Overloading asp.net MVC controller methods with same verb? - asp.net-mvc

All the examples I've seen for overloading usually have only two methods of the same name with different parameters and one using the GET verb while the other uses POST. Is it possible to do two or more overloads on the same method, all with the same verb?
Here's an example of what I'm referring to: Can you overload controller methods in ASP.NET MVC?

I don't think you can overload the same action name with the one verb by default. As that other thread you point to says, you can overload the methods & then use an attribute to change the action that maps to the method, but I'm guessing that's not what you're looking for.
Another option that I've used before (depends on how complex/different your overloads are) is to simply use nullable values for the parameters & effectively merge your different signatures together. So instead of:
public ActionResult DoSomething(int id)...
public ActionResult DoSomething(string name)...
just have:
public ActionResult DoSomething(int? id, string? name)
Not the nicest solution, but if one overload just builds on another then its not too bad a compromise.
One final option that may be worth giving a go (I haven't tried it & don't even know if it'll work, but logically it should), is to write an implementation of the ActionMethodSelectorAttribute that compares the parameters passed in the ControllerContext to the method signature & tries to make a best match (i.e. try to resolve the ambiguity a bit more strictly than the default implementation).

I guess it is not. Since I found that the MVC framework didn't really care what you put in the parameter list, for example, my action is like:
public ActionResult Index(int id) {...}
It is ok to request like this: Domain.com/Index.aspx
or Domain.com/Index.aspx?id=012901
or even Domain.com/Index.aspx?login=938293
Since overloading in programming language means that you select different functions (with same name) using the input parameters, but MVC in this case didn't care about it! So other than ActionVerb overloading, I think it is not ok.


MVC Routing ambiguous actions

Multiple controller types were found that match the URL. This can happen if attribute routes on multiple controllers match the requested URL.
public class my1Controller: Controller
[Route("path/{param1}", Name = "test1")]
public ActionResult myaction1(string param1)
public class my2Controller: Controller
[Route("path/{param2}", Name = "test2")]
public ActionResult myaction2(string param2)
Is there anyway of getting around this? For historical SEO I need to have two similar urls that have a different single string param.
Your URLS are identical, there is no way to distinguish between them, and both controllers/actions match. That is because the parameter name has no value in picking between the two routes
You could use inline constraints applied to the param1 and param2 to help routing pick one of them. Or make sure "path" is different

Overloading in MVC

I read here that I can't overload actions in MVC because of routing confusion
I tried to overload Index() in HomeController and I got the exception as article said, but I noticed that
microsoft has overloaded the actions in AccountController
public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl){}
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl){}
Please need clarification, thanks
Microsoft has overloaded this by setting HttpGet and HttpPost. One for GET request and another for POST request. What about your code?
public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl){}
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl){}
Till today you cannot overload your controller's Action method with same name but different parameters.
The only possibility is to have two overload, and for that you need to set the method's property to HttpGet and HttpPost. For example
public ActionResult foo(string myString)
return View();
public ActionResult foo(MyViewModelClass object)
return View();
And regarding your confusion,
From general convention, first method should be of type Get which gets called when someone sends request to access that page.
Second method is called when user submits a form with his login details.
In AccountController first method works with GET method, second with POST one. It was realized by attribute [HttpGet] and [HttpPost].
Read more about get and post here.
In addition to above answer we can add name attributes along with HTTPGET and HTTPPOST as
public ActionResult Edit_Post(some parameters)
//code over here
After this we can call it as :- /MVC/EmployeeController/Edit/1
Some definitions first:
Overloading is a form of polymorphism, in particular an interface, in the sense of a class publicly visible part, related one.
When we speak about inheritance we mean overriding.
Action is a segment of a URL.
Back to your question...
It is the ControllerActionInvoker which is responsible for finding the method to which an action is mapped. Given GET and POST we see polymorphic methods in a class mapped to the same action, but serving different HTTP methods (any action, that is, URL segment polymorphism here?!). And again yes, we may use ActionNameAttribute (MVC v5) to map an action to a class method, but again, this has nothing to do with any sort of polymorphism. Simply put, all that happens is in the ControllerActionInvoker and has nothing to do with overloading or overriding, and finally with any sort of polymorphism -- it is just mapping.
A simple question arises:
What in a string (a segment of a URL, 3.) relates to any one of the OOP definitions (1. and 2.) above? Or, in other words, can any of the OOP concepts above be transformed to a (part of a) string?
The fact that a transformation between URL segment, which happen to be called "action", and a class method exits does not imply that all we know about the first mechanically can be applied to the second and vice-verse. The question is misleading and its main intention is to confuse someone, not to test his/her knowledge (I suspect that this is an artificial interview questions, not a real one).

Purpose of public NonAction methods in MVC

i have just started working in MVC and I have one doubt.
Instead of Nonaction method , we can create private method in controller or we can also write method in model and call that from controller.
So , what is the real purpose to use public NonAction method in MVC ?
(I restructured the answer to better address the questions in the comments)
I think, the attribute is here only for better flexibility. As a framework designer, one wants to relax coding constraints off the end user as much as possible. Requirement of not having public non-actions may sound good "in general" but may be too restrictive for some projects. Adding [NonAction] solves their problem (introduced by their bad design though) - and obviously you're not forced to use the attribute, so it's a win-win from a framework designer perspective.
Another reason may be legacy - in the earlier MVC versions only methods marked with [Action] where considered as actions. So when they relaxed the requirement (and all public methods became treated as actions) they kept [NonAction] so that developers won't get too confused.
In general, using NonAction is a bad practice - exactly for the reasons you stated. If something shouldn't be an action, it should not be public in the first place.
Problem with public non-action methods on the controller is that they make people tempted to instantiate your controller and call the method, instead of separating out the common logic:
public class MyController : IController
public ActionResult Foo(long orderId)
var order = new OrdersController().GetOrder(orderId); //GetOrder is public
public class MyController : IController
public ActionResult Foo(long orderId)
var order = _orderService.GetOrder(orderId);
The first approach leads to increased coupling between controllers and non-straightforward code in the actions. Code becomes difficult to follow and refactor, and cumbersome to mock/test.
Besides increased coupling, any public non-action method is a security hole - if you forget to mark it with [NonAction] (or, better, change away from public) - because it's treated as normal action and can be invoked externally. I know the original question kinda implies you surely would never forget to attach the attribute if needed, but it's also kinda important to understand what can happen if you would ;) Oh well, and as we're on this, it seems to me that "forgetting the attribute" is more theoretically probable, comparing to "forgetting to make the method private".
Sometimes people say having public non-actions is necessary for unit testing, but again, when something is not an action it most likely can be isolated in a separate class and tested separately. Moreover, even if it's not feasible for whatever reason, marking a method public for testing purposes only is a bad habit - using internal and InternalsVisibleTo is the recommended way.
This kind of situation may be caused by requirements some testing framework such as you need to do unit testing on that method then you to expose it although its a bad design but can't change these had to bear it out.
By default, the MVC framework treats all public methods of a controller class as action methods. If your controller class contains a public method and you do not want it to be an action method, you must mark that method with the NonActionAttributeattribute.
Real purpose to use public NonAction
To restrict access to non-action method to notify MVC framework that given controller method is not action.
When you try to run a method with NonAction attribute over URL you get the error 404 as response to request.
Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd410269%28v=vs.90%29.aspx
For Detail: http://weblogs.asp.net/gunnarpeipman/archive/2011/04/09/asp-net-mvc-using-nonactionattribute-to-restrict-access-to-public-methods-of-controller.aspx
This is beneficial when the Url are not case sensitive. So that for example if you have the request Home/About this goes to HomeController and About action, as well as hOmE/AbOUT is going to the same controller and same action method.
Like below
public class HomeController:Controller
public ViewResult About()
return View();
public ViewResult aBOut()
return View();
The framework can’t determine which about function to call, and throws the exception telling that the call is ambiguous.
Of course one way to fix this problem is to change the action name.
If for some reason you don’t want to change the action name, and one of these function is not an action, then you can decorate this non action method with NonAction attribute. Example:
public ActionResult aBOut()
return View();
By default, the MVC framework treats all public methods of a controller class as action methods. If your controller class contains a public method and you do not want it to be an action method, you must mark that method with the NonActionAttribute attribute.
We are using controllers as binding drivers with custom ASP pipeline, each driver is responsible for rendering one section (partial view) of result page. Then we are using public methods like:
publi int GetOrder()
to resolve sections order on page or other to resolve authorization for current user (e.g. if current section is editable or just read-only).
So you should not restrain yourself to think about Controller as only a way to handle requests but also as a tool to build your custom framework for rendering page. That way we keep our Controllers responsible for exactly one task and we are separating domain concerns.
ASP.NET is highly customizable. Assume you are going to change the default behavior of the framework by overriding the MVC HTTP handler. Maybe you want to customize the logging logic depending on the controller, which is used. Some controllers implement your ILoggingController interface with the method IControllerLogger GetLogger(). For this method you need to write a public non-action method.

How to access a query string in MVC

I was getting the query string back using:
public ActionResult Index(int id)
var queryString = Request["myQueryString"];
Then I looked at:
Which states:
It is against MVC's design pattern to use HttpRequest directly. You can access the query string variables on your action as parameters.
I don't really understand this. Is what I've done against the design pattern? If it is why is that and how could it be done?
It breaks the concept of model binding. It also gets complicated with unit testing and trying to new up a new HttpContext for a test. If it was just a parameter, you could just pass the value.
The preferred (and easier to read) method would be:
public ActionResult Index(int id, string myQueryString)
Your action method should take most of the data submitted from your form. One of the strengths of MVC is the model binding it has within it. Check out this page, as it has a good example of this:
You can accept literals (string, bool, etc.) but also strongly typed objects in your action methods.

ASP.NET MVC: Criteria for controller's method to be an action?

I'm writing some unit tests to assert that all our controller action methods are marked with proper custom attributes, but I don't really know what the criteria is for determining whether a public method can act as MVC action or not.
I would assume that a criteria could be the return value type (it has to be ActionResult or a derivative). Is this true? What about static methods?
For a method to be considered an action, it has to meet the following criteria:
It must be public and not static
It must not have a "special" name in order to exclude constructors, events etc.
It must not be defined on System.Web.Mvc.Controller or any other base class in order to exclude .ToString() and family.
Generic methods will throw an exception, yet for some reason they are considered actions. As for the return type, it does not necessarily have to be an ActionResult, since you can return e.g. a string for text data.
I beleive all public methods in a controller are treated as actions - even one returning a string.
Determining the true list of actions on a controller is a tricky problem. The only correct answer is that it "depends"! The list that Saulius gave is pretty much correct - if you're using the default ControllerActionInvoker - which of course, most people use.
If you want to avoid duplicating the logic I would recommend using the ControllerActionInvoker itself to get the list of actions and then verify the contents of the list that it returns.
You'll have to write a class that derives from ControllerActionInvoker so that you can call the GetControllerDescriptor() method. The return value of that method is a ControllerDescriptor, which is an abstract descriptor of what the controller has. You can then call GetCanonicalActions(), which returns a list of ActionDescriptors. Each of those items represents what is typically and action method.
To hook it all up you'll need to:
Instantiate your controller
Set its ActionInvoker property to be an instance of your custom invoker
Create a ControllerContext instance that has its Controller instance set to your controller
Call a new public method on your invoker that in turn calls GetControllerDescriptor()
Then verify the results and you're done!
Of course, I haven't tried any of this but in theory it all works :)
