Why won't Rails deserialize my field? - ruby-on-rails

I am using the Classifier:Bayes as part of a model class. I have the class set up to serialize the classifier to the db.
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :classifier
The yaml appears in the db just fine after doing some training and saving the object.
But when I query for the class, instance.classifier is a string
#f = Foo.find(params[:id])
#f.classifier.class # is String
I was under the impression that Rails / ActiveRecord would magically deserialize my classifier for me. Is there some setting I need to tweak or am I misunderstanding something?

In the past, I've had to add the class name to the method args...
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :classifier, Classifier::Bayes


In Rails, serialized column loaded as String when it is in association

I have a model Model that have a serialized column named data.
This model is in associatoin with other model named SuperModel.
When I want to do validation on :models, that serialized item returns String instead of hash. But when using Model.data it whorks normally and returns a hash. see below ...
class SuperModel < ActiveModel::Base
has_many :models, JSON
validate :my_validation
def my_validation
self.models #returns "{\"attr\": \"1\"}" instead of hash {"attr": 1}
class Model < SuperModel
serialize: data
It also works when calling self.models.reload in my_validation but in case of editting an instance of super_model, all changes get lost when calling reload.

Using Rails 5 attributes api with hash virtual attributes

I have a hash store as follows:
store :order_details, accessors: %w{item_name, external_id, total......etc}, coder: JSON
I'm deserializing this to a ruby object using a lib class elsewhere with a couple of methods in it for validations/operations
I would like to make use of the rails 5 attributes api instead so that I could directly have:
attribute :order_details, Type::OrderDetailType.new
(plus it would make it easier to add validations to each field in my hash)
I've seen examples online for using rails5's attributes api for simple virtual attributes(strings, integers...etc), but have not come across any info on how to implement it for a hash attribute.
Would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.
Extend Type::OrderDetailType from ActiveRecord::Type::Value
You can override cast and serialize method.
def cast(value)
def serialize(value)
An example of Money type:
# app/models/product.rb
class Product < ApplicationRecord
attribute :price_in_cents, MoneyType.new
class MoneyType < ActiveRecord::Type::Integer
def type_cast(value)
# convert values like '$10.00' to 1000
product = Product.new(price_in_cents: '$10.00')
product.price_in_cents #=> 1000
Doc: http://edgeapi.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Attributes/ClassMethods.html
Example: http://nithinbekal.com/posts/rails-5-features/

Set non-database attribute for rails model without `attr_accessor`

In PHP, I can set an attribute (that is not a column in database) to a model. E.g.(PHP code),
$user = new User;
$user->flag = true;
But in rails, when I set any attribute that doesn't exist in database, it will throw an error undefined method flag. There is attr_accessor method, but what will happen if I need about ten temp attributes?
but what will happen if I need about ten temp attributes?
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :flag, :other_attribute, :other_attribute2, :etc...
attr_accessor creates "virtual" attributes in Rails -- they don't exist in the database, but are present in the model.
As with attributes from the db, attr_accessor just creates a set of setter & getter (instance) methods in your class, which you can call & interact with when the class is initialized:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :flag
# getter
def flag
# setter
def flag=(val)
#flag = val
This is expected because it's how ActiveRecord works by design. If you need to set arbitrary attributes, then you have to use a different kind of objects.
For example, Ruby provides a library called OpenStruct that allows you to create objects where you can assign arbitrary key/values. You may want to use such library and then convert the object into a corresponding ActiveRecord instance only if/when you need to save to the database.
Don't try to model ActiveRecord to behave as you just described because it was simply not designed to behave in that way. That would be a cargo culting error from your current PHP knowledge.
As the guys explained, attr_accessor is just a quick setter and getter.
We can set our Model attr_accessor on record initializing to be a Ruby#Hash for example using ActiveRecord#After_initilize method so we get more flexibility on temporarily storing values (idea credit to this answer).
Something like:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :vars
after_initialize do |user|
self.vars = Hash.new
Now you could do:
user = User.new
user.vars['flag'] = true
#> true
All that attr_accessor does is add getter and setter methods which use an instance variable, eg this
attr_accessor :flag
will add these methods:
def flag
def flag=(val)
#flag = val
You can write these methods yourself if you want, and have them do something more interesting than just storing the value in an instance var, if you want.
If you need temp attributes you can add them to the singleton object.
instance = Model.new
class << instance
attr_accessor :name

Rails model -- non persistent class member or property?

Is it possible / advisable to have a member of a class that is not persisted to the database for a rails model?
I want to store the last type the user selects in a session variable. Since I cant set the session variable from my model, I want to store the value in a "dummy" class member that just passes the value back to the controller.
Can you have such a class member?
Adding non-persisted attributes to a Rails model is just like any other Ruby class:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :someattr
me = User.new(name: 'Max', someattr: 'bar')
me.someattr # "bar"
me.someattr = 'foo'
The extended explanation:
In Ruby all instance variables are private and do not need to be defined before assignment.
attr_accessor creates a setter and getter method:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def someattr
def someattr=(value)
#someattr = value
There is one special thing going on here; Rails takes the hash you pass to User.new and maps the values to attributes. You could simulate this behavior in a plain ruby class with something like:
class Foo
attr_accessor :bar
def initialize(hash)
hash.keys.each do |key|
setter = "#{key}=".intern
self.send(setter, hash[key]) if self.respond_to? setter
> Foo.new(bar: 'baz')
=> <Foo:0x0000010112aa50 #bar="baz">
Classes in Ruby can also be re-opened at any point, ActiveRecord uses this ability to "auto-magically" add getters and setters to your models based on its database columns (ActiveRecord figures out which attributes to add based on the database schema).
Yes you can, the code below allows you to set my_class_variable and inside the model reference it as #my_class_variable
class MyCLass < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :my_class_variable
def do_something_with_it
#my_class_variable + 10

Custom serialization for fields in Rails

Is there a way to have a custom serialization for fields in rails, a method that runs when a field is saved and loaded to convert from/to a string which is what ultimately is saved on the database.
Specifically what I want to do is have a field of type symbol like gender, with possible values :male and :female storing "male" and "female" on the database. There are some workarounds, like:
def gender
but that leaves obj.attributes unchanged, so it's a leaky abstraction.
You can do it in Rails 3.1. The object you want to serialize has to reply to load and dump methods.
Here is an example of serializing a string in Base64.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
class Base64
def load(text)
return unless text
def dump(text)
[text].pack 'm'
serialize :bank_account_number, Base64.new
For more details see: http://archives.edgerails.info/articles/what-s-new-in-edge-rails/2011/03/09/custom-activerecord-attribute-serialization/index.html
def whachamacallit
def whachamacallit=(name)
write_attribute("whachamacallit", name.to_s)
store them as stings in the database, but extract them as symbols when you pull them out then convert back before you save.
would work with any number or combination of strings / symbols.
to limit it to only a select few
validates_inclusion_of :whachamacallit, :in => [ :male, :female, :unknown, :hidden ]
From http://blog.quov.is/2012/05/01/custom-activerecord-attribute-serializers/
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :ingredients, IngredientsList
class IngredientsList < Array
def self.dump(ingredients)
ingredients ? ingredients.join("\n") : nil
def self.load(ingredients)
ingredients ? new(ingredients.split("\n")) : nil
you can define the models to_xml for a model and it will do that
its possible to define Marshall.dump and put in that way i think, but its something to look into
You could use serialize method inside the model. Please reference to this link:
(ps. search keyword "serialize" in that page ;D)
In short, you could do this:
class YourModel < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :db_field
Rails would automatically serialize the field before saving to database, and deserialize it after fetched from the database.
well for just male/female you could just do a Boolean column like male and if it was false assume that meant female, add wrapper methods for it
def female?
return !self.male?
We just released a gem (AttributeHelpers) that does exactly this. Disclaimer: I am a maintainer for the gem.
It allows you to call attr_symbol :gender in your class definition and the serialization happens automagically.
