Ruby Ebook for building social neworking site [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to build a basic Social networking site in Rails.
Can you please suggest me some ebooks for that or any web resource.

Lovd by Less is essentially a "social-network starter kit" built on Rails.

RailSpace By Micheal Hartl. It focuses on Rails 1.1 or 1.2 but I'm sure you'll be able to get rolling with that book.
But if your looking for something specific it would be great if you could list some of your requirements.
.Practical ROR Social networking sites

I can also recommend the Practical ROR Social Networking Sites book that Sid mentioned. I've used it before and it covers pretty much everything you'd want to know about building a "social network" site in Rails.

I can do you one better.
This is the screencast for creating a Twitter clone. It deals with following/follower associations. I practically learned how to make my site using the screen cast.

Site points simply rails 2
This is a great book to start learning rails with. The book focuses on building a site like Reddit/Digg.


property web builder app [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been working on the Propertywebbuilder app on Heroku.
I am looking for help on how to:
edit the html, so i can add an item to the footer.
I would also like to know how i can add more functionality to the app.
it is built with Ruby on rails.
here is the link to the app: PropertywebBuilder
I have deployed it on Heroku and have been playing around, but would like to learn how to improve and add things to it.
many thanks
You need to learn about Rails no one is just going to code for you, unless you're paying them some serious money at least.
The two best resources that helped me learn Ruby on Rails are below. The first is a free book by Michael Hartl he also has some screencasts but you have to buy those.
the second resource was a company called the Pragmatic Studio that I actually learned about from reading Hartl's book. they offer a low cost Rails I and Rails II course that is extremely good. It got me up and building web apps quickly.

Which one is better and cheaper for rails apps? Heroku or Google App Engine? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am beginner in ROR. I am working on one project. I want to know the better option between for deployment of the app.
My answer will be more conceptual, rather then technical.
This is the first time I hear about Google App Engine in case of Rails. This is mostly a crucial reason, why I would say, that you definitely better go with Heroku.
While you are a beginner, it's better to use the most widely spread solutions and tools. Heroku has a huge history and you can find any answers in the internet very easily. It's well known among rails community and everyone can make a small consultation according to it.
Even if Google App Engine would be better or cheaper (haven't checked it), you shouldn't start such experiments until you have good deploy/rails knowledge.

Ruby on Rails for developing Real Time Application? or Node.js? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can Ruby on Rails be used for developing Real Time Application (similar to like Facebook, twitter, geekList ) ? What sort of database (NoSql), REST API is required ? Node.js seems to be popular for RTA. Any insight will be greatly appreciated?
You can try with Faye, but if you want development real time application, I think Node.js is the best. :)...Sorry, I'm only beginner developer :)
Ruby and Rails can definitely be used for that (twitter was originally a Rails app). What kind of db you need will depend on the specifics of your application. I am guessing from your question that you are a beginner. In that case, I would guess this is one of your first applications and you are trying to figure out which technology to you. I suggest you pick whichever one you are most interested in. You can do the kind of application you are talking about in most modern web frameworks.

Where to begin when developing a Rails app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a beginner at web development and wanted to know where to begin when developing a web application. More specifically I am using RoR and wanted to know is there a particular stack developers start with for instance would it be better to start developing models or views? Or do I have the wrong approach all together.
This will guide you through installation and 'hello world' in rails.
And I highly recommend this book, if you are serious about rails. Finish it completely. It would give you insights which might take months to comprehend if you are searching only in web.
Book link:
Rails sort of has two "default" stacks, as this blog post helpfully explains:
You'll see that mr. Klabnik also has some thoughts about the difficulty this creates for new developers. I'd recommend not worrying too much about all the different tools that are available to you at first. Wait until you have a problem or are experiencing some pain and then find a tool to solve that problem. Before that, just jump in and learn as you go. Or at least, that's how I'd approach it, but people learn differently!

Authentication for Rails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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For those of you familiar with M. Hartl's RoR Tutorial, do you know if the latest authentication system taught in the book is full proof for a large scale application or would you recommend going in with a ready made authentication systems like Devise or OAuth.
I find the system taught in the book very easy to follow as compared to the ready made systems. I am just not sure if there are any security loopholes in it.
Go with Devise.
Rolling out your own authentication system is great for practice, but many minds beats one, especially when it comes to security.
