push new element into array within hash - ruby-on-rails

I have a hash which, I have keys that uniquely identify each element within the hash. And within each element, I have an array. So my question is, how do I put another element inside that array within the hash.
{"Apple"=>[1, 5.99], "Banana"=>[5, 9.99]}
I'm looping through a result set, and I'm a little bit lost how to add another element to the array...

If your hash is called, for example, hsh, then the "Apple" array can be accessed by hsh["Apple"]. You can use this like any variable, so to add a value to that array just do hsh["Apple"] << some_value. Like so:
irb> hsh = { "Apple" => [1, 5.99], "Banana" => [5, 9.99] }
irb> hsh["Apple"] << 9999
=> { "Apple" => [1, 5.99, 9999], "Banana" => [5, 9.99] }


How to replace missing key/value with zero using slice

I have a hash. I need to extract some key/value pairs, but some desired keys are missing.
How can I replace the missing pairs with "key" => 0.0 when I call attributes.slice on the record and keys as follows:
record = Model.last
record.attributes.slice('k1','k2','k3','k4','k5') # this returns
=> {"k1"=> 343, k3=> 0.0}
If some keys are missing then they won't appear in the result. How can I get the remaining missing keys assigned with 0.0?
h = { 'k2'=>2, 'k1'=>1 }
all_keys = ['k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4']
all_keys.map { |k| h.fetch(k,0.0) }
#=> [1, 2, 0.0, 0.0]
See Hash#fetch.
We can take advantage of the fact that a hash can be overwritten with new key/value pairs:
{a: 0, b: 0}.merge(a: 2) # => {:a=>2, :b=>0}
Knowing that, we can do something like this:
desired_keys = [:a, :b]
foo = {a: 1}
desired_keys.zip([0] * desired_keys.size).to_h.merge(foo.slice(*desired_keys))
# => {:a=>1, :b=>0}
desired_keys is a predefined list of the key/value pairs we want, foo is the actual hash the real values are coming from.
[0] * 2 # => [0, 0] creates an array of a given size.
desired_keys.zip([0] * desired_keys.size).to_h creates a temporary hash of the values being used as filler.
merge(foo.slice(*desired_keys)) grabs the pairs we wanted. In this situation, * AKA "splat" explodes the array into its individual elements, so they're passed as separate parameters to slice. Here's what's happening:
def bar(*a)
bar(%w[a b]) # => [["a", "b"]]
bar(*%w[a b]) # => ["a", "b"]
Notice that the first call is passing in an array, whereas the second passes separate values.
Breaking it down a little to make it a bit more apparent:
desired_keys.zip([0] * desired_keys.size).to_h # => {:a=>0, :b=>0}
.merge(foo.slice(*desired_keys)) # => {:a=>1, :b=>0}
Because we know the record fields we're retrieving, it's easy to create that temporary hash once, in advance, then reuse it every time, resulting in very fast code:
DESIRED_KEYS = [:a, :b]
ZERO_HASH = DESIRED_KEYS.zip([0] * DESIRED_KEYS.size).to_h # => {:a=>0, :b=>0}
foo = {a: 1}
# => {:a=>1, :b=>0}
All the methods, including * are part of Array or Hash.
How to use 0.0 instead of 0 is left as an exercise for the reader.
I think this should work in your case
Model.slice('k1','k2','k3','k4','k5').transform_values! { |v| v ? v : 0.0 }

Convert array to single object if array is a single object

Really simple question.
Is there a method to do the following?
["a"] => "a"
[1] => 1
[1,"a"] => [1, "a"]
i.e. if an array is a single object, return the object, otherwise return the array.
Without doing something ugly like
array.length == 1 ? array[0] : array
basically you should stick to what you wrote - it's simple and does what it should.
of course you may always monkey patch the Array definition... (unrecommended, but it does what you expect)
class Array
def first_or_array
length > 1 ? self : self[0]
[1].first_or_array # 1
[1, 2].first_or_array # [1, 2]

Nested dynamic array rails

I have created an array
steps = [{'title' =>'abc','content' =>'click this', 'target' => 'bca'}]
tours = ['id'=>'tour', 'steps:' => "#{steps}"]
puts tours
Getting following output :
{"id"=>"tour", "steps:"=>"[{\"title\"=>\"abc\", \"content\"=>\"click this\", \"target\"=>\"bca\"}]"}
The structure of the output is right but i don't want these \ in the output.
What should i do to remove these \.
In ruby "#{}" invoke the to_s method on the object. You can check it run the following code: steps.to_s.
Just use:
tours = ['id'=>'tour', 'steps:' => steps]
Because this:
"[{\"title\"=>\"abc\", \"content\"=>\"click this\", \"target\"=>\"bca\"}]"
is a string representation of:
[{'title' =>'abc','content' =>'click this', 'target' => 'bca'}]
Зелёный has the direct answer for you, however, there's a more pressing issue I would point out -- I think you're getting confused between {hashes} and [arrays]
An array is a set of unordered data:
array = [3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 5, 3, "cat", "dog"]
Arrays are mainly used for non-sequential collections of data, a good example being product_ids in a shopping cart.
Arrays can only be identified by using the location of the data inside the array:
array[1] # -> 4
array[2] # -> 5
A hash is a collection of key:value pairs:
hash = {name: "Greg", type: "cat"}
Hashes are used when you wish to assign multiple values to a single piece of data, and can be called by referencing the "key" of the hash:
hash["name"] #-> Greg
hash["type"] #-> cat
Whilst you can create an array of hashes:
hash_array = [{name: "Greg", type: "cat"}, {name: "Sulla", type: "Dog"}]
... the problem with this is that you cannot call the hashes directly - they have to be through the array:
hash_array["name"] # -> error
hash_array[0]["name"] #-> "Greg"
Thus, I'd use the following in your example:
steps = {'title' =>'abc','content' =>'click this', 'target' => 'bca'}
tours = {id: 'tour', steps: steps}
tours.inspect #-> { id: "tour", steps: { "title" => "abc", "content" => "click this", "target" => "bca" }

Take array and convert to a hash Ruby

I am trying this for the first time and am not sure I have quite achieved what i want to. I am pulling in data via a screen scrape as arrays and want to put them into a hash.
I have a model with columns :home_team and :away_team and would like to post the data captured via the screen scrape to these
I was hoping someone could quickly run this in a rb file
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
FIXTURE_URL = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/fixtures"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(FIXTURE_URL))
home_team = doc.css(".team-home.teams").map {|team| team.text.strip}
away_team = doc.css(".team-away.teams").map {|team| team.text.strip}
team_clean = Hash[:home_team => home_team, :away_team => away_team]
puts team_clean.inspect
and advise if this is actually a hash as it seems to be an array as i cant see the hash name being outputted. i would of expected something like this
{"team_clean"=>[{:home_team => "Man Utd", "Chelsea", "Liverpool"},
{:away_team => "Swansea", "Cardiff"}]}
any help appreciated
You actually get a Hash back. But it looks different from the one you expected. You expect a Hash inside a Hash.
Some examples to clarify:
hash = {}
=> Hash
hash = { home_team: [], away_team: [] }
=> Hash
=> Array
hash = { hash: { home_team: [], away_team: [] } }
=> Hash
=> Hash
=> Array
The "Hash name" as you call it, is never "outputed". A Hash is basically a Array with a different index. To clarify this a bit:
hash = { 0 => "A", 1 => "B" }
array = ["A", "B"]
=> "A"
=> "A"
=> "B"
=> "B"
Basically with a Hash you additionally define, how and where to find the values by defining the key explicitly, while an array always stores it with a numerical index.
here is the solution
team_clean = Hash[:team_clean => [Hash[:home_team => home_team,:away_team => away_team]]]

how to take a hash and turn into an array

I want to be able to take the following:
{"6"=>"", "7"=>"104", "8"=>"", "9"=>"", "0"=>"Testing", "2"=>"1", "3"=>"", "10"=>"Testing", "4"=>"1", "5"=>""}
and convert it into
[["","104","","","Testing"........], ["" ......]
Thank you
The Hash class has the method values which returns an array of all the values.
my_hash = {"6" => "", "7" => "104"}
my_array_of_values = my_hash.values # ["", "104"]
In Ruby, the Hash contains key/value pairs (eg. { key => value }). The keys method returns an array of the keys and the values method returns an array of the values.
Read more about the values method here:
