What is the difference between add-ins and macros? - visual-studio-addins

What are their differences? What can you do with one that you cannot with another?

At a high level
Addins must be installed and must be delivered in the form of a DLL. It can be written in any language which compiles to a compatible DLL format (any .Net language which supports COM interop).
Macros do not need to be installed but can only be written in VB.Net. This limitation only applies to the code directly in the Macro. It is still free to call code from .Net libraries written in any language.
In terms of raw power, there is not a whole lot of difference between the two. You can do practically anything with a macro that you can with an add-in (other than startup logic). It can be a bit more challenging with a macro but it's generally speaking possible.
Macros are also an interesting way to explore the API of Visual Studio. It is possible to use the Macro recorder to record user actions and spit out code which is close to the equivalent of those actions. You can analyze the resulting code to get a better handle on the Visual Studio object model.


conditional defines for desktop and mobile compiler

I am working on a cross platform library that should compile in both desktop and mobile compilers supported by Delphi.
as we know strings in desktop is 1-based and mobile is 0-based.
is there any defines in Delphi that I can use to separate code that will compile in desktop and mobile and is backwards compatible at least down to XE2.
something more like if defines desktop do this else if mobile do this.
sorry for bad formatting. typing from Mobile.
Delphi version XE7 up 1.
The conditionals are documented here: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Conditional_compilation_(Delphi)
I think that the answer to the question that you asked is that you should switch on the NEXTGEN conditional.
However, just because you are compiling for mobile (i.e. NEXTGEN) does not mean that strings must zero based. Likewise there is no compulsion for desktop code to be one based. Zero based strings can be enabled/disabled with the $ZEROBASEDSTRINGS directive.
You really ought to try to avoid conditional compilation. Conditional compilation adds significant complexity, makes testing harder, and increases the risk off defects. I strongly recommend you try to avoid conditional compilation where possible.
So for each unit you should decide whether you are zero or one based and include the appropriate directive at the top of that unit. If you plan to use the one based RTL functions like Pos and Copy, be one based. Otherwise use the string helper (introduced in XE3) and be zero based. The decision isn't really related to whether or not your code targets desktop or mobile.
Finally, you say you want to support mobile on XE2, but the compiler there is FreePascal which uses one based strings. Supporting XE2 mobile is another layer of complexity.

F# MSIL obfuscation

Two obfuscation-related questions:
1) Is there any tool that can disassemble F# back to its source form, or something close to it, from the MSIL target form? This is not an attempt at security through obscurity but I want to protect some source code from "theft".
2) I looked briefly at some F# compiler output and in general it appears pretty gibberish compared to what you get if you disassemble C# compiled code, presumably because C# is closer to the MSIL intermediate representation. The only partly mangled code I've seen from the C# compiler is iterators (and presumably async as of C# 5.0).
So far my impression is that the F# compiled code is reasonably "obfuscated" but is that true? (I realize this is a somewhat subjective question.)
I haven't heard of anything like this; however, I think it's quite likely such a tool will appear in the relatively-near future.
Assemblies produced by the F# compiler (i.e., MSIL and related metadata) aren't obfuscated in any way. However, some of the code it produces is far different than the code produced by the C# or VB.NET compilers, so it's not going to be as easy to reverse-engineer (simply because the tools to do so aren't available). Of course, as #Craig Stuntz said, this doesn't afford much protection against an experienced, motivated attacker.
If you're really paranoid, you might consider using an obfuscation tool on your compiled assemblies before shipping them. I've been using {SmartAssembly} with F# since late 2010, so I know that one works with F#; if you go with another tool, make sure you test it against some reasonably complicated F# assemblies before buying it -- at the time I was looking for an obfuscator, many of them didn't work correctly (or at all) with F# assemblies.
I wrote up some notes a while back about obfuscating F# assemblies, if you want to read more: Any experience using .NET obfuscators on F# assemblies?
F# is part of the .NET language therefore it can be decompiled. You can have a look at RedGate's Reflector if you want to spend money or 0xd4d's dnSpy (and yes, its the same developer as the very-well known deobfuscator De4Dot). Decompiled code is really close to hard-coded code, the logic is still the same and you can copy/paste the source code.
If you want to protect a F# application you may consider using an obfuscator, & currently they are almost all handled by De4Dot so it's hard to choose wisely, though .NETGuard is really strong, it can handle F# applications, it can produce a native output & it has some strong constant protection and De4Dot cannot handle it.

Is it possible to convert F# code to C# code?

The reason why I am asking is that I'm learning F# and would like to attend TopCoder competitions. However, F# is not among the list of languages supported there. But C# is on the list (to be honest, this is the case for almost all online coding competitions, except Google Code Jam and Facebook Hacker cup).
The possible workarounds I can think of at this moment are
1) find a translator that can translate F# source code directly into C#
2) compile F# code into .net executable first, then disassemble it back to C# code
The minimum requirement is that the generated C# must be able to compile into a runnable .net executable, preferable as less external dependency as possible.
The first approach seems unlikely, a quick google search turns out nothing relevant.
Approach two looks more promising, there are .net disassemblers exist.
I tried the most popular one --- Reflector from Red Gate. While it can perfectly dissemble C# executables, it appears to have problems with executables compiled from F#: it happily disassembled, but the resulting C# code has some special characters such as adding a leading $ sign to a class name and other weird stuffs, so it cannot be compiled. I was using Visual Studio 2010 Professional, the latest Reflector beta version (which is free).
Am I missing anything here? Is it possible?
It looks like this is still impossible. For now, I'll use C# instead.
As others already pointed out in the comments - if there is some way to do that, there will be quite a few nasty cases where it probably won't quite work and it will be very fragile...
One way to deal with the problem (for you) is to just write the solution in F# and then rewrite it to C#. This may sound stupid, but there are some advantages:
In F#, you can easily prototype the solution, so you'll be able to find the right solution faster.
When translating code to C#, you'll probably find yourself using features like lambda expressions more often, so it may even improve your C# skills...
If you rely on .NET libraries, then this part of code will be easy to translate.
Of course, the best thing would be to convince the organizers that they should support F# (which probably wouldn't be too difficult if they allow C# already), but I understand that this may be a challange.

Differences between visual component library(vcl) and WinApi

Is there any difference between using vcl components in Delphi and WinApi functions to create gui application.
#Azad I think there are 2 big differences: the first is the ease of use of the VCL that enables you to drag and drop controls on a form (window), change its properties and assign events, giving you high productivity in the development of the GUI.
The other big difference is the size of the final application, if you create an application using only WINAPI calls, your final application will be smaller than using the VCL.
I recommend you see the project KOL (KOL - Key Objects Library is a set of objects to develop power (but small) 32 bit Windows GUI applications using Delphi but without VCL (or Free Pascal). It is distributed free of charge, with source code.).
(source: kolmck.net)
Almost all real-world Delphi applications use the VCL, and also make OCCASIONAL direct calls to the Win32 API. The VCL framework calls Win32 calls, in the end, anyways. So, you will almost always be using both.
The guy who mentioned KOL is suggesting yet another "middle" layer, because going direct is sublimely painful.
Microsoft has (in historical order), MFC, and ATL for C++, and .NET for the C#/VB.net language, as "framework" layers that live between your application and the raw Win32 API, for their MS Visual Studio products.
People who write anything more complicated than Notepad.exe going straight to the "metal" (Win32 API raw) are rare. So, it's harder, it takes longer to learn, and do everything. And in the end, it's not significantly faster or better. If you really need to be small (like you are writing a virus) maybe you might want to go Win32 native.
The VCL is a complete framework wrapping the Windows API and insulating the developer from the gory details, making it so much easier to develop Delphi applications.
You gain big in productivity and compatibility over Windows version changes...
Well, sure, VCL requires a Borland compiler. The Win32 API works for any language. The point of using a GUI class library, like VCL, is to make the effort of creating a GUI enabled program easier. Doing so using only Win32 is quite punishing.
time, time and then even more time.
You use WinAPI to do things that VCL is not "able" to do.

Which is the programming language to retrieve info. such as OS info, memory, processes/threads, program version, DLL version etc?

I want to develop an application that can retrieve information such as, DLL version, DLL build mode(debug or release), info. regarding OS, memory, processer, processes/threads, program version etc. I am developing this mainly for Windows, but it'd be good if the application supports Linux too(wherever applicable).
I am basically a java programmer, and I know C, C++ to some extent.
Which programming language should I go for, that'd make my job easy? i.e. which language has APIs to fetch these kind of information?
Well... APIs are available regardless of the language... But the easiest way to get at what you are trying to do is going to be a C or C++ app. That doesn't mean it'll be easy (getting a DLL version is easy, getting memory and processor type is easy. The other stuff is certainly possible, but you may have to roll up your sleeves and learn the win32 API).
You might want to take a look at an application that already does exactly what you are asking about (Process Explorer) before you try to develop this yourself... It's going to be a big undertaking - and the folks at Sys Internals are really, really good at this stuff, and have already done it.
You commented on Kevin Day's answer that you would prefer to use Java for this.
Java is not very well suited for this, because the information you want to get is very platform-specific, and since Java is designed to be platform-independent, there are not a lot of ways to get at this kind of information from Java.
There are some methods in classes java.lang.System and java.lang.Runtime to get information about the platform that your Java program is running on. For example, class Runtime has a method availableProcessors() that tells you how many processors are available to the Java virtual machine. Note that this is not the same as the number of processors (or cores) that exist in the computer; the documentation even says that the number may change while the program is running.
Lookup the documentation for java.lang.System and java.lang.Runtime for more information.
Most likely you're not going to get exactly the information that you need by using pure Java - C or C++ will be better suited to get this kind of platform-specific information. If you would need this information from a Java program, you could write a small DLL or shared library and use JNI to call into it from your Java program.
Since DLLs are mentioned I presume we are talking about Windows.
I would recommend using WMI queries. They look very much like SQL and give you access to many very useful classes.
e.g. all info about the OS can be found here - in W32_OperatingSystem:
You can use WMI classes from any language including C++.
As a side note - if you start a new application from scratch consider using PowerShell - new scripting language from Microsoft.
