Configure native vi to emit spaces instead of tabs and not convert autoindent spaces to tabs? - editor

I would like to use spaces instead of tabs when editing Perl scripts with the native vi found on Solaris systems.
I know this can be done with the vim clone, but I don't have access to install vim on these systems as they are vendor locked.
Firstly, is there a way to configure vi to emit spaces when I press TAB?
And secondly, I am also using the auto-indent feature of vi:
:set ai
The problem is, when I manually enter spaces for indenting vi converts groups of 8 spaces into tabs automatically when it does auto-indenting. I guess if I can find a way to turn this functionality off it will be a start.

For an outside-the-box option, could you export the Solaris filesystem using NFS and edit the files you need on another system with a more capable editor?

I believe you want
:set et
(short for expandtabs). I think vi classic supports it.

I realize this is well beyond the best-by date, but I just ran into this issue and was looking for an answer myself. A real pain when editing yaml on a FreeNAS box.
Anyhow, I successfully dealt with the issue by setting the value of tabstop to a large value.
':set tabstop=1000'


Normalize tab spaces

I have a project that has code that was contributed by many people without a proper policy on tab space (I know, huge mistake.)
What's the best way to normalize all tabs to spaces? Optimally some kind of a script that can do this to all files via the command line at once.
I know of Ruby Beautifier, but I didn't have any luck with ERB files (it also doesn't run on 1.9).
Thanks in advance
Forgot to say that we use Mac OS X
There's a command line utility bundled with OS X called tab2space that you might find useful. It's probably available on other platforms too.
I'd say open all files in Notepad++ and replace "\t" with " " (or 4 spaces) with the usual replace dialog. You'll have to choose 'Extended' in the lower left corner and press "Replace in all opened documents".

Sampling Large Data Files

I currently work in the position of Data Warehouse programmer and as such have to put numerous flat files through ETL process. Of course prior to loading the file I have to be aware of its content, the problem is that majority of the files are > 1 GB large and I can not open them using my dear old friend "notepad". Kidding. I usually use VIM or Notepad++ but it still takes a while to open the file. Could I perform a "partial" read of the file using VIM or some other editor?
P.S. I know that I could write a 10 liner script to "data sample" the file, but it would be simpler to convince team members to use a feature of an editor than a script that I wrote.
Thank you for any insight you might have.
If you want to stick with using vim, you could have a look at the LargeFile script.
Alternatively, I've always found that UltraEdit opens large files extremely quickly.
You said you had VIM, that makes me wonder if you have a unix environment as well?
If you like, you can pipe the input through unix utility top and display the raw imput on your screen. Like this:
EDIT: (thanks Honk)
terminal$> head -N 15 file.csv
(Where that 15 indicates you want to see 15 lines only).
Pretty sure there are loads of similar questions, but hey, Textpad is a good choice for this.
use the head command.
Use the 'less' on solaris ... use the same through cygwin on windows. On mainframes this problem doesn't appear, ISPF editor handles it pretty well.
UltraEdit claims to handle files over 4GB...

Cross-platform editing for LaTeX documents?

What solutions are there for working on a LaTeX document on both Windows and Linux?
It's a large document, and I will be working daily on both platforms so compatibility is essential if it's two different pieces of software.
Bonus points for a solution that includes easy previewing.
Writing text is not very different from writing software. Similar management techniques apply when scaling up.
Modularity: Split the document to smaller pieces e.g. a separate .tex file for each chapter. I also like to keep the preamble and other LaTeX set-up separate from the body text. My chapter files themselves just have the body text with some markup but do not define any new commands.
Source control: Keep all the source files in a version control tool such as subversion. Transfer files between systems using the tool.
Builds: Have a Makefile or similar to control the build process: it should be consistent and repeatable. Build regularly and fix build problems as soon as possible. If you want easy previews, you can set up a Makefile rule to launch e.g. a PDF viewer after the target PDF has been compiled.
Editing: Use whatever you're compatible with. It does not matter that much, though some good advice has been given by other answerers.
Communication: If there's more than one person working on the same stuff, no tool is a substitute for interpersonal communication.
TeXworks is a new cross-platform TeX editor with a built-in PDF preview that has source-output synchronisation. Click in the source to go to the matching part in the output, and vice versa. It's not the most feature-rich editor, by design, but the simplicity/power trade-off is just right, in my opinion.
I've used Emacs and its AucTeX mode, which is great for editing, as it has a set of very consistent shortcuts to insert many common commands and environments. There are also preview modes that display maths graphically in the Emacs window but I haven't used them.
As with VIM, there's a learning curve of course.
Unlike Legoolas, I'd advise for direct-to-PDF compilation using pdfTeX, but maybe Windows/Linux doesn't have a PDF viewer that automatically reloads the file? I'd be surprised if so (I use Skim on Mac). Check if your viewer supports synctex, as it's quite handy to navigate from PDF to source and back, without the cons of pdfsync.
To compile, my tool of choice is latexmk which is included in TeXlive. It completely automates the build, and can watch the .tex source to rebuild automatically.
Try LyX – The Document Processor, a "What You See Is What You Mean" editor for LaTeX.
Eclipse with its TeXlipse plugin should solve the IDE problem. More important are, however, issues like using only fonts that are available or installable on both platforms.
For previewing I am using Emacs with its Preview Latex feature in the AucTeX package.
For windows, you can use the TeXnicCenter, that is one of the best IDE for windows.
For Linux, you can use simply use Kile (it is possible to use kile with KDE on CygWin, but it is not the perfect solution).
There is no problem to switch from one IDE to another one (since you just save the .tex file and nothing else)
It also exists some cross-platform IDE, but I do not know them:
TeXmakerX: a fork from TeXmaker
Since you'll probably not want to change text editor from whatever you usually use just for editing LaTeX docs (unless you use an editor which can't do syntax highlighting for LaTeX as well as whatever else you code/write in it), I'd recommend the simple following set of tools:
Whatever text editor you are used to, as long as it can highlight LaTeX markup. If it can't, then find a better editor for using with everything you do!.
Install MikTeX or TeXLive and just use the DVI viewer which comes with them by double-clicking on your DVI file. This will automatically update whenever the dvi file is changed by your editing of the latex file and re-creating the output.
I use Emacs as my text editor of choice, on both Linux and Windows. Setting up some scripts or makefiles to build the latex document when I hit a key is pretty easy, and fits in with everything else I use Emacs for nicely.
Other cross-platform options (many of which have already been mentioned by others in this thread):
TeXlispse for Eclipse
I've used VIM, combined with the VIM-LaTeX plugin, with great success. It does have a bit of a learning curve though.
Gummi is the best LaTeX editor. It is a free, open source, program written in python, featuring a live preview pane.
Get your work in some kind of version control system, then when you move from computer to computer you just update from a central server and its just like you left it.
It doesn't matter about the IDE, as you are saving just the .tex file, as noted above. If you want to use the same editor though, for the sake of coherency, use texmaker.
I use version control, and just use MikTex/WinEDT on Windows and TexShop on the mac.
IF your document doesn't compile on both, you're probably forgetting to keep the two directories synchronized or use funky commands, I like the sanity checks of knowing that it "compiles" cleanly on two platforms.
I use some text editor, and then I have a cron job that does a compile hourly from my source control.
Tex files are just text. I would recommend using a version control system (you should be using that anyway) to keep the source in sync. You can then use any (or different) editors on each system, e.g. Kile for linux and winEdt for windows. Both com with nice viewrs.
For a simple solution for the source control that just works with minimum knowledge and hassle, consider dropbox.
Revisiting my own question after quite a few years, I thought I'd add
not strictly what I had in mind, but have used it for collaborative writing
An excellent multiplatform LaTeX IDE is Texmaker.
For Debian or Ubuntu, I made a tutorial easy to follow: Install LaTeX on Ubuntu or Debian. This tutorial explains how to install LaTeX on Debian or Ubuntu and how to create your first PDF.

How do you deal with situations where you can't use your preferred text editor?

I was originally going to frame this question around TextMate, which is by all accounts an amazing editor, but only available on OSX. I was curious how those who have spent time learning to use TextMate efficiently deal with the situation where they have to edit on a non-OSX platform. But it's really a more general question. How do people deal with situations where you can't use your preferred text editor?
I use gvim and vim primarily, and I know that these editors have a rather esoteric set of keybindings, so when I'm editing in another editor I'll often mistakenly type things I didn't want to type while trying to navigate. This can be very inefficient.
So how do people deal with these kinds of situations? Just swallow the inefficiency? Try to avoid the situation or go to great lengths to get the file that needs editing into your preferred editor? Do you have one or two editors you're proficient with that you can switch between without problems? Do you change the keybindings of other editors to more closely match your preferred editor?
I work as a support technician, which means I'm frequently working on customer systems remotely. The unfortunate side effect is that I rarely have any choice over what editor I get to use in those situations. Generally speaking there's not a whole lot you can do about it unless the situation is one where it's feasible for you to install a new editor or bring a USB thumb drive or something similar with your editor pre-installed on it. In such a situation, by all means, if you plan to be working for an extended time period, take advantage of the opportunity. You'll work faster and more efficiently and it will be less frustrating.
In an environment (e.g. webex/RDC) where you cannot install software or use temporary media, you have two choices: live with whatever editor they have, or copy files back and forth from your system. Typically if I'm doing very minor editing I just suck it up and use whatever editor is available. If I know I'm going to be doing an extensive amount of editing, I find a way to transfer the file I'm working on back and forth. This still stinks, forcing you to interrupt your editing flow with file transfers, but I find my sanity makes it worth not struggling with something like notepad to do real editing or programming.
The advantage of using either vim or emacs as an editor is precisely that it's available on virtually any decently configured Unix platform (and this includes more esoteric systems as well, e.g. Darwin/OS X). Combined with the fact that you can store your configuration online (e.g. Dotfiles) this makes for a very strong argument, because the problem you described simply doesn't exist.
Since I work primarily in a windows environment, I keep Notepad++ installed on a flash drive. That way I can just pop the usb drive into a machine and have a quality editor, without having to install anything.
On machines I'm using for longer periods, I use SciTE. I also use Dvorak keyboard. When guesting on machines, everything is different anyway as the keys are in illogical places. I just edit with what's there, or pass the file to source control and edit on my machine.
I resort to using notepad on win machines at client sites. Especially since I know that installing anything is not an option and I know that notepad will always be there.
For me the only time this happens is when I'm using someone else's system since I typically install a text editor that I am reasonably familiar with on each system that I own/use regularly. In that case, if I'm struggling too much, I move over and let the other person take the wheel (keyboard). FWIW, I use TextMate (sometimes vim) on OSX, TextPad (sometimes Notepad or even Edit on servers not under my direct control) on Windows, and vim on Linux.
I got comfortable with a couple different editors - vi, eclipse, and PFE. If I'm using some other editor short-term, I just deal with it. If it's longer term, Google is my friend, and I go download one I like.
On windows i convince everybody to install notepad++
On mac TextMate rules
On linux vim
I use vi under linux and Ultraedit under Windows.
Vi is a must if you are doing some linux administration or if
you are working directly in a shell.
A mouse oriented editor is useful if you are working under a
windowing system.
Anyway, I think you need to know the basics of both.
I work regularly on Linux and Windows, and occasionally on OS X. Having to switch editors between them is a pain, so the obvious solution would be using some cross-platform editor. Right now I'm experimenting with Komodo Edit, which looks pretty promising.
If there's no decent editor in the machine, it doesn't take long to download and install one.
If you are programming under windows you might want to take a look at e text editor its basically TextMate for windows and supports the bundles and everything.

Printing code with syntax highlighting? [closed]

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I have occasion to need to print code (Horrors!!! ;) ), and i was wondering what editor or tool would i use to print that code out with proper formatting and syntax highlighting? If it's important, it will be c# code but ideally the tool will work for as many languages as possible. Can Notepad++ or something handle this?
You can use Vim! It's probably installed already if you're on modern Linux/MacOS and an easy install if not.
:syntax will turn syntax highlighting on and :hardcopy will print it. There's syntax highlighting definitions for many languages out there. The default look is usually optimised for screen display, but you can fix that.
Simply open the file on command line with vim <filename>, type :syntax on<ENTER>, then :hardcopy<ENTER> to print it. Quit Vim with :q!<ENTER>.
There's also the :TOhtml command which will open the current selection as HTML in a new Vim window. Capture the entire document with :%y<ENTER> followed by :TOhtml<ENTER> to open it.
Yes, Notepad++ can certainly print code with syntax highlighting.
Colour printing would obviously be preferable, but on the occasions when I've printed in black and white, the subtle differences in colour [rendered as shades of grey, of course] can be difficult to distinguish.
However, I think a little customisation of the colour schemes should make this less of a problem.
New Answer:
Use TextMate. It prints colored code automatically. There's no setup. Just print. In case previous or newer versions can't do this I'm using TextMate version 2.0.23
Old Answer, and the answer for people who don't have Macs:
Use vim. Its the easiest method to do it in my experience by far, that is, once you know how.
Vim comes pre-installed on Macs, btw. And I know how you special people like colors, so I'm going to make this impatientbusinessman-proof for the benefit of all.
1.) open file
vim filename.m
2.) enable syntax coloration (mine did not have enabled by default)
:syntax on
3.) print
Vim will choose your system's default printer without asking you so make sure you set that up first.
4.) exit the program (this is actually not a given)
:q is one option. It supports a ton of languages, and since it's written as a python library, you can script the conversion process however you want.
Visual Studio will, and allows you have a completely separate configuration for printing.
I recently compared the 2 solutions already mentioned : vim & pygments. They both give great results, but there is how you can practically use them quickly:
pygments does not provide direct export to PDF. Hence, the simplest solution I found was to export to HTML and then use wkhtmltopdf. You can combine both operations using the following bash script:
src2pdf () {
local noext="${1%.*}"
pygmentize -O full -o "$noext.html" "$1"
# enabling line wrapping in <pre> blocks
perl -i -wpe '/<style.*>$/&&($_.="pre{white-space:pre-wrap;}\n")' "$noext.html"
wkhtmltopdf "$noext.html" "$noext.pdf"
rm "$noext.html"
for vim, it's as simple as this: TERM=xterm-256color vim '+hardcopy >' +q code.src
I found out that the $TERM environment variable can affect the output colors, so I prefer to set it explicitly.
And finally, you may need to tweak your .vimrc a little:
set printfont=:h9
set printoptions=number:y,left:5pc
The tool called enscript is very much the tool for doing this. It is very powerful, is not tied to an editor nor a language and you can create PDF's with syntax highlighting.
The documentation pretty much says it all.
enscript man page
Under unix you might want to try a2ps. It is flexible and produces nice results.
I while ago I created a household python script that wraps pygments into a small console utility. It works with any language supported by pygments.
Also if you happen to use eclipse, you could simply copy the selected text in the editor and then paste it in a RTF-aware editor like MS Word - it will preserve all the colors, fonts and formatting.
If you have problems with Visual Studio 2012 concerning the highlighted printing an handeling the described problem:
Download and install this Power Tool which implements the color
printing, besides some other features and bug fixes. Works for me!
Solution For Bash Shell
Add this line to ~/.bashrc if you are using UBUNTU
or, to ~/.bash_profile if you are using MAC
If that file does not exists, create it.
alias lprc='vim -me -c ":syntax on" -c ":hardcopy" -c ":q"'
source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.bash_profile
To print colored just do this:
lprc instead of lpr
Use ConTEXT programming editor (which is free). I am using it for both generating .pdf-s with syntax highlighted source code and printing to paper.
There are many ConTEXT syntax highlihting definitions to download and you can make your own highligher file which will BTW be highlighted using the ConTEXT Highlighter Files highlighter definition.
I do it downloading js and css files from
There are so many 5-7 options to select the theme and language highlighter. Once you select a theme and download the tiny js/css files the next thing you need to do is rename the code file to html, and call the css/js files. Open the html in a browser and print it. Done!
You can also use this in case you've to print with bnw syntax highlighting
