How do I destroy the association itself and leave the objects being associated alone, while keeping this RESTful?
Specifically, I have these models:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :model_surveys, :as => :surveyable, :dependent => :destroy, :include => :survey
has_many :surveys, :through => :model_surveys
class ModelSurvey < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :survey
belongs_to :surveyable, :polymorphic => true
class Survey < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :model_surveys
That's saying that the Event is :surveyable (ModelSurvey belongs_to Event). My question is, without having to create a ModelSurveysController, how do I destroy the ModelSurvey, while leaving the Event and Survey alone?
Something with map.resources :events, :has_many => :model_surveys? I'm not quite sure what to do in this situation. What needs to happen with the routes, and what needs to happen in the controller? I'm hoping the url could look something like this:
Thanks for your help,
In Rails 2.3 you have accepts_nested_attributes_for which would let you pass an array of ModelSurveys to the event in question. If you allow destroy through the nested attributes declaration, you'll be able to pass event[model_surveys][1][_destroy]=1 and the association will be removed. Check out the api docs.
Resources domain != model domain
The domain of the controller is not the same as that of the models. It's perfectly fine to update multiple models by changing the state of a resource.
In your case that means doing a PUT or POST to either the Event or the Survey which contains a list of ids for the other. The model for one will update the association.
Some people (but not Roy Fielding) believe that you should use a PUT to update the resource and provide all of the state again, others feel that a POST with the partial state (ala PATCH) is sufficient.
In a small app I am building, I have a controller that creates an exchange. When a user creates an exchange they are simultaneously the organizer of the exchange and a participant in the exchange. Participants are tracked by a join table that joins a user_id and an exchange_id. Organizers are tracked by a foreign user_id key in the exchange table.
I am trying to figure out where to put the code that will automatically create a new membership record for the organizer of the exchange. Should I put this in the exchange_controller's create action itself, or in an after_filter triggered by the create action? Or maybe somewhere else? Part of the problem is that I could not find any good examples of proper after_filter use ( only had sparse mention of it), so any links pointing in the correct direction would be appreciated as well.
Here is relevant model code:
# Returns array of exchanges user is participating in
has_many :participations,
:through => :memberships,
:source => :exchange
# Returns array of exchanges user has organized
has_many :organized_exchanges,
:foreign_key => :organizer_id,
:class_name => "Exchange"
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :exchange_id, :user_id, :role
belongs_to :exchange
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :organizer,
:foreign_key => :organizer_id,
:class_name => "User"
has_many :memberships, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :participants,
:through => :memberships,
:source => :user
And here is the relevant controller code:
def create
#exchange =[:exchange])
#exchange.organizer_id =
redirect_to exchange_path(
render 'new'
after_filter is a completely different thing in this context. It is called when your view is completely processed and so you want to call some action to do something.
You can use after_create callback that is triggered when a record is created in the database.
In your case, a user is creating an exchange and so after the exchange is created, the after_create callback is triggered and you can apply your functionality over there to make the current user who created the exchange to be a participant.
The way to write in a model is like this:
after_create :do_something
def do_something!
Note: It is not good to use after_save here because it is triggered every time you save a record or even if you update a record.
There is a nice SO post that clearly tells you the difference between the after_create and after_save.
See this SO post for the difference between the two.
More on the callbacks is here.
Let's say we use ActiveRecord and there's a user (User model) having many comments (Comment model) and many articles (Article model). We can write this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
has_many :articles
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
end I can do user.comments and user.articles:
user.comments # => [#<Comment:0x12bfcd010>, #<Comment:0x3928c1101>]
user.articles # => [#<Article:0x10aacd333>]
Considering Article and Comment as an item, is that possible to do so (with 1 query)?
user.items # => [#<Comment:0x12bfcd010>, #<Article:0x10aacd333>, #<Comment:0x3928c1101>]
...This way, an item could looks like a polymorphcal attached resource. Even if it's not a normal polymorphic association.
I think this would be possible. Thanks.
This has been asked before, best to google for reverse polymorphic associations. That said, here's the question asking the same thing.
Reverse Polymorphic Associations
And the answer then links to this gist, which illustrates a way to do it pretty well.
I have the following two models, User..
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :sites
.. and Site:
class Site< ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
Up to this point its fine. It works and it's pretty simple.
Now I want to introduce "primary user" to the Site. I add "primary_user_id" to the Site, and trying to add a second association:
class Site< ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :user
# my new association that doesn't work...
has_one :primary_user, :class_name => "User", :conditions => ['id = ?', '{self.primary_user_id}']
It doesn't like it... Now I know that I can fake this by just adding a method "primary_user" to the site and this will work, but my question is whether it is possible to user ActiveRecord associations and how?
has_and_belongs_to_many is tricky and most people have moved away from it and use has_many through => model.
btw - 'Up to this point its fine. It works and it's pretty simple.' is how all things start off. How they perform when you 'really' start to use them is what counts and for that reason you'll probably find has_many through easier to work with.
These links will help: (nesting gem).
About to make a design decision and looking for a little validation or advice on the "Rails way" before proceeding.
Users create Posts
Posts can include (one or more) Photos
Posts can be (optionally) related to an Event
In turn Photos from a Post are also related to said Event
One requirement, among others, would be to easily display all Photos from a given Event. Another would be showing all Photos submitted by a given User.
I originally assumed:
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :event
But I'm having trouble building all the relationships in the Post controller:
class PostsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :login_required, :except => [:index, :show]
def create
#user = User.find(session[:user_id])
#post = #user.posts.create(params[:post])
# how/where to assign Event?
I can loop through and build each :photo param in the Post model...but not sure how/where to assign the event_id? Which makes me wonder if maybe there's a better approach?
Perhaps I should be exploring has_many :through relationships where:
User has_many :photos, :through => :posts
Event has_many :photos, :through => :posts
In a nutshell, should I be storing the user_id & event_id in every Photo to make it easier to grab them as needed? If so, how best to assign the associations? Or, will this become hard to maintain and thus generally frowned upon and I should use a has_many :through approach?
I have looked through the Ruby on Rails guides and I can't seem to figure out how to prevent someone from deleting a Parent record if it has Children. For example. If my database has CUSTOMERS and each customer can have multiple ORDERS, I want to prevent someone from deleting a customer if it has any orders in the database. They should only be able to delete a customer if it has no orders.
Is there a way when defining the association between models to enforce this behavior?
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders, :dependent => :restrict # raises ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError
Edit: as of Rails 4.1, :restrict is not a valid option, and instead you should use either :restrict_with_error or :restrict_with_exception
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders, :dependent => :restrict_with_error
You could do this in a callback:
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders
before_destroy :check_for_orders
def check_for_orders
if orders.count > 0
errors.add_to_base("cannot delete customer while orders exist")
return false
see this answer for a better way to do this.
Try using filters to hook in custom code during request processing.
One possibility would be to avoid providing your users a link to deletion in this scenario.
link_to_unless !#customer.orders.empty?
Another way would be to handle this in your controller:
if !#customer.orders.empty?
flash[:notice] = "Cannot delete a customer with orders"
render :action => :some_action
Or, as Joe suggests, before_filters could work well here and would probably be a much more DRY way of doing this, especially if you want this type of behavior for more models than just Customer.