C# Export cert in pfx format - pki

NET to export a certificate from the cert store into a PFX file. I'm trying to use the X509certificate2.Export method with the X509ContentType.Pfx flag set, but am unsure how to handle the returned byte array and output it correctly to file.
Any help appreciated.

Judging by the date, you may have already figured this out, but all you have to do is write the returned byte array directly to a file:
byte[] certData = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, "MyPassword");
File.WriteAllBytes(#"C:\MyCert.pfx", certData);


Read into Dask from Minio raises issue with reading / converting binary string JSON into utf8

I'm trying to read JSON-LD into Dask from Minio. The pipeline works but the strings come from Minio as binary strings
with oss.open('gleaner/summoned/repo/file.jsonld', 'rb') as f:
results in
b'\n{\n "#context": "http://schema.org/",\n "#type": "Dataset",\n ...
I can simply convert this with
with oss.open('gleaner/summoned/repo/file.jsonld', 'rb') as f:
and now everything is as I expect it.
However, I am working with Dask and when reading into the a bag with
dgraphs = db.read_text('s3://bucket/prefa/prefb/*.jsonld',
"key": key,
"secret": secret,
"client_kwargs": {"endpoint_url":"https://example.org"}
I can not get the content coming from Minio to become strings vs binary strings. I need these converted before they hit the json.loads map I suspect.
I assume I can inject the "decode" in here somehow as well, but I can't resolve how.
As the name implies, read_text opens the remote file in text mode, equivalent to open(..., 'rt'). The signature of read_text includes the various decoding arguments, such as UTF8 as the default encoding. You should not need to do anything else, but please post a specific error if you are having trouble, ideally with example file contents.
If your data isn't delimited by lines, read_text might not be right for you, and you can do something like
def read_a_file(fn):
# or preferably open in text mode and json.load from the file
with oss.open('gleaner/summoned/repo/file.jsonld', 'rb') as f:
return json.loads(f.read().decode("utf-8"))
output = [read_a_file(f) for f in filenames]
and then you can create a bag or dataframe from this, as required.

How to get X509Certificate field in Swift

I’m trying to Sign a XML document in iOS. I already created a digestValue and a SignatureValue using a pfx file, but I cannot generate the X509Certificate field inside KeyInfo field. I know I only need the pfx file to generate this, but how could I do it in iOS?
Thank you.
I got it.
I had to import OpenSSL lib to my project as a pod:
pod 'OpenSSL-Universal', '~> 1.0'
Then I created an Objective-C file to use the C functions of OpenSSL, and use the following functions to get the PEM value:
d2i_PKCS12: read certificate
PKCS12_parse: parse the certificate to X509 object.
PEM_write_bio_X509: parse the X509 data to a BIO object.
BIO_get_mem_ptr: parse the BIO data to a MEM data
Then I allocated a NSString using the mem->data, and there is the Certificate PEM value.
For more details about the functions, I followed this documentation:

botocore.excceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidTextEncoding) when calling the SelectObjectContent operation

while executing below code through python
response= S3.select_object_content(Bucket=S3_bucket_name,Key=S3_file_Key,ExpressionType='SQL', Expression="select count(*) from s3object", InputSerialization={'CSV': {"FileHeaderInfo": header_usage},'CompressionType':compressformat}, OutputSerialization={'CSV': {}},)
I am getting error like
Traceback (most recent call last):
File OutputSerialization={'CSV': {}},)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/botocore/client.py", line 320, in _api_call
return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/botocore/client.py", line 623, in _make_api_call
raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)
**ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidTextEncoding) when calling the SelectObjectContent operation: UTF-8 encoding is required. The text encoding error was found near byte 49,152.**
I searched for Invalid text Encoding in boto3 but couldn't found.
Can you please help me to check this?
Thanks in advance
The data you wish you receive has the wrong Output serialization. The output serialization Describes the format of the data that you want Amazon S3 to return in response, and you are asking it to return a format that has the wrong encoding. I cannot test your code myself because I only have small bits of it, but you need to encode your serialized output to utf-8 format, otherwise the Amazon S3 storage service can't serialize your response. Probably you need to expand OutputSerialization={'CSV': {}} to make sure that your respone is coded in UTF-8 format.
Maybe these resources can help you:
Select object content parameter guide
select Object Content description
Sadly "UTF-8 encoding is required." means that object is not matching required format.
Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_SelectObjectContent.html
UTF-8 - UTF-8 is the only encoding type Amazon S3 Select supports.

File object from URL

I'd like to create a file object from an image located at a specific url. I'm downloading the file with Net Http:
img = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse('https://prium-solutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/rails-1.png'))
file = File.read(img.body)
However, I get ArgumentError: string contains null byte when trying to read the file and store in into the file variable.
How can I do this without having to store it locally ?
Since File deals with reading from storage, it's really not applicable here. The read method is expecting you to hand it a location to read from, and you're passing in binary data.
If you have a situation where you need to interface with a library that expects an object that is streaming, you can wrap the string body in a StringIO object:
file = StringIO.new(img)
# you can now call file.read, file.seek, file.rewind, etc.

unzOpen returns null while unzipping tz file in iphone

I am using ZipArchive to unzip tz files in my iphone App. It works fine when I have a sample tz file which contains text files inside it. However, my main usage is to try to unzip a tz file containing Json files. When I try to do that nothing happens as I am not able to access my file and I am not coming to a conclusion regarding to what am I doing wrong here?
Only thing I have come to know is this
_unzFile = unzOpen( (const char*)[zipFile UTF8String] );
This line of code returns me a proper _unzFile and works fine with the sample .tz file which contains .txt files. However, when I try it with my .tz file which contains a json file in it, _unzFile contains nothing (i.e 0x0). Is there any problem with UTF8String function? Or else what am I doing wrong?
Please help! Thanks.
Generally it is the problem of the zip file to be uncompressed. In my condition, I used some other files, compress them manually and decompress them with the code, the unzOpen works properly. I used ASIHTTPRequest, downloaded and renamed the zip file, I suppose it could be made wrong here. Therefore, check the zip file itself please.
