ASP.Net MVC Route not passing parameter to controller -

I'm trying to learn MVC and having a rough start.
new { controller = "Test", action = "TestMethod", stringInput = "" }
doesn't pass stringInput to the method TestMethod in the controller. It comes over null.
Not sure what I'm missing, it seems very simple and straightforward. This route was placed above the default.

Override the Execute method of your controller and then put a breakpoint in it so you can see the request context. One of the properties is the key/value pair being passed in. Make sure the key for stringInput has the correct value.

Make sure your controller is setup properly. It should be in folder
and inside the controller should be
public ActionResult TestMethod( string stringInput )
return View();
It uses conventions, so the naming you setup in your route needs to match the files, methods, and parameters of the controller.
The url to get to this should be
and "MyStringInput" would be the value of the variable stringInput.

Are you sure that route is the one being used? Try moving it to the top of your list of routes to make sure.


ASP.NET MVC Dynamic Action with Hyphens

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC project. I need to be able to map a route such as this:
Where the "Action" part of the URL (Tennis-Shoes") could be one of a list of possibilities. I do not want to have to create a separate Action method in my controller for each. I want to map them all to one Action method and I will handle the View that is displayed from there.
I have this working fine by adding a route mapping. However, there are some "Actions" that will need to have a hyphen in them. ASP.NET MVC routing is trying to parse that hyphen before I can send it to my action. I have tried to create my own custom Route Handler, but it's never even called. Once I had a hyphen, all routes are ignored, even my custom one.
Any suggestions? Details about the hyphen situation? Thanks you.
Looking at the URL and reading your description, Tennis-Shoes in your example doesn't sound like it should be an action, but a Route parameter. Let's say we have the following controller
public class ProductsController : Controller
public ActionResult Details(string product)
// do something interesting based on product...
return View(product);
The Details action is going to handle any URLs along the lines of{product}
using the following route
controller = "Products",
action = "Details"
You might decide to use a different View based on the product string, but this is just a basic example.

MVC 3 Route question

I'm trying to put in some new routes but not sure where to start. What I would like to do is to have my routes translate as follows:
/transport class A/23 translated to /info/classes/A-23
I understand the basics of using MapRoute but can I do things like the above?
I hope someone can give advice.
This seems to me that you're actually after something like UrlRewrite since you're going from one Url to another.
But MVC doesn't rewrite Urls - it maps them to controller actions based on route patterns you provide.
So, if you're asking if you can split up the first url to a controller/action pair (with parameters) then of course you can. You just set up a route with the necessary parameters in the right place. So you could call MapRoute with something like (I would use hyphens for the spaces):
/*route pattern:*/ "transport-class-{class1}/{class2}"
/*with route defaults:*/ new { controller = "Info", action = "ViewInfo" }
Then you could write a controller as follows:
public class InfoController : ControllerBase
public ActionResult ViewInfo(string class1, string class2)
//presumably get model data from the class parameters here
//and pass it as parameter to below:
return View();
Although it would depend also if the transport and class constants in this route are actually also variable I guess - in which case you could push those down as route parameters, and into the parameter list of your controller method.

problem with routing

I am fairly new to and I have a starting URL of http://localhost:61431/WebSuds/Suds/Welcome and routing code
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{page}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Suds", action = "Welcome", page = 1 } // Parameter defaults
new { controller = "Suds", action = "Welcome" }
I am receiving the following error: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Can anyone please help me figure out how to route the beginning url to the controller.
Because the first part of your URL is WebSuds, the framework is trying to map the request to WebSudsController instead of SudsController. One thing you can try is to change the url parameter of your route to "WebSuds/{controller}/{action}".
Route tables are searched on a first come first served basis. Once an appropriate match is found any following routes will be ignored.
You need to add "WebSuds/{controller}/{action}" and put it above the default route. The most specific routes should always go above the more generic ones.
With the following Routes and Url you have given make sure you have these Methods in your Controller
public class SudsController
public ActionResultWelcome(int? page)
return View();
Since you have created two routes of the same Action, one with a parameter page and another without. So I made the parameter int nullable. If you don't make your parameter in Welcome nullable it will return an error since Welcome is accepting an int and it will always look for a Url looks like this, /WebSuds/Suds/Welcome/1. You can also make your parameter as string to make your parameter nullable.
Then you should have this in your View Folder
If does doesn't exist, it will return a 404 error since you don't have a corresponding page in your Welcome ActionResult.
If all of this including what BritishDeveloper said. This should help you solve your problem.

How to route legacy type urls in ASP.NET MVC

Due to factors outside my control, I need to handle urls like this:
I would like to route them to a specific controller/action with the val already parsed and bound (i.e. an argument to the action).
Ideally my action would look like this:
ActionResult BackwardCompatibleAction(int val)
I found this question: ASP.Net MVC routing legacy URLs passing querystring Ids to controller actions but the redirects are not acceptable.
I have tried routes that parse the query string portion but any route with a question mark is invalid.
I have been able to route the request with this:
"dosomething.asp Backward compatibility",
new { controller = "MyController", action = "BackwardCompatibleAction"}
However, from there the only way to get to the value of val=? is via Request.QueryString. While I could parse the query string inside the controller it would make testing the action more difficult and I would prefer not to have that dependency.
I feel like there is something I can do with the routing, but I don't know what it is. Any help would be very appreciated.
The parameter val within your BackwardCompatibleAction method should be automatically populated with the query string value. Routes are not meant to deal with query strings. The solution you listed in your question looks right to me. Have you tried it to see what happens?
This would also work for your route. Since you are specifying both the controller and the action, you don't need the curly brace parameter.
"dosomething.asp Backward compatibility",
new { controller = "MyController", action = "BackwardCompatibleAction"}
If you need to parametrize the action name, then something like this should work:
"dosomething.asp Backward compatibility",
new { controller = "MyController" }
That would give you a more generic route that could match multiple different .asp page urls into Action methods.
would route to MyController.dosomething(int val)
would route to MyController.dosomethingelse(int val)

How do you change the controller text in an ASP.NET MVC URL?

I was recently asked to modify a small mvc application such that the controler name in the urls contained dashes. For example, where I created a controller named ContactUs with a View named Index and Sent the urls would be and The person who asked me to make the change wants the urls to be http://example/contact-us and
I don't believe that I can change the name of the controller because a '-' would be an illegal character in a class name.
I was looking for an attribute that I could apply to the controller class that would let me specify the string the controller would use int the url, but I haven't found one yet.
How can I accomplish this?
Simply change the URL used in the route itself to point to the existing controller. In your Global.asax:
"Contact Us",
new { controller = "ContactUs", action = "Default" }
I don't believe you can change the display name of a controller. In the beta, the controller was created using route data "controller" with a "Controller" suffix. This may have changed in RC/RTM, but I'm not sure.
If you create a custom route of "contact-us/{action}" and specify a default value: new { controller = "ContactUs" } you should get the result you are after.
You need to configure routing. In your Global.asax, do the following:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"route-name", "contact-us/{action}", // specify a propriate route name...
new { controller = "ContactUs", action = "Index" }
As noted by Richard Szalay, the sent action does not need to be specified. If the url misses the .../sent part, it will default to the Index action.
Note that the order of the routes matter when you add routes to the RouteCollection. The first matched route will be selected, and the rest will be ignored.
One of the ASP.NET MVC developers covers what Iconic is talking about. This was something I was looking at today in fact over at haacked. It's worth checking out for custom routes in your MVC architecture.
EDIT: Ah I see, you could use custom routes but that's probably not the best solution in this case. Unless there's a way of dealing with the {controller} before mapping it? If that were possible then you could replace all "-" characters.
