How do I associate my facebook app user with my web app user? - ruby-on-rails

I have a facebook fbml app and a web application. I want my web application users to be able to add my facebook app. Seems simple, right?
Currently, I am making the connection by adding a param to the canvas page link in my site. For example, I have a link that says "add our fbook application" which links to
suid is the logged in user's uid on my site. Adding this to the canvas link params allows me to connect their site uid to their fbook uid on my site. This way when requests come in from facebook, I can authenticate them based on solely the fbook uid after the connection is made.
This seems like a security issue. I think an attacker could log into their facebook account and guess user id's by calling and when x corresponded to a suid on my site, he would be authenticated to see that user's data.
This connecting of a facebook app user to a website user seems like it should be really common practice, but all I can find these days is facebook connect examples which I am not supporting yet.
Can someone walk me through the steps to connect a facebook app user to my website user? Major bonus points if someone can do it in Rails with the facebooker gem.

don't pass the suid as a variable.
Instead, on your backend, associate the FB uid with the suid.
When the user accesses the app via website, he/she will have to log in (maybe through fb connect?).
When the user accesses the app via FB, your page should be able to determine the fbuid of the user and map that to the correct suid and log the user into your site.


Using a URL to log a user out of a developer web app and redirect to another URL

I have an app that all works fine for authentication and it uses Oauth2 (Google).
Now, I am struggling with the logout URL for this app. It works, but I am under the impression that it is possible to logout of it and remain logged into my gmail account please? Currently, ALL accounts are logged out of so the two gmail accounts need to go through login each time the app is used and log out is pressed.
I have read that this is possible but this is the URL that I am using to Log out
I am sure it can be done because I did it in a former role but do not have the code!

Via the api, can I force the user to login to reddit?

I am writing a Reddit client that uses OAuth to authenticate the user. One of the features I would like to implement is the ability to use multiple accounts simultaneously. This requires the user to authorize my client on each account they want to use. The problem I'm running into is that if the user is already logged into Reddit in their browser, when I pop a browser to perform the auth, it will have them authenticate my client against their currently logged in user.
Is there a way to force the user to re-enter their credentials? I would rather not have to put some kind of disclaimer on my Add Account screen that says "Please log out of Reddit in any open browser windows".
I tried opening the Reddit login page in a WebView so the request is sandboxed, and while that worked, it gives the user access to the entire login page (including all the links that navigate to elsewhere on the site). I don't mind that experience when I'm popping an external browser, but in an embedded WebView I really just want to present a username and password box along with the OAuth validation prompt.
Note: I do kind of prefer the embedded experience because it doesn't interfere with the users existing browser cookies, I just don't like how cluttered the login page is this way and I'm not sure how to prevent the user from navigating away from login. Also, for completeness, this is a UWP app, though this problem is largely technology independent.
The problem I'm running into is that if the user is already logged into Reddit in their browser, when I pop a browser to perform the auth, it will have them authenticate my client against their currently logged in user.
It may be caused by the authorization server. If so, we can not do anything in our client app.
But if it is not the server issue, in UWP, there is a WebAuthenticationBroker class witch can help you to authorize your app to access the user info from Resource server by getting a token. You can try to use the class to implement OAuth authorization. You don't need to use the in a WebView so that you can authorize your app with multiple users if you can manage all the user with the token properly in your code logic.
See the Web authentication broker topic and the sample to learn more details.

How can my app (an iframe loaded by salesforce) confirm that the user is logged in to salesforce?

We're building a salesforce app, and I need to auth against a user's SF user (so they don't have to log in to SF, then also log into our system).
So I from our app, I want to bounce off of SF and:
1) confirm that the user is logged in to salesforce.
2) get (or confirm, if I provide it) some kind of tenant id, so I can confirm that they are logged in to the tenant they are self-reporting to me.
Does SF have docs on this flow somewhere?
When you put your iframe in Salesforce you can include the current SessionId and ServerURL in the query string parameters.
You can then use the PartnerAPI with these credentials to call back to Salesforce and verify the users details.
There are some very basic details on doing this in Implementing Salesforce Integrations on

Multi login problem using Twitter and Facebook Oauth

I am adding Twitter and Facebook login to a MVC 3 test application using TweetSharp and Facebook C# SDK.
Currently when a user signs in using Twitter I create a user account for that user in a user table and store the id, token, and token secret in a separate table with a foreign key to the user table. Since the id, token and token secret do not expire I can quickly locate the right user account when the user logs in next time using Twitter.
What if the very same user logs in using Facebook next time? Since Twitter does not provide email in their API and I therefore have no common piece of information to tie a user account to either Twitter or Facebook I assume I have to create a new user account for a Facebook login? Does anyone have any experience with this? Are there any ways to solve this?
I identify each user internally with a unique key. I check cookies for the user key when any user hits the site. If there's no cookie I create a new key. add it to the user database and set a new cookie. Once a user completes registration the first time by logging in with any of Facebook, Twitter or .Net membership , that key is forever married to that user.
So when an existing Twitter user logs in for the first time with Facebook, we know who they are because their user key exists. It is basically the same solution as macou suggested. Macou's has the plus of working on a new machine or if cookies are cleared, the cookie solution has the plus of not requiring additional user input.
Not really a solution, more of a work around. I was faced with the same problem and ended up forcing the user to complete thier account profile by asking for their email address before allowing them to proceed any further. This meant that if the email address coming back with the Facebook auth matched the email address created with the twitter signin then I didn't need to create another account.
The bigger difficulty was coming the other way, if the account was created by the facebook auth first. It meant an untidy marry up of accounts.
To be honest the information we got from allowing users to sign in with twitter was not worth the effort and in the end finished up only allowing Facebook auths. I'm not sure how important twitter is to your solution.
Not the perfect answer I know, but I thought I would share my experience.
You can't use just a cookie because I can login as facebook then my wife login as twitter using the same browser, you shouldn't link the two accounts in this case.
I think you need to do more than that:
Use a cookie then
Use name/first name/login name/... to see if they match.
Cookie id: 18459439731114330636, find user with id = 18459439731114330636. Found, go to 2, not found, go to 3.
Is username/first name/last name/... matches the current user? if yes, link accounts. if not, go to 3.
Create a new user.

How to detect if already logged in with OpenID and bypass web app login page

I would like to know the best way of implementing automatic login to my web site. What I mean by automatic is this:
I've already signed into Google. I now go to my web site and its login page. Instead of clicking on the link to login with Google I would like the web app to detect that I'm already logged into Google and bypass the whole login page.
1) Would I use the DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.RelyingParty.OpenIdAjaxRelyingParty.HttpApplicationStore to get associations?
2) Or do I need to look at cookies.
To your "1) Associations" guess, no. Associations that the RP may already have with Google are irrelevant to who the user is at the browser or whether they're logged into Google. Your "2) cookies" won't work either because browser isolate Google's cookies from those of your RP so you have no insight into that.
Hbas was right. I think Auto Login user to website when user is logged in to FB or google - DotNetOpenAuth has the answer to your question.
Distant memory suggests that Google had a way to disclosing to an RP that the user was logged into a Google account (with no way to identify which user or auto-login that user) with the idea being that the RP could then promote the "login with Google" button since you know the user has a Google account. However that wasn't well advertised (privacy concerns probably) and I can't find any info on it at the moment.
