firefox addon installation issue - firefox-addon

After worked on many small addon i want to put those add on on my server so that people can download it and use it so that i can get the feedback from the people ..but when i am downloading it from my server(it is a xpi file) getting following error..
Firefox could not install the file at
because: Install script not found
but when i m putting these files manually in the path it works fine..After fiddling many hours couldn't figure it out whats the problem ...please help me.

I assume that you are letting the users download your add-on through some install button.
Unfortunately, its not as simple as pointing the browser to the xpi file on the server's file system. Below, I have pasted the script that installs Omture when the user presses on the "Download Omture" button on the add-on's website which you could also find using firebug.
function installExt()
var url="omture_current.xpi";
"Omture": { URL: url,
toString : function() { return this.URL; } } });
return false;


How to get the current path of an electron js portable app?

Hello fellow developers/programmers. Today I come to ask for help with something, and is that I'm making an app that if or if it has to be portable, the problem I'm having is that when writing a zip file the app does not find the directories or generates the zip corruptly.
My code that writes the zip file looks like this:
ipcMain.on("report-file", async (event, data) => {
let zipFilePath = ""
let output = fs.createWriteStream(zipFilePath);
let archive = archiver("zip")
if (data.saves) {`game/saves`, false)`game/cache`, false)
archive.append(fs.createReadStream(`log.txt`), {
name: `log.txt`,
archive.append(fs.createReadStream(`traceback.txt`), {
name: `traceback.txt`,
Electron Version: 21.2.3
SO: Windows 11
electron-builder Version: 23.6.0
Looking a little more in depth, I found that the app is using the address
and it is trying to compress the files as if they were in that path, however, the files to compress are located where the .exe is. (G:\myapp\dist)
I already tried to fix it by following an old post on the stackoverflow page, however, it didn't solve the problem, so today I decided to ask my question here, do you have any idea how to get the actual path of an electron js portable app?
I found the solution to this, and it was to create a dialog with electron, and load the folder location. Then use resolve together with the address of the executable, this way it loads correctly the address of the folder where the exe is located.
let dir
dir = await dialog.showOpenDialog(win, {
properties: ['openDirectory'],
defaultPath: path.resolve('.', process.env.PORTABLE_EXECUTABLE_DIR)

Ability to prevent/stop loading 'Page load' in Cypress when clicked a hyperlink

In my Cypress test,
I need to test a link which downloads a .txt, .xlsx and a .zip file when clicked, but when I use "click()" to click the hyperlink, it starts a page load and expects a new action to happen as a result of clicking a link.
As an alternative to this I tried using the cy.downloadFile() to download the files directly through the link but the link I am using is dynamically generated hence I am unable to use that as well. Hence I want to store the newly generated link in the variable and then use it in cy.downloadFile() every time I run the test.
Are there any other ways to test a hyperlink or how to store the dynamically generated link every time the test is run?
Hi there i been through this problem before.
I think it is the same scenario where the cypress test runner just keep waiting page load event and not go to the next test command while file are successfully downloaded.
Add custom cy.window event to listen the click event and add timeout to "force" reload current page, you need to tweak the timeout value so it suitable for your test.
it.only('tes button download', ()=> {
// visit url
cy.get('#wrap-button > .btn').click()
cy.window().document().then(function (doc) {
doc.addEventListener('click', () => {
setTimeout(function () { doc.location.reload() }, 5000)
cy.get(':nth-child(9) > .col-md-12 > .btn').click()
More details and discussion available here on cypress github issue :
I found a way to store the link of the element I want to click. Since I am able to store the link, I am able to solve the requirement by using cy.downloadFile().
cy.get('#selector', {timeout: 15000}).then(($input) => {
For me, the problem was resolved after I added the download attribute to the link, This is changing the element in the DOM, but it keeps the solution simple:
.then((el) => {
el.attr('download', '');

How to create Firefox Extension to send active tab URL to its Native, similar to chrome native messaging and install it through msi

I have already developed a C# win form application and a chrome extension with native messaging (another C# console app) to fetch user's active tab url. I have also developed an msi setup in WiX to write under the registry (HKLM/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Google/Chrome/Extensions and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts) programmatically and tested the installation of the chrome extension by running the setup on different Windows 7 machines. I am publishing this extension on chrome web store and then I shall install the extension on several client computers.
I want to accomplish the same with Mozilla Firefox. I am newbie in this field and going through some Firefox developers guides (XPCOM, js-ctypes etc.) and getting little confused with multiple links.
It would be of great help if anyone can guide me towards the exact solution. Please note that, 1) I have to install the extension programmatically through the same msi package which already contains my own C# app and the chrome extension with native app and 2) the client machines will be Windows only but any version (XP (optional), 7, 8, Server anything).
According to Noitidart's answer, I have made an ffext.xpi from the 4 files (bootstrap.js, myWorker.js, chrome.manifest, install.rdf) and uploaded and installed on firefox, with no error, but nothing happens. At first, I am concentrating on the browser extension part and not the native for now and I just want to have a listener inside the js files such that whenever I switch to a different firefox tab or firefox window, an alert should show up from the browser itself (not from native at this moment) displaying the active tab's URL. I don't even understand how the js files will get called or executed, how this line myWorker.addEventListener('message', handleMessageFromWorker); will work or if I need to add some other listener.
Nothing is happening at all. How to debug or proceed from here? Please help.
To get the current url of the window do this:
To access all windows do this:
let DOMWindows = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
let aDOMWindow = DOMWindows.getNext();
if (aDOMWindow.gBrowser) {
var currentURL = aDOMWindow.gBrowser.currentURI;
If you don't check for gBrowser the aDOMWindow.location will be a chrome path, very likely.
So putting this togather with a ChromeWorker (the ChromeWorker will access the js-ctypes) template here: (this template is the bare minimum needed for communication between ChromeWorker and your js file, in this case bootstrap.js) (bootstrap.js is the js file that is required and is run, the 4 startup,shutdown,install,uninstall functions are required in bootstrap.js)
From bootstrap.js we would do, for now lets do it in startup:
function startup() {
loadAndSetupWorker(); //must do after startup
aTopic: 'currentURL',
aURL: Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').gBrowser.currentURI.spec // recent window of type navigator:browser always has gBrowser
aLinkedPanel: Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').gBrowser.selectedTab.getAttribute('linkedpanel') //we use this to make sure to get the right tab/window on message back
Then in worker we'll do something like this:
self.onmessage = function(msg) {
switch ( {
case 'currentURL':
var ret = msgBox(0, "alert from ctypes on windows, the url is:" +, "ctypes alert windows", MB_OK);
aTopic: 'currentURL-reply',
aResponde: aRet
throw 'no aTopic on incoming message to ChromeWorker';
Then back in bootstrap.js we'll receive this message and do something with it:
function handleMessageFromWorker(msg) {
console.log('incoming message from worker, msg:', msg);
switch ( {
case 'currentURL-reply':
let DOMWindows = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser');
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
let aDOMWindow = DOMWindows.getNext();
if (aDOMWindow.gBrowser && aDOMWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab.getAttribute('linkedpanel') == {
//this is our window, as the currently selected tab linkedpanel is same as one the worker dealt with
var currentURL = aDOMWindow.gBrowser.currentURI;
aDOMWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab.contentWindow.alert('the user was prompted with js-ctypes and the user clicked on:' + aRet);
console.error('no handle for msg from worker of aTopic:',;
so what this example does, is on install/startup of addon it gets the most recent browser windows url. it sends it to ctypes, ctypes throws a os level alert, and then ctypes sends back what the user clicked, then bootstrap.js finds that same window and that tab and with a javascript alert it tells what the jsctypes os level msgbox return value was.

CKEditor image dialog is failed

I worked with CKEditor on my .Net Mvc4 project. On localhost all works well, but after publishing project to server is not initialising:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'dir' of undefined"
I fixed this by adding code line before editor initialization:
CKEDITOR.basePath = '//some url/ckeditor/'
After that, the ckeditor is working but refusing to open image upload dialog:
error in ckeditor plugins image.js
Uncaught Error: [CKEDITOR.dialog.openDialog] Dialog "image" failed when loading definition.
There is no any changes in my ckeditor folder. The version is: 4.4.5
Any solutions please?
Check the "Network" tab in your browser for HTTP 404 errors. It looks like the file that contains Image Dialog definition is not available. Either it is not present (e.g. has been accidentally removed) or you have some weird url rewrite issues.
Check in your CKEDITOR.basePath plugins folder image plugin is in there, if not then add it and wala working like a charm ! hope it helps !
You are getting the error from only including the ckeditor.js (or ckeditor4.js since 4.13) file on server, with this error becoming raised when CKE attempts to load other features such as plugins and languages but cannot find these files in the basepath folder. You can confirm this from the network tab in browser devtools, as CKE attempts to load features, then cannot find them.
Option 1: Link to a CDN Bundle
CKE offers 3 primary bundles (basic, standard, full) which offer a choice between features and page load. More info here.
Option 2: Include Necessary Files
Make the extra files available on your server.
Here's a gulp task which bundles everything from the ckeditor node module folder (excluding the sample).
gulp.task("copy-ckeditor", function () {
// Check and copy languages in config.ckEditorLanguages
var isIncluded = function(path) {
var found = false,
lang = path.split('lang')[1];
if (lang) {
for (var i in config.ckEditorLanguages) {
if (lang.indexOf(config.ckEditorLanguages[i]) != -1) {
found = true;
return found;
copyFile = function(stream) {
stream.pipe(gulp.dest(config.buildPath.js + "lib/ckeditor"));
return gulp.src([
.pipe(foreach(function(stream, file){
if (file.path.indexOf("lang") != -1) {
if (isIncluded(file.path)) {
} else {
return stream;
Option 3: Build and Host Your Own Custom Bundle
If you want to use a single file load, you can use the CKE4 Builder allowing you to customise built-in plugins.

PhoneGap's navigator.fileMgr always undefined

I'm building iOS app with PhoneGap, need to write and read text file to the device.
I followed the steps found here:
Everything works fine, except I cannot use any of the API (I tried file and notification). I am calling:
alert(navigator.fileMgr) but it's always undefined.
I am calling that in the deviceready callback function.
I think I missed some important steps, could anyone have experience in this give me some link/guide/help?
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure where you are getting your info but navigator.fileMgr does not exist anymore and hasn't for a long time. We've implemented the W3C File API:
To get the root path of the file system you would do:
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSys) {
console.log("File system root = " + fileSys.root.fullPath);
}, function() {
console.log("Could not get file system");
Examples of how to read/write files are also available on the docs site.
