F# parsing Abstract Syntax Trees - f#

What is the best way to use F# to parse an AST to build an interpreter? There are plenty of F# examples for trivial syntax (basic arithmatical operations) but I can't seem to find anything for languages with much larger ranges of features.
Discriminated unions look to be incrediably useful but how would you go about constructing one with large number of options? Is it better to define the types (say addition, subtraction, conditionals, control flow) elsewhere and just bring them together as predefined types in the union?
Or have I missed some far more effective means of writing interpreters? Is having an eval function for each type more effective, or perhaps using monads?
Thanks in advance

Discriminated unions look to be
incrediably useful but how would you
go about constructing one with large
number of options? Is it better to
define the types (say addition,
subtraction, conditionals, control
flow) elsewhere and just bring them
together as predefined types in the
I am not sure what you are asking here; even with a large number of options, DUs still are simple to define. See e.g. this blog entry for a tiny language's DU structure (as well as a more general discussion about writing tree transforms). It's fine to have a DU with many more cases, and common in compilers/interpreters to use such a representation.
As for parsing, I prefer monadic parser combinators; check out FParsec or see this old blog entry. After using such parser combinators, I can never go back to anything like lex/yacc/ANTLR - external DSLs seem so primitive in comparison.
(EDIT: The 'tiny arithmetic examples' you have found are probably pretty much representative of what larger solutions looks like as well. The 'toy' examples usually show off the right architecture.)

You should take a copy of Robert Pickering's "Beginning F#".
The chapter 13, "Parsing Text", contains an example with FsLex and FsYacc, as suggested by Noldorin.
Other than that, in the same book, chapter 12, the author explains how to build an actual simple compiler for an arithmetic language he proposes. Very enlightening. The most important part is what you are looking for: the AST parser.
Good luck.

I second Brian's suggestion to take a look at FParsec. If you're interested in doing things the old-school way with FsLex and FsYacc, one place to look for how to parse a non-trivial language is the F# source itself. See the source\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler directory in the distribution.

You may be interesting in checking out the Lexing and Parsing section of the F# WikiBook. The F# PowerPack library contains the FsLex and FsYacc tools, which asssist greatly with this. The WikiBook guide is a good way to get started with this.
Beyond that, you will need to think about how you actually want to execute the code from the AST form, which is common the design of both compilers and interpreters. This is generally considered the easier part however, and there are lots of general resources on compilers/interpreter out there that should provide information on this.

I haven't done an interpreter myself. Hope the following helps:)
Here's a compiler course taught at Yale using ML, which you might find useful. The lecture notes are very concise (short) and informative. You can follow the first few lecture notes and the assignments. As you know F#, you won't have problem reading ML programs.
Btw, the professor was a student of A. Appel, who is the creator of SML implementation. So from these notes, you also get the most natural way to write a compiler/interpreter in ML family language.

This is an excellent example of a complete Small Basic implementation with F# and FParsec. It includes even IL compiler. The whole code is very accessible and is accompanied by a series of blog post from the author at http://trelford.com/blog/


Can Xtext be used for parsing general purpose programming languages?

I'm currently developing a general-purpose agent-based programming language (its syntaxt will be somewhat inspired by Java, and we are also using object in this language).
Since the beginning of the project we were doubtful about the fact of using ANTLR or Xtext. At that time we found out that Xtext was implementing a subset of the feature of ANTLR. So we decided to use ANLTR for our language losing the possibility to have a full-fledged Eclipse editor for free for our language (such a nice features provided by Xtext).
However, as the best of my knowledge, this summer the Xtext project has done a big step forward. Quoting from the link:
What are the limitations of Xtext?
Sven: You can implement almost any kind of programming language or DSL
with Xtext. There is one exception, that is if you need to use so
called 'Semantic Predicates' which is a rather complicated thing I
don't think is worth being explained here. Very few languages really
need this concept. However the prominent example is C/C++. We want to
look into that topic for the next release.
And that is also reinforced in the Xtext documentation:
What is Xtext? No matter if you want to create a small textual domain-specific language (DSL) or you want to implement a full-blown
general purpose programming language. With Xtext you can create your
very own languages in a snap. Also if you already have an existing
language but it lacks decent tool support, you can use Xtext to create
a sophisticated Eclipse-based development environment providing
editing experience known from modern Java IDEs in a surprisingly short
amount of time. We call Xtext a language development framework.
If Xtext has got rid of its past limitations why is it still not possible to find a complex Xtext grammar for the best known programming languages (Java, C#, etc.)?
On the ANTLR website you can find tons of such grammar examples, for what concerns Xtext instead the only sample I was able to find is the one reported in the documentation. So maybe Xtext is still not mature to be used for implementing a general purpose programming language? I'm a bit worried about this... I would not start to re-write the grammar in Xtext for then to recognize that it was not suited for that.
I think nobody implemented Java or C++ because it is a lot of work (even with Xtext) and the existing tools and compilers are excellent.
However, you could have a look at Xbase and Xtend, which is the expression language we ship with Xtext. It is built with Xtext and is quite a good proof for what you can build with Xtext. We have done that in about 4 person months.
I did a couple of screencasts on Xtend:
Note, that you can simply embed Xbase expressions into your language.
I can't speak for what Xtext is or does well.
I can speak to the problem of developing robust tools for processing real languages, based on our experience with the DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit, which we imagine is a language manipulation framework.
First, parsing of real languages usually involves something messy in lexing and/or parsing, due to the historical ways these languages have evolved. Java is pretty clean. C# has context-dependent keywords and a rudimentary preprocessor sort of like C's. C has a full blown preprocessor. C++ is famously "hard to parse" due to ambiguities in the grammar and shenanigans with template syntax. COBOL is fairly ugly, doesn't have any reference grammars, and comes in a variety of dialects. PHP will turn you to stone if you look at it because it is so poorly defined. (DMS has parsers for all of these, used in anger on real applications).
Yet you can parse all of these with most of the available parsing technologies if you try hard enough, usually by abusing the lexer or the parser to achieve your goals (how the GNU guys abused Bison to parse C++ by tangling lexical analysis with symbol table lookup is a nice ugly case in point). But it takes a lot of effort to get the language details right, and the reference manuals are only close approximations of the truth with respect to what the compilers really accept.
If Xtext has a decent parsing engine, one can likely do this with Xtext. A brief perusal of the Xtext site sounds like the lexers and parsers are fairly decent. I didn't see anything about the "Semantic Predicate"s; we have them in DMS and they are lifesavers in some of the really dark corners of parsing. Even using the really good parsing technology (we use GLR parsers), it would be very hard to parse COBOL data declarations (extracting their nesting structure during the parse) without them.
You have an interesting problem in that your language isn't well defined yet. That will make your initial parsers somewhat messy, and you'll revise them a lot. Here's where strong parsing technology helps you: if you can revise your grammar easily you can focus on what you want your language to look like, rather than focusing on fighting the lexer and parser. The fact that you can change your language definition means in fact that if Xtext has some limitations, you can probably bend your language syntax to match without huge amounts of pain. ANTLR does have the proven ability to parse a language pretty much as you imagine it, modulo the usual amount of parser hacking.
What is never discussed is what else is needed to process a language for real. The first thing you need to be able to do is to construct ASTs, which ANTLR and YACC will help you do; I presume Xtext does also. You also need symbol tables, control and data flow analysis (both local and global), and machinery to transform your language into something else (presumably more executable). Doing just symbol tables you will find surprisingly hard; C++ has several hundred pages of "how to look up an identifier"; Java generics are a lot tougher to get right than you might expect. You might also want to prettyprint the AST back to source code, if you want to offer refactorings. (EDIT: Here both ANTLR and Xtext offer what amounts to text-template driven code generation).
Yet these are complex mechanisms that take as much time, if not more than building the parser. The reason DMS exists isn't because it can parse (we view this just as the ante in a poker game), but because all of this other stuff is very hard and we wanted to amortize the cost of doing it all (DMS has, we think, excellent support for all of these mechanisms but YMMV).
On reading the Xtext overview, it sounds like they have some support for symbol tables but it is unclear what kind of assumption is behind it (e.g., for C++ you have to support multiple inheritance and namespaces).
If you are already started down the ANTLR road and have something running, I'd be tempted to stay the course; I doubt if Xtext will offer you a lot of additional help. If you really really want Xtext's editor, then you can probably switch at the price of restructuring what grammar you have (this is a pretty typical price to pay when changing parsing paradigms). Expect most of your work to appear after you get the parser right, in an ad hoc way. I doubt you will find Xtext or ANTLR much different here.
I guess the most simple answer to your question is: Many general purpose languages can be implemented using Xtext. But since there is no general answer to which parser-capabilities a general purpose languages needs, there is no general answer to your questions.
However, I've got a few pointers:
With Xtext 2.0 (released this summer), Xtext supports syntactic predicates. This is one of the most requested features to handle ambiguous syntax without enabling antlr's backtracking.
You might want to look at the brand-new languages Xbase and Xtend, which are (judging based on their capabilities) general-purpose and which are developed using Xtext. Sven has some nice screen casts in his blog: http://blog.efftinge.de/
Regarding your question why we don't see Xtext-grammars for Java, C++, etc.:
With Xtext, a language is more than just a grammar, so just having a grammar that describes a language's syntax is a good starting point but usually not an artifact valuable enough for shipping. The reason is that with an Xtext-grammar you also define the AST's structure (Abstract Syntax Tree, and an Ecore Model in fact) including true cross references. Since this model is the main internal API of your language people usually spend a lot of thought designing it. Furthermore, to resolve cross references (aka linking) you need to implement scoping (as it is called in Xtext). Without a proper implementation of scoping you can either not have true cross references in your model or you'll get many lining errors.
A guess my point is that creating a grammar + designing the AST model + implementing scoping is just a little more effort that taking a grammar from some language-zoo and translating it to Xtext's syntax.

Learning More About Parsing

I have been programming since 1999 for work and fun. I want to learn new things, and lately I've been focused on parsing, as a large part of my job is reading, integrating and analyzing data. I also have a large number of repetitive tasks that I think I could express in very simple domain-specific languages if the overhead was low enough. I have a few questions about the subject.
Most of my current parsing code don't define a formal grammar. I usually hack something together in my language of choice because that's easy, I know how to do it and I can write that code very fast. It's also easy for other people I work with to maintain. What are the advantages and disadvantages of defining a grammar and generating a real parser (as one would do with ANTLR or YACC) to parse things compared with the hacks that most programmers used to write parsers?
What are the best parser generation tools for writing grammar-based parsers in C++, Perl and Ruby? I've looked at ANTLR and haven't found much about using ANTLRv3 with a C++ target, but otherwise that looks interesting. What are the other tools that are similar to ANTLR that I should be reading about?
What are the canonical books and articles that someone interested in learning more about parsing? A course in compilers unfortunately wasn't part of my education, so basic material is very welcome. I've heard great things about the Dragon Book, but what else is out there?
On 1., I would say the main advantage is maintainability -- making a little change to the language just means making a correspondingly-small change to the grammar, rather than minutely hacking through the various spots in the code that may have something to do with what you want changed... orders of magnitude better productivity and smaller risk of bugs.
On 2. and 3., I can't suggest much beyond what you already found (I mostly use Python and pyparsing, and could comment from experience on many Python-centered parse frameworks, but for C++ I mostly use good old yacc or bison anyway, and my old gnarled copy of the Dragon Book -- not the latest edition, actually -- is all I keep at my side for the purpose...).
Here's my take on your (very good) questions:
I think a parser benefits most from non-trivial situations where a grammar actually exists. You have to know about how parsers and grammars work to think of that technique, and not every developer does.
lex/yacc are older Unix tools that might be usable for you as a C++ developer. Maybe Bison as well.
ANTRL and its attendant book are very good. "Writing Compilers and Interpreters" has C++ examples which you might like.
The GoF Interpreter pattern is another technique for writing "little languages". Take a look at that.
Let's Build A Compiler is a step-by-step tutorial on how to write a simple compiler. The code is written in Delphi (Pascal), but it's basic enough to easily translate into most other languages.
I would have a serious look at monadic combinator-based parsing (which often also deals with lexical analysis) in Haskell. I found it quite an eye opener; it's amazing how easily you can build a parser from scratch using this method. It's so easy, in fact, that it's often faster to write your own parser than it is to try to use existing libraries.
The most famous example is probably Parsec which has a good user guide that explains how to use it. There is a list of ports of this library to other languages (including C++ and Ruby) listed on the Parsec page of the Haskell wiki, though I'm not familiar with them and so I can't say how close they are to using Parsec in Haskell.
If you want to learn how these work internally and how to write your own, I recommend starting with Chapter 8 ("Functional Parsers") from Graham Hutton's Programming in Haskell. Once you understand that chapter well (which will probably take several readings), you'll be set.
In perl, the Parse::RecDescent modules is the first place to start. Add tutorial to the module name and Google should be able to find plenty of tutorials to get you started.
Defining a grammar using BNF, EBNF or something similar, is easier and later on you will have a better time maintaining it. Also, you can find a lot of examples of grammar definitions. Last but not least, if you are going to talk about your grammar to someone else on the field, it is better if you are both speaking the same language (BNF, EBNF etc.).
Writing your own parsing code is like reinventing the wheel and is prone to errors. It is also less maintainable. Of course, it can be more flexible, and for small projects it might also be a good choice, but using an existing parser generator that takes a grammar and spits out the code should cover most of our needs.
For C++ I would also suggest lex/yacc. For Ruby this looks like a decent choice: Coco/R(uby)
Funny timing: I spent lots of this morning wondering about state machines and parsers, and trying to figure out how I could learn more about them.
For 2, you might take a look at Ragel (it's good for C++ and Ruby).
Here's a tutorial on a self-contained (10 pages!), completely portable compiler-compiler
which can be used to design and implement "low overhead" DSLs very quickly:
This site walks you through Val Schorre's 1964 paper on MetaII.
Yes, 1964. And it is amazing. This is how I learned about compilers
back in 1970.

Most effective way to parse C-like definition strings?

I've got a set of function definitions written in a C-like language with some additional keywords that can be put before some arguments(the same way as "unsigned" or "register", for example) and I need to analyze these lines as well as some function stubs and generate actual C code from them.
Is that correct that Flex/Yacc are the most proper way to do it?
Will it be slower than writing a Shell or Python script using regexps(which may become big pain, as I suppose, if the number of additional keywords becomes bigger and their effects would be rather different) provided that I have zero experience with analysers/parsers(though I know how LALR does its job)?
Are there any good materials on Lex/Yacc that cover similar problems? All papers I could find use the same primitive example of a "toy" calculator.
Any help will be appreciated.
ANTLR is commonly used (as are Lex\Yacc).
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language
Recognition, is a language tool that
provides a framework for constructing
recognizers, interpreters, compilers,
and translators from grammatical
descriptions containing actions in a
variety of target languages.
There is also the Lemon Parser, which features a less restrictive grammar. The down side is you're married to lemon, re-writing a parser's grammar to something else when you discover some limitation sucks. The up side is its really easy to use .. and self contained. You can drop it in tree and not worry about checking for the presence of others.
SQLite3 uses it, as do several other popular projects. I'm not saying use it because SQLite does, but perhaps give it a try if time permits.
That entirely depends on your definition of "effective". If you have all the time of the world, the fastest parser would be a hand-written pull parser. They take a long time to debug and develop but today, no parser generator beats hand-written code in terms of runtime performance.
If you want something that can parse valid C within a week or so, use a parser generator. The code will be fast enough and most parser generators come with a grammar for C already which you can use as a starting point (avoiding 90% of the common mistakes).
Note that regexps are not suitable for parsing recursive structures. This approach would both be slower than using a generator and more error prone than a hand-written pull parser.
actually, it depends how complex is your language and whether it's really close to C or not...
Still, you could use lex as a first step even for regular expression ....
I would go for lex + menhir and o'caml....
but any flex/yacc combination would be fine..
The main problem with regular bison (the gnu implementation of yacc) stems from the C typing.. you have to describe your whole tree (and all the manipulation functions)... Using o'caml would be really easier ...
For what you want to do, our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is likely a very effective solution.
DMS is designed specifically to support customer analyzers/code generators of the type you are discussing. It provides very strong facilities for defining arbitrary language parsers/analyzers (tested on 30+ real languages including several complete dialects of C, C++, Java, C#, and COBOL).
DMS automates the construction of ASTs (so you don't have to do anything but get the grammar right to have a usable AST), enables the construction of custom analyses of exactly the pattern-directed inspection you indicated, can construct new C-specific ASTs representing the code you want to generate, and spit them out as compilable C source text. The pre-existing definitions of C for DMS can likely be bent to cover your C-like language.

Writing a parser - In the need of guides and research papers

My knowledge about implementing a parser is a bit rusty.
I have no idea about the current state of research in the area, and could need some links regarding recent advances and their impact on performance.
General resources about writing a parser are also welcome, (tutorials, guides etc.) since much of what I had learned at college I have already forgotten :)
I have the Dragon book, but that's about it.
And does anyone have input on parser generators like ANTLR and their performance? (ie. comparison with other generators)
edit My main target is RDF/OWL/SKOS in N3 notation.
Mentioning the dragon book and antlr means you've answered your own question.
If you're looking for other parser generators you could also check out boost::spirit (http://spirit.sourceforge.net/).
Depending on what you're trying to achieve you might also want to consider a DSL, which you can either parse yourself or write in a scripting language like boo, ruby, python etc...
Hmm … your request is a bit unspecific. While there are many recent developments in this general area, they're all quite specialized (naturally, since the field has matured). The original parsing approaches haven't really changed, though. You might want to read up on changes in parser creation tools (Antlr, Gold Parser, to name but a few).
You might also want to take a look at SableCC, another parser generator "which generates fully featured object-oriented frameworks for building compilers".
Their is some documentation about basic uses here and here. Since you asked about research papers, SableCC's main developper's master thesis (1998) is available and explains a little more about SableCC advantages.
Although the current stable version is 3.2, the development branch v4 is a complete rewrite and should implement features new to parser generators.
If you want to build custom analyzers for complex languages,
consider our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.
See http://www.semanticdesigns.com/Products/DMS/DMSToolkit.html
This provides very strong parsing technology, making it "easy" to define your language
(especially in comparison with most parser generators).
Conventional parser generators may help
with parsing, but they provide zero help in the hard part of the
process, which happens after you can parse the code.
DMS provides a vast amount of machinery to support analyzing and transforming
the code once your have parsed it.

Parsing, where can I learn about it

I've been given a job of 'translating' one language into another. The source is too flexible (complex) for a simple line by line approach with regex. Where can I go to learn more about lexical analysis and parsers?
If you want to get "emotional" about the subject, pick up a copy of "The Dragon Book." It is usually the text in a compiler design course. It will definitely meet your need "learn more about lexical analysis and parsers" as well as a bunch of other fun stuff!
IMH(umble)O, save yourself an arm and/or leg and buy an older edition - it will fill your information desires.
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language
Recognition, is a language tool that
provides a framework for constructing
recognizers, interpreters, compilers,
and translators from grammatical
descriptions containing actions in a
variety of target languages.
There's a book for it also.
Niklaus Wirth's book "Compiler Construction" (available as a free PDF)
I've recently been working with PLY which is an implementation of lex and yacc in Python. It's quite easy to get started with it and there are some simple examples in the documentation.
Parsing can quickly become a very technical topic and you'll find that you probably won't need to know all the details of the parsing algorithm if you're using a parser builder like PLY.
Lots of people have recommended books. For many these are much more useful in a structured environment with assignments and due dates and so forth. Even if not, having the material presented in a different way can help greatly.
(a) Have you considered going to a school with a decent CS curriculum?
(b) There are lots of online lectures, such as MIT's Open Courseware. Their EE/CS section has many courses that touch on parsing, though I can't see any on parsing per se. It's typically introduced as one of the first theory courses as language classification and automata is at the heart of much of CS theory.
If you prefer Java based tools, the Java Compiler Compiler, JavaCC, is a nice parser/scanner. It's config file driven, and will generate java code that you can include in your program. I haven't used it a couple years though, so I'm not sure how the current version is. You can find out more here: https://javacc.dev.java.net/
Lexing/Parsing + typecheck + code generation is a great CS exercise I would recommend it to anyone wanting a solid basis, so I'm all for the Dragon Book
I found this site helpful:
Lex and YACC primer/HOWTO
The first time I used lex/yacc was for a relatively simple project. This tutorial was all I really needed. When I approached more complex projects later, the familiarity I had from this tutorial and a simple project allowed me to build something fancier.
After taking (quite) a few compilers classes, I've used both The Dragon Book and C&T. I think C&T does a far better job of making compiler construction digestible. Not to take anything away from The Dragon Book, but I think C&T is a far more practical book.
Also, if you like writing in Java, I recommend using JFlex and BYACC/J for your lexing and parsing needs.
Yet another textbook to consider is Programming Language Pragmatics. I prefer it over the Dragon book, but YMMV.
If you're using Perl, yet another tool to consider is Parse::RecDescent.
If you just need to do this translation once and don't know anything about compiler technology, I would suggest that you get as far as you can with some fairly simplistic translations and then fix it up by hand. Yes, it is a lot of work. But it is less work than learning a complex subject and coding up the right solution for one job. That said, you should still learn the subject, but don't let not knowing it be a roadblock to finishing your current project.
Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide
By Dick Grune and Ceriel J.H. Jacobs
This book (freely available as PDF) gives an extensive overview of different parsing techniques/algorithms. If you really want to understand the different parsing algorithms, this IMO is a better reference than the Dragon Book (as Parsing Techniques focuses entirely on parsing, while the Dragon Book covers parsing only as one - although important - part of the compiler construction process).
flex and bison are the new lex and yacc though. The syntax for BNF is often derided for being a bit obtuse. Some have moved to ANTLR and Ragel for this reason.
If you're not doing much translation, you may one to pull a one-off using multiline regexes with Perl or Ruby. Writing a compatible BNF grammar for an existing language is not a task to be taken lightly.
On the other hand, it is entirely possible to leverage any given language's .l and .y files if they are available as open source. Then, you could construct new code from an existing parse tree.
