How to validate user input in RoR? - ruby-on-rails

I know that the RoR can do the validation in the models. But I want to confirm the user's password in the views. I means, it show two textfield for user to type password twice to ensure the user type the password correct, but in the database I only store one value. How can I handle it in the RoR?

In your model do:
validates_confirmation_of :password
In your view do:
<%= form.password_field :password %>
<%= form.password_field :password_confirmation %>
This is using the built in rails confirmation validation. It's will add the virtual accessor for you.


Errors in model namespaces

I broke up my signup into an overall Signup model with multiple model namespaces (I believe these are what they are called) into separate files. For example,
class ContractorSignup < ActiveRecord::Base
# It has fields of first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, address
In the signup folder there are these models
ContractorSignup::Personal < Signup
validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name, :email, :phone_number
In the form I am using the main model
= form_for #contractor_signup, url: signup_step_path('email') do |form|
= form.label :first_name
= form.text_field :first_name
= form.submit "Next"
The form comes back responding to the correct validation but I cannot figure out how to grab the errors that it captures based on the validation.
This next is for a Rails wizard built duplicating this person's talk.
If I do a #contractor_signup.errors.inspect I see no messages in #contractor_signup.errors.inspect when I am filling in a completely blank form. However, I found that if I submit a form with everything but first name, or last name filled out I receive a message in errors saying first_name []

Edit Devise email format

I am currently using devise for user registration and will like to restrict signups based on domains like or The aim is for users to only provide the first part of their email address for example "lucy.dale" then select their domain from a drop-down menu such as Please see the code I have generated so far..
<div><%= f.label :email %><br />
<%= f.text_field :first_email, :autofocus => true %><%= :domain, options_for_select([["Select One", ""], "", "", ""]) %>
As i don't have access to the Devise controller or mailers, please can you advise me on how I can join the :first_email & :domain attributes to give ( before passing it to the default :email attribute in Devise.
Thanks for your help in advance
I hope this help someone out there. Instead of extending the devise registration controller, i decided to use a Regex to validate the domains. This will allow me restrict the domains as shown below
validates_format_of :email, :with => /\A([^#\s]+)#(company\.com)|(work\.com)\z/
The regex was added to the model for validation.

How to verify password exists using client_side_validations gem?

I have a change password form that requires a user to provide their current password. Using the client_side_validations gem, is it possible to verify that the current password is correct using a remote validator/javascript? If so, how?
= simple_form_for #password_form, url: passwords_path, method: :post, validate: true do |f|
= f.input :original_password
= f.input :new_password
= f.input :new_password_confirmation, required: true
= f.submit 'Save'
attr_accessor :original_password, :new_password
validate :verify_original_password
validates_presence_of :original_password, :new_password
validates_confirmation_of :new_password
validates :new_password, password: true
def verify_original_password
unless #user.authenticate(original_password)
errors.add :original_password, "is not correct"
You can't validate password correctness client-side without passing the client an enormous list of all the (presumably) hashed passwords in your DB. This is computationally not really feasible, but even worse you would be exposing a list of all your users' hashed passwords! It wouldn't be hard for a hacker to break open at least a few of these (I've heard stories of people decrypting >80% of a list of MD5 hashed passwords in <1 hour).
So you'll have to speak to the server to verify a password.

Validate field is unique compared to another field in same form

Say I have two fields in a new or edit form:
<%= f.text_field :email %>
<%= f.text_field :parent_email %>
How, in my model, can I validate that parent_email is different from email? The exclusion option seems like it might work, but I can't figure out how to access the email field's value within the model. Do I need to implement this in the controller instead?
validates :parent_email, exclusion: # doesn't work, nor does :email
The following should work (but I guess there are cooler solutions out there):
class User
validate :email_differs_from_parent_email
def email_differs_from_parent_email
if email == parent_email
errors.add(:parent_email, "parent_email must differ from email")

Rails Model: How to make an attribute protected once it's created?

I was just wondering: How can i make an attribute "write once" ?
To be more precise, I'm using Devise and I want the user to be able to register with this email but then, once it's done, I want this email locked.
I read that forms can easily be bypass, so I want to make sure my model does that.
Also, i'm using in one of my form that: <%= f.email_field :email, :id => "email", :disabled => "disabled" %>
Is there any risks that an user can modify his email after being registered?
Thanks for your answers!
attr_readonly allows setting a value at creation time, then prevents modifying it on updates.
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_readonly :email
