can Amazon be used to offload server of static files for a Ruby on Rails app, but still support the app's authentication & authorization? - ruby-on-rails

Can one of the Amazon services (their S3 data service, or otherwise) be used to offload server of static files for a Ruby on Rails app, but still support the app's authentication & authorization?
That is such that when the user browser downloaded the initial HTML for one page of the Ruby on Rails application, when it went back for static content (e.g. an image or CSS file), that this request would be:
(a) routed directly to the Amazon service (no RoR cycles used to serve it, or bandwidth), BUT
(b) the browser request for this item (e.g. an image) would still have to go through an authentication/authorization layer based on the user model in the Ruby on Rails application - in other words to ensure not just anyone could get the image...

The answer is a yes with a but. You can use a feature of S3 that allows you to create links to secure S3 objects that has a small time to live, default is 5 minutes. This will work for any S3 object that is uploaded as private. This means that the browser will only have X seconds or whatever to request the file from S3. Example code from docs for the AWS gem:
S3Object.url_for('beluga_baby.jpg', 'marcel_molina')
You can also specify an expires_in or expires option per file. The bad thing is that you would need to create a helper for your stylesheet, image, and js links to create the proper S3 URLs.
I would recommend that you setup a domain name for your S3 bucket, like "" and put all your standard image files and CSS there as public. Then set that as the asset host in your rails config. Then, only use the secure links for static files that really need it.


How do CDN's work with a Rails application?

So I read this and the Rails docs regarding CDNs here and I'm still confused about a couple of things conceptually.
When do the Rails files like the controllers and models come into play?
How do you invalidate the CDN cache when an image updates?
But what about files with dynamic content say like a user's name and address. How is that handled?
This is my understanding. Please correct me if I misspeak:
First, when a request is made say to, the request first goes to the CDN because we now pointed the CNAME of to the CDN address (say it's I guess the DNS servers understand to route those requests to the CDN. The CDN checks whether or not it has any content cached. IF it does not, I guess the CDN forwards the request to the actual server? That's when the controller for Rails is hit and a static asset or javascript file is delivered to the CDN. All future requests for that file now use the cached version on the CDN.
CDN can only serve your static assets (compiled css and js files etc), not models and controllers. (you can get this precompiled files by assets:precompile)
Your server serve all dynamic content dyrectly without CDN.
Your files are placed on CDN domain ( for sample), your application left on your domain (you do not need CNAME).
For images you need manually send them (fog-aws, fog gems ) on upload.

Customize S3 403 message

I have a website hosted on Heroku, and using Ruby on Rails with the paperclip gem.
I am trying to prevent hotlinking to all my files in my S3 bucket, so I have everything on private and only allow user to access using an expiring URL
I want to provide a more user-friendly page when user tries to reuse an expired URL. Currently it is showing the message below:
<Message>Request has expired</Message>
Is there a way to customize the error page on S3?
S3 offers custom error pages through the web site endpoints -- but not the REST endpoints... but signed URLs only work on the REST endpoints, and not the web site endpoints.
So, no, there is not a way to directly solve this using only S3.
One option is to use CloudFront, which offers the ability to replace the standard error pages with a custom static page, but the error content is lost and all you have is a static page. You also have to use the CloudFront URL signing mechanism, which is different than S3 (though it also has some advantages, such as wildcard support in a signed URL).
In this answer to a question that is similar, but not a complete duplicate I demonstrated the way I've used an XSL transform to "style" the S3 error XML, by modifying the XML returned to the browser, injecting a link to the XSL stylesheet, and letting the browser do the rest of the work... see the screen shots.
I'm quite pleased with the solution, though it has what some people would consider a drawback -- it requires all of the S3 requests be served via a proxy server running HAProxy in EC2. There's a small additional cost for the EC2 instance, but no added cost for the bandwidth, since the transfer from S3 into EC2 is free, and the transfer from EC2 to the Internet is the same price as transfer from S3 to the Internet. With this setup, the S3 signed URLs still work. The additional advantages in my application us that this allows me to use my SSL certs with S3 static content (although this capability is also available through CloudFront), and the fact that the proxy's access logs are in real-time.

best method for serving static pages hosted on s3 in rails app on heroku

I have a rails app which is dynamic and works well on it's own, but we also have an s3 bucket which has a bunch of html pages which are constantly updated and revised.
I'm looking for an overall solution which allows me to route requests to the static files for a large number of potential pages, but also use the app for dynamic pages. None of the static pages require a user login, but all of the dynamic pages require a user login.
We are also currently using heroku to serve the application which is something else to take into consideration.
What are some methods/gems/ideas for how to serve these static pages quickly on the same domain without interfering with the rest of the app?
According to Heroku you have 3 options:
You can use page_caching. page_caching has been removed from rails4 but is still available as an external gem actionpack-page_caching but from what I see, does not work as expected in heroku (files are not persisted).
You can use cache through HTTP headers (which actually caches data on the client)
You can use Rack::Cache as a reverse proxy.
I think the best solution for your matter is the third one. Heroku suggests that you use Rack::Cache. Of course you can combine that with the HTTP headers.
You can find more details here and here

Rails and Node in the same app on Heroku?

I'm building a Rails application that deals with file uploads through CarrierWave. Currently, larger file uploads block the server for a significant amount of time. I have seen solutions like the s3-swf-upload-plugin gem that skip the local server and send files straight from the browser to S3, but this would require some modifications for pre-generating unique filenames and synchronizing them with the database. I'm sure it wouldn't be too much trouble, but Heroku's new Cedar stack gave me the idea of offloading these long running requests to a node.js instance running in the same app. I'm not very experienced with these kinds of things, so excuse my wording if it's a bit off.
Would something like this be possible? How would you configure things such that certain requests (ones involving file uploads, in this case) would be handled by a node app bundled in the same heroku repository as the main rails app?
I don't think it's possible to mix Rails and Node in the same app. However, you could get roughly the same functionality by using two separate apps that communicate with each other.
You can use ENV['DATABASE_URL'] to determine your database connection string. Use the heroku console to set it as an ENV variable for your Node app (e.g. heroku config:add OTHER_DB=your_connection_string) should then be able to use the same connection string to connect to the same database from your other heroku app. You could even access it outside of heroku if you have a dedicated database, see:
For seamless integration between the two apps, you could have a form rendered by the Rails app post to a URL of the Node app. In addition to the file upload, include in that form via hidden input fields any other variables you need to communicate to the Node app. When the upload to the Node app is done, it could redirect the client back to the Rails app, passing any status or variables as get parameters.
Run the two apps under two subdomains of the same domain and you could even share cookies between them.
You need two apps. I am doing exactly what's described in this question. I wanted large streaming uploads, and since Rack writes downloads to a temp file before passing them through to the handler, it is not possible to do this with Rails.
Node.js, on the other hand, does this beautifully. So there are two Heroku apps, the Rails web app and the Node.js (Express) web app. The Rails web app uses SWFUpload as the client-side solution. The Rails app and the Node.js app both have a secret key as a Heroku config variable. When it's time for the user to upload, client-side Javascript requests an upload URL from the Rails server. The Rails server forms an upload URL with an Expires parameter and computes a signature using the secret key. The client-side Javascript handler passes this URL along to SWFUpload (upload_url property). The user selects the files to upload, and SWFUpload starts posting them to the upload_url. The Node.js app verifies that the URL is not expired and that the signature is valid. It processes the form data with the formidable library.
One other detail. Flash requires the Node.js app to serve a crossdomain.xml that permits the cross-site request.
My Node.js app doesn't touch the database; but if it did I would share DATABASE_URL as previously suggested. Note that you can't share a DATABASE_URL outside of Heroku unless you have a dedicated DB. The DATABASE_URLs for shared databases are not reachable from outside Heroku (unlike some other services like RedisToGo).

Using Google App Engine as a Content delivery network

I would like to know if Google App Engine can be used as a Content delivery network like aws S3. I'm running a RoR app on Heroku and I would like store my uploaded files on GAE instead of s3.
If it's possible what would be the best way to do it?
It won't be able to host files over 1MB though.
Make sure to read through the comments on that blog post as well, some have concerns about the terms of service.
GAE in itself isn't meant to be a CDN... that doesn't, however, stop you from writing a CDN application on top of it. The only limit you'll need to worry about is the 50 MB limit on the size of the blobstore. Such an app will have to provide a URL that you can hit to get the upload URL, which could then be used to upload the file. The download url can also be generated with the upload URL, and used to access the content.
