How to conditionally assign ActionController::Base.session in rails 2.3.3 - ruby-on-rails

I have a rails app that has the following content in the config/initializers/session_store.rb file:
ActionController::Base.session = {
:key => '_app_session',
:secret => 'a really long string here',
:expire_after => 2.minutes
ActionController::Base.session_store = :active_record_store
So during normal operations we are seeing ActiveRecord objects created in the database for each session. The issue is that we don't always want to create a session for requests - we'd like to be able to turn off session creation for automated requests. We are seeing thousands of session records in the database, one for each automated request. Prior to rails 2.3.3, the following was possible:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
session :off
but now in rails 2.3.3 "session :off" has been deprecated because sessions are now lazy-loaded - if you don't use them, they are not created. The problem seems to be that the session object is always assigned in the sessionstore.rb file, and therefore always created. If I remove the session assignment block from the config file, then no session records appear after an automated request. My question is, how can I move the configuration assignments to the session hash out of session_store.rb and into the ApplicationController class (or elsewhere) where the session can be conditionally assigned only if a request is not automated? I'm concerned that the session config data may be needed before the controller handler is executed. Where would I put the assignment of the session key values?
Thanks in advance for any help.

The config/initializers are one-time configurations, they usually only ran once, on startup. According to the documentation, the lazy loading will only initialize the session if the "session" object is touched during a request.
Are you certain that you don't touch the session variable at all in your request cycle? (That is, in the filters, actions, helpers or templates). Also, do the session objects have some content that could tip you of as to where they were created?

sorry for the "late" answer but I think is relevant for people landing here.
was struggling with similar issues ever since session :off was removed from Rails.
I decide to "back-port" it for Rails 2.3+ as a plugin


Updating and accessing a session with Ruby on Rails

I'm working with ruby on rails 2.5.
I have an object "payment_plan". This object can change with a toggle behavior that changes, and I need to keep this object alive thorough all the session and at the end it should be save par of it in my mongo db. I need to access the latest status of the object always. The controller should be capable to update the object and the view should be able to access the latest state of the object.
Any insights on how to do something like this would be great :)
I have try to create a helper function in the application controller but had problem accessing it from the view.
Also I prefer not to save the state of the object in the db, because it will be too many db calls later.
To access a controller helper function from view, define it as a helper:
class SomeController < ApplicationController
helper def some_helper
As for storing some data in session - it's ok, rails has nice session store mechanism for session[:my_object_prop] = 1/session[:my_object_prop] (see in official guide)
But keep in mind, that:
by default session is stored in cookies, which are passed in headers from client browser with every request to your server (even to images, if they are on the same domain), so it's only practical to save small amounts of data there.
user can clear their's cookies and data will be lost (this is usually fine)
the opposite of the latter - a user may come to your app with session data from old version of your code
thank you very much, that was very helpfull!
Another question, can I override a session value after setting it up?
for example session[:plan_id]="plan_id_1" and they further on in the run do something like this: session[:plan_id]="plan_id_2"

Migrating sessions from cookie_store to Redis in Rails 3

I need to switch the session store in my Rails 3 app from cookie_store to redis-session-store. There are many reasons for this (security, SSO with other Rails and non-Rails apps). Are there any best practices on how to do it without loosing all current sessions?
What i could imagine is a two steps approach:
Collect all user sessions for N days and store them in the DB or in Redis (update if already stored).
Use stored user sessions to create entries in Redis.
Alternatively, on the fly migration would also be possible. Means read cookies, use secret key to decrypt the session data and store it as a new session in Redis.
I realize this ticket is pretty old, but this may help others. We ended up changing our session store to Redis, but then still looking for the legacy cookie (for a week or two) before no longer respecting them.
There are probably some security concerns to consider before using this strategy - you want to make sure those risks are worth it compared to the cost of having to sign your entire user-base out all at once. With Rails, the cookies are encrypted and can't be tampered with.
Here's what we used:
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
LEGACY_COOKIE_NAME = "_old_session_name".freeze
def new
return if detect_valid_cookie
def detect_valid_legacy_cookie
legacy_cookie = request.cookie_jar.encrypted[LEGACY_COOKIE_NAME].presence || {}
valid_user_id = legacy_cookie['warden.user.user.key'].try(:first).try(:first)
return unless valid_user_id
user = User.find_by(:id => valid_user_id)
return unless user
if sign_in user
redirect_to root_path # or whever you want
Stolen from here: (the last two sections)
Basically, use this:
Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer = :hybrid
Quote follows:
This will cause Rails to accept sessions serialized with Marshal and exchange them for sessions serialized with JSON.
After you're confident that all your users sessions have been converted to JSON, you can roll out another release that flips the config value to :json.
Note: If you're storing complex Ruby objects in the session and need them to be serialized with Marshal, you won't be able to use the JSON serializer.

Disable Session Lookup for a single controller action

I want to disable sessions completely for a controller action, because I want this single controller action (it's an autocomplete action on thousands of values, so speed matters) to be blazingly fast.
I tried using session_off, but it just sets the session variable to nil, an still looks up the users session in the database.
Is it possible to completely disable the Rails::SessionStore middleware, but only for a single controller action or URL?
I am running rails 3.2.17.
The answer is: handle this endpoint in a Rack middleware of your own, and insert it into the stack as early as possible!
You can achieve this in config/routes.rb just by routing to the middleware object:
match 'my_autocomplete_endpoint', to: AutocompleteMiddleware
then just return a response from the middleware and don't go up the stack.
You can put this wherever you want in the stack in config/application.rb with:
config.middleware.insert_before(SomeOtherMiddleware, AutocompleteMiddleware)
e.g., perhaps insert it before Rails::SessionStore.
Rails 5+ solution (maybe before, not sure when this became available).
Add this to your controller. You can specify which actions should not touch/update the session using the only: option.
after_action -> { request.session_options[:skip] = true }, only: :my_action_name
This will make the response not include the set_cookie response header. I found this particularly useful when dealing with a race condition in multiple AJAX requests, whereas one contained a very important session (cookie data) update and the other the session was not used, but Rails still sent back an updated cookie for the session. The race condition could cause the updated session data from the important action to be overwritten from the one I didn't care about.

Detecting Rails 4 Session cookie tampering

I'm an experienced web developer (mostly with Python and CherryPy) who has implemented secure session management from scratch before, and is now learning Rails. I'm investigating the behavior of Rails sessions as exposed by the session object that is available in the ActionController instance and view contexts.
I have read that the default implementation of sessions in Rails 4 uses an encrypted and tamper-proof cookie. Cool, I guess that means I can use it to hold a user ID for user sessions without worrying about session forging (tamper-proof) or anyone being able to find out what their ID is (encrypted). I wanted to test this and see what rails would do if the session cookie was altered.
So, I went and altered the content of the session cookie attribute using a browser add-on, and when I reload the page with the new cookie value, Rails just happily gives me different new values for session_id and _csrf_token.
What happened to session cookie integrity!?
Shouldn't rails detect (via HMAC signature) that the cookie was altered and then tell me about it somehow?
I'm terrified that I'm missing something obscenely obvious, but I've been having no luck searching for an answer on the web, and the source code isn't giving it up easily either (I'm new to ruby). Thanks in advance.
The Experiment
I created a new app and generated a controller with an index action:
$ rails new my_app
$ cd my_app; rails g controller home index
Then I added these two lines to the app/views/layouts/application.html.erb file:
<%= session.keys %><br/>
<%= session.values %>
I started up the dev server and navigated my browser to "localhost:3000/home/index". As expected, the page has the following lines at the bottom:
["session_id", "_csrf_token"]
["8c1558cabe6c86cfb37d6191f2e03bf8", "S8i8/++8t6v8W8RMeyvnNu3Pjvj+KkMo2UEcm1oVVZg="]
Reloading the page gives me the same values, although the app sets a new value of the _my_app_session cookie attribute every time. That seems weird to me, but I'm getting the same session hash values, so I guess it's cool.
Then, I used a cookie editing add-on for Chrome to alter the value of the _my_app_session cookie attribute (replacing the first character of the attribute value). Reloading the page shows completely different values without anything happening. WAT?
I can't claim a really thorough understanding of the code here. But I can tell you this much:
I followed your steps exactly (using Ruby 2.0.0-p247 & Rails 4.0), with one exception -- I also added the 'byebug' gem to my Gemfile and inserted a debugging breakpoint in the HomeController#index action.
From the byebug console, at that breakpoint, I could see the unedited session cookie via:
(byebug) cookies["_my_app_session"]
And I could see the actual encrypted values with
(byebug) cookies.encrypted["_my_app_session"]
{"session_id"=>"13a95fb545a1e3a2d4e9b4c22debc260", "_csrf_token"=>"FXb8pZgmoK0ui0qCW8W75t3sN2KLRpkiFBmLbHSfnhc="}
Now, I edit the cookie by changing the first letter to "A" and refresh the page:
(byebug) cookies["_my_app_session"]
(byebug) cookies.encrypted["_my_app_session"]
So the session is nil at this point in the request:
(byebug) session
#<ActionDispatch::Request::Session:0x7ff41ace4bc0 not yet loaded>
I can force loading the session with
(byebug) session.send(:load!)
and when I do, I see that the resulting session id is
and sure enough, when I let the request finish, that's what I see in the view:
["session_id", "_csrf_token"] ["f6be13fd646962de676985ec9bb4a8d3", "qJ/aHzovZYpbrelGpRFec/cNlJyWjonXDoOMlDHbWzg="]
I also have a new cookie value now, unrelated to the one I edited.
So from this I think we can conclude is that what's happening is that since the cookie signature could not be verified, the session was nullified and regenerated. I now have a new session, with a different csrf_token.
The relevant code appears at actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb:460-464, in the EncryptedCookieJar class:
def decrypt_and_verify(encrypted_message)
rescue ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature, ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::InvalidMessage
Rather than decrypting a message with an invalid signature, we just treat it as nil. So the unverifiable cookie that stores the session id and csrf token is not used to load the session, and anything that depends on the values in the cookie will fail.
So why didn't we get an error rather than just a new session? That's because we didn't try anything that depends on the encrypted values. In particular, although we have
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
(as opposed to :null_session) in ApplicationController, Rails does not verify the csrf token on GET or HEAD requests -- it relies on the developer to implement these actions according to spec, so that they're non-destructive. If you tried the same thing on a POST request, you'd get an ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken error (as you can easily verify for yourself).

Confirm on Apache Passenger deployment: rails access session in model

I am using this to access session in Model.
Can anybody confirm that it will work with Apache + Passenger deployment too?
Or if there are any other alternatives to achieve the same?
I did not find any code on the internet that works, so I did some research and wrote my own. It works for Rails 3.2.x and probably on some other versions.
Insert this in your ApplicationController
# Set a filter that is invoked on every request
before_filter :_set_current_session
def _set_current_session
# Define an accessor. The session is always in the current controller
# instance in #_request.session. So we need a way to access this in
# our model
accessor = instance_variable_get(:#_request)
# This defines a method session in ActiveRecord::Base. If your model
# inherits from another Base Class (when using MongoMapper or similar),
# insert the class here.
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:define_method, "session", proc {accessor.session})
I will not remind you that accessing your session from a model may lead to bad code. Other posts may tell you, that you are stupid. Though there are some valid reasons to access the session from your model, like implementing a method, that saves to the current users session.
Yes. It is the only efficient way I found to use session data in model. I also used it and never faced any deployment issue with Apache + passenger.
But you need to confirm when you will be playing with session values. On each new request to server, session value gets stored in thread and we can access it in model. If you are applying any logic by using thread value, then also make sure with situation when thread value might be nil also.
Because I got an issue where on development, my every code worked fine but on production, during starting server it caused an issue as initially it considered thread value as nil.
