commenting with login w/twitter or facebook connect - ruby-on-rails

Im building my blog in rails and I want to enable comments
I would like to have something posterous-like with a "facebook connect" and "login with twitter" option. The user can login with one of them and then post. No anonymous posts.
I dont want to add more login-services, just stay simple (i.e. no disqus)
How can I do this?

I would suggest authlogic, like Devenv said. The tutorial on Railscast is very helpful. Also the author of authlogic himself created an example application as a tutorial
Authlogic can be extended to work with facebook and twitter with authlogic plugins:
Facebook with authlogic_facebook_connect:
$ sudo gem install facebooker
$ script/plugin install git://
then you can follow the Readme of authlogic_facebook_connect on github
Twitter with authlogic_oauth:
$ sudo gem install oauth
$ sudo gem install authlogic-oauth
then you can follow the Readme of authlogic_oauth on github again
Now you can enable login via facebook or twitter. Authlogic can do a lot more than that. If you want to, you can enable your railsapp to use openid authlogic_openid, too.

There are plugins that help with these, though the only example of both I have seen is this one (which I have not used):
Probably worth looking at the code even if you don't use this plugin.

What I use is authlogic with authlogic_facebook_connect
and of course you'll need facebooker and set up a facebook app etc...
authlogic takes some time to setup so - podcast


Internal server error response during rails omniauth docusign callback

I am connecting to DocuSign via oauth with Rails 6 and Omniauth - it seems I have it configured correctly since visiting /auth/docusign takes me to the DocuSign login screen. After logging in, it takes me to the callback. The callback is failing because the omniauth-docusign gem is failing with the user_info hash. Where it should be getting user_info['accounts'] it is getting this:
user_info #=> {"error"=>"internal_server_error", "reference_id"=>"a0f0e8c9-2faa-4b70-90b8-875ae40f13cf"}
My API Dashboard for the App shows no log or request info. 0 total requests. Is there a log area for oauth attempts, or where to use this reference ID?
Can someone at DocuSign help with this? Your developer support page seems to say to ask here on S/O.
It appears that you didn't configure everything correctly for your Integration Key (IK which is like clientId) as well as clientSecret and the rest of the configuration that you can do for your IK.
I would suggest that you can get a pre-built Ruby application that already had this all done for you and save you some work by going to the Quickstart. This would enable you to go get a ZIP file pre-configurated with all the required gems and everything needed for auth already set based on your own developer account.
Update: if you then want to take this code into your own app, you need to also get the authentication code supplied lib/docusign.rb instead of a gem like omniauth-docusign.
As Inbar Gazit said, it's important to use the Quickstart app, which I was doing. However, not only do I already have my own existing rails app, even if I didn't, I wouldn't want to have to clean out all the extra stuff in the quickstart app that I don't need. It would be nice to have a minimal script for installing just the bare minimum into an existing rails app to get authenticated and start using the API.
In the end, the solution for me was to notice and copy the lib/docusign.rb file from the Quickstart app, instead of using an omniauth-docusign gem. The base omniauth gem had advised me to find and install that gem because there was no strategy defined for docusign. The quickstart lib file is what I needed.

Authlogic_oauth2 alternative for Rails 2.3

In order to let users signup and login using facebook I used the authlogic_oauth2 gem (v.1.1.2) along with oauth2 (v. 0.0.10) and authlogic (2.1.6) in a Rails 2.3 application.
Everything worked well for more than 2 years but from a month or so, users are not able to login or signup with Facebook anymore.
I don't know what happened but I didn't changed anything so it seems that Facebook changed something on their end and authlogic_oauth2 doesn't seem to be able to work anymore.
Which could be the easiest way to fix the issue and bring back user login/signup with facebook?
Is there any better gem to help on the job?
Thanks in advance,
I doubt that you may have done some changes in your present application unknowingly that caused the login and logout failures.
One possible cause of the problem might be the redirections from: to based on the changes that you made. Check the blog that mentions this problem.
The fix is to set: config.action_controller.session[:domain] = '.YOURDOMAIN.COM' inside of environment.rb (Make sure to prefix it with the .). That will make cookies work for both and (as well as any other subdomains).
I also recommend to check the login behavior in different environments: Development and Production and then check the output in the log files clearly.
This may help you to tweak the problem domain, as you mentioned that your code was working previously.
there is an update in facebook oauth and it is mentioned that all applications need to be updated to the latest version of oauth.
So that is the possible cause for your problem.
It outlines a plan requiring all sites and apps to migrate to OAuth 2.0, process the signed_request parameter, and obtain an SSL certificate by October 1.
check the link below:
I found the solution: Omniauth works perfectly fine with Rails 2.3 and there is even a demo app on how to integrate it with Authlogic.
A popular one would be Devise which plays well with Omniauth. I am not sure of the compatibilities with rails 2 though, maybe time to upgrade...
Any reason you can not use Koala?

Building a new strategy for Omniauth, but Omniauth can't find it

I'm new to Rails and to Omniauth, so sorry in advance for the dumb
I'm trying to do an Omniauth strategy for the Deezer website.
First, I set up a basic rails application to test the Facebook strategy.
Here is my code in Github :
And it works fine. Good.
Then I added those files in my app lib directory
and added
provider :deezer, ENV['DEEZER_APP_ID'],
ENV['DEEZER_APP_SECRET'], :perms => 'basic_access,email'
But when I start the app with
rails s
I get the following error message
/home/geoffroy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290#rails3tutorial2ndEd/gems/omniauth-1.0.2/lib/omniauth/builder.rb:33:in `rescue in provider': Could not find matching strategy for :deezer. You may need to install an additional gem (such as omniauth-deezer). (LoadError) from /home/geoffroy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290#rails3tutorial2ndEd/gems/omniauth-1.0.2/lib/omniauth/builder.rb:30:in `provider'
Thanks for your help
I added
require 'omniauth-deezer'
in initializers/omniauth.rb and it worked.
I don't really understand why I need it and Facebook doesn't.
In the Upgrading to 1.0 doc it is mentioned that Omniauth needs a gem for every provider now, so you'll have to move your provider to a gem eventually.
For future reference, if you want to add your own omniauth strategy, add this to your gemfile
gem 'omniauth-mystrategy', :path => '~/full-path-to-the-omniauth-folder/'
You´ll be using the local repository feauture of the gemfiles.
In the official bundler page you´ll see how to use remote repos also.

Authlogic_OpenID - "uninitialized constant Rack::OpenID"

So I followed the railscast tutorial ( and used the old version of the plugin from Ryan's git file. I can now successfuly create/register a user using OpenID (Google), but I cannot log in with this user. When I submit the OpenID that has been registered, I get "uninitialized constant Rack::OpenID". Any ideas?
I would suggest trying the latest version of the plugin, or the gem.
Things change quick in rails, and old code can break with new versions of rails.
I would suggest trying Devise, it is easier for integrate OpenId, Facebook, Tweeter ...

Any working tutorials for Authlogic?

I've been trying to build my first rails app and have gotten stuck on the issue of user authentication. I've found a number of tutorials for using various plug-ins to do this, but so far every single one of them is out-dated, and as a result, broken!
From what I've read, I think Authlogic may be the best fit for me, and I've tried two things:
1) Going through Railscast, episode #160 (which is a tutorial for setting it up)
2) Using Ryan B's nifty_authentication gem with the --authlogic tag
In both cases, I get the following error as soon as I try to do anything with a user:
undefined local variable or method `acts_as_authentic' for #
I believe this is from the User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
I'm sure I've installed the authlogic gem, and I've added
config.gem "authlogic"
to my environment.rb
Any ideas about what's wrong? Anybody know of a complete and up to date tutorial for adding user authentication?
I'm running Ruby v. 1.8.6 and rails v. 2.3.5
There is one thing that Ryan Bates in the RailsCasts episode doesn't talk about is about creating sessions table in your database. Type rake db:sessions:create in the console and run the migration rake db:migrate. Also like ghoppe says run rake gems:install after installing the gem. That is a requisite.
Here's an example app with a step-by-step guide - it's from last year but should still be mostly if not entirely accurate:
Since you added that line to your environment.rb, have you tried rake gems:install to ensure the gem is installed and working correctly?
Also, what version of Ruby? What version of Rails? Have you tried running gem environment and gem list to make sure they're installed and running from the right place?
Another option is to use authlogic as a plugin, with:
script/plugin install git://
It also helps to look at a projects that uses authlogic as authentication module, like the fat_free_crm project, have a look at user.rb there
Last but not least, there is an active mailing list:
authlogic mailing list
Becoming popular is also the devise gem. Here you can add authentication with script/generate devise and you will have some views for login as well.
I forked that authlogic_example and added activity_tracker, authlogic, paperclip for user profile images, declarative_authorization, and user to user messages.
