ASP.NET MVC : Create an ambient value -

I have a simple web-site. Almost every action takes int toonId as an argument (toonId does not equate to the user: one user can own multiple toons).
At the moment I provide that value to every view from controller, and every link and submit button sends this value back to the controller.
This works. I am just looking for an easier way to accomplish this (AOP comes to mind).
I use cookies to persist "favorite/default toon", and this works fine (used with ActionAttribute, that takes toonId from cookie and passes is to the toonId argument, if toonId wasn't provided). But I want to support cookie-less sessions as well.
Question: What is an easy way to add ambient variable to the page, without passing it explicitly all over? Such that it would work with cookie-less browsers.
Is Viewstate a way to go (which isn't supposed to be in the MVC)?
Is server-side session a way to go?

This is exactly what session is meant for.
There is no page lifecycle in mvc, hence no viewstate.

I believe you can automatically pass query string parameters for use cookie-less browsers if you plug in your own implementation of IRouteHandler. I have not tried it though. I found an example of implementing IRouteHandler although it does not show how to implement the query string parameter functionality.

I'm not clear on what 'toonid' represents. If it's 'ambient per user session', then as womp stated, Session state would work well for this. However, if it's somethign that has a larger scope (e.g. a colleciton of toonids that are commonly accessed by all users) then teh Cache would be a better and more scalable strategy.


How do I maintain a specific query string across all requests?

If someone goes to our website with a query string key of ref (for example, is it possible to maintain that query string on all future links/form posts?
So for example, I may have a link on our website to go to I would want this to be translated into
Ideally I want to know if this is possible to do by inspecting the previous URL and adding it to the current URL when the request for the page is made, maybe by intercepting the route and appending the key (if it doesn't exist already).
The project is an MVC 4 application.
You could actually pass it along by adding it to every single URL, but that would require manually adding to each use of Html.ActionLink, etc. (or I suppose you could create a custom HTML Helper to do that for you, but then every developer who works on your project would need to remember to always use the custom helper), as well as all redirects and such in your controller actions. Long and short, this would be very time consuming and very fragile.
Your best bet is to simply intercept the initial request with the querystring parameter and then set a session var. Then, you can simply check for the presence of the session var instead of the querystring parameter.
To handle all this logic, your best bet is to create a global action filter. There's pretty extensive documentation on Filters at MSDN. Once you create your filter, you just have to register it in FilterConfig.cs (in App_Start) to make it global.
Set the URL parameter in a cookie, and later in your code do whatever you want to do based on presence of that value in either the cookie or URL.
if(parameter set in cookie OR URL)
// do stuff
if(parameter set in URL)
// set the cookie so that future actions are also tagged with that parameter
Alternatively if you want such tagging to happen only for the session, set a session variable.
To do it in the way you suggested - You could rewrite all links on your page based on this tag, but that would be a roundabout, and costly, way of doing this. Most languages allow a hook that allows your code to process the HTML output before it is sent out to browser; just run a appropriate regex search and replace to get what you want. e.g. PHP has ob buffering and associated functions. You could use the equivalent for .Net.

ASP.NET MVC - How to best build a form action that can respond in many ways?

I am in the process of writing a web app that includes a reporting form. This form contains a number of radio buttons that allow the user to specify the return data.
There are about 6 different return data 'formats', and each of those has two variations - html data or JSON data for rendering to a chart.
I have begun coding it up and already my form post action method feels wrong.
I basically have a check on the requested data format and return it as needed. Each return type requires its own partial view / json object so there is little room for reusing code.
It feels like each one should have its own action method. Having the form post to different locations based on a radio button choice also feels wrong though.
Switching on report type and then redirecting to the appropriate action in the controller also feels like its not quite right.
Am I approaching this in the wrong way? As it currently stands my controller action contains a lot of code and a lot of logic...
Hope my query makes sense.
I don't think there is anything wrong with your approach. To maximize reuse you could:
include reusable templates inside your views
make sure the business/data layer code is the same everywhere (where possible)
I suppose the views you need to return actually are different for each combination of options so whatever approach you take, you are stuck with that.
I wouldn't opt for the client-side approach. You then have code on both the server and the client that has to be updated whenever you change anything. I would keep the code that receives a set of options and determines what to do with them in one place.
I know what you mean about it feeling like each format should be a separate action, but maybe a hybrid approach would make it feel better.
If you set the value of each radiobutton to the name of the action it relates to, you then, in your main POST action, have a parameter that you can use to call the appropriate action in one line of code. You don't have to fudge anything in Javascript, it's easily extensible, and you get your separate actions.
If I understand your problem right you have a lot of switch code in action.
I think you can use Factory pattern. You can create factory that will accept switch parameter as parameter and will return ActionResult instance.

Can I use a MVC Global Action Filter to disable form fields?

Some users of our application will have read-only access to many of our pages, in our current web forms app this means they see the form, but all of the fields are disabled. We're looking at MVC 3 and searching for the cleanest, most idiomatic way of implementing this functionality.
Some ideas so far:
Some combination of a global action filter and edit templates.
A custom Html helper, something like Html.SecureTextBox etc...
I'm leaning towards number 1, but I'm wondering if any of you guys/gals with more MVC experience have solved this problem in a better way.
I agree with using a base view model, or perhaps just an interface with a "CanEdit" type of property. If you go the interface route, you could set the property in an ActionFilter in the OnActionExecuted method.
To tie it to the view, creating a new HtmlHelper would be pretty easy. I'd use TextBoxFor as the base class, since it has access to the view's model. You can then inspect the property and create the necessary HTML attribute. However, with going this route you will need to create a new helper for each type of input control you need (textbox, select list, etc).
Without knowing all the details of what you are doing, a much simpler idea would be to not provide a Save button for read-only users. The Save button would be driven by one property in the view model (or ViewData, if you like).
Several other people mentioned that a server-side restriction is still needed to prevent people from bypassing the client-restrictions. You will need an action filter for this. This link has a good idea about that.
My preference would be to set a variable in a common base view model (or ViewData), using a global action filter, and then use a bit of jquery to dynamically disable the input fields, delete buttons etc.
$(':input').attr('readonly', true);

When is it right to use ViewData instead of ViewModels?

Assuming you wanted to develop your Controllers so that you use a ViewModel to contain data for the Views you render, should all data be contained within the ViewModel? What conditions would it be ok to bypass the ViewModel?
The reason I ask is I'm in a position where some of the code is using ViewData and some is using the ViewModel. I want to distribute a set of guidelines in the team on when it's right to use the ViewData, and when it's just taking shortcuts. I would like opinions from other developers who have dealt with this so that I know my guidelines aren't just me being biased.
Just to further Fabian's comment; you can explicitly ensure viewdata is never used by following the steps outlined in this article. There's really no excuse not to use models for everything.
If you have no choice but to use ViewData (say on an existing project); at the very least use string constants to resolve the names to avoid using 'magic strings'. Something along the lines of: ViewData[ViewDataKeys.MyKey] = myvalue; Infact, I use this for just about anything that needs to be "string-based" (Session Keys, Cache Keys, VaryByCustom output cache keys, etc).
One approach you may wish to consider as your views become more complex, is to reserve the use of Models for input fields, and use ViewData to support anything else the View needs to render.
There are at least a couple of arguments to support this:
You have a master-page that requires some data to be present (e.g. something like the StackOverflow user information in the header). Applying a site-wide ActionFilter makes it easy to populate this information in ViewData after every action. To put it in model would require that every other Model in the site then inherit from a base Model (this may not seem bad initially, but it can become complicated quickly).
When you are validating a posted form, if there are validation errors you are probably going to want to rebind the model (with the invalid fields) back to the view and display validation messages. This is fine, as data in input fields is posted back and will be bound to the model, but what about any other data your view requires to be re-populated? (e.g. drop-down list values, information messages, etc) These will not be posted back, and it can become messy re-populating these onto the model "around" the posted-back input values. It is often simpler to have a method which populates the ViewData with the..view data.
In my experience I have found this approach works well.
And, in MVC3, the dynamic ViewModels means no more string-indexing!
I personally never use ViewData, everything goes through the Model, except when im testing something and i quickly need to be able to see the value on the view. Strongtyping!
In terms of ASP.NET MVC 2, ViewModel pattern is the preferred approach. The approach takes full advantage of compile time static type checking. This in combination with compiling mvc views will make your development work-flow much faster and more productive since errors are detected during build/compile time as opposed to run time.

Redirect After Post in ASP.NET MVC

I am using the Redirect After Post pattern in my ASP.NET MVC application. I have
the following scenario:
User goes to /controller/index where he is asked to fill a form.
Form values are POSTed to /controller/calculate.
The Calculate action performs calculation based on input and instantiates a complex object containing the results of the operation. This object is stored in TempData and user is redirected to /controller/result.
/controller/result retrieves the result from TempData and renders them to the user.
The problem with this approach is that if the user hits F5 while viewing the results in /controller/result the page can no longer be rendered as TempData has been expired and the result object is no longer available.
This behavior is not desired by the users. One possible solution would be instead of redirecting after the POST, just rendering the results view. Now if the user hits F5 he gets a browser dialog asking if he wants to repost the form. This also was not desired.
One possible solution I thought of was to serialize the result object and passing it in the URL before redirecting but AFAIK there are some limitations in the length of a GET request and if the object gets pretty big I might hit this limitation (especially if base64 encoded).
Another possibility would be to use the Session object instead of TempData to persist the results. But before implementing this solution I would like to know if there's a better way of doing it.
Further investigating the issue I found out that if I re-put the result object in TempData inside the /controller/result action it actually works:
public ActionResult Result()
var result = TempData["result"];
TempData["result"] = result;
return View(result);
But this feels kind of dirty. Could there be any side effects with this approach (such as switching to out-of-process session providers as currently I use InProc)?
Store it in the Session with some unique key and pass the key as part of the url. Then as long as the session is alive they can use the back/forward button to their heart's content and still have the URL respond properly. Alternatively, you could use the ASP cache, but I'd normally reserve that for objects that are shared among users. Of course, if you used the parameters to the calculation as the key and you found the result in the cache, you could simply re-use it.
I think redirect after post makes much more sense when the resulting Url is meaningfull.
In your case it would mean that all data required for the calculation is in the Url of /controller/result.
/controller/calculate would not do the calculation but /controller/result.
If you can get this done thinks get pretty easy: You hash the values required for the calculation and use it as the key for the cache. If the user refreshes he only hits the cache.
If you cant have a meaningfull url you could post to /controller/index. If the user hits F5 calculation would start again, but a cache with the hash as key would help again.
TempData is generally considered useful for passing messages back to the user not for storing working entities (a user refresh will nuke the contents of TempData).
I don't know of more appropriate place than the session to store this kind of information. I think the general idea is keep session as small as possible though. Personally I usually write some wrappers to add and remove specific objects to session. Cleaning them up manually where possible.
Alternatively you can store in a database in which you purge stale items on a regular basis.
I might adopt a similar idea to a lot of banks on their online banking sites by using one-time keys to verify all POSTs. You can integrate it into a html helper for forms and into your service layer (for example) for verification.
Let's say that you only want to post any instance of a form once. Add a guid to the form. If the form does not post back and the data is committed then you want to invalidate the guid and redirect to the GET action. If say the form was not valid, when the page posts back you need a new (valid) guid there in the form waiting for the next post attempt.
GUIDs are generated as required and added to a table in your DB. As they are invalidated (by POSTS, whether successful or not) they are flagged in the table. You may want to trim the table at 100 rows.. or 1000, depending on how heavy your app will be and how many rendered but not yet posted forms you may have at any one time.
I haven't really fine tuned this design but i think it might work. It wont be as smelly as the TempData and you can still adhere to the PRG pattern.
Remember, with PRG you dont want to send the new data to the GET action in a temp variable of some sort. You want to query it back from the data store, where it's now committed to.
As Michael stated, TempData has a single purpose -> store an object for one trip only and only one trip. As I understand it, TempData is essentially using the same Session object as you might use but it will automatically remove the object from the session on the next trip.
Stick with Session imho rather than push back in to TempData.
