Blueprint, Sass and BrowserCMS - ruby-on-rails

I like quite much browserCMS. And I also favour sass and blueprint. I would like to make these things to play together. Although I read somewhere brosercms can sass and blueprint, it is not obvious for me how to really have it there. Can you recommend me steps how to reach this?

Finally I found out it is just straightforward. Behalf of browserCMS, I can simple add the compass gem to my rails app. Instead of the default styles given in the themes, stylesheets generated by compass will be used. So it just the same as with other rails applications. Nothing new under the sun.


Ruby on Rails Less source maps and the asset pipeline?

I'm currently using the less-rails gem in a Ruby on Rails application that I'm building. I would like some way to debug my Less css files in Chrome by way of source maps ( Does anyone know how this can be accomplished?
In my opinion, the most convenient way to solve the problem: to abandon the assets pipeline and less-rails. change to gulp or blendid with gulp-less+gulp-less-sourcemap. This will take time to configure, but as my practice shows, the loss of time more than pays off with features like life edit, very fast compilation, and of course - sourcemaps.
In fact, I personally did not use less in such a bundle, but the implementation of sass is very convenient. I think that with less it could be the same
You can use pry to debug in rails. So, whereever you are using your css in the haml or html you can write something like -binding.pry( if its haml). Pry is used for debugging ruby code but you can also use it in your haml(view) using -.
Hope this helps.

Framework for CSS in Rails 3.1

Which framework do you use in Rails 3.1?
I basically want to have a standard set of mixins like gradient and rounded corner etc, but maybe there are other advantages of certain frameworks that I am not aware of.
Can you please recommend a framework to use with Rails 3.1 to cover most of what I will need to simplify and standardize my stylesheet development
Bourbon - a set of Sass mixins using SCSS syntax, is a popular (500+ watchers) tool made by thoughtbot.
The purpose of Bourbon Sass Mixins is to provide a comprehensive library of sass mixins that are designed to be as vanilla as possible, meaning they should not deter from the original CSS syntax. The mixins contain vendor specific prefixes for all CSS3 properties for support amongst modern browsers. The prefixes also ensure graceful degradation for older browsers that support only CSS3 prefixed properties. Bourbon uses SCSS syntax.
It can help with use:
Border Radius
Box Shadow
Box Sizing
and other
See the readme on the official page on github
I think that any current CSS framework can accomplish what you want.
Have you give LESS a look? I believe it meets all your criteria.
I haven't personally tried out compass, but it's been generating alot of buzz, so it is certainly worth a look.
Twitter also released Bootstrap which I've been trying out and I've been fairly impressed so far!
For me, a framework doesn't seem to be to be considered here. You can easaly do it yourself.
For my part, I use sass and I write a _macros.scss with all the appropriate mixins and default variables, and I put an #import "macros" at the beginning of each main scss files.


For a rails CSS framework for an existing app, which one do you prefer - LESS or COMPASS?
Less and Compass are not really direct competitors.
LESS is a CSS engine. Compass is more a toolbox around SASS/SCSS and Blueprint CSS framewok. So if you want to use Blueprint in your project, use Compass.
You should take a look at LESS syntax and SCSS syntax and choose the one your prefer. But they both are now a superset of CSS 3 and they have more or less the same features.
Another thing to know is that SCSS/SASS is still included in HAML gem. So if you want to use HAML...

rails + compass: advantages vs using haml + blueprint directly

I've got some experience using haml (+sass) on rails projects. I recently started using them with blueprintcss - the only thing I did was transform blueprint.css into a sass file, and started coding from there. I even have a rails generator that includes all this by default.
It seems that Compass does what I do, and other things. I'm trying to understand what those other things are - but the documentation/tutorials weren't very clear.
These are my conclusions:
Compass comes with built-in sass mixins that implement common CSS idioms, such as links with icons or horizontal lists. My solution doesn't provide anything like that. (1 point for Compass).
Compass has several command-line options: you can create a rails project, but you can also "install" it on an existing rails project. A rails generator could be personalized to do the same thing, I guess. (Tie).
Compass has two modes of working with blueprint: "basic" and "semantic" usage. I'm not clear about the differences between those. With my rails generator I only have one mode, but it seems enough. (Tie)
Apparently, Compass is prepared to use other frameworks, besides blueprint (e.g. YUI). I could not find much documentation about this, and I'm not interested on it anyway - blueprint is ok for me (Tie).
Compass' learning curve seems a bit stiff and the documentation seems sparse. Learning could be a bit difficult. On the other hand, I know the ins and outs of my own system and can use it right away. (1 point for my system).
With this analysis, I'm hesitant to give Compass a try.
Is my analysis correct? Are Am I missing any key points, or have I evaluated any of these points wrongly?
The ideal goal is separation of style and content: it's not always possible 100%, but it can be done reasonably well by using semantic markup. Blueprint and other CSS frameworks utterly fail at this.
The original idea behind Compass was to avoid polluting HTML with the visual markup that Blueprint generates: if you're writing class="column-4" in your markup, then you might as well put style="width:160px" in there instead. Semantically it's the same meaning, and the same amount of repetition to maintain.
Compass turns a Blueprint class like .column-4 into a mixin which you can apply to a meaningful selector:
This way, you only need to maintain it in the stylesheet, not across a number of templates and HTML files.
Compass is project-aware. It will handle compiling your whole tree of stylesheets, even automatically on save when you run compass watch.
There are some very helpful functions provided by compass, for example:
image_url is a configurable function that can handle relative or absolute paths or even set up rotating asset hosts if you need to.
The CSS3 module takes care of all the browser-specific style rules for rounded corners, shadows, etc.
General utilities provide helpers for the stuff you do all the time, but with less repetition (especially for the cross-browser issues). These are some basic ones I use a lot:
+clearfix and +pie-clearfix (cross-browser clearing methods)
+float ensures you don't forget display:inline in front of it for IE... (if the time comes to drop the old IEs, it's one single change.)
+replace-text hides text and positions an image replacement background.
+hover-link adds the :hover underline rule to a base link style
You can check these out on the new docs site for Compass.
Then, Compass provides the facilities for a number of other style frameworks in addition to the built-in Blueprint. Do check out Susy for example, which is a Sass-native layout framework, not just a CSS port. It specializes in flexible and fluid grids.
'Semantic mode' refers to the possibility to use more semantic class names than the ones css frameworks ship with: .article vs .grid_1. which i personally think is a big +.
I'm not sure if these resources have only shown up recently, but have you seen the Compass CSS3 helpers and the General utilities - (both well documented in my opinion) - they've really sped up my interface builds a great deal.
Another great resource is the Compass plugins page.
Personally I like to copy these utility Sass files out the rubygem and manually include them in my project's Sass files as it feels pretty weird referencing Sass which is stored out of the project.
Compass looked like a great solution for me as well, but after trying it on a project I didn't really see the great advantage of using it for me. Like you, I'm just fine with blueprint, and I didn't see the need to add yet another layer on top of haml/sass.
I eventually stripped the compass from that project and just go with a sass version of the blueprint CSS files, and go from there. I store any custom/additional styles in a separate sass file and that's it. No need for compass or anything like that if you just want to keep it simple.

Best way to learn how to combine Blueprintcss and Compass/Sass?

I would like to apply Blueprintcss and Compass/Sass to a Rails project.
Should I learn Blueprint first or Compass/Sass first or are there any guides on how to use the two of these together?
Also, does it make any difference that it's a Rails project? Could this combination of technologies be just as easily applied to, say, a Java project?
When I first encountered Compass, I knew neither Compass nor Blueprint. I started out by watching the Compass screencast and then by trying to use it. As Sass is similar to CSS (CSS on steroids ;-)), I was able to get working real soon. Having the Blueprint CSS cheat sheet helped a lot. Thus, I recommend learning Compass first and then learning Blueprint on the way.
Also have a look at the GitHub wiki pages for Compass.
It is easy to use Compass with any language/framework combination.
Compass comes with its own version of Blueprint, so I'd say just learn Compass.
Blueprint is just predefined plain set of css. so you can use it on any frameworks or programming languages.
I my self using blueprint for both php and java project. for php i am using codeigniter, joomla and even wordpress ;)
