Bash Command which Rails does Not Find - ruby-on-rails

Passenger says:
Ruby on Rails application could not be started
Command 'exiftool' not found (MiniExiftool::Error)
When I login with ssh and I type exiftool in any directory the command works properly.
I have the follwing line in both .bash_profile and .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
Is it possible that Rails (MiniExiftool plugin) does not recognize that bash command? How can I fix this behaviour?

The PATH for the user your server runs as does not include the directory that exiftool is in. You can either add it to that user's path, or you can refer to exiftool using its full path. I'd recommend this second approach for reasons of security. There are a number of attacks that involve putting trojan horses in a user's path ahead of the directories where the real binaries live.


New to Command Prompt - Do I need to prefix every command with "Jruby -S ..."

I'm new to using Window's Command Prompt, and also to developing with Ruby on Rails. Possibly a silly question but one that I'm sure everyone who learns with CodeCademy will end up asking; right now I'm prefixing every command for my project with 'Jruby -S ...", for example:
C:\users\MyName\MyProject> Jruby -S rails new MyApp
C:\users\MyName\MyProject> Jruby -S bundle install
C:\users\MyName\MyProject> Jruby -S rake db:migrate
Can I use some kind of alternative shell to save me typing Jruby -S every time? I'm aware of bash and powershell but have basically zero knowledge of whether I should be using them...
Thanks folks!
Lots of helpful suggestions below, but I was really looking for a shell to mimic the functionality of the console on (which I believe is supposed to work like a Mac's 'bash' program?). Thanks anyway.
I'm new to using Window's Command Prompt
The CMD works very similarly to the GUI/Shell -- you have to call applications and then run commands with them.
The difference between CMD and windows is that CMD is "naked" - you have to ensure all the paths are correct, and that you're calling the correct application each time.
For example, calling rails server literally translates as:
Program = ruby.exe / rails
Command = server
CMD uses the PATH environment variable to make this process smoother.
The PATH var basically allows you to reference applications on your computer from the CLI (command line interface). This means that if you have an application (EG ruby.exe), you can add the ruby.exe directory to your PATH variable, allowing you to call ruby ... straight from cmd.
In your case, I don't have much experience with JRuby; I do know, however, that if you want to invoke the functionality of that application, you have to call it from the cli.
Hopefully my answer gives some context.
You can do that with powershell.
I'm sure that there should be a better way to do that, but you can try this
$ruby = "Jruby"
$s = "-S"
& $ruby $s rails new MyApp
I don't work on windows, however the jruby zip files on the download site have a bin directory with .bat and .exe files for jruby, rake, and gem. You could just add the directory you installed jruby to and the 'bin' subdirectory to your PATH to start.
set JRUBY_HOME= your_installed_jruby
I don't know what the windows installer does, but I would think it would do something similar.

How do I run 'rails server' inside a shell script?

I'm trying to write a shell script that automatically runs my rails app in a virtual machine.
My script code is this:
cd /home/lgdelacruz/SampleApp
rails server
But for some reason it doesn't see all the dependencies. this gives me the error
/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory
I'm positive ruby is installed in the virtual machine. I can run rails server by manually going inside my virtual machine going to my SampleApp folder and running rails server there and everything works fine. But for some reason when I put all that in a shell script. it doesn't work.
You've probably got to initialize RVM in your script first. Try putting this line in:
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
You might also need to specify a gemset, if you're using something other than the default:
rvm use #mygemset
See the RVM scripting docs for details.
In your shell script, you've reset your path to only include /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p481/bin. ruby is usually installed somewhere like /usr/local/bin
instead you could concatenate that directory onto the end of your existing path.
something like:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0.p482/bin

Run script from dock in Mac OS X

I am developing web applications using Ruby on Rails and Sublime Text 3 on OS X 10.8.4. I recently installed the package RubyTest. The tests only work when Sublime is launched using the command
in terminal. Otherwise I get the error message:
/bin/sh: rspec: command not found
I think that's meant to be the case; that's implied in RubyTest's readme file on github.
However I'd like to retain the ability to launch from the dock. Is there a way I can do this?
Unfortunately, OSX applications do not pick up on your $PATH variable set in Terminal. To change the internal PATH settings in Mountain Lion (this method hasn't been tested with previous versions, although it should work), you'll need to edit /etc/launchd.conf:
Make sure you have admin privileges.
Open Terminal or your favorite substitute and see if there's anything in the file /etc/launchd.conf:
cat /etc/launchd.conf
If you get an error like
cat: /etc/launchd.con: No such file or directory
then continue with the next step. If the cat command does display some content, copy it to the clipboard.
Create a new text file with the following content, modified to fit your needs:
setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/Users/YourUserName/bin:/path/to/gems/bin
If the cat command displayed some content in the previous step, paste it into the new file before the setenv PATH command. If it already contains a setenv PATH command, just modify it to add the directories you need, such as /path/to/gems/bin
Save the new file in your home directory (/Users/YourUserName) as launchd.conf.
Go back to Terminal and enter:
sudo mv ~/launchd.conf /etc
to use admin power to move the new file to /etc, replacing anything that was there before. Depending on your previous usage of the sudo command, you may get a short "be careful doing what you're doing" message, but either way you'll need to enter your password. /etc is not directly accessible through the Save dialog unless you're a real power user and know how to get around OSX's file system restrictions.
Reboot your computer
And you should be all set. If you're interested, launchd and launchctl use the csh/tcsh syntax, so you can't use the bash/zsh export PATH=/usr/local/bin:... format.

How do I put PostgreSQL /bin directory on my path in Windows?

I've got a fairly simple question I guess. I'm working on a Ruby on Rails app.
I'm trying to switch to PostgreSQL thanks to Heroku.
In my database.yml file it states:
Install PostgreSQL and put its /bin directory on your path.
My question is how do I put PostgreSQL's /bin directory on my path? Exactly which file do I modify and how?
I imagine this is my issue since when I run the "rails db" command i get:
"Couldn't find database client: psql,psql.exe. Check your $PATH and try again."
Thanks everyone!
Append the directory to system PATH (not user PATH) by Environment Variables, using a semicolon to separate it from the previous entry.
You can find it from control pannel -> system -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
Ran into the same issue and tried the solution mentioned here
[user#host user]$
bash: psql: command not found
[user#host user]$
echo $PATH
[user#host user]$
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/pgsql/bin
[user#host user]$
psql testdb
Should do the trick.
You need to install Postgres first then add the path to system properties > environment variables > in system variables section you will see PATH variable
This is my preferred way of adding a new location to the PATH environment variable (on modern Red-Hat-based systems):
echo 'export PATH="/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin:$PATH"' | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/
PATH is a colon : separated list of directories that are search, in order, for a called program.
Profile configurations under /etc are persistent for all users (but require the active shell to source them to take effect).
The version number is tacked on to the PostgreSQL directory when it is installed from their repository.

I'm clearly missing something... 'ruby' doesn't work but './ruby' does (centos 5.5, installed from source)

Trying to get a rails server running nicely.
downloaded ruby 1.8.7 using link from rails page.
did ./configure/make/install, installed it fine.
tried ruby -v , got nothing.
tried ./ruby -v from the folder and it worked.
I feel like i've gone from understanding something about unix, to completely lost. Clearly ruby is working as a 'daemon', but not running as it should. Any help would be MUCH appreciated. Losing too much hair through this process :(
can you see where make install put the ruby executeable?
if you do, check if this dir is in your $PATH by
echo $PATH
In general, unix needs to know where to find the executable file to be able to run it. It uses $PATH to find this executable file.
So if you type "ruby" it will go look at you $PATH and then look in each of those directories for a file named "ruby". If it can't find it in any of those directories it should then also look in the current directory.
So, this whole process will fail if:
a) the directory that contains the executable ruby file is not in any of the directories in $PATH AND
b) the executable is not in the current directory
... one more alternative is that is is available in one of these directories... but is not actually marked as being executable by you. You can check this by making sure you're int e directory with the ruby file and typing "ls -l ./ruby"
That will list the ruby file along with all its permissions and who owns it.
It should be something like:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2010-02-14 10:45 ./ruby
Notice the rwx. If your ruby doesn't have x then you'll need to add executable permission using chmod eg: "chmod 755 ./ruby"
Also note the "root root" - that means it's owned by root - in general, this means that only root can run it. In this particular example it has eXecute permission for everyone so everybody can run it, but if you do not have execute permission set like this, then it means that if you are trying to run it as yourself, you won't have permission, and you should either add full permissions or try running it using: "sudo ruby"
However - by the sounds of it - the most likely problem is that you just don't have the ruby executable's directory in your $PATH. You will need to fix this even if you get it running right now - because, in future, you will need to run ruby from directories other than the current one.
You will need to google for instructions on adding things to your $PATH - because it differs depending on your version of linux and your current shell, but it's not very difficult.
Which shell are you running? If tcsh, you may need a "rehash". Otherwise, as leifg says, add the directory containing the ruby executable to your path.
