How to format some ASP.NET MVC Json result? -

i've got a really simple POCO (business) object which I'm returning to the client as some json, using ASP.NET MVC.
eg. (please ignore the lack of error checking, etc).
public JsonAction Index()
Foo myFoo = MyService();
return Json(myFoo);
kewl. Now, this object includes following public properties...
public class Foo
public decimal Score { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, string> KeyValues { get; set; }
Now when the object is serialized into json, the decimal score has a precision of 7 (and i'm after a precision of 2) and the KeyValues might be null. If it's null, the the json looks like this...
"KeyValues" : null
I was hoping to have the KeyValues NOT be included in the json, if it's null.
Are there any tricks to helping format this json output? Or do i need to manually do this .. make my own string .. then return it as .. i donno .. a ContentAction? (eeks).
please help!

The ASP.Net MVC Json() method uses the JavascriptSerializer internally to do it's encoding. There are some options to control the serialization of your classes by creating and registering your own JavascriptConverter objects.


Web.Api deserialization fail for model parameter with different name

I've got one method, which take a model [AccountLinkRequest] as a parameter with url-encoded data. It's uses Json.NET by default, and also, I can't use the setting UseDataContractJsonSerializer = true cause I have generic output response model (in other methods)
public SomeResponse Link(AccountLinkRequest request)
if (request.CustomerId == null)
throw new Exception("Deserialization error here, pls help!");
// other actions
Here is my model class:
public class AlertAccountLinkRequest
[DataMember(Name = "id")]
public string id { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "customer_id")]
public string CustomerId { get; set; }
The problem: request.CustomerId is allways null. The request is pretty simple:
web_service_URL/link?customer_id=customer_id&id=id (url-encoded)
if I use Customer_Id instead of CustomerId, everything will be fine, but I'm on a jedy-way. Thank you!
There is not a simple answer how to achieve that. For more details please read this:
How to bind to custom objects in action signatures in MVC/WebAPI
Manually call the parse function inside of your Action
Use a TypeConverter to make the complex type be simple
Use a custom model binder
So, if you for instance create your 'SmartBinder' which is able to consume some attributes, you can get what you want. Out fo the box there is no functionality for that, just the naming conventions...

ASP.NET MVC: Connection Controller with Model

I'm still learning, but with the stackoverflow commnuties help, I've been able to get closer and closer.
What I have right now is a View "Index.aspx":
The Model:
public class GetDealsModel
// set up the model
public string DealId { get; set; }
public string StreetAddress { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public string Logo { get; set; }
public string Website { get; set; }
public string TotalRows { get; set; }
And the controller:
public ActionResult Index()
LinqToDealsDataContext db = new LinqToDealsDataContext();
XElement xmlTree = XElement.Parse("<Request><ZipCode>92612</ZipCode></Request>");
var deals = db.spSearchDeals(xmlTree);
return View(deals);
And with this configuration I'm now getting this error:
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider+SingleResult`1[Data.Models.spSearchDealsResult]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Data.Models.GetDealsModel'.
I'm guessing that there's an issue connecting my Controller to my Model... I'm not sure why. PLEASE help me connect this final peice.
NOTE: I do understand that eventually I should separate my logic in the controller into a Repository Pattern, but for now, this will do.
You need to translate the data coming back from this call:
var deals = db.spSearchDeals(xmlTree);
into a GetDealsModel type. So something like:
GetDealsModel dealsModel = new GetDealsModel()
DealId = deals.DealId,
StreetAddress = deals.StreetAddress,
return View(dealsModel);
The reason being that your View is strongly typed to take a GetDealsModel, but your deals variable is not of that type and it gives you that exception when you pass it to the View.
You should create object of type GetDealsModel, but your DB Query returns object of type Data.Models.spSearchDealsResult. Try something like:
return new GetDealsModel
DealId = deals.Id,
// other fields here
Add to your learning curve list the following items:
Repository Pattern
Ask yourself the following question: Why do I need a service layer?
Read Steven Sanderson's book. It teaches you to think in MVC.
The above applies to your problems because your issues are clearly related to having code in your Controllers that should be in your Model (ie, data access code should be in a repository class). Ie, you are not thinking in MVC.
Your model should include the necessary repository classes, eg, DealRepository.
You need a Service class to map the objects your repository digs out of your database to your model class: that way conversion problems are encapsulated into the Service Layer code.
If you do this, you can then write in your controller:
public ActionResult Index()
Where DealService.GetByZipcode basically just maps DealRepository.GetByZipcode(92612) to your model class and returns the mapping result.
The DealRepository.GetByZipcode method would be roughly:
public static DealEntity GetByZipcode(string zip)
LinqToDealsDataContext db = new LinqToDealsDataContext();
XElement xmlTree = XElement.Parse("<Request><ZipCode>" + zip + "</ZipCode></Request>");
var deals = db.spSearchDeals(xmlTree);
return deals;
The DealEntity class is just whatever Linq gives you for your table.
The reason WHY for all this:
The reason for this structure is as follows:
a. All you data access code is in one place: DealRepository. You can test and debug that independently of everything else.
b. The mapping code is all in one place: DealService. You can test and debug that independently of everything else.
c. In other words, you need to properly separate your concerns.
The problem with your existing code is precisely that you have NOT separated concerns. Ie, you have taken a dash of MVC and put it in a food processor and ended up with mush full of problems that are way more difficult to deal with than they need be.
Your model is mixed into your controller, there is no repository, no service layer.
So hold your horses just a while and take the time to read Steve Sanderson's book.
I would also try modelling a simpler problem. That xml parsing makes my head hurt even on a good day.
You could seriously improve your naming conventions. LinqToDealsDataContext? You're kidding, right?

Model binding HttpPostedFileBase and then storing the file to datastore

ASP.NET MVC seems to correctly automatically bind between HTML form's file input field and HttpPostedFileBase. On the other hand it cannot bind from file input field to byte array..I tried and it issues exception - something about not being able to convert to Base64. I had only the byte array property on my Model classes previously because later on I need it to perform serialization of the object into XML file.
Now I've come up with this workaround and it works fine but I am not sure if this will be ok:
public class Section : BaseContentObject
public byte[] ImageBytes;
private HttpPostedFileBase _imageFile;
public HttpPostedFileBase ImageFile
get { return _imageFile; }
_imageFile = value;
if (value.ContentLength > 0)
byte[] buffer = new byte[value.ContentLength];
value.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, value.ContentLength);
ImageBytes = buffer;
ImageType = value.ContentType;
public string ImageType { get; set; }
I think you are letting your Model connect to closely with your Controller. The usual way to do this is:
public ActionResult AcceptFile(HttpPostedFileBase submittedFile) {
var bytes = submittedFile.FileContents;
var model = new DatabaseThing { data = bytes };
In this case, there is no need for your Model to be aware of HttpPostedFileBase, which is strictly an ASP.NET concept.
If you need complex binding beyond what the DefaultModelBinder supplies (which is alot), the usual way is to register specialized ModelBinders in Global.asax and then accept your own Model classes as Action Method arguments, like so:
In Global.asax:
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(MyThing), new ThingModelBinder());
This ModelBinder could then, for example, find any file that was posted with the form and bind the contents of that file to the Data property of your Thing.
And in your Controller:
public ActionResult AcceptThing(MyThing thing) {
In this Action Method, your ThingModelBinder would have handled all binding, making it transparent to both the Controller and the Model.
Modifying your actual Model classes to be aware of, and function with, ASP.NET would not be necessary in this case. Your Model classes are, after all, supposed to represent your actual data.
Apparently there are huge changes (just found it out) in MVC Futures 2, especially regarding Model Binders.
For instance, the problem with my input file binding to byte array, there is a binder now:
• BinaryDataModelBinderProvider – Handles binding base-64 encoded input to byte[] and System.Linq.Data.Binary models.

ASP.NET MVC ViewModel mapping with custom formatting

The project I'm working on has a large number of currency properties in the domain model and I'm needing for format these as $#,###.## for transmitting to and from the view. I've had a view thoughts as to different approaches which could be used. One approach could be to format the values explicitly inside the view, as in "Pattern 1" from Steve Michelotti :
<%= string.Format("{0:c}",
Model.CurrencyProperty) %>
...but this starts violating DRY principle very quickly.
The preferred approach appears to be to do the formatting during the mapping between DomainModel and a ViewModel (as per ASP.NET MVC in Action section 4.4.1 and "Pattern 3"). Using AutoMapper, this will result in some code like the following:
public class ViewModelTests
public void DomainModelMapsToViewModel()
var domainModel = new DomainModel {CurrencyProperty = 19.95m};
var viewModel = new ViewModel(domainModel);
Assert.That(viewModel.CurrencyProperty, Is.EqualTo("$19.95"));
public class DomainModel
public decimal CurrencyProperty { get; set; }
public class ViewModel
///<summary>Currency Property - formatted as $#,###.##</summary>
public string CurrencyProperty { get; set; }
///<summary>Setup mapping between domain and view model</summary>
static ViewModel()
// map dm to vm
Mapper.CreateMap<DomainModel, ViewModel>()
.ForMember(vm => vm.CurrencyProperty, mc => mc.AddFormatter<CurrencyFormatter>());
/// <summary> Creates the view model from the domain model.</summary>
public ViewModel(DomainModel domainModel)
Mapper.Map(domainModel, this);
public ViewModel() { }
public class CurrencyFormatter : IValueFormatter
///<summary>Formats source value as currency</summary>
public string FormatValue(ResolutionContext context)
return string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:c}", context.SourceValue);
Using IValueFormatter this way works great. Now, how to map it back from the DomainModel to ViewModel? I've tried using a custom class CurrencyResolver : ValueResolver<string,decimal>
public class CurrencyResolver : ValueResolver<string, decimal>
///<summary>Parses source value as currency</summary>
protected override decimal ResolveCore(string source)
return decimal.Parse(source, NumberStyles.Currency, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
And then mapped it with:
// from vm to dm
Mapper.CreateMap<ViewModel, DomainModel>()
.ForMember(dm => dm.CurrencyProperty,
mc => mc
.FromMember(vm => vm.CurrencyProperty));
Which will satisfy this test:
///<summary>DomainModel maps to ViewModel</summary>
public void ViewModelMapsToDomainModel()
var viewModel = new ViewModel {CurrencyProperty = "$19.95"};
var domainModel = new DomainModel();
Mapper.Map(viewModel, domainModel);
Assert.That(domainModel.CurrencyProperty, Is.EqualTo(19.95m));
... But I'm feeling that I shouldn't need to explicitly define which property it is being mapped from with FromMember after doing ResolveUsing since the properties have the same name - is there a better way to define this mapping? As I mentioned, there are a good number of properties with currency values that will need to be mapped in this fashion.
That being said - is there a way I could have these mappings automatically resolved by defining some rule globally? The ViewModel properties are already decorated with DataAnnotation attributes [DataType(DataType.Currency)] for validation, so I was hoping that I could define some rule that does:
if (destinationProperty.PropertyInfo.Attributes.Has(DataType(DataType.Currency))
then Mapper.Use<CurrencyFormatter>()
if (sourceProperty.PropertyInfo.Attributes.Has(DataType(DataType.Currency))
then Mapper.Use<CurrencyResolver>()
... so that I can minimize the amount of boilerplate setup for each of the object types.
I'm also interested in hearing of any alternate strategies for accomplishing custom formatting to-and-from the View.
From ASP.NET MVC in Action:
At first we might be tempted to pass
this simple object straight to the
view, but the DateTime? properties
[in the Model] will cause problems.
For instance, we need to choose a
formatting for them such as
ToShortDateString() or ToString(). The
view would be forced to do null
checking to keep the screen from
blowing up when the properties are
null. Views are difficult to unit
test, so we want to keep them as thin
as possible. Because the output of a
view is a string passed to the
response stream, we’ll only use
objects that are stringfriendly; that
is, objects that will never fail when
ToString() is called on them. The
ConferenceForm view model object is an
example of this. Notice in listing
4.14 that all of the properties are strings. We’ll have the dates properly
formatted before this view model
object is placed in view data. This
way, the view need not consider the
object, and it can format the
information properly.
Have you considered using an extension method to format money?
public static string ToMoney( this decimal source )
return string.Format( "{0:c}", source );
<%= Model.CurrencyProperty.ToMoney() %>
Since this is clearly a view-related (not model-related) issue, I'd try to keep it in the view if at all possible. This basically moves it to an extension method on decimal, but the usage is in the view. You could also do an HtmlHelper extension:
public static string FormatMoney( this HtmlHelper helper, decimal amount )
return string.Format( "{0:c}", amount );
<%= Html.FormatMoney( Model.CurrencyProperty ) %>
If you liked that style better. It is somewhat more View-related as it's an HtmlHelper extension.
Have you considered putting a DisplayFormat on your ViewModel? That is what I use and it's quick and simple.
ViewModel :
[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:c}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
public decimal CurrencyProperty { get; set; }
View :
#Html.DisplayFor(m => m.CurrencyProperty)
A custom TypeConverter is what you're looking for:
Mapper.CreateMap<string, decimal>().ConvertUsing<MoneyToDecimalConverter>();
Then create the converter:
public class MoneyToDecimalConverter : TypeConverter<string, decimal>
protected override decimal ConvertCore(string source)
// magic here to convert from string to decimal

Binding application/json to POCO object in mvc, Serialization exception

I'm passing json back up from my view to my controller actions to perform operations. To convert the json being sent in, to a POCO I'm using this Action Filter:
public class ObjectFilter : ActionFilterAttribute {
public Type RootType { get; set; }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
IList<ErrorInfo> errors = new List<ErrorInfo>();
try {
object o = new DataContractJsonSerializer(RootType).ReadObject(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream);
filterContext.ActionParameters["postdata"] = o;
catch (SerializationException ex) {
errors.Add(new ErrorInfo(null, ex.Message));
finally {
filterContext.ActionParameters["errors"] = errors.AsEnumerable();
It's using the DataContractJsonSerializer to map the JSON, over to my object. My Action is then decorated like so:
[ObjectFilter(RootType = typeof(MyObject))]
public JsonResult updateproduct(MyObject postdata, IEnumerable<ErrorInfo> errors) {
// check if errors has any in the collection!
So to surmise, what is going on here, if there is a problem serializing the JSON to the type of object (if a string cannot be parsed as a decimal type or similar for eg), it adds the error to a collection and then passes that error up to the view. It can then check if this collection has an errors and report back to the client.
The issue is that I cannot seem to find out which field has caused the problem. Ideally I'd like to pass back to the view and say "THIS FIELD" had a problem. The SerializationException class does not seem to offer this sort of flexibility.
How would the collective SO hivemind consider tackling this problem?
I would just do an ajax form post. It's much easier.
How about this: Json.Net
It reads a JSON string and then Deserialises it to the given POCO object.
string jsonResult = GetJsonStringFromSomeService();
MyPocoObject myobject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyPocoObject>(jsonResult);
Console.Write("Damn that is easy");
But for the determing where errors occur, I am not too sure.
