Storing Objects in a Session in Rails - ruby-on-rails

I have always been taught that storing objects in a session was a bad idea. Instead IDs should be stored that retrieve the record when needed.
However, I have an application that I wonder is an exception to this rule. I'm building a flashcard application, and the words being quizzed are in a table in the database whose schema doesn't change. I want to store the words currently being quizzed in a session, so a user can finish where they started in case they move on to a separate page.
In this case, is it possible to get away with storing these words as objects in the database? If so, why? The reason I ask is because the quiz is designed to move quickly, and I'd hate to waste a database call on retrieving a record that never changes in the first place. However, perhaps there are other negatives to a large session that I'm not aware of.
*For the record, I have tried caching it with the built-in memcache methods in Rails 2.3, but apparently that has a maximum size per item of 1MB.

The main reason not to store objects in the session is that if the object structure changes, you will get an exception. Consider the following:
class Foo
attr_accessor :bar
class Bar
foo = =
Then, in a subsequent release of the project, you change Bar's name. You reboot the server, and try to grab foo out of the session. When it tries to deserialize, it fails to find Bar and explodes.
It might seem like it would be easy to avoid this pitfall, but in practice, I've seen it bite a number of people. This is just because serializing an object can sometimes take more along with it than is immediately apparent (this sort of thing is supposed to be transparent) and unless you have rigorous rules about this, things will tend to get flummoxed up.
The reason it's normally frowned upon is that it's extremely common for this to bite people in ActiveRecord, since it's quite common for the structure of your app to shift over time, and sessions can be deserialized a week or longer after they were originally created.
If you understand all that and are willing to put in the energy to be sure that your model does not change and is not serializing anything extra, you're probably fine. But be careful :)

Rails tends to encourage RESTful design, and using sessions isn't very RESTful. I'd probably make a Quiz resource that has a bunch of words, as well as a current_word. This way, when they come back, you'll know where they were.
Now, REST isn't everything (depending on who you talk to), but there's a pretty good case against large sessions. Remember that sessions write things to and from disk, and the more data that you're writing, the longer it takes to read back...

Since your app is a Rails app, I would suggest either:
Using your clients' ability to cache
by caching the cards in javascript.
(you'd need a fairly ajaxy app to
do this, see the latest RailsCast for some interesting points on javascript page caching)
Use one of the many other rails-supported server-side
caching options (i.e. MemCached) to
cache this data.

A much more insidious issue you'll encounter storing objects directly in the session is when you're using CookieStore (the default in Rails 2+ I believe). It's very easy to get CookieOverflow errors which are very hard to recover from.


Ruby on Rails - Most efficient solution for this Class?

I'm a senior Comp. Sci. major working on a senior design project for our faculty. The name of this project is "Gradebook", and it is responsible for allowing instructors to record grades for students and for students to check their grades in a class. This project is written in Ruby on Rails, and this feature set is integrated into our current CS Website.
One requirement for our project is to constantly keep the course average and each of the student's averages updated. So I designed a CourseInfo class and a StudentInfo class to help with this process.
The CourseInfo class accepts a Gradebook (an ActiveRecord object) as a parameter and calculates the course average. It creates an Associative Array of StudentInfo objects, with each StudentInfo object containing the student's overall average in the class. The benefit of this is that I can calculate the Course Average with one line of code that initializes the class, and it is very clean.
But there is one issue that I'm mulling over. The problem is, the CourseInfo object does not survive when another HTTP request is made, I have to keep recreating it. Whether I'm adding an assignment, editing a category, or recording grades, I have to keep it updated because this project uses AJAX requests all the time. Instructors do not have to refresh any pages, because AJAX requests are created with every action.
For example, suppose I'm recording grades for a specific assignment. With each grade I record into the spreadsheet, an AJAX request is made and the course average updates with each new grade. But the problem is, if I want to update the Course Average after recording a student's grade, since the CourseInfo object does not stay alive in the next request, I have to recreate the object to keep the average updated. But that is a LOT of work. That involves calculating each of the student's average for EACH assignment, and then calculating the course average for EACH student. I know, a lot of work and could be simpler right?
So naturally, I want this CourseInfo object to live forever as long as the client is using the website. I've thought of many different ways to solve this problem:
1) Global Variables or Class Variables - I honestly want to stay away from this approach because I hear it is bad design. I also hear that this approach is not thread-safe. But it seems to provide a simple solution to my problem?
2) Serialize the Object in the Database - This is what I'm learning towards the most. I hear that sometimes people will serialize a Hash that contains user preferences in a web app, why not serialize my CourseInfo object? I've also done some research on the MessagePack gem, and I could potentially encode the CourseInfo object using MessagePack and then store it into the database. I feel like this would be a noticeable performance increase.
3) Use some kind of cache - Gems such as Redis act as a cache, and I liked Redis because it is a key value store. I can store a CourseInfo object for each Gradebook that was used during the session, and if I need to update the CourseInfo object, I can simply fetch the CourseInfo object by using the Gradebok's ID as a key. But I'm not sure if this is thread-safe. What if two instructors attempt to update two different grades at the same time? Will there be multiple instances of this CourseInfo object for each client using Gradebook?
4) Store it in the Session - Yeah I pretty much crossed this option off my list. I researched this approach, and I hear it is horrible to store a lot of data in the session. I don't want to do this.
What do you think? If I don't want to reinitialize this large object for each request, how can I make it live forever? What is the most efficient solution? What do you think about my design?
Help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
2) Serialize the Object in the Database
due to agile philosophy of implementing the simplest thing that could possibly work first.
see Saving arrays, hashes, and other non-mappable objects in text columns
The course_average allways reflects the persistent state of the users records. Serializing it is a no braner in ActiveRecord. If you are using postgres , you can even use the native json store, which you can not only deserialize but also query through. No need for additional complexity to maintain an extra store. This solution has also the benefit of having a persistent counter cache.(no need to recalculate if nothing changes)
However using a cache is also a valuable option. Just remember, if you want to use redis as a cache store you have to explicitly configure a cache expiring policy, as by default none of the keys will expire and you will recieve an out of memory error, when redis grows beyound the size of RAM on the machine.
The redis-rails gem will setup rails to use redis for caching.
Storing this information in the session might also work, but watch out you session not getting to big. The whole session data is allways loaded completely into memory, regardles of some information in it is required or not. Allways loading megabytes of data into memory for every http connection might be not a great idea.
There is also a 5th option, i would evaluate first. Check, does the computation of averages really takes so long. Or can the peformance of it, pobably be improved, e.g. by reducing n+1 queries, setting proper indexes, doing the whole computation in sql or preparing the necessary data completly in sql, so that all the necessary data can be fetched in 1 query.

Sharing an large array with all users on a rails app

I have inherited an app that generates a large array for every user that visit the app. I recently discovered that it is identical for nearly all the users!!
Now I want to somehow make one copy of it so it is not built over and over again. I have thought of a few options and wanted input to see which one is the best:
1) Create a model and shove the data into the database
2) Create a YAML file and have the app load it when it initializes.
I personally like the model idea but a few engineers at work feel as though it does not deserve to be a full model. 97% of the times users will see the same exact thing but 3% of the time users will get a slightly different array (a few elements will have changed).
Any other approaches that I should consider.??..thanks in advance.
Remember that if you store the data in the DB, each request which requires the data will have to execute a DB query to pull it out. If you are running multiple server threads, each thread could have its own copy in memory (if they are all handling requests which require the use of the array). In that case, you wouldn't be saving any memory (though you might save time from not having to regenerate the array).
If you are running multiple server processes (not threads), and if the array contents change as the application is running, and the changes have to be visible to all the processes, caching in memory won't work. You will have to use the DB in that case.
From the information in your comment, I suggest you try something like this:
Store the array in your DB, and make sure that the record(s) used have created/updated timestamps. Cache the contents in memory using a constant/global variable/class variable. Also store the last time the cache was updated.
Every time you need to use the array, retrieve the relevant "updated" timestamp from the DB. (You may need to use hand-coded SQL and ModelName.connection.execute to avoid pulling back all the data in the record, which ActiveRecord will probably do.) If the timestamp is later than the last time your cache was updated, pull the array from the DB and update your cache.
Use a Mutex ('require thread') when retrieving/updating the cached data, in case your server setup may use multiple threads. (I don't think that Passenger does, but I have had problems similar to threading problems when using Passenger+RMagick, so I would still use a Mutex to be safe.)
Wrap all the code which deals with the cached array in a library class (or a class method on the model used to store the data), so the details of cache management don't spill over into the rest of the application.
Do a little bit of performance testing on the cache setup using Benchmark.measure {}. If a bug in the setup actually made performance worse rather than better, that would be sad...
I'd go with option 2. You can add two constants (for the 97% and 3%) that load from a YAML file when the app initializes. That ought to shrink your memory footprint considerably.
Having said that, yikes, this is just a band-aid on a hack, but you knew that already. I'd consider putting some time into a redesign, if you have that luxury.

When I have required model relationships, how do I guard against errors?

I have an application with a lot of database relationships that depend on each other to successfully operate the application. The hinge in the application is a model called the Schedule, but the schedule will pull Blocks, an Employee, a JobTitle, and an Assignment (in addition to that, every Block will pull an assignment from the database along with it as well) to assemble an employees schedule throughout the day.
When I built the app, I put a lot of emphasis on validations that would ensure that all of the pieces had to be in place before everything was saved to the database. This has worked out fantastically so far, and the app has been live and pounded on for almost 6 months, serving approximately 150,000 requests a month with no hiccups or errors. Until last week.
Last week, while someone was altering a schedule, it looks like the database erred, and a Schedule was saved to the database with its Assignment missing. Because the association is called in every view, whenever this schedule was called from the database, the application would throw an NoMethod error for calling on nil.
When designing an application in the way that I state, do you guard against a possible failure on the part of the database/validations? And if so how do you programatically defend against it? Do you check every relationship to make sure that it is not nil before sending it to the view?
I know this question is awash in generality, and if I can be more specific in what I mean, please let me know in the comments.
I would recommend adding database-enforced foreign key constraints and wrapping important groups of operations into transactions.
If there is a foreign-key between Schedule and Assignment somewhere, a database-enforced foreign key constraint would have prevented the errant insert. Additionally, if you wrap the particular action in a transaction, you can be sure that either the entire stream of inserts/updates/deletes happens or fails, reverting to a clean state.
In addition to your validations, and adding some database constraints as mentioned in other answers, you might also run a background job that periodically sweeps the database looking for orphans.
When it finds one, it cleans it up (if possible), or deletes it, or just marks it inactive and sends you email so you can look at it later. Depending on the amount and nature of your data, once a minute, once an hour, once a day...
That way, if bad data does get in despite whatever safeguards you have in place, you'll know about it sooner rather than later.
I'll argue the non-conventional wisdom on this. The constraints you describe don't belong in the database, they belong in your OO code. And it's not true that "the database erred", it's unquestionably true that the application is what inserted improperly validated data.
When you start expecting the database to carry the burden of these checks, you're putting business rules into the schema. At a minimum, this makes it a lot harder to write unit tests (which is where you should probably have caught this in the first place; but now is your chance to add another test.)
Ideally, you should be able to replace the RDBMS with some other generic data store and still have all the functional logic properly active and unchanged in the appropriate other places. The UI shouldn't be talking to the DAL much less dealing with database exceptions directly.
You can add the additional database constraints if you want, but it should be strictly as a backup. As you can see, handling database structural errors gracefully (especially if the UI is involved) is a lot harder.
If it's something that must be true in order for the app to function, that's really what assert()s are for. I've barely ever used Ruby, but I imagine it must have that concept. Use them to enforce preconditions in various places throughout your code. That combined with sanitizing and validating your external (user) inputs should be enough to protect you. I think if something goes wrong after that amount of checking, your app is righteously allowed to crash (in a controlled manner, of course).
I doubt the problem you're experiencing is a bug in your database. More likely there's some edge case in your validations that you've overlooked.

Application Context in Rails

Rails comes with a handy session hash into which we can cram stuff to our heart's content. I would, however, like something like ASP's application context, which instead of sharing data only within a single session, will share it with all sessions in the same application. I'm writing a simple dashboard app, and would like to pull data every 5 minutes, rather than every 5 minutes for each session.
I could, of course, store the cache update times in a database, but so far haven't needed to set up a database for this app, and would love to avoid that dependency if possible.
So, is there any way to get (or simulate) this sort of thing? If there's no way to do it without a database, is there any kind of "fake" database engine that comes with Rails, runs in memory, but doesn't bother persisting data between restarts?
Right answer: memcached . Fast, clean, supports multiple processes, integrates very cleanly with Rails these days. Not even that bad to set up, but it is one more thing to keep running.
90% Answer: There are probably multiple Rails processes running around -- one for each Mongrel you have, for example. Depending on the specifics of your caching needs, its quite possible that having one cache per Mongrel isn't the worst thing in the world. For example, supposing you were caching the results of a long-running query which
gets fresh data every 8 hours
is used every page load, 20,000 times a day
needs to be accessed in 4 processes (Mongrels)
then you can drop that 20,000 requests down to 12 with about a single line of code
##arbitrary_name ||= Model.find_by_stupidly_long_query(param)
The double at-mark, a Ruby symbol you might not be familiar with, is a global variable. ||= is the commonly used Ruby idiom to execute the assignment if and only if the variable is currently nil or otherwise evaluates to false. It will stay good until you explicitly empty it OR until the process stops, for any reason -- server restart, explicitly killed, what have you.
And after you go down from 20k calculations a day to 12 in about 15 seconds (OK, two minutes -- you need to wrap it in a trivial if block which stores the cache update time in a different global), you might find that there is no need to spend additional engineering assets on getting it down to 4 a day.
I actually use this in one of my production sites, for caching a few expensive queries which literally only need to be evaluated once in the life of the process (i.e. they change only at deployment time -- I suppose I could precalculate the results and write them to disk or DB but why do that when SQL can do the work for me).
You don't get any magic expiry syntax, reliability is pretty slim, and it can't be shared across processes -- but its 90% of what you need in a line of code.
You should have a look at memcached:
There is a helpful Railscast on Rails 2.1 caching. It is very useful if you plan on using memcached with Rails.
Using the stock Rails cache is roughly equivalent to this.
#p3t0r- is right,MemCached is probably the best option, but you could also use the sqlite database that comes with Rails. That won't work over multiple machines though, where MemCached will. Also, sqlite will persist to disk, though I think you can set it up not to if you want. Rails itself has no application-scoped storage since it's being run as one-process-per-request-handler so it has no shared memory space like ASP.NET or a Java server would.
So what you are asking is quite impossible in Rails because of the way it is designed. What you ask is a shared object and Rails is strictly single threaded. Memcached or similar tool for sharing data between distributed processes is the only way to go.
The Rails.cache freezes the objects it stores. This kind of makes sense for a cache but NOT for an application context. I guess instead of doing a roundtrip to the moon to accomplish that simple task, all you have to do is create a constant inside config/environment.rb
Pretty simple, ah?

Storing Data In Memory: Session vs Cache vs Static

A bit of backstory: I am working on an web application that requires quite a bit of time to prep / crunch data before giving it to the user to edit / manipulate. The data request task ~ 15 / 20 secs to complete and a couple secs to process. Once there, the user can manipulate vaules on the fly. Any manipulation of values will require the data to be reprocessed completely.
Update: To avoid confusion, I am only making the data call 1 time (the 15 sec hit) and then wanting to keep the results in memory so that I will not have to call it again until the user is 100% done working with it. So, the first pull will take a while, but, using Ajax, I am going to hit the in-memory data to constantly update and keep the response time to around 2 secs or so (I hope).
In order to make this efficient, I am moving the intial data into memory and using Ajax calls back to the server so that I can reduce processing time to handle the recalculation that occurs w/ this user's updates.
Here is my question, with performance in mind, what would be the best way to storing this data, assuming that only 1 user will be working w/ this data at any given moment.
Also, the user could potentially be working in this process for a few hours. When the user is working w/ the data, I will need some kind of failsafe to save the user's current data (either in a db or in a serialized binary file) should their session be interrupted in some way. In other words, I will need a solution that has an appropriate hook to allow me to dump out the memory object's data in the case that the user gets disconnected / distracted for too long.
So far, here are my musings:
Session State - Pros: Locked to one user. Has the Session End event which will meet my failsafe requirements. Cons: Slowest perf of the my current options. The Session End event is sometimes tricky to ensure it fires properly.
Caching - Pros: Good Perf. Has access to dependencies which could be a bonus later down the line but not really useful in current scope. Cons: No easy failsafe step other than a write based on time intervals. Global in scope - will have to ensure that users do not collide w/ each other's work.
Static - Pros: Best Perf. Easies to maintain as I can directly leverage my current class structures. Cons: No easy failsafe step other than a write based on time intervals. Global in scope - will have to ensure that users do not collide w/ each other's work.
Does anyone have any suggestions / comments on what I option I should choose?
Update: Forgot to mention, I am using VB.Net, Asp.Net, and Sql Server 2005 to perform this task.
I'll vote for secret option #4: use the database for this. If you're talking about a 20+ second turnaround time on the data, you are not going to gain anything by trying to do this in-memory, given the limitations of the options you presented. You might as well set this up in the database (give it a table of its own, or even a separate database if the requirements are that large).
I'd go with the caching method of for storing the data across any page loads. You can name the cache you want to store the data in to avoid conflicts.
For tracking user-made changes, I'd go with a more old-school approach: append to a text file each time the user makes a change and then sweep that file at intervals to save changes back to DB. If you name the files based on the user/account or some other session-unique indicator then there's no issue with conflict and the app (or some other support app, which might be a better idea in general) can sweep through all such files and update the DB even if the session is over.
The first part of this can be adjusted to stagger the write out more: save changes to Session, then write that to file at intervals, then sweep the file at larger intervals. you can tune it to performance and choose what level of possible user-change loss will be possible.
Use the Session, but don't rely on it.
Simply, let the user "name" the dataset, and make a point of actively persisting it for the user, either automatically, or through something as simple as a "save" button.
You can not rely on the session simply because it is (typically) tied to the users browser instance. If they accidentally close the browser (click the X button, their PC crashes, etc.), then they lose all of their work. Which would be nasty.
Once the user has that kind of control over the "persistent" state of the data, you can rely on the Session to keep it in memory and leverage that as a cache.
I think you've pretty much just answered your question with the pros/cons. But if you are looking for some peer validation, my vote is for the Session. Although the performance is slower (do you know by how much slower?), your processing is going to take a long time regardless. Do you think the user will know the difference between 15 seconds and 17 seconds? Both are "forever" in web terms, so go with the one that seems easiest to implement.
perhaps a bit off topic. I'd recommend putting those long processing calls in asynchronous (not to be confused with AJAX's asynchronous) pages.
Take a look at this article and ping me back if it doesn't make sense.
I suggest to create a copy of the data in a new database table (let's call it EDIT) as you send the initial results to the user. If performance is an issue, do this in a background thread.
As the user edits the data, update the table (also in a background thread if performance becomes an issue). If you have to use threads, you must make sure that the first thread is finished before you start updating the rows.
This allows a user to walk away, come back, even restart the browser and commit whenever she feels satisfied with the result.
One possible alternative to what the others mentioned, is to store the data on the client.
Assuming the dataset is not too large, and the code that manipulates it can be handled client side. You could store the data as an XML data island or JSON object. This data could then be manipulated/processed and handled all client side with no round trips to the server. If you need to persist this data back to the server the end resulting data could be posted via an AJAX or standard postback.
If this does not work with your requirements I'd go with just storing it on the SQL server as the other comment suggested.
