Flex Remoting Error - actionscript

I was trying to connect Flex to Backend Java and I was trying to call a method in one of the classe in the Backend java and it was returning
java.lang.NullPointerException : null
In the root cause everything is null .
.I have checked everything from RemotingConfig to the Flex calling service .
roReporting = new MeteringRemoteObject("ReportingServices");
roReporting.source = "reportmgmt.Reporting";
roReporting["getReportData"].addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, graphFaultHandler);
In the metering Remote Object I have written a code to connect to the back end .
Can somebody please let me know whether you have come across this problem .
Thanks ,

This has nothing to do with Flex or Flex Remoting. Your Java service just throws a NullPointerException. Check the code, use your debugger or add some debug log statements to the service method in question.


AT COMMANDS no answer (esp8266 f-12)

since I started working with my modules esp8266 F-12, I have found some strange behaviors. When I started programming the module using the serial monitor I had no problem, but when I do it automatically like ``````
char car=wifi.read();
String info+=car
Then, the module runs without printing nothing, but sometimes it does what I want him to d'o, but some other times is not doing anything until I send the command via serial. Has someone some Idea? Thanks
The AT-Command Set doc says "AT commands end with a new line (CR LF)".
Have you tried sending CR LF explicitly?

tmr.create() fails in dirt simple code

On an ESP8266, a LUA tmr.create() fails. Just a single line of code from the nodemcu docs. I've yet to get this working; stumped; have found nothing on the 'net here or forums. Posted in several other places with no replies. Odd
Basic node commands work. And, here's the thing that's getting me: some timer functions work - for instance tmr.alarm() does - but tmr.create() doesn't.
QUESTION 1: if the tmr module is loaded, isn't the entire module loaded, not just parts of it?
When I try this one line copied directly from the NodeMCU docs, it fails:
local mytimer = tmr.create()
with the usual message, I understand to mean an object is undefined:
stdin:1: attempt to call field 'create' (a nil value)
QUESTION 2: What am I missing or doing wrong?
Nodemcu's flasher successfully sent its default
NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150318
The board is an Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266, not a NodeMCU board. They both use the same ESP12, I think, so that shouldn't matter (or I hope it doesn't :-/)
NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150318
There's your culprit. That version is ancient. create() was added much later. Build a recent version from the master branch, https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/master/en/build/ (note master in the URL), and flash that one.

Why application:start(disk_log) response error?

I want to start disk_log with application:start/1, but it gives error.
When use disk_log:start/0, it give ok.
(fish#yus-iMac.local)6> application:start(disk_log).
{error,{"no such file or directory","disk_log.app"}}
(fish#yus-iMac.local)7> disk_log:start().
disk_log is not an application, but a service which belongs to the kernel application. So you cannot start it using application:start(disk_log), and it has not its own version (it is included in the kernel one).

Closing a "local" OrientDB when using connection pools

So I basically do this.
OObjectDatabaseTx result = OObjectDatabasePool.global().acquire( "local:orientdb", "admin", "admin");
The problem is that when I redeploy my webapp (without restarting the Java EE container) I get the folling error:
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot open local storage 'orientdb' with mode=rw
which I interpret to mean "Tomcat still has a filelock from the last app".
So my question is how do I cleanly exit in this scenario? I've tried:
new OObjectDatabaseTx("local:orientdb").close()
but neither seem to work. Any ideas? The documentation isn't exactly clear on this issue.
Set the property "storage.keepOpen" to false:
java ... -Dstorage.keepOpen=false ...
or via Java code:
OGlobalConfiguration.STORAGE_KEEP_OPEN.setValue( false );

Neo4j: Java API IndexHits<Node>.size() is 0

I'm trying to use the Java API for Neo4j but I seem to be stuck at IndexHits. If I query the DB with Cypher using
START n=node:types(type="Process") RETURN n;
I get all 2087 nodes of type "Process".
In my application I have the following lines
Index<Node> nodeIndex = db.index().forNodes("types");
IndexHits<Node> hits = nodeIndex.get("type", "Process");
System.out.println("Node index size: " + hits.size());
which leads my console to spit out a value of 0. Here, db is of course an instance of GraphDatabaseService.
I expected an object that included all 2087 nodes. What am I doing wrong?
The .size() question is just the prelude to my iterator
for(Node process : hits) { ... }
but that does not much when hits.size() == 0. According to http://api.neo4j.org/1.9.2/org/neo4j/graphdb/index/IndexHits.html this should be possible, provided there is something in hits.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I figured it out. Man, I feel so embarrassed...
It so happens that I had set up the DB_PATH to my default data folder, whereas the default storage folder is the default data folder plus graph.db. When I tried to run the code from that corrected DB_PATH I got an error saying that a lock file was in place because the Neo4j server was running. After shutting it down it worked perfectly.
So, if you happen to see the following error, just stop the server and run the code again:
Caused by: org.neo4j.kernel.StoreLockException: Could not create lock file
at org.neo4j.kernel.StoreLocker.checkLock(StoreLocker.java:74)
at org.neo4j.kernel.StoreLockerLifecycleAdapter.start(StoreLockerLifecycleAdapter.java:40)
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.start(LifeSupport.java:491)
I found on several forums that you cannot run the Neo4j server and use the Java API to query it at the same time.
