is there a way to edit herokus yml file - ruby-on-rails

I setup a remote connection locally and need to push it to heroku. When I pushed it to heroku I got an error saying:
RemoteDBName is not configured.
I'm just assuming (also searched and saw) heroku uses their own config.yml file.

Figured this out, for anybody connecting to a remote database on heroku that might see this:
Heroku replaces your database.yml file with their own, overwriting anything in yours.
To get around this:
Create a new file in your config folder, name it whatever.yml
Setup the connection string in this file.
Create a new file in your initializers folder, I called mine load_remote.rb. In this file write this line of code:
Establish your connection in any of the remote models with this line of code:
establish_connection Remote_DB['Whatever you named your connection string in the yml file here']

Let me show you how database configuration is done when you work with Heroku. I think this might be a bit vague in the documentation, some people get confused over it. Lets utilize the console:
zero:~/Projects/crantastic $ heroku console
Ruby console for
>> puts
encoding: unicode
adapter: postgresql
username: something_random
port: 5432
database: something_random
password: something_random
=> nil
Heroku in practice replaces your apps database.yml when you push your site to their servers. Your data will be stored in one of their fancy PostgreSQL servers no matter what you use locally - this means that you don't have to think about database.yml at all (except for development purpses, naturally). Taps makes sure that everything's db agnostic. If you want to push your latest development db to Heroku, simply run heroku db:push


Heroku Rails Console Write to Local File

I want to pull some information from my database into a text file.
What's a good way to do that? I originally thought of running my heroku bash and rails console as I only need to do a simple loop to get the info I need. But I don't know the proper way to write to a file from heroku. It works in my local rails console
I've tried'text.txt', 'w') do |f|
User.all.each do |u|
or something like $stdout ='/path/to/text.txt', 'w')
but I think these files don't end up in my local directory...
How do I do this?
Alternate simple solutions also welcome since I didn't think I was doing anything overly complex
Attempting Pakrash's answer
In heroku bash + rails c
I put in
require 'net/ftp'
ftp ='','', 'somepassword')
This just hangs though. No error.. I have to crl +c out of it
I previously had my full address in there but it was saying getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Should I be entering this in differently?
Heroku supports ftp in passive mode. So create the file on the server and download the file to local machine with ftp.
# FTPing from Heroku
ftp =, user, pass)
ftp.passive = true
ftp.getbinaryfile(remote_filename, tmp_filename)
Perversely, I found the easiest thing to do was just to email the content to myself.
I don't know that it's advisable, but you can actually start a rails console instance locally while connecting to the remote database on Heroku. Get the database connection information from the Heroku dashboard and add it to your local database.yml file in place of your regular development stanza. Something like
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: agblah9dff3
pool: 5
username: 8fk38hg72hd98d
port: 5462
password: 88dk3jblahblah8sk83df8sdfj23
timeout: 5000
But know that you're playing with production code, know, it's pretty risky.
A better idea might be to just use a database IDE that creates exports for you, or write a rake task that collects the info in a file and dumps it on S3. You won't be able to write files to disk Heroku.

Rails, Postgres, EC2/AWS: Database Config Does Not Specify Adapter Error

I'm trying to connect my Rails app to an EC2 instance that contains a PG database. I've already checked with Navicat that I can connect to the database given the EC2 details. The issue is that when run locally the Rails app can't be viewed; it throws the error "database configuration does not specify adapter". A similar issue is thrown when I try a database migration. I haven't even tried to push this up to my Rails EC2 since it isn't working locally.
My database.yml file looks like this:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: postgres
pool: 10
port: 5432 (have both included and removed this line)
username: a database username for security
password: the password associated with that user
My gem files include the gem pg.
For the database name I just wrote what it had in Navicat, but perhaps there's an official name associated with it I should be using; if so, how would I find it? The host I got from the EC2 details. And the username and password were the ones I set with the postgres database via unix.
Thanks in advance for any insight!
Fixed! I had forgotten to create an actual DB after setting up the PG; I changed the name in my database.yml file to reflect the new db name. Also, I needed to set on my Rails app environment directly (I thought Apache did this automatically w/Passenger) with "export RAILS_ENV=production". I thought it was still broken when I restarted my server and nothing had changed, but I just had to restart the console. Hope this helps someone else out too!

How to get files .gitignore'd on heroku?

We have inherited a Rails project hosted on Heroku. The problem is that I don't understand how to get a copy of the database.yml or other various config files that have been ignored in the .gitignore file.
Sure I can look through the history but it seems like a hip shot when comparing it to what should be on the production server. Right now we are having to make changes to the staging environment which makes things a bit arduous and less efficient than having a local dev environment so we can really get under the hood. Obviously, having an exact copy of the config is a good place to start.
With other hosts it's easy to get access to all the files on the server using good ol' ftp.
This might be more easily addressed with some sort of git procedure that I am less familiar with.
Heroku stores config variables to the ENV environment
heroku config will display these list of variables
heroku config:get DATABASE_URL --app YOUR_APP
Will return the database url that Heroku as assigned to your app, using this string one can deduce the parameters necessary to connect to your heroku applications database, it follows this format
This should provide you with all the values you'll need for the heroku side database.yml, its a file that is created for you each time you deploy and there is nothing it that can't be gotten from the above URL.
gitignoring the database.yml file is good practice
It's not something you can do - entries added to .gitignore means they've been excluded from source control. They've never made it into Git.
As for database.yml you can just create the file in app\config\database.yml with local settings, it should look something like;
adapter: postgresql
username: somelocaluser
database: somelocaldb
It's safe to say though, that if the file is not in Git then it's not on Heroku since that's the only way you can get files to Heroku. Any config is likely to be in environment variables - heroku config will show you that.

Heroku with AWS RDS: Are details in database.yml needed?

We're running a Rails app on Heroku and have it connected to a database on Amazon RDS. It works fine, the security zone is configured and the app is live.
Heroku requires you to provide a Database URL in the format of
Since we're specifying the DB info in the add-on, what do we need to provide in the database.yml file, if anything?
Would the following suffice, or do we need even less than that? Maybe just the adapter name?
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
reconnect: false
pool: 5
Heroku automatically replaces the content of any database.yml file on deploy with the value of the shared database, normally stored in the SHARED_DATABASE_URL config variable.
I don't know if it's save to override that value. If you do it, you should be able to connect to the database from Rails without any additional effort.
If your app is working fine and you are just wondering what you need to write inside the default database.yml file, then you can put in whatever you want, Heroku will replace it in any case on deploy.

Remote mysql database on Heroku app

Can I use mysql database from my personal web server instead of heroku's database?
I configured my production database like this:
adapter: mysql2
database: somedatabase
username: someusername
password: somepassword
But, this doesn't work, my app still uses heroku's shared database.
This is old but in case anyone drops around looking for an answer, it's much easier than using the gem. Just provide a DATABASE_URL and SHARED_DATABASE_URL (not sure if the second is needed). The database url format is adapter://username:password#hostname:port/database, so for example, you would do:
heroku config:add DATABASE_URL=mysql://etok:somepassword#<your-server>:3306/etok
heroku config:add SHARED_DATABASE_URL=mysql://etok:somepassword#
Then re-deploy your app. It will read your DATABASE_URL and generate the database.yml from that. The default port is already 3306 so it's not needed in the url in your case. When you deploy, you may notice that it generates your database.yml:
-----> Writing config/database.yml to read from DATABASE_URL
Then you're set (as long as your server accepts connections from your heroku host.
I've written a gem that may help with this. You can find it at:
heroku config:add DATABASE_URL=mysql://dbusername:dbpassword#databasehostIP:3306/databasename
heroku config:add SHARED_DATABASE_URL=mysql://dbusername:dbpassword#databasehostIP:3306/databasename
Then, do a
Heroku restart
that should do.
Important Note: I suggest you to use database host IP address than using giving the hostname directly, coz, with some shared hosting services like godaddy, the db hostname looks like and it seems like heroku is unable to resolve it properly (personal experience), I resolved the hostname to IP address and using the IP directly worked like a charm ! Also, If your database password has special characters, make sure you escape them correctly (like '\!' for '!' and so on..)
Heroku ignores your database.yml. You will need to explore the Amazon RDS solution John Beynon suggested or some other similar addon (if there is one). IMO, you will either have to re-evaluate your need to use your MySQL db or find some other hosting.
Just in case you didn't already know it, the command:
heroku db:push
will duplicate both the schema AND data of your MySQL development database in heroku's Postgres database. So sticking with MySQL for dev is no problem.
I hope that helps.
have a look at Heroku Amazon RDS addon. I'm not saying use it, but it gives you an insight into what you need to do and how Heroku manages dataabases - basically you need to set a config variable to your mysql instance.
Yeah this is very straight forward and simple:
1 - create mysql db
2 - create mysql db user (set defaults)
3.1 - Go to your Heroku panel/Config Vars
3.2 - Click on "Reveal Vars" and edit (clicking on pencil icon) on the one you want to change in this case DATABASE_URL (if not present just a new one with DATABASE_URL as the name)
3 (#2) - Using command line
heroku config:add DATABASE_URL=mysql://dbusername:dbpassword#databasehostIP:databaseserverport/databasename
then just
heroku restart
And remember the syntax:
MySQL DBMS's default port number is : 3306
That's why you see examples mentioned previously using DATABASE_URL=mysql://dbusername:dbpassword#databasehostIP:3306/databasename
Hope this helps!!!
