MVC - FilePathResult Not working in IIS6 -

in my project I have a few actions for specifically returning files (pdf/excel) within my view using FilePathResult. Unfortunately my hosting is currently in IIS6 and while the routing is working by using wildcard mapping for aspnet_isapi.dll the file links simply arent. Is there any way to get these to work with IIS6

Actually, embarassingly enough, the problem was an incorrect path when I moved it to the IIS6 server so it works fine now I've corrected that.


MVC - Routing not working within intranet

I don't know anyone can help but I'd appreciate any. I am developing an app in mvc (c#), now I had various routes working on my local development machine when the app was stand alone however now I've tried adding the project to the test intranet at work and none of the routes are working.
So where Localhost/Admin/Create worked fine locally where admin is the controller and Create is the action, when I try to get to I'm getting a file not found error. I'm not sure what I need to change to get it to pick up the routing again rather than look for the literal path. The default.aspx page works fine and gets called but apart from that nothing. Is routing only viable when in a standalone project?
Cheers for any help.
It looks like you're either running on IIS 6 or IIS 7 classic mode. If you can, I'd recommend updgrading to IIS 7 integrated mode. If not, I have a walkthrough for getting up and running on IIS 6.
You don't say what version of IIS you have deployed to, but you may be running into the issues described here:
I believe that most people chose to resolve this using a wildcard mapping for the aspnet_isapi.dll.

mvc 1.0 doesnt work on IIS6

I have a strange problem with my MVC 1.0 application that I published on IIS6. When I try to surf to the pages no routes match and I get page not found.
I have installed 3.5sp1 on the webserver and everything needed.
Seems like there is lots of files missing (?) or the filestructure isnt the same as in my project folder.
What might be wrong here?
Did you set up wildcard mappings?

ASP.Net MVC Wildcard Mappings IIS 6.0 - Page Can Not be Found

I added wildcard mappings to my website in IIS 6.0 so that my MVC application works properly but now I get a page can not be found for every request. Once wildcard mappings are inserted I can not browse to a test html file I created or any of my routes.
The site works fine when the wildcard mappings are off and I create a application extention called .mvc which is then used in my routes however I woupld prefer not using the extension in the Url.
Here are some highlights of my setup, server, and application:
Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6.0:
.Net 3.5 SP1
Bin deployment for the MVC dll's
Server has mutiple sites running on it. With this particular one being set up as its own site (not a virtual directory).
The site uses forms authentication
When setting up the wildcard mappings I unchecked "verify file exists" and mapped to c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.050727\aspnet_isapi.dll.
The web service extensions where pointing to framework64. As soon as the wildcard mapping was pointing to the correct folder (framework64 instead of framework) it worked.
Url rewriting can help you to solve the problem. I've implemented solution allowing to deploy MVC application at any IIS version even when virtual hosting is used.

404 Error when moving ASP.NET MVC app from IIS6 to IIS7

I just got a new development box and am having issues getting my MVC project up and running. My old box had Server 2003 and IIS6. I was able to get my MVC apps working on this box after setting up the wild card mapping as mentioned here. My new box is running Vista Business and IIS7. When I copied my app over and tried to run it, I get an 'http 404 The resource cannot be found.' error. However, if I create a new MVC app and run that, everything works fine. I also copied the Nerd Dinner app over from my old box and that works fine as well.
I've verified that the app is running in Integrated Mode and have compared the web.config files of the working and non-working apps but see nothing that is different other than application specific appsettings. I have tried to run the app in Classic Mode with the wild card mapping set, but that does not work either. I have also tried running the app using Cassini, but got the same results.
I have posted the answer on my blog, check it out at
I had a MVC based application that was earlier hosted on IIS 6. Now IIS 6 doesn't support extensionless URL routes by default, so we need to add some extension to the controller name in the default route defined like {ControllerName}.aspx{Action method}{Id} in IIS6. Also we if we wanted to go for some other extensions like .mvc etc. then we needed to map it using techniques like wildcard mappngs etc.
Now when we have migrated to IIS7, then extensionless URLs are supported which means URLs can be there which don't have any corresponding physical location.
So when you are migrating your MVC application to IIS7 then make sure the default route define in Globla.asax don't have any extension defined with controller like {controller}.aspx\{action method}\{Id} and change it to \clean URL route {Controller}\{Action Method}\{ID(optional)}.
Second thing you should keep in mind that the pipeline mode of AppPool of the website should be set to Integrated from classic.
That's all now your website is ready to be hosted on IIS7.
OK, I figured out the problem. The App in question is a port of a Web Forms app over to MVC as a proof-of-concept project. As such, when the project was first created, we just added a .MVC to the end of the project name to make it {project name}.MVC. This, not surprisingly now that I know what's going on, caused a problem with the default routing definitions. I changed the name to use an underscore instead of a period and everything works now. I'm assuming that it worked fine while running under IIS6 since it was setup using a wild card mapping and therefore there was no .MVC extension to confuse it.

Accessing static content of an ASP.Net MVC project with IIS7

I've create a web site on my local IIS 7 with my own ASP.Net MVC project on its root.
Everything is working fine except for the static content. Going to http://localhost:8080/Content/Site.css gives me a 404. I can see the folder on IIS Manager.
The content is served fine with the small development server you get when you run the application on Visual Studio 2008. Any ideas what might be wrong?
The problem was permissions. Even though when I create the IIS7 web site I told it to access the files as my user (it wouldn't work at all otherwise), for static file it was using the user of the application pool. Giving access to IIS APPPOOL\MyApplication to the folder where my project was fixed the issue.
How about
routes.RouteExistingFiles = true;
in your Global.asax?
Try going to http://localhost:8080/../../Content/Site.css, not sure if your original URL is matching a route.
Not really a programming question though.
