Silverlight 3 IncreaseQuotaTo fails if I call AvailableFreeSpace first - silverlight-3.0

The following code throws an exception...
private void EnsureDiskSpace()
using (IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForSite())
const long NEEDED = 1024 * 1024 * 100;
if (file.AvailableFreeSpace < NEEDED)
if (!file.IncreaseQuotaTo(NEEDED))
throw new Exception();
But this code does not (it displays the silverlight "increase quota" dialog)...
private void EnsureDiskSpace()
using (IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForSite())
const long NEEDED = 1024 * 1024 * 100;
if (file.Quota < NEEDED)
if (!file.IncreaseQuotaTo(NEEDED))
throw new Exception();
The only difference in the code is that the first one checks file.AvailableFreeSpace and the second checks file.Quota.
Are you not allowed to check the available space before requesting more? It seems like I've seen a few examples on the web that test the available space first. Is this no longer supported in SL3? My application allows users to download files from a server and store them locally. I'd really like to increase the quota by 10% whenever the user runs out of sapce. Is this possible?

I had the same issue. The solution for me was something written in the help files. The increase of disk quota must be initiated from a user interaction such as a button click event. I was requesting increased disk quota from an asynchronous WCF call. By moving the space increase request to a button click the code worked.
In my case, if the WCF detected there was not enough space, the silverlight app informed the user they needed to increase space by clicking a button. When the button was clicked, and the space was increased, I called the WCF service again knowing I now had more space. Not as good a user experience, but it got me past this issue.

There is a subtle bug in your first example.
There may not be enough free space to add your new storage, triggering the request - but the amount you're asking for may be less than the existing quota. This throws the exception and doesn't show the dialog.
The correct line would be
file.IncreaseQuotaTo(file.Quota + NEEDED);

I believe that there were some changes to the behavior in Silverlight 3, but not having worked directly on these features, I'm not completely sure.
I did take a look at this MSDN page on the feature and the recommended approach is definitely the first example you have; they're suggesting:
Get the user store
Check the AvailableFreeSpace property on the store
If needed, call IncreaseQuotaTo
It isn't ideal, since you can't implement your own growth algorithm (grow by 10%, etc.), but you should be able to at least unblock your scenario using the AvailableFreeSpace property, like you say.
I believe reading the amount of total space available (the Quota) to the user store could be in theory an issue, imagine a "rogue" control or app that simply wants to fill every last byte it can in the isolated storage space, forcing the user eventually to request more space, even when not available.

It turns out that both code blocks work... unless you set a break point. For that matter, both code blocks fail if you do set a break point.


How are Cold Streams able to work properly in a concurrent environment, while obeying "Item 79" in "Effective Java"?

In summary:
The cascade effect nature of the Cold Stream, from Inactive to Active, Is in itself an "alien" execution (alien to the reactive design) that MUST BE EXECUTED WITHIN THE SYNCRHONIZED REGION, and this is unavoidable, going against Item 79 of Effective Java.
Effective Java: Item 79:
"..., to avoid deadlock and data corruption, never call an alien
method from within a synchronized region. More generally, keep the
amount of work that you do from within synchronized to a minimum."
never call an alien
method from within a synchronized region
An add(Consumer<T> observer) AND remove(Consumer<T> observer) WILL BE concurrent (because of switchMaps that react to asynchronous changes in values/states), BUT according to Item 79, it should not be possible for a subscribe(Publisher p); method to even exist.
Since a subscribe(publisher) MUST WORK as a callback function that reacts to additions and removals of observers...
private final Object lock = new Object();
private volatile BooleanConsumer suscriptor;
public void subscribe(Publisher p) {
syncrhonized (lock) {
suscriptor = isActive -> {
if (isActive) p.add(this);
else p.remove(this);
public void add(Consumer<T> observer) {
syncrhonized (lock) {
if (observer.size() > 0) suscriptor.accept(true);
I would argue that using a volatile mediator is better than holding on to the Publisher directly, but holding on to the publisher makes no difference at all, because by altering its state (when adding ourselves to the publisher) we are triggering the functions (other possible subscriptions to publishers) within it!!!, There really is no difference.
Doing it via misdirection is the proper answer, and doing so is the main idea behind the separation of concerns principle!!
Instead, what Item 79 is asking, is that each time an observer is added, we manually synchronize FROM THE OUT/ALIEN-SIDE, and deliberately check whether a subscription must be performed.
synchronized (alienLock) {
if (observable.getObserverSize() > 0) {
and each time an observer is removed:
synchronized (alienLock) {
if (observable.getObserverSize() == 0) {
Imagine those lines repeated EACH and EVERY TIME a node forks or joins on to a new one (in the reactive graph), it would be an insane amount of boilerplate defeating the entire purpose.
Reading carefully the item, you can see that the rule is there to prevent a "something" done wrong by the user that hangs the thread preventing accesses.
And this answer will be part me trying to justify why this is possible but also a non-issue in this case.
Binary Events.
In this case an event that involves only 2 states, isActive == true || false;
This means that if the consumption gets "hanged" on true, the only other option that may be waiting is "false", BUT even worst...
IF one of the two becomes deadlocked, it means the entire system is deadlocked anyways... in reality the issue is outside the design, not inside.
What I mean is that out of the 2 possible options: true or false. the time it takes for either of them to execute is meaningless since the ONLY OTHER OPTION IS STILL REQUIRED TO WAIT regardless.
Enclosed functionality of the lock.
Even if subscribe(Publisher p) methods can be concatenated, the only thing the user has access to, IS NOT THE lock per se, but the method.
So even If we are executing "alien methods" with functions, inside our synchronized bodies, THOSE FUNCTIONS ARE STILL OURS, and we know what they have inside them and how they work and what exactly they will perform.
In this case the only uncertainty in the system is not what the functions will do, but HOW MANY CONTATENATIONS THE SYSTEM HAS.
What's wrong in my code:
Finally, the only thing (I see) wrong, is that observers and subscriptions MOST DEFINITEY WORK IN SEPARATE LOCKS, because observers MUST NOT, under any circumstance should allow themselves to get locked while a subscription domino effect is taking place.
I believe that's all...

Adobe Air 3 iOS app memory leak issue maybe related to getDefinitionByName class

I'm developing an application with adobe air 3 for ios and having low memory errors frequently.
After ios 5 update os started to kill my app after some low memory warnings.
But the thing is profiler says app uses 4 to 9 megs of memory.
There are a lot of bitmap copy operations around and sometimes instantiates new bitmaps from embedded bitmaps.
I highly optimized everything and look for leaks etc.
I watch profiler for memory status and seems like GC clears everything. everything looks perfect but app continues to get low memory errors and gets killed by os.
Is there anything wrong with this code below. Because my assumption is this ClassReference never gets off from memory even the profiles says memory is cleared.
I used clone method to pass value instead of pass by ref. so I guess GC can collect that local variable. I tried with and without clone nothing changes.
If the code below runs 10-15 times with different tile Id's app crashes but with same ID's it continues working.
Is there anyone who is familiar with this kind of thing?
tmp is bitmapData
if (isMoving)
tmp=getProxyImage(x,y); //low resolution tile image
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(strTmp) as Class; //full resolution tile image //something wrong here
tmp=new ClassReference().bitmapData.clone(); //something wrong here
return tmp.clone();
Thanks for reading. I hope some one has a solution for this.
You are creating three copies of your bitmapdata with this. They will likely get garbage collected eventually, but you probably run out of memory before that happens.
(Here I assume you have embedded your bitmapdata using the [Embed] tag)
tmp = new ClassReference()
// allocates no new memory, class reference already exists
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(strTmp) as Class;
// creates a new BitmapAsset from the class reference including it's BitmapData.
// then you clone this bitmapdata, giving you two
tmp = new ClassReference().bitmapData.clone();
// not really necessary since ClassReference goes out of scope anyway, but no harm done
// Makes a third copy of your second copy and returns it.
return tmp.clone();
I would recommend this (assuming you need unique bitmapDatas for each tile)
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(strTmp) as Class;
return new ClassReference().bitmapData.clone();
If you don't need unique bitmapDatas, keep static properties with the bitmapDatas on some class and use the same ones all over. That will minimize memory usage.

Ideal way to pull data (JSON) from a service using Monotouch and iOS?

I have an iPhone app which is pulling just about all it's data from ASP.NET MVC services.
Basically just returning JSON.
When I run the app in the simulator, the data is pulled down very fast etc.. however when I use the actual device (3G or WiFi) it's extremely slow. To the point that the app crashes for taking too long.
a) Should I not be calling a service from the FinishedLaunching method in AppDelegate?
b) Am I calling the service incorrectly?
The method I'm using goes something like this:
public static JsonValue GetJsonFromURL(string url) {
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create (url);
request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate;
using(var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) {
using(var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) {
return JsonValue.Load(streamReader);
Is there a better or quicker way I should be querying a service? I've read about doing things on different threads or performing async calls to not lock the UI, but I'm not sure what the best approach or how that code would work.
a) Should I not be calling a service from the FinishedLaunching method in AppDelegate?
You get limited time to get your application up and running, i.e. returning from FinishedLaunching or the iOS watchdog will kill your application. That's about 17 seconds total (but could vary between devices/iOS versions).
Anything that takes some time is better done in another thread, launched from FinishedLaunching. It's even more important if you use networking services as you cannot be sure how much time (or even if) you'll get an answer.
b) Am I calling the service incorrectly?
That looks fine. However remember that the simulator has a faster access to the network (likely), much more RAM and CPU power. Large data set can take a lot of memory / CPU time to decode.
Running from another thread will, at least, cover the extra time required. It can be as simple as adding the code (below) inside your FinishedLaunching.
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate {
window.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
// run your code
You can have a look at how Touch.Unit does it by looking at its TouchRunner.cs source file.
note: you might want to test not using (asking) for compressed data since the time/memory to decompress it might not be helpful on devices (compared to the simulator). Actual testing needed to confirm ;)

node.js process out of memory error

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_2 Allocation Failed - process out of memory
I'm seeing this error and not quite sure where it's coming from. The project I'm working on has this basic workflow:
Receive XML post from another source
Parse the XML using xml2js
Extract the required information from the newly created JSON object and create a new object.
Send that object to connected clients (using
Node Modules in use are:
When I receive an XML packet the first thing I do is write it to a log.txt file in the event that something needs to be reviewed later. I first fs.readFile to get the current contents, then write the new contents + the old. The log.txt file was probably around 2400KB around last crash, but upon restarting the server it's working fine again so I don't believe this to be the issue.
I don't see a packet in the log right before the crash happened, so I'm not sure what's causing the crash... No new clients connected, no messages were being sent... nothing was being parsed.
Seeing as node is running constantly should I be using delete <object> after every object I'm using serves its purpose, such as var now = new Date() which I use to compare to things that happen in the past. Or, result object from step 3 after I've passed it to the callback?
Edit 2
I am keeping a master object in the event that a new client connects, they need to see past messages, objects are deleted though, they don't stay for the life of the server, just until their completed on client side. Currently, I'm doing something like this
function parsingFunction(callback) {
//Construct Object
parsingFunction(function (data) {
masterObject[someIdentifier] = data;
Edit 3
As another step for troubleshooting I dumped the process.memoryUsage().heapUsed right before the parser starts at the parser.on('end', function() {..}); and parsed several xml packets. The highest heap used was around 10-12 MB throughout the test, although during normal conditions the program rests at about 4-5 MB. I don't think this is particularly a deal breaker, but may help in finding the issue.
Perhaps you are accidentally closing on objects recursively. A crazy example:
function f() {
var shouldBeDeleted = function(x) { return x }
return function g() { return shouldBeDeleted(shouldBeDeleted) }
To find what is happening fire up node-inspector and set a break point just before the suspected out of memory error. Then click on "Closure" (below Scope Variables near the right border). Perhaps if you click around something will click and you realize what happens.

Loading Images in J2ME?

I'm not so new to the concepts present on J2ME, but I'm sort of lazy in ways I shouldn't:
Lately my app has been loading images into memory as they were candy...
Sprite example = new Sprite(Image.createImage("/images/example.png"), w, h);
and I'm not really sure it's the best way, but it worked fine in my Motorola Z6, until last night, when I tested the app in a old Samsung cellphone and the images wont even load and require several attemps of starting the thread to show up. The screen was left on white, so I realized that it has to be something about Image loading that I'm not doing quite well... Is there anyone who can tell me how to properly make a loading routine in my app?.
I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for, but the behavior you describe very much sounds like you are experiencing an OutOfMemory exception. Try reducing the dimensions of your images (heap usage is based on dimension) and see if the behavior ceases. This will let you know if it is truly an OutOfMemory issue or something else.
Other tips:
Load images largest to smallest. This helps with heap fragmentation and allows the largest heap space for the largest images.
Unload (set to null) in reverse order of how you loaded and garbage collect after doing so. Make sure to Thread.yield() after you call the GC.
Make sure you only load the images that you need. Unload images from a state that the application is no longer in.
Since you are creating sprites you may have multiple sprites for one image. Consider creating an image pool to make sure you only load the image once. Then just point each Sprite object to the image within the pool that it requires. Your example in your question seems like you would more than likely load the same image into memory more than once. That's wasteful and could be part of the OutOfMemory issue.
Using a film image(a set of images by a defined dimension in one image) and use logic to pull them out one at a time.
Because they a grouped into one image, you are saving header space per image and thus can reduce the memory used.
This techniques was first used in MIDP 1.0 memory constrained devices.
Using the Fostah approach of not loading images over and over, I made the following class:
public class ImageLoader {
private static Hashtable pool = new Hashtable();
public static Image getSprite(String source){
if(pool.get(source) != null) return (Image) pool.get(source);
try {
Image temp = Image.createImage(source);
pool.put(source, temp);
return temp;
} catch (IOException e){
System.err.println("Error al cargar la imagen en "+source+": "+e.getMessage());
return null;
So, whenever I need an image I first ask the pool for it, or just load it into the pool.
