Getting the SubSonic MVC Templates to work with my database -

I downloaded and installed the SubSonic MVC templates. I'm able to create a new project from this template and the 'prewritten' views work fine. I'm able to edit records from the Artist table of the included 'Chinook' database.
So now I'd like to get this to work with MY database. Here's what I've done.
Changed to connectionstring in the Web.Config to point to my DB running on a local copy of SQL 2008.
Updated the file to reflect the above connection
rerun the each of the tt files by right clicking and selecting 'run custom tool'
** when I do this all the cs files is are empty. No errors just empty files **
To be sure I've removed the Referance to SubSonic and readded it with no help.
Have I missed something? Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

The Error List should show what's happening when you try to run the custom tool and you get nothing. Do you see any errors listed there?

Do the tables in your database have Primary Keys? This is a required convention for SS ActiveRecord.

I finally got this to at least build with out errors. I had some database connectivity issues which were causing my initial problems, however after that I still could not build successfully. I was getting a bunch of referance errors. I had to change the code.
had to be changed to
in the Context.cs file
So for now it Builds but I haven't gone any further yet.


MVC VS Template with Authorization: When is the database file created?

The template comes without database at first. When I launch the application some code must create the db obviously, because I check the appData folder and now it's there.
Can you tell me which part of the code creates it? Thanks. I have long looked at the code and I cannot figure it out.
I think the only answer possible is that entity framework creates the database automatically. But the strange thing is if I remove thee database it does not get recreated, I get an error that says it's missing it.

VS402375: Can't find the process associated with team project

I'm getting this error while trying to access Administration Page of my collection:
Administratio Page ERROR
I tried upload TFS.Configuration database, but no success so far.
This is the results of my sql selects:
According the error info VS402375: Can't find the process associated with team project 'xxx'. Contact support to resolve this error.
It looks like the process template (which you used for the project) is missing in the team project collection database.
A solution is restoring your back-up database, which may do the trick for this issue. Daniel is right, it's highly not recommend to modify TFS databases yourself.
Another solution is manually changing the templateID to match what your collection. More detail steps please take a look at bmonwai's answer in this similar question.
I know this is a really old post, but this also occurs if you have Extensions installed and then move from one database to another (backup/restore)
When you are attaching the collection, this would have given you a notification that is has dependant extensions. If you ignore this and continue, when you try to get to the admin page for that collection you can get this error as well.
I would recommend either installing the dependant extensions OR prior to detaching the collections at source, ensure you remove/uninstall the extensions.
Usually, installing the required extensions can solve this.

How to re-create database for Entity Framework?

I have got into a bad state with my ASP.Net MVC 5 project, using Code-First Entity Framework. I don't care about losing data, I just want to be able to start fresh, recreate the database and start using Code-First migrations.
Currently I am in a state where every attempt to Update-Database results in an exception being thrown or getting an error message. Also the website can't access the database correctly. How can I wipe all migrations, re-create the database and start from scratch without having to create a new project? In other words, I want to keep my code but drop the database.
Later I will also want to get the deployment database (SQL Server on Azure) in sync. Again, I don't mind dropping all the data - I just want to get it working.
Please provide any how-to steps to get back to a clean state. Much appreciated.
Follow below steps:
1) First go to Server Explorer in Visual Studio, check if the ".mdf" Data Connections for this project are connected, if so, right click and delete.
2 )Go to Solution Explorer, click show All Files icon.
3) Go to App_Data, right click and delete all ".mdf" files for this project.
4) Delete Migrations folder by right click and delete.
5) Go to SQL Server Management Studio, make sure the DB for this project is not there, otherwise delete it.
6) Go to Package Manager Console in Visual Studio and type:
Enable-Migrations -Force
Add-Migration init
7) Run your application
Note: In step 6 part 3, if you get an error "Cannot attach the file...", it is possibly because you didn't delete the database files completely in SQL Server.
I would like to add that Lin's answer is correct.
If you improperly delete the MDF you will have to fix it. To fix the screwed up connections in the project to the MDF. Short answer; recreate and delete it properly.
Create a new MDF and name it the same as the old MDF, put it in the same folder location. You can create a new project and create a new mdf. The mdf does not have to match your old tables, because were going to delete it. So create or copy an old one to the correct folder.
Open it in server explorer [double click the mdf from solution explorer]
Delete it in server explorer
Delete it from solution explorer
run update-database -force [Use force if necessary]
Done, enjoy your new db
UPDATE 11/12/14 - I use this all the time when I make a breaking db change.
I found this is a great way to roll back your migrations to the original db:
Puts the db back to original
Run the normal migration to put it back to current
Update-Database -TargetMigration:0 -force [This will destroy all tables and all data.]
Update-Database -force [use force if necessary]
This worked for me:
Delete database from SQL Server Object Explorer in Visual Studio.
Right-click and select delete.
Delete mdf and ldf files from file system - if they are still there.
Rebuild Solution.
Start Application - database will be re-created.
While this question is premised by not caring about the data, sometimes maintenance of the data is essential.
If so, I wrote a list of steps on how to recover from Entity Framework nightmare when the database already has tables with the same name here: How to recover from Entity Framework nightmare - database already has tables with the same name
Apparently... a moderator saw fit to delete my post so I'll paste it here:
How to recover from Entity Framework nightmare - database already has tables with the same name
Description: If you're like us when your team is new to EF, you'll end up in a state where you either can't create a new local database or you can't apply updates to your production database. You want to get back to a clean EF environment and then stick to basics, but you can't. If you get it working for production, you can't create a local db, and if you get it working for local, your production server gets out of sync. And finally, you don't want to delete any production server data.
Symptom: Can't run Update-Database because it's trying to run the creation script and the database already has tables with the same name.
Error Message: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): There
is already an object named '' in the database.
Problem Background: EF understands where the current database is at compared to where the code is at based on a table in the database called dbo.__MigrationHistory. When it looks at the Migration Scripts, it tries to reconsile where it was last at with the scripts. If it can't, it just tries to apply them in order. This means, it goes back to the initial creation script and if you look at the very first part in the UP command, it'll be the CreeateTable for the table that the error was occurring on.
To understand this in more detail, I'd recommend watching both videos referenced here:
Solution: What we need to do is to trick EF into thinking that the current database is up to date while not applying these CreateTable commands. At the same time, we still want those commands to exist so we can create new local databases.
Step 1: Production DB clean
First, make a backup of your production db. In SSMS, Right-Click on the database, Select "Tasks > Export Data-tier application..." and follow the prompts.
Open your production database and delete/drop the dbo.__MigrationHistory table.
Step 2: Local environment clean
Open your migrations folder and delete it. I'm assuming you can get this all back from git if necessary.
Step 3: Recreate Initial
In the Package Manager, run "Enable-Migrations" (EF will prompt you to use -ContextTypeName if you have multiple contexts).
Run "Add-Migration Initial -verbose". This will Create the initial script to create the database from scratch based on the current code.
If you had any seed operations in the previous Configuration.cs, then copy that across.
Step 4: Trick EF
At this point, if we ran Update-Database, we'd be getting the original error. So, we need to trick EF into thinking that it's up to date, without running these commands. So, go into the Up method in the Initial migration you just created and comment it all out.
Step 5: Update-Database
With no code to execute on the Up process, EF will create the dbo.__MigrationHistory table with the correct entry to say that it ran this script correctly. Go and check it out if you like.
Now, uncomment that code and save.
You can run Update-Database again if you want to check that EF thinks its up to date. It won't run the Up step with all of the CreateTable commands because it thinks it's already done this.
Step 6: Confirm EF is ACTUALLY up to date
If you had code that hadn't yet had migrations applied to it, this is what I did...
Run "Add-Migration MissingMigrations"
This will create practically an empty script. Because the code was there already, there was actually the correct commands to create these tables in the initial migration script, so I just cut the CreateTable and equivalent drop commands into the Up and Down methods.
Now, run Update-Database again and watch it execute your new migration script, creating the appropriate tables in the database.
Step 7: Re-confirm and commit.
Build, test, run. Ensure that everything is running then commit the changes.
Step 8: Let the rest of your team know how to proceed.
When the next person updates, EF won't know what hit it given that the scripts it had run before don't exist. But, assuming that local databases can be blown away and re-created, this is all good. They will need to drop their local database and add create it from EF again. If they had local changes and pending migrations, I'd recommend they create their DB again on master, switch to their feature branch and re-create those migration scripts from scratch.
Just want to add to the excellent answer of #Lin:
5) B.
If you don't have SQL Management Studio, go to "SQL Server Object Explorer".
If you cannot see your project db in the localdb "SQL Server Object Explorer", then click on "Add SQL server" button to add it to the list manually. Then you can delete the db from the list.
A possible very simple fix that worked for me. After deleting any database references and connections you find in server/serverobject explorer, right click the App_Data folder (didn't show any objects within the application for me) and select open. Once open put all the database/etc. files in a backup folder or if you have the guts just delete them. Run your application and it should recreate everything from scratch.
My solution is best suited for :
- deleted your mdf file
- want to re-create your db.
In order to recreate your database you need add the connection using Visual Studio.
Step 1 : Go to Server Explorer add new connection( or look for a add db icon).
Step 2 : Change Datasource to Microsoft SQL Server Database File.
Step 3 : add any database name you desire in the Database file name field.(preferably the same name you have in the web.config AttachDbFilename attribute)
Step 4 : click browse and navigate to where you will like it to be located.
Step 5 : in the package manager console run command update-database

MVC3 Entity Connection string disappearing

I am having a very frustrating problem with my current project. It is continually losing the connection string binding for Entity models.
I have multiple models for different databases in separate areas and was having no problems. Suddenly now whenever I try to update from the database I get the connection string setup prompt. I select for it to add it to the Web.config with the password but it doesn't ever pick it up there again. They all are still in the web config but it just doesn't see them.
If I remove all the connection strings from the config file it will write the new one there. Then when I try to set up a Stored procedure/Function Import, I still get the statement in the lower box:
No database connection has been configured for this model.
I have tried rebuilding the project and creating the models again from scratch and that works for a while. When I try and bring the project in under Perforce source control, it winds up getting re-corrupted & the connection string goes away. It affects all of my models too.
I am also using EF 4.x DbContext Generator to create context files. They work fine. I am also able to run the application and it connects to the database just fine and returns data. No issues there. I am just unable to update Entity Complex types from the DB or import any more stored procedures.
An even weirder occurrence was that I opened a broken project from a different directory then opened an uncorrupted copy it instantly became broken also. Contagious!
Any thoughts on where to look into to see why this is happening? Has anyone else had this issue?
I seem to have found where the issue is coming from.
I seem to have a bad value somewhere in my web.config which causes the issue. Here is the work around I found did the trick and showed it's the config:
When the binding breaks, I closed the project then swapped out the web.config with one from a good build which was missing a couple keys but worked well enough to bind.
I reopen the the solution and the "No database connection..." error goes away.
Then while the solution is still open I re-swap the web.config back in and it still works.
This is far from optimal but I can work until I figure out the bad value via doing some compares.
I will comment on this again once I determine the exact issue.

Delete .mdf file from app_data causes exception cannot attach the file as database

I am building a web application using VS 2012 MVC4 code first. In order to recreate the .mdf file after I changed the model, I manually deleted the file from the app_data directory in VS. I have done this a few times before without any problem.
Now I receive an exception:
The underlying provider failed on Open. ==> Cannot attach the file
MYDB.mdf as database 'MYDB'.
I will appreciate your help on how to recreate the .mdf file.
Thank you!
That what fixed it for me,
From Package Manager Console run these commands:
sqllocaldb.exe stop v11.0
sqllocaldb.exe delete v11.0
And then:
Use SQL Server Object Explorer to delete the database rather than just deleting the .mdf file in Solution Explorer. Otherwise the SQL Server instance still thinks the database name is used and the next time you try to attach a database to the same name it won't work. See the section on Initial Catalog in this MSDN page:
Try deleting it again from SQL Management Studio. It'll complain that there's no physical file any more but will remove from the object browser (You'll see after you refresh it)
Remove this line from the connection string that should work ;)
exit localhost iis express and try again.
I delete my DBContext class and re created it again in my MVC Project. Then .mdf file is re created in App_Data
