maintenance now totally dominates TCO.

I would rephrase your question slightly to: does Seaside prevent/discourage you from creating applications that scale? I would say usually no. Seaside doesn't have a default way to store your data (just like php on its doesn't, though Seaside gives you a few extra options) and my impression is interacting with your data tends to be the biggest hurdle when it comes to scaling.
If you want to store your data in a monolithic SQL db, like with rails, you can do that. Or you can use an object database. Or you can use a separate object database for each user, or separate db for each project, or a separate db for each user and project. Or you can store everything in a series of flat files or you can just store your data as objects in your VM's memory.
And because of continuations you don't need re-fetch your data out of your datastore on every webpage call. As when you are using a desktop application you can pull data out of your datastore when your user begins interacting with it, set the appropriate variables, and then use those variables between webcalls until the user is done with the data at which point you can update the datastore. When you don't share state you have to hit the datastore on every single webcall.
Of course this doens't mean scaling is free, it just means you have a larger domain in which to search for scaling solutions.
All that said, for many applications rails will scale much easier simply because there exist large hosting solutions for rails (and php for that matter) that will offer you a huge amount of resources without having to rent and setup a custom box.
These are just my impressions from reading and talking to people.

I just reminded that there is link on Pharo's success stories : a Seaside Web application with up to 1000 concurrent users for a large health insurance in Argentina .
Pharo success stories
Issys Tracking:
Load balancing: Apache as a proxy/balancer (round robin with session
Server setup: 5 Pharo images on 3 different servers (Linux and Windows 2003)
GUI: Heavily AJAX-based. All code written in Smalltak: Seaside 3.0, Seaside JQuery integration and JQWidgetBox.
Persistency: Glorp (OR mapper) and OpenDBX (DB client)
Databases: large PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server DBs

From the Wikipedia article, it's a total pig. Prior to that, it hadn't scaled to the point where I'd heard of it. :)


What kind of Database/Architecture should be used on server for large scale image recognition?

I am currently trying to develop a mobile application for finding of similar images in large scale. I am using Microsoft SQL to store entries of each image and SQL store procedures to classify it,I am also using LSH for partitioning of data. But somehow I doubt that this is not the technology or way big companies are doing it. Can you suggest some effective combination which can be implemented on server side of my application to classify large scale database image.
Not sure you're going to get a good answer here because the question is so wide open.
Without really deep details it's hard to say, but if I were going Azure I'd try to use Table Storage if I could.
Should be cheaper and faster than SQL, but only works for very narrow use cases. This could be one, but hard to say. No stored procs, but you could use Web Jobs to batch process.
One possible line up would be Mobile Services to process images coming in from mobile devices:, then Web Jobs for batch processing:, and Table Storage for persistance:
Without much, much greater detail I'd be hard pressed to give you a better recommendation.

Is using Redis right for this situation?

I'm planning on creating an app (Rails) that will have a very large collection of users - it'll start small but I would like it to be able to handle a million or more.
I want to build a system that will be able to handle 2500+ requests per second. Each request will require a write (for logging purposes) as well as a read from the enormous list of users, indexed by username (I was recommended to use MongoDB for this purpose) and the results of the read will be sent back to the user.
I am a little unclear about how mongo will handle both reads and writes, so I had this idea of using Mongo to sort of permanently store the records and then load them up into Redis every time the server starts up for even faster access so that Mongo doesn't have to deal with anything but the writes.
Does that sound reasonable or is that a huge misuse of Mongo and Redis?
The speed of delivery is of utmost importance.
It's possible, actually, to create the entire application using just Redis. What you'd want to do is research design patterns for Redis. A good place to start is this PDF by Karl Seguin called The Little Redis book.
For example, use Redis's hashes to save all users' information.
Further, if planned well you don't need to have another persistent storage such as Mongo or MySQL in conjunction with Redis as Redis is persistent itself. You just need to pick a good sharding/replication strategy that'll allow you to be flexible enough for future systemic changes.
I think the stack that you are asking about is certainly a very good solution and one that's pretty battle tested for high performance sites. Trello (created by same people who created this very site) uses a similar architecture as well as craigslist.
Trello Tech Stack Writeup
Craigslist also uses this
Redis is fast and has a great pub/sub mechanism in addition to normal invalidation type features that makes it a superior cache to most. Mongo is a db i'm very familiar with and think it's great for all sorts of data store purposes as well as being a solid enterprise db that scales well, protects data integrity and checks off a bunch of marks in the SLA enterprise jargon checklist
I think it's a great combination but really the question should be is do I even need this. For your load I think Mongo itself could handle this quite nicely (and give data integrity) and also if you really want you can run it on server with enough memory to make sure your dataset fits inside memory (denormalizing and good schema design is key). Foursquare runs exclusively on Mongo in memory.
So think if this is necessary but remember simple always wins. Redis/Mongo is super powerful but it will also take a lot more work to master two data stores and administer them.
As others have mentioned, using a single service makes more sense to me. There's reason to keep the logging data in memory though. I'd try using something simple, a logfile if possible, or Scribe or Flume if you need to distribute the writes.

Wicket: “large memory footprint!”, "Does Wicket scale?".. etc

Wicket uses the Session heavily which could mean “large memory footprint” (as stated by some developers) for larger apps with lots of pages. If you were to explain to a bunch of CTOs from Fortune 500 that they have to adopt Apache Wicket for their large web application deployments and that their fears about Wicket problems with scaling are just bad assumptions; what would you argue?
The question concerns only
Technical details and real world
examples are very welcomed.
IMO credibility for Apache Wicket in very large scale deployment is satisfied with the following URL: View the source.
See also,,, and look those domains up with alexa to see their ranking.
So, yes it is quite possible to build internet scale applications using Wicket. But whether or not you are using Wicket, Struts, SpringMVC, or just plain old JSPs: internet scale software development is hard. No framework can make that easy for you. No framework can give you software with a next-next-finish wizard that services 5M users.
Well, first of all, explain where the footprint comes from, and it is mainly the PageMap.
The next step would be to explain what a page map does, what is it for and what problems it solves (back buttons and popup dialogs for example). Problems, which would have to be solved manually, at similar memory costs but at a much bigger development cost and risk.
And finally, tell them how you can affect what goes in the page map, the secondary page cache and thus how the size can be kept under control.
Obviously you can also show them benchmarks, but probably an even better bet is to drop a line to Martijn Dashorst (although I believe he's reading this post anyway :)).
In any case, I'd try to put two points across:
There's nothing Wicket stores in memory which you wouldn't have to store in memory anyway. It's just better organised, easier to develop, keep consistent, and test.
Java itself means that you're carrying some inevitable excess baggage around all the time. If they are so worried about footprint, maybe Java isn't the language they want to use at all. There are hundreds of large traffic websites written in other languages, so that's a perfectly workable solution. The worst thing they can do is to go with Java, take on the excess baggage and then not use the advantages that come with an advanced framework.
Wicket saves the last N pages in the session. This is done to be able to load the page faster when it is needed. It is needed mostly in two cases - using browser back button or in Ajax applications.
The back button is clear, no need to explain, I think.
About Ajax - each ajax requests needs the current page (the last page in the session cache) to find a component in it and call its callback method, update some model, etc.
From their on the session size completely depends on your application code. It will be the same for any web framework.
The number of pages to cache (N above) is configurable, i.e. depending on the type of your application you may tweak it as your find appropriate. Even when there is no inmemory cache (N=0) the pages are stored in the disk (again configurable) and the page will be find again, just it will be a bit slower.
About some references: - social network with many users,
several education sites - I know two in USA and one in Netherlands. They also have quite a lot users,
currently I work on a project that expects to be used by several million users. Wicket 1.5 will be improved wherever we find hotspots.
Send this to your CTO ;-)

Achieving 25K Concurrent connections in RubyOnRails Application

I am trying to build a suggestion board application. where a users raises a query and multiple people will post at the same time. expected to be supporting atleast 25k concurrent users. now the question format also has checkboxes or radio buttons, in thats case they will be writing to DB.
Please let me know how can achieve this in Ruby on Rails.
- hardware support (specific Hardware LB)
- software support like (DB clustering/App server clustering/ Web traffic resolution)
I think your best plan is to worry about scaling to this level once you have that many users. There's nothing stopping you from achieving this in Rails, or indeed any other framework/language.
The problem with trying to design your architecture up-front to scale to this level is that, at this point, you have absolutely no idea where the pain points are going to be. Are there specific pages which are going to hit the database harder, are some of your pages heavy on HTML and images... there are so many questions to ask that simply cannot be answered effectively until you've gotten something out there.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't worry about scaling - by all means, try to design your data structures in such a way as to allow you to scale later. But put off any major decisions, and think about them later when you have some hard data to work with.

Ruby On Rails/Merb as a frontend for a billions of records app

I am looking for a backend solution for an application written in Ruby on Rails or Merb to handle data with several billions of records. I have a feeling that I'm supposed to go with a distributed model and at the moment I looked at
HBase with Hadoop
Problems with HBase solution as I see it -- ruby support is not very strong, and Couchdb did not reach 1.0 version yet.
Do you have suggestion what would you use for such a big amount of data?
Data will require rather fast imports sometimes of 30-40Mb at once, but imports will come in chunks. So ~95% of the time data will be read only.
Depending on your actual data usage, MySQL or Postgres should be able to handle a couple of billion records on the right hardware. If you have a particular high volume of requests, both of these databases can be replicated across multiple servers (and read replication is quite easy to setup (compared to multiple master/write replication).
The big advantage of using a RDBMS with Rails or Merb is you gain access to all of the excellent tool support for accessing these types of databases.
My advice is to actually profile your data in a couple of these systems and take it from there.
There's a number of different solutions people have used. In my experience it really depends more on your usage patterns related to that data and not the sheer number of rows per table.
For example, "How many inserts/updates per second are occurring." Questions like these will play into your decision of what back-end database solution you'll choose.
Take Google for example: There didn't really exist a storage/search solution that satisfied their needs, so they created their own based on a Map/Reduce model.
A word of warning about HBase and other projects of that nature (don't know anything about CouchDB -- I think it's not really a db at all, just a key-value store):
Hbase is not tuned for speed; it's tuned for scalability. If response speed is at all an issue, run some proofs of concept before you commit to this path.
Hbase does not support joins. If you are using ActiveRecord and have more than one relation.. well you can see where this is going.
The Hive project, also built on top of Hadoop, does support joins; so does Pig (but it's not really sql). Point 1 applies to both. They are meant for heavy data processing tasks, not the type of processing you are likely to be doing with Rails.
If you want scalability for a web app, basically the only strategy that works is partitioning your data and doing as much as possible to ensure the partitions are isolated (don't need to talk to each other). This is a little tricky with Rails, as it assumes by default that there is one central database. There may have been improvements on that front since I looked at the issue about a year and a half ago. If you can partition your data, you can scale horizontally fairly wide. A single MySQL machine can deal with a few million rows (PostgreSQL can probably scale to a larger number of rows but might work a little slower).
Another strategy that works is having a master-slave set up, where all writes are done by the master, and reads are shared among the slaves (and possibly the master). Obviously this has to be done fairly carefully! Assuming a high read/write ratio, this can scale pretty well.
If your organization has deep pockets, check out what Vertica, AsterData, and Greenplum have to offer.
The backend will depend on the data and how the data will be accessed.
But for the ORM, I'd most likely use DataMapper and write a custom DataObjects adapter to get to whatever backend you choose.
I'm not sure what CouchDB not being at 1.0 has to do with it. I'd recommend doing some testing with it (just generate a billion random documents) and see if it'll hold up. I'd say it will, despite not having a specific version number.
CouchDB will help you a lot when it comes to partitioning/sharding your data and like, seems like it might fit with your project -- especially if your data format might change in the future (adding or removing fields) since CouchDB databases have no schema.
There are plenty of optimizations in CouchDB for read-heavy apps as well and, based on my experience with it, is where it really shines.
