How Can I get muitiple files selected to the same application launch from a "right click" context menu (windows explorer) - contextmenu

I am able to get a shell registry type context menu function to work , see below . But is there a way to tell windows to send multiple files selected to the same application , perhaps instead of %1 or %L some other parameter . What happens now is that it launches the associated application for each file in the list .
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="&Upload to (File*Pics)Mojo"
#="c:\Program Files\app_directory\App.exe -n \"%1\""
Is there a way to send an array of names like sys.args in python ?

My guess is to look into DDEExec instead of shell\open\command.

Seems like a question, but I think these kind of operations require a bit of code. e.g. you write a proxy program that accepts the files, and adds them to an execution queue or batch of another program (like adding several files to a media player) I don't know if what you are looking for is supported inherently in Windows

You will need a full shell extension DLL to do what you want to do here. So the answer is programming even if the question was not.


XPSDrv Sample Entry Point / Filters Squence

Finally, I managed to build XPSDrv Sample project successfully . But still there is a problem .
I need to execute a function ( to start an exe file ) after the xps file has been sent to the printer (in my case to local port). So , where and how can I add the function ?
And regarding the filters , how would I know the sequence in which the filters executed .
I really need a help in this matter because I am a beginner in Windows Driver Development , specially in Printer Drivers ...
Any Idea is highly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Which filters are included, and the order in which they execute, is controlled by the PipelineConfig.xml.
I'm not sure that launching an external executable after the document has cleared the pipeline is a particularly good idea, but if you must do so, you will need to add that functionality to the last filter in the pipeline.

How do I make a simple public read-only WebDAV server with SabreDAV?

I recently began looking into WebDAV, as I found it to be an option for letting me play a Blu-ray folder remotely - i.e. without requiring the viewer to download the whole 24gb ISO first.
Add a WebDAV source in Kodi v18 to a Blu-ray folder - and it actually plays! Very awesome.
The server can also be mounted on Windows with
net use m:
or in Linux with
sudo mount -t davfs /mnt/mywebdav
-and should then (in theory) play with any software media players that supports Blu-ray Disc Java (BD-J), such as PowerDVD and VLC.
vlc bluray:///mnt/mywebdav --bluray-menu
(Unless of course time-out values has been set too low, which seems to be the case for VLC at the moment).
Anyway, all this is great, except I can't figure out how to make my WebDAV server read-only. Currently anyone can delete files as they wish, and that's of course not optimal.
So far I've only experimented with SabreDAV, because afaik that's the only option I have if I want to keep using my existing webhost. Trying with very minimal setups, because I've read that minimal setups should default to a read-only solution. It just doesn't seem to happen.
I initially used the setup from and tried removing some lines. Also tried calling chmod 0444 MainFolder -R on the webserver. And I can see that everything does get a read-only attribute. But it changes nothing. It's still possible to delete whatever I want. :-(
What am I missing?
Maybe I'm using the wrong technology for what I want to do? Is there some other/better way of offering a Blu-ray folder for remote viewing? (One that includes the whole experience - i.e. full Java menus etc).
I should probably mention that all of this is of course perfectly legal. It is my own Blu-ray project - not copyright material.
Also: Difficult to decide if this belongs on StackOverflow or SuperUser. I ended up posting it on StackOverflow because SabreDAV is about coding, and because there's no sabredav tag on SuperUser.
You have two options:
Create your own file/directory classes for sabre/dav that simply throw an error when trying to delete. You can basically start with a copy of Sabre\DAV\FS\Directory and Sabre\DAV\FS\File and change the methods that do writing.
Since you're considering just using linux file permissions, really the key thing you are missing is that that 'deleting' is not controlled on the file or directory you're trying to delete. To delete a file or directory in unix, all you need is write permissions on the parent directory. However, I wouldn't recommend going this route as doing this will just cause a weird error in sabre/dav, which might leave clients in a confused state. It would result in a 500 error, not the expected 403 error.

How do I test my GtkPrintBackend?

I am trying to develop my own GtkPrintBackend ,
taking help from here:
I want to test my print backend( by making the print dialog use my backend instead). How do I do that?
That is, how do I make the Print dialog use my backend instead?
Answering my own question here since I figured out a workaround:
I installed jhbuild and built the gtk+ module using jhbuild.
The source code of the corresponding module is downloaded in ~/jhbuild/checkout/<module-name> .
Modify the print backends under ~jhbuild/checkout/gtk+/gtk/modules/printbackends/ directory, and rebuild it (Find instructions to do that here).
Now when you launch a gtk application from the jhbuild shell, it will use the modified backend instead of the system default one.

How to delete a file that is using by windows?

Is there any way to delete a file when its using by any program or other process in windows?
I searched and found this 2 ways:
1- using RunOnce key in Registry;
I'm not gonna use this because i dont want to wait for windows restart or anything else... prefer to do it ontime!
2- using the way declared in this page:
the problem here is its useful under NT windows, i need a way works on all Windowses!
Thank you.
the problem here is its useful under NT windows, i need a way works on all Windowses!
All modern desktop Windowses (XP, Vista, 7) are also NT. Do you really need to work with NT<4 or Win98? Or even Win CE/Mobile/Phone? Probably not.
If you need to delete an open file straight away, about the only thing you can do is attach to each process using debugger privileges, see if it has any handles open on the file, and if so close them underneath it. You can do this the manual way using eg Process Explorer. Many applications won't react well to having their files closed on them; expect them to exception out when they try to do something with the dead handle.
Unfortunately there is no option in Windows to have Unix-style files that can exist attached to a file handle independently of being stored under a filename on disc.
You cant delete a file when someone is using it. No matter how hard you try, windows will not let you. It can work with some files, but in general it does not work.
What you can try is postpone the deletion, when no one is using the file. You can:
1 - use RunOnce, but you dont want that.
2 - Wait in a loop, trying to delete the file. Pseudo code:
Check if you was able to delete or if file still exists.
if you are able to delete, then exit loop.
That is the best you can do, and what i could remeber.
Try MoveFileEx with MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT flag. Will postpone move or delete action until reboot.
If you don't whant to restart the only option is to close those handles. ProcessExplorer does that and works all the time and I have not seen any process to crash. See more info about enumeration handles in a process at But keep in mint that you should enumerate all processes in the system and behave different on Vista+ (you need to be elevated)
Your files are most likely locked because some process has a handle open to them. That is the most common reason for the Access denied result when deleting or moving a file.
A really blunt way is to close that handle.
Then Handles tool from SysInternals (you can download the sources too) can do that for you: I have been successfully using that.
Note 1: You need administrative privileges to use it.
Note 2: Closing a handle from another process is considered very rude, and can make that process unstable.

Delphi: How to create a Windows autostart application like Skype does?

I'd like to add an option to my application similar to the Skype's option "run Skype as my computer starts".
Skype doesnt't go on the "Auto start applications" of the start menu folder, I'd like to have the same effect.
Note, one answer to this question suggets to add a key here:
but I checekd on my machine and Skype is not there, so another way is used.
Skype installs via a registry entry, but it's in HKEY_CURRENT_USER , not HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
This allows Skype to be installed or not on a per-user basis. Using HKLM will autostart for ALL users.
If you type "msconfig" into the run window and look at the startup tab you can see where "everthing" starts from in the Location column.
I don't use skype but my guess would it's in the registry in
You just need to add a registry entry for your app in there (and delete it if the user unticks the box)
you can use the TRegistry class to help you reading and writing to the registry.
See this question. The question is about C#, but it only involves writing a registry value. It will be easy to convert it for Delphi.
Just run msconfig and select startup tab. You'll see the applications along side the registry key used.
Oddly, when I run regedit without elevation don't see the value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Skype also. But if I run it elevated then the value is there (I guess that Windows is playing registry redirection).
