Physical installation of MVC -

When I install ASP.NET MVC, am I installing a different run-time, compiler, etc? Or, is it just GACing some managed assemblies for the framework?

It is installing System.Web.Abstractions.dll, System.Web.Routing.dll and System.Web.Mvc.dll assemblies into the GAC and depending on the type of install it could also install a VS project template.

MVC uses the same runtime and same compiler. It will add new project templates, page and controller templates to Visual Studio template folders. Also assemblies are added to the GAC.


Net standard Library missing reference in ASP.NET Boilerplate

every time i clone Abp.ModuleZero to my machine when i run nuget command update-database the error show me and when i build the solution in viusal studio the project doesn't build and show many errors in error list console window
most of them is like :
The type 'Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'
i try to install Netstandard.library package from package manager console window but doesn't any sense.
my visual studio IDE version is 2015 Update 3.
ABP v3.0.0 is based on .NET Standard 2.0.
This concerns you regardless if you are on MVC 5.x, .NET Framework 4.x or .NET Core 2.x.
You should use VS2017 15.3.3+.
For VS2015, you may try installing NuGet client 3.6 or higher but that may no longer work.
i think downgrade to earlier version of this framework is good solution for me, where can i download early version of ABP framework like 2.3.4?
I don't see why you would download the framework, but it's on GitHub.
If you meant download a template that uses an earlier version of ABP:
You can only choose the project version for premium startup templates.
You can build your own from module-zero-core-template/releases/tag/v2.5.1.
You need to rename the files and folders yourself.

Moving ASP.NET MVC project folder in VS 2013 changes System.Web.Mvc version to 4.0.0

When starting a new Web Application empty MVC project in VS 2013 using .NET 4.5.2, initially, VS 2013 will be referencing Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc 5.1.2 which contains System.Web.Mvc 5.1.0. But I typically change the directory of the MVC project so I remove the project from the solution, change the directory of the project using Windows Explorer, and then add the existing project again in the solution using VS 2013.
However, upon doing this, when I look on the version of System.Web.Mvc, it is now changed to 4.0.0. I've checked the repositories.config and it has the correct path for packages.config of the project. The packages config on the project also contains version="5.1.2" although the referenced System.Web.Mvc is 4.0.0.
Furthermore, as I am trying to use IAuthenticationFilter, the interface cannot be detected by Intellisense anymore (with red squiggly line) but I can still compile and run!
Do you guys know any workaround for this? I can use NuGet to update MVC to the latest (5.2.2 I think) and the reference would be fixed but I want to use the default 5.1.2.
you can target a specific version of MVC using the Nuget Package Manager Console:
Go to
Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manage Console
At the prompt you can type
update-package Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc -version 5.1.2
I believe this is the easiest way to accomplish what you are trying to achieve. You may need to remove existing references to the MVC and WebPages dlls, sometimes references stick when moving from local/GAC references to those determined by nuget.

Whats going on with MVC5+ Assemblies?

I was planning to upgrade my project from MVC 4 to MVC5. I followed this article: I did all the steps successfully, but got errors that the 5.0 dll could not be loaded.
The article, however, has no mention of where to get the DLLs. So I started looking for the DLLs everywhere, my file system, online, Google, etc.
Then I created my own MVC5 test project and noticed that the MVC 5.1 DLLs got added from nuget.
So, is Microsoft only distributing MVC dlls from nuget?
Also, I can find the MVC4 dlls from the file system and MVC5.1 dlls from the nuget package, where are the MVC5.0 dlls?
If you want a specific version from NuGet, open the Package Manager Console and type:
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc -Version 5.0.1
Which is the latest in the 5.0 series.

Nuget Package: Use Different MVC Version When Available

I've got an open source nuget package AttributeRouting. Currently the packaged assemblies reference System.Web.Mvc version 2. I'd like to reference MVC 3/4 in MVC 3/4 projects, so that users of Windows 8/VS 2011 don't have to install MVC 2 to use the package. Anyone know of a way to do this? Google has not been my friend.
Current, Nuget can't do this. This is why there are separate MVC2 and MVC3 packages of libraries in the Nuget gallery.
So you have to create a separate Nuget package for MVC3 and MVC4 (if necessary)
You can add into your Nuget package the assemblies for all supported versions of MVC and then use install.ps1 script to remove unnecessary ones and leave only the assembly which is compatible with MVC version used in the target project.
You will find more detailed instructions and an example of install.ps1 script here:

ASP.NET MVC 2.0 does not install with visual studio 2010 professional?

Hi all I installed vs 2010 and it should have mvc 2.0 but it didnt install it. I tried installing it manually but it still does not show under the new projects tab..but it shows installed in control panel. I had vs2010 rc1 before and uninstalled it and it had mvc 2.0 but now for some reason i dont have it! ..Can anyone please help me out...
MVC is published standalone. ASP.NET 4.0 is bundled with VStudio 2010, but you'll need to either download MVC 2.0 or install it using the Web Platform Installer
You're right. Sorry, I had a small brain-fart there. If the projects aren't showing up in the New->Project Dialog, that doesn't neccesarily mean MVC isn't installed, It may just be installed Incorrectly.
Are the assemblies registered in the GAC, you should check this. Also check your VS2010 configuration to see where it's pointing for it's project templates, and verify the files aren't there.
Check that the AddIn DLL is where it should be:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Mvc.2.0.dll
