How do I get TextMate to use Ruby on Rails by default? - ruby-on-rails

How do I make TextMate use the Rails bundle by default? On some files it's enabled, and on others (including models) it's not, and I wish it would just assume that every .rb file is a Ruby on Rails file unless I tell it otherwise.
Is there a project-level or global setting for this?

It's possible to do it at a global level, but you have to edit and view some plist files to make it work. Check out this site for more information.

As far as I know you have to change the scope selector for each bundle. Maybe TM2 will be different.


Where can I store non-localizable fixed strings in rails?

I have some url templates that I use in my app - they are not localizable strings, so config/locales/en.yml does not seem like the best place for them - where do I store these? For example, "" is one such string.
I know there are several approaches possible (a constants file in the lib folder, or using rails configuration in rails4, or some config gem like configatron), but what is the'right' way?
I don't know that there is "a right way" - the new 'x' configuration option system in Rails 4 seems to be the most "Railsy" solution out there.
I personally think it is totally okay to have a GlobalConstants module defined in an initializer or a file in the lib directory. Put all your global constants in there and be diligent about using them throughout your app where needed.
For projects where there's a mix and match of i18n strings I like having a "base" i18n file and then using the override system to create a sort of inheritance chain between the i18n files. That's not always the appropriate solution but I've had it work out quite well a few times.
Hope that helps you.
As you said there are many solutions and it dependence on usage.
You can store them in environment variables.
dotenv gem help you handle it easier:

Ruby on Rails: where to put the 'require' files?

I'm trying to use this gem barometer and in the document it says that it can be used right out of the box with using require 'barometer'
I've always used gems and put them in the gemfile, but I think this is different...
Do I just download this entire repo, and copy all the files in the lib folder into my vendor folder? or maybe public folder?
Where would you typically put these files? And where would you include the require? Should this be in the application controller? Or maybe in the helper? Sorry for this really noob question.
I know in my local environment, I can just type in gem install barometer in my console, and not have to put in a require, but I don't think this will work in heroku, or production environment.
I've always used gems and put them in the gemfile, but I think this is different...
No, this is no different. Barometer is a Rubygem and putting it in your Gemfile is exactly the way to use it.
As with every library, your require should go in whichever file uses the code, for example the same file that the call is. You don't always need the require line depending on your Ruby environment, but it's always a good idea to get used to it

Load multiple configuration files in Rails engine

I'm building a Rails Engine and right now I set all my configuration variables in config/environments/development.rb (within the engine itself, i can also overwrite it from the application later) and can access it from the application with ::Rails.application.config.my_item
This file is getting big and some variables such as config.title = 'Lambda Website' could be placed somewhere else, I was thinking to make a config/settings/my_file.rb and just include it to be able to call it the same way as the development.rb variables but it's more complicated than I expected ... I tried a couple of gems that didn't work at all, maybe because it's an engine. I also tried to require files but it blows up too.
How can I simply split this configuration file easily ? Is there an easy way to include configuration files within an engine ? Both YAML/ERB solution are welcome ...
Thank you guys ;)
Inside your
Then feel free to use this constant this anywhere in your app.

Rails - Changing the config path

I copied the 'config' directory and renamed it to 'config_dev' so that I don't alter the current settings. How do I configure Rails to use the config directory of 'config_dev'?
Well, i'm not sure whether you can rename that and still make it work or not. However, i would highly not recommend that approach. If you must do something like that, better rename the files inside the folder, like environment.rb.bak or the likes.
Generally speaking a config folder is where important settings initiate from and i think that changing that convention can lead to more problems. I could be wrong, but i would just change the files (that's what the rails 2 to rails 3 conversion plugin does as well).

Should I put constants for my Rails project in environment.rb?

I want to store a path for a special directory used by my Rails application. Should I store that in environment.rb, or is there another place this is meant to go?
THE_DIRECTORY_PATH = '/path/to/directory'
Let's assume my controllers + models or libraries in /lib need access as well.
How about storing it in a YAML configuration file that gets loaded by an initializer? This Railscast has the details.
Use a robust YAML-file approach that allows per-environment settings. Try app_config, which has loads of great features, including referring syntax like AppConfig.the_directory_path.
If controllers need access to it, then a better place would be the ApplicationController.
