Dynamic typed ViewPage - asp.net-mvc

Is this possible? Here's what I'm trying:
public ActionResult Index()
dynamic p = new { Name = "Test", Phone = "111-2222" };
return View(p);
And then my view inherits from System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<dynamic> and tries to print out Model.Name.
I'm getting an error: '<>f__AnonymousType1.Name' is inaccessible due to its protection level
So basically, is what I'm trying to do just not possible? Why or why not?
Update: here's my view
<%# Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<dynamic>" %>
<asp:Content ...>
The View constructor is built-in to the framework.

Anonymous types cannot be returned by a method; they are only valid within the scope of the method in which they are defined.
You should use a Model class that you have previously defined and pass that to your View. There is nothing wrong with passing a Model class that does not have every field defined.
I think I was wrong before. This should work. Perhaps the problem is within the View. Can you post more code? Especially the View and its constructor.
Update the Second:
Ok, I was wrong about passing an anonymous type to another method for use as a dynamic variable -- that can be done.
But I was also wrong in my belief that what you're trying to do would work. Unfortunately for you, it will not. The problem is that you are using ViewPage<TModel>, which uses a ViewDataDictionary<TModel> internally. Because they require strong types, you won't be able to use dynamic objects with them. The internal structure just doesn't use dynamic internally, and specifying dynamic as the type fails.
What would be needed is a DynamicViewPage class and corresponding DynamicViewDataDictionary class that accept object and store it internally as a dynamic. Then you could use an anonymous type and pass it to your Views.
That said, you would not gain anything. You would be able to specify your Views as you have done (i.e. <%=Model.Name%>), but you would not benefit from strong typing. There would be no intellisense and there would be no type safety. You'd do just as well to use the untyped ViewDataDictionary as #Dennis Palmer suggests.
This has been an interesting (and, unfortunately for me, absorbing) thought experiment, but I think, ultimately, that it's not going to happen. Either declare a public type and pass it to your Views, or use the untyped dictionary.

What benefit were you hoping to get from using the dynamic type here?
Using the ViewData dictionary is a very easy way of adding arbitrary objects/items to your view output.
You don't need reflection to get the property names within your View. Just use ViewData.Keys to get the collection of names.
Edit: I've just learned a bit more about dynamics myself and I think maybe you need to create your own dynamic object class that inherits from DynamicObject. You'll want to have a private dictionary in that class and then override TrySetMember and TryGetMember.
Edit Aside: I think one advantage of a strongly typed ViewModel is that you can accept it as a parameter in your POST Action methods. The MVC framework will handle the model binding and in the action method you simply have an instance of your ViewModel class. I don't think you'll have that advantage with a dynamic even if they do work.
Edit Result: Well, I tried using a class derived from DynamicObject, but VS2010 crashes when it tries to render the view. I don't get any exception, just a hard crash and Visual Studio restarts. Here's the code I came up with that causes the crash.
The custom dynamic class:
public class DynViewModel : DynamicObject
private Dictionary<string, object> ViewDataBag;
public DynViewModel()
this.ViewDataBag = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
this.ViewDataBag[binder.Name] = value;
return true;
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
result = this.ViewDataBag[binder.Name];
return true;
In the controller:
public ActionResult DynamicView()
dynamic p = new DynamicViewModel.Models.DynViewModel();
p.Name = "Test";
p.Phone = "111-2222";
return View(p);
My view is basically the same as what is listed in the question:
<p>Name: <%=Model.Name %></p>
<p>Phone: <%=Model.Phone %></p>
My Conclusion: This might work, but in the Beta 1 of VS2010 I can't figure out why my code causes Visual Studio to crash. I'll try it again in VS2010 Beta 2 when it is released because it is an interesting exercise in learning about dynamics. However, even if this were to work, I still don't see any advantage over using the ViewData dictionary.
Phil Haack to the rescue! Here's a blog post by Phil Haack that might help you out. It looks like it is what you were looking for. Fun With Method Missing and C# 4

The actual error here (<>f__AnonymousType1.Name' is inaccessible due to its protection level) is the result of using anonymous types. Anonymous types are implicitly internal (at least in C#), therefore they can only be accessed normally from the same assembly. Since your view is compiled into a separate assembly at runtime, it can't access the internal anonymous type.
The solution is to pass concrete/named classes as models to your view. The view itself can still use dynamic if you want.

On .NET 4.0 Anonymous types can easily be converted to ExpandoObjects and thus all the problems is fixed with the overhead of the conversion itself.
Check out here


TryUpdateModel not working as expected

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC project that will allow users to perform batch edits on the attributes of objects. The implementation is in a sort of "wizard" like form with four phases to the process as follows:
"Select the attributes you want to edit" - the first page will present the user with a list of checkboxes representing each of the attributes they want to edit. The user should check the attributes they wish to edit and select "Continue".
"Edit the selected attributes" - the second page will present the user with a list of distinct "editors" which will be unique for each of the attributes they selected on the first page.
"Review your changes" - this page will allow the user to review the changes they've made to the attributes they selected.
"Submit your changes" - this page will actually submit the information about the edits the user wishes to make to the selected attributes against the selected collection of objects.
Fairly straight-forward.
As I mentioned, the "editor" will be unique to each attribute, and could have any combination of different controls on it. Once a user has made their edits and the application posts that information to the "Review" page is where I'm currently having my problem.
We've developed the concept of an "EditorWorker" class that is unique to each attribute, which is responsible for generating the ViewModel necessary for each editor, but is also responsible for creating/returning (within the "Review" page controller action) an object that is the "model" object for the editor that the post data can be bound to, which can then be use to display the edited data for review. This object should have properties that match up with the IDs of the controls in the editor so that model binding can occur.
I've got the "EditorWorker" creating and returning the class needed, but for some reason, when I call TryUpdateModel and pass in that class, its properties aren't getting populated as a result of that method call as I would expect them to. I have verified that the values are in the posted FormCollection. Below is the code for my controller action where I'm attempting to do this. If someone can help me understand why TryUpdateModel isn't working in this scenario, I would be very appreciative.
public virtual ActionResult Review(ReviewBatchViewModel model)
var selectedAttributes = GetSelectedAttributes(model.SelectedAttributeIds.Split(',').Select(i => Int64.Parse(i)).ToArray());
var workers = new List<IEditorWorker>();
var reviewData = new Dictionary<ViewAttribute, IEditData>();
foreach (var attribute in selectedAttributes)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.EditorWorker)) // If there is no EditorWorker defined for this object, move on...
var worker = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(Type.GetType(string.Format("{0}.{1}", EditorWorkerNamespace, attribute.EditorWorker)));
var attributeEditData = ((IEditorWorker)worker).LoadEditData();
if (TryUpdateModel(attributeEditData))
model.EditData.Add(attributeEditData); // model.EditData is a List<IEditData> that will be iterated on the Review page
reviewData.Add(attribute, attributeEditData);
return View(model);
// ReviewBatchViewModel.cs
public class ReviewBatchViewModel : BaseViewModel
public ReviewBatchViewModel() { EditData = new List<IEditData>(); }
public string SelectedAttributeIds { get; set; }
public List<ViewAttribute> SelectedAttributes { get; set; }
public List<IEditData> EditData { get; set; }
// IEditData.cs
public interface IEditData
// BroadcastStatusEditData.cs
public class BroadcastStatusEditData : IEditData
public int BroadcastStatus { get; set; }
I totally understand that this controller action is incomplete in its current state. I'm presently working on just trying to get those EditData objects populated correctly before I move on. As mentioned, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
UPDATE: With regards to #mare's comment, I should have explained that part more clearly, sorry. The call to TryUpdateModel actually is returning true, but the fields on the model object being passed into it aren't actually being populated from the values that have been confirmed present in the posted form data. The model object being passed into the call is not a List, its just a poco. The resulting, ultimately hopefully populated model object is then being added to a List collection of model objects that will then be used for displaying the posted data for review on the Review page. I'm not loading anything from a datastore at all. Unique editors for each selected attribute are being rendered to the Edit screen, and I'm attempting to capture the edit values for display on a Review screen prior to submitting the batch of edits to a service. Hopefully that's more clear. Thanks.
UPDATE 2: I've included the definition of the ReviewBatchViewModel class as requested by #mare in the comments. The use of the var keyword in most cases in this code sample is largely due to the fact that the methods that are populating those variables is going to be returning an object of a different type for each attribute selected, so I never know exactly what its going to be at runtime (although it will always implement an interface, in this case either IEditorWorker and/or IEditData). There is a single class in the Model called "Attribute". The provided code sample has three variables relative that class: 1) SelectedAttributeIds is a comma-separated list of the Id's of the attributes that the user has selected to edit, which gets passed from the Edit page to the Review page via hidden field, 2) selectedAttributes is a collection of the actual Attribute objects that correspond to those Ids that I can work with, and 3) attributeEditData is an instance of the IEditData class specific to each given attribute that I'm attempting to bind the posted data from the Edit page to.
Hopefully this additional information clears things up even more.
TryUpdateModel is a generic method, and therefore attempts to infer all type information based on the Generic Type Parameter.
From what I understand in your example above, you are always passing in a IEditData correct?
In effect you are saying:
This is most likely the cause for not seeing any properties being set, since IEditData doesn't have any properties ;)
To do what you want you will probably have to create a custom ModelBinder.
As a quick code review side note, your solution seems overly complicated. I had to stare at your solution for a good while just to figure out where to start. Creating a custom model binder may solve your immediate problem, but you might be looking at a big time maintenance headache here. I'm willing to bet there is a simpler approach that will lead to fewer problems down the road.
Based on your comments I have changed the code around from System.Object to your IEditData interface, but everything still holds. I noticed in an earlier comment you mentioned using var because you didn't know the type until runtime. However, there is nothing magic about the var keyword. The only thing it does is give you implicit typing, but it is still statically typed.
The nice thing about MVC is that you can just pop over to Codeplex and have a look at the source for TryUpdateModel if you want. Digging down a few layers you will eventually find a call to this internal method:
protected internal bool TryUpdateModel<TModel>(TModel model, string prefix, string[] includeProperties, string[] excludeProperties, IDictionary<string, ValueProviderResult> valueProvider) where TModel : class {
if (model == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("model");
//valueProvider is passed into this internal method by
// referencing the public ControlerBase.ValueProvider property
if (valueProvider == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("valueProvider");
Predicate<string> propertyFilter = propertyName => BindAttribute.IsPropertyAllowed(propertyName, includeProperties, excludeProperties);
//Binders is an internal property that can be replaced by
// referencing the static class ModelBinders.Binders
IModelBinder binder = Binders.GetBinder(typeof(TModel));
ModelBindingContext bindingContext = new ModelBindingContext() {
Model = model,
ModelName = prefix,
ModelState = ModelState,
ModelType = typeof(TModel),
PropertyFilter = propertyFilter,
ValueProvider = valueProvider
binder.BindModel(ControllerContext, bindingContext);
return ModelState.IsValid;
Notice the use of typeof(TModel) everywhere... in your case that is getting translated into typeof(IEditData), which isn't very useful since it is only a marker interface. You should be able to adapt this code for your own use, making sure to use GetType() in order to get the actual type at runtime.
I hope this helps out!
P.S. I've added some comments to the above code to help out a little
#Josh, you were very helpful in helping me understand why TryUpdateModel wasn't working for me, and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, I think the larger issue here was that fact that I (not exactly sure which) was either unable or unwilling to try to document all of the details of the requirements for the problem I'm trying to solve here, which I think made it difficult for anyone to be able to provide much meaningful input. The biggest problem for us is that, because we have no idea until runtime which attributes a user has selected for editing, we don't know which objects we'll be working with in the context of these controller actions, or what their types will be. The one place that we safely can work with known data and types, is within the context of each of the unique EditorWorker objects, which is where I've chosen to do the heavy lifting here.
I was hoping and attempting to take advantage of all of the heavy lifting that MSFT has done for us within the MVC framework to handle model binding, but I've come to the conclusion at this point that I don't think that's going to work for us. The solution that I've come up with at this point, is to allow the LoadEditData method of the EditorWorker classes handle loading up the EditData classes for for me. As each EditorWorker class is unique to, and has knowledge of the attribute that it is associated with. The problem I was having originally was that I was letting the EditorWorker.LoadEditData method just return an empty instance of the specific type of EditData class that I needed for the attribute I was currently working with, and let the MVC framework handle model binding to that object for me. That wasn't working because that method is designed to return an object of type IEditData, and I never really knew exactly what type it was that I was currently working with, so I had no way of specifying the type in the call to either of the typed methods: TryUpdateModel<T> or UpdateModel<T>.
So the solution I've come up with, and am going with at least for now (re-education and/or refactoring may very well change this in the future, who knows) is to just pass the Request.Form object into the call to EditorWorker.LoadEditData and let that method handle actually loading up the EditData object that it knows it needs to return for the attribute it's responsible for, which it can do as it knows what information should be in the posted form collection to load up its EditData object.
So that's where I'm at for now. Thanks for the help.

ASP.Net MVC : Sending JSON to Controller

I want to be able to send JSON as opposed to the standard QueryStrings when making a post to my controllers in ASP.Net MVC. I have the Front-End stuff working fine (building and then submitting my JSON objects).
The problem is on the controller side where the default ModelBinders that ship with the MVC framework do not support this.
I have seen a combination of ways around this, one of them is to apply a filter which takes the object as a parameter, uses a JSON library to de-serialise it, and adds that to the action parameters. This is not ideal.
The other, better, way is to use a custom Model Binder. All the ones I have seen though presume you will have only one model and that will be a class rather than a variable. If you have multiple ones it breaks down.
Has anyone else encountered this? One idea I had was if I could simply override how MVC deals with the FormCollection and intercept there, adding the values to the collection myself and hoping MVC can do the rest in it's normal fashion. Does anyone know if that is possible?
The key issue, I think, is that my problem is not with binding because my view models are no different to how they where before. The problem is getting the values from the JSON Post.
If I am correct MVC get's the values from the QueryString and puts it into the form collection which is then used for ModelBinding. So shouldn't the correct method be to change the way the FormCollection gets assigned?
Example of an action:
public ActionResult MyFirstAction(Int32 ID, PersonObject Person, ClassObject ClassDetails)
The normal binding works, JSON doesn't and all the example of Model Binders will not work either. My best solution so far is to convert the object to a dictionary and loop though each param and match it up. Doesn't seem ideal.
I use a custom model binder for json like this:
public class JsonModelBinder<T> : IModelBinder {
private string key;
public JsonModelBinder(string requestKey) {
this.key = requestKey;
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ...) {
var json = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request[key];
return new JsonSerializer().Deserialize<T>(json);
And then wire it up in Global.asax.cs like this:
new JsonModelBinder<Product>("ProductJson"));
You can read more about this here: Inheritance is Evil: The Epic Fail of the DataAnnotationsModelBinder
The JsonModelBinder should be used on the controller action parameter typed as Product only. The Int32 and ClassObject should fall back to the DefaultModelBinder. Are you experiencing a different result?

Using LLBL as Model in MVC

I have settled on trying to use ASP.NET MVC but the first part I want to replace is the Model. I am using LLBL Pro for the model.
I have a table called "Groups" that is a simple look up table. I want to take thhe results of the table and populate a list in MVC. Something that should be very simple... or so I thought.... I've tried all kinds of things as I was getting errors like:
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[glossary.EntityClasses.GroupEntity]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[glossary.CollectionClasses.GroupCollection]'.
private GroupCollection gc = new GroupCollection();
public ActionResult Index()
return View( gc.?????? );
This is all I am trying to do, I've tried lots of variations, but my goal is simply to take the data and display it.
Not sure if this would work, but you could try wrapping the EntityCollection into a ViewModel class and passing it to the View like so:
public class GroupsViewModel()
public GroupCollection Groups { get; set; }
// other items in your view model could go here
then convert your controller method to
public ActionResult Index()
GroupCollection gc = new GroupCollection();
GroupsViewModel vm = new GroupsViewModel();
vm.Groups = gc;
return View(vm);
I like this approach because each ViewModel is an object in-and-of itself.
You can use the AsEnumerable extension where your ????? are or change the type of your ViewUserControl(in the markup) to be of type System.Collections.Generic.List. Basically what you need to correct is the mismatch between the type of the View and the Model being passed in.
I'm not sure about your exact error, but I'd venture a guess that one of two things are happenging:
You are making some sort of invalid / illegal call on your LLBLGen object. If this is the case make sure you are setting it up right / calling right method / property etc.
The model you are passing to the veiw is too hairy for it to deal with. In this case, and in general, you should create a light 'View Model' class with just the data you want displayed and populate it from your LLBLGen object first then pass it to the view, which will be able to easily handle your view model class.
Here are some references:
Stemming off what Yuriy said, it looks like your view is strongly typed to a "collection" of a collection of your groupentity, and you are trying to pass just the collection of your groupentities. Make sure your "collection" type (IEnumerable, IList, etc) matches what type of collection you are sending in your controller, along with the type of the actual object in the collection.
Just a thought

How does MVC Invoke an Action and map Request.Form to it's Parameters

I need to create something similar to how MVC invokes an Method(Action) and also uses the Model Binder to map a NamedValueCollection to the parameters on that method. Basically I have a Controller action that needs to dynamically call a method on a class, the controller has any information sent in a form or query string plus the name of the method to invoke as a string.
As far as I am concerned it's the same as invoking an action. I am essentially passing it down another level (there is a good reason I can't have these methods on the controller btw).
I downloaded the ASP.Net MVC 1.0 Source but there are a bunch of classes, I am having trouble finding the code that handles this.
I know how to invoke an method whose name is contained in a string, but maybe there is a better way that MVC uses. I also need to know how to use the Model Binders to make Request.Form + Query Strings to that methods parameters.
If anyone could point me to either the code in the MVC source that does this or point me in the right direction with regards to using the default Model Binder in MVC manually I would be grateful.
Let me know if I can make this clearer.
It's complicated. FindAction is called on ControllerActionInvoker. This calls, eventually, ReflectedControllerDescriptor.FindAction, which in turn calls ActionMethodSelector.FindActionMethod, which calls RunSelectionFilters on the same type. That method takes a list of methods passed him by the collar, and iterates them, examining the arguments on each method and comparing them with the values in the request. Because this has to run quickly on a request comes in, this is all cached, and because it is designed to be extensible, there are some abstract types in between the layers I've described. Hence, it can be a little difficult to follow at first, and it would probably be difficult to repurpose it for non-controller logic. However, you could use it as a model for implementing your own system. I think it's a little too complicated for a domain-specific application. The number of extension points is probably appropriate for the MVC framework, but for your own code, YAGNI.
I hope this gives you enough to get started, however.
Regarding using a model binder without the web stack: Well, you still need MVC, but not necessarily a web server. Here's how we do it in a unit test:
internal static T Bind<T>(string prefix, FormCollection collection, ModelStateDictionary modelState) where T:BaseTimeRecordPresentationModel
var mbc = new ModelBindingContext()
ModelName = prefix,
ModelState = modelState,
ModelType = typeof(T),
ValueProvider = collection.ToValueProvider()
IModelBinder binder = new TimeRecordModelBinder();
var cc = new ControllerContext();
return binder.BindModel(cc, mbc) as T;
internal static T BindAndAssertValid<T>(string prefix, FormCollection collection) where T:BaseTimeRecordPresentationModel
var msd = new ModelStateDictionary();
var result = Bind<T>(prefix, collection, msd);
if (!msd.IsValid)
return result;

Does ASP.NET MVC Has Anything Equivalent To WPF's DataTemplate Feature?

In my ASP.NET MVC project, I have a polymorphic collection that I wish to render - say, an IEnumerable<ISomething> where the individual items may be a mix of different implementations of ISomething.
I'd like that list rendered, where each concrete type renders according to its own template (perhaps a strongly typed ViewUserControl).
In WPF, I'd be able to specify DataTemplates that would automatically bind concrete types to specific templates. Can I do something similar in ASP.NET MVC?
Obviously, I can iterate through the list and attempt a cast using the is keyword and then use a lot of if statements to render the desired control, but I was hoping for something more elegant (like WPF).
I ended up with developing a solution myself - I have described it in DataTemplating In ASP.NET MVC.
I'm not sure if I get you fully, but, why don't you implement a method to your ISomething interface like render for example, which by contract will be implemented to all of your other concrete entities, and then iterate through each item in the polymorphic collection and call it.
I had a similar issue and never found a "simple" answer. I had the benefit of knowing that all items in the list would render the same way so I created a decorator for ISomething, converted the list to IEnumerable using some code from the Umbrella project (http://umbrella.codeplex.com), and then extracted out the relevant pieces. Kinda like the following:
public interface ISomethingDecorator
string Description { get; }
string[] Actions { get; }
public class BigSomethingDecorator : ISomethingDecorator { /* ... */ }
public class SmallSomethingDecorator : ISomethingDecorator { /* ... */ }
Then, as I said, I use the Umbrella project to convert from ISomething to ISomethingDecorator and returned IEnumerable to the View.
Don't know if it'll help you with what you're trying to do -- especially being a month late -- but I thought I'd let you know how I handled it. If you're displaying completely different formats, it probably won't do the trick but maybe it can get you a starting point.
