Recommended initialization values for numbers - actionscript

Assume you have a variety of number or int based variables that you want to be initialized to some default value. But using 0 could be problematic because 0 is meaningful and could have side affects.
Are there any conventions around this?
I have been working in Actionscript lately and have a variety of value objects with optional parameters so for most variables I set null but for numbers or ints I can't use null. An example:
public class MyValueObject
public function MyValueObject (
{ // Constructor
if( _id != null ) = _id;
if( _amount != 0 ) this.amount = _amount;
if( _isPurchased != false ) this.isPurchased = _isPurchased;
public var id:String;
public var amount:Number;
public var isPurchased:Boolean;
The difficulty is that using 0 in the above code might be problematic if the value is not ever changed from its initial value. It is easy to detect if a variable has a null value. But detecting 0 may not be so easy because 0 might be a legitimate value. I want to set a default value to make the parameter optional but I also want to later detect in my code if the value was changed from its default without hard to debug side affects.
I suppose I could use something like -1 for a value. I was wondering if there are any well known coding conventions for this kind of thing? I suppose it depends on the nature of the variable and the data.
This is first my stack overflow question. Hopefully the gist of my question makes sense.

A lot of debuggers will use 0xdeadbeef for initializing registers. I always get a chuckle when I see that.
But, in all honesty, your question contains its own answer - use a value that your variable is not ever expected to become. It doesn't matter what the value is.

Since you asked in a comment I'll talk a little bit about C and C++. For efficiency reasons local variables and allocated memory are not initialized by default. But debug builds often do this to help catch errors. A common value used is 0xcdcdcdcd which is reasonably unlikely. It has the high bit set and is either a rather large unsigned or rather large negative signed number. As a pointer address it is odd which will cause an alignment exception if used on anything but a char (but not on X86). It has no special meaning as a 32 bit floating point number so it isn't a perfect choice.
Occasionally you'll see a partially aligned value in a variable such as 0xcdcd0000 or 0x0000cdcd. These can be treated as suspcious at the very least.
Sometimes different values will be used depending on the allocation area of library. That gives you a clue where a bad value may have originated (i.e., it itself wasn't initialized but it was copied from an unititialized value).
The ideal value would be invalid no matter what alignment you read from memory and is invalid over all primitive types. It also should look suspicious to a human so even if they do not know the convention they can suspect something is a foot. That's why 0xdeadbeef can be a good choice because the (hex viewing) programmer will recognize that as the work of a human and not random chance. Note also that it is odd and has the high bit set so it has that going for it.

The value -1 is often traditionally used as an "out of range" or "invalid" value to indicate failure or non-initialised data. Then again, that goes right down the pan if -1 is a semantically valid value for the variable...or you're using an unsigned type.

You seem to like null (and for a good reason), so why not just use it throughout?

In ActionScript you can only assign Number.NaN to variables that are typed Number, not int or uint.
That being said, because AS3 does not support named arguments you can always look at the arguments array (it's a built-in array that all functions have, unless you use the construct). If that array's length is less than the position of your numeric argument you know it wasn't passed in.

I often use a maximum value for this. As you say, zero often is a valid value. Generally max-int, while theoretically valid, is safe to exclude. But not always; be careful.

I like 0xD15EA5ED, it's similar to 0xDEADBEEF but is usually more accurate when debugging.


what is LLVM ExtractValueInst?

I was studying one llvm code, where i have found a line,
const ExtractValueInst *EI = cast<ExtractValueInst>(I);
st.setValue(I, st.getValue(EI->getAggregateOperand()));
Now, I understand why cast<...> is being used, but I can't relate with the ExtarctValueInst, Can you give me one example what is this instruction in IR and what is the equivalence C code? and also I want to know about getAggregateOperand() function also. Thank you in advance.
Suppose you have a function that returns a 32-bit integer that isn't really one integer, but rather a set of smaller bitfields and/or bools. Perhaps the bottom six bits are an integer in the range 0-63, the seventh bit is a boolean, etc.
Somewhere you have a call to that function, and a little below the call, you have code that uses the i6 that's a part of the return value. So you create an extractvalue to extract a value from the composite return value. (If the composite were in main memory you'd probably create a getelementptr/load pair, but since it's most likely in a CPU register you create an extractvalue.)
This is quite often used e.g. in exception handling; a catch clause has a single parameter which is a composite of two things, and the catch clause tests one of the two components to determine whether to catch the exception or pass it on.

Dart int and double being interned? Treated specially by identical()?

Dart has both:
an equality operator == and
a top-level function named identical().
By the choice of syntax, it feels natural to want to use Dart's == operator more frequently than identical(), and I like that. In fact, the Section on Equality of the Idiomatic Dart states that "in practice, you will rarely need to use" identical().
In a recent answer to one of my questions concerning custom filters, it seems that Angular Dart favors use of identical() rather than == when trying to determine whether changes to a model have reached a steady state. (Which can make sense, I suppose, for large models for reasons of efficiency.)
This got me to thinking about identity of int's and so I wrote some tests of identical() over ints. While I expected that small ints might be "interned/cached" (e.g. similar to what is done by Java's Integer.valueOf()), to my surprise, I can't seem to generate two ints that are equal but not identical. I get similar results for double.
Are int and double values being interned/cached? Or maybe identical() is treating them specially? Coming from a Java background, I used to equate equate Dart's:
== to Java's equal() method and
identical() to Java's equality test ==.
But that now seems wrong. Anyone know what is going on?
Numbers are treated specially. If their bit-pattern is the same they must be identical (although it is still debated if this includes the different versions of NaNs).
The main reasons are expectations, leaking of internal details and efficiency.
Expectations: users expect numbers to be identical. It goes against common sense that x == y (for two integers) but not identical(x, y).
Leaking of internal details: the VM uses SMIs (SMall Integers) to represent integers in a specific range (31 bits on 32-bit machines, 63 on 64-bit machines). These are canonicalized and are always identical. Exposing this internal implementation detail would lead to inconsistent results depending on which platform you run.
Efficiency: the VM wants to unbox numbers wherever it can. For example, inside a method doubles are frequently moved into registers. However, keeping track of the original box can be cumbersome and difficult.
foo(x, y) {
var result = x;
while(y-- > 0) {
result += x;
return result;
Suppose, that the VM optimizes this function and moves result into a register (unboxing x in the process). This allows for a tight loop where result is then efficiently modified. The difficult case happens, when y is 0. The loop wouldn't execute and foo would return x directly. In other words, the following would need to be true:
var x = 5.0;
identical(x, foo(x, 0)); // should be true.
If the VM unboxed the result variable in the method foo it would need to allocate a fresh box for the result and the identical call would therefore return false.
By modifying the definition of identical all these problems are avoided. It comes with a small cost to the identical check, though.
Seems like I posted too quickly. I just stumbled on Dart Issue 13084: Spec says identical(1.0, 1) is true, even if they have different types which led me to the Dart section on Object Identity of the language spec. (I had previously search for equality in the spec but not object identity.)
Here is an excerpt:
The predefined dart function identical() is defined such that identical(c1, c2) iff:
- c1 evaluates to either null or an instance of
bool and c1 == c2, OR
- c1 and c2 are instances of int and c1 == c2, OR
- c1 and c2 are constant strings and c1 == c2, OR
- c1 and c2 are instances of double and one of the following holds: ...
and there are more clauses dealing with lists, maps and constant objects. See the language spec for the full details. Hence, identical() is much more than just a simple test for reference equality.
I can't remember the source for this, but somewhere on or the issue tracker it was said that num, int and double are indeed getting special treatment. One of those special treatments is that you can't subclass those types for performance reasons, but there may be more. What exactly this special treatment entails can probably only be answered by the developers, or maybe someone who knows the specification by heart, but one thing can be inferred:
The numeric types are dart objects - they have methods you can call on their instances. But they also have qualities of primitive data types, as you can do int i = 3;, while a pure object should have a new keyword somewhere. This is different from Java, where there are real primitive types and real objects wrapping them and exposing instance methods.
While the technical details certainly are more complex, if you think about dart numerics as a blend of object and primitive, your comparison to Java still makes sense. In Java, new Integer(5).equals(new Integer(5)) evaluates to true, and so does 5==5.
I am aware this is not a very technically correct answer, but I hope it's still useful to make sense of the behaviour of dart numerics when coming from a Java background.

In Dart can hashCode() method calls return different values on equal (==) Objects?

My immediate project is to develop a system of CheckSums for proving that two somewhat complex objects are (functionally)EQUAL - in the sense that they have the same values for the critical properties. (Have discovered that dates/times cannot be included, so can't use JSON on the bigger object - duh :) (For my purposes) ).
To do this calling the hashCode() method on selected strings seemed to be the way to go.
Upon implementing this, I note that in practice I am getting very different values on multiple runs of highest level objects that are functionally 'identical'.
There are a number of "nums" that I have not rounded, there are integers, bools, Strings and not much more.
I have 'always' thought that a hashCode on the same set of values would return the same number, am I missing something?
BTW the only context that I have found material on hashCode() has been with WebSockets.
Of course I can write my own String to a unique value but I want to understand if this is a problem with Dart or something else.
I can attempt to answer the question posed in the title: "Can hashCode() method calls return different values on equal (==) Objects?"
Short answer: hash codes for two objects must be the same if those two objects are equals (==).
If you override hashCode you must also override equals. Two objects that are equal, as defined by ==, must also have the same hash code.
However, hash codes do not have to be unique. That is, a perfectly valid hash code is the value 1. A good hash code, however, should be uniformly distributed.
From the docs from Object:
Hash codes are guaranteed to be the same for objects that are equal
when compared using the equality operator ==. Other than that there
are no guarantees about the hash codes. They will not be consistent
between runs and there are no distribution guarantees.
If a subclass overrides hashCode it should override the equality
operator as well to maintain consistency.
I found the immediate problem. The object stringify() method, at one level, was not getting called, but rather some stringify property that must exist in all objects (?).
With this fixed everything is working as exactly as I would expect, and multiple runs of our Statistical Studies are returning exactly the same CheckSum at the highest levels (based on some 5 levels of hierarchy).
Meanwhile the JSON.stringify has continued to fail. Even in the most basic object. I have not been able to determine what is causing to fail. Of course, the question is not how "stringify" is accomplished.
So, empirically at least, I believe it is true that "objects with equal properties" will return equal checkSums in Dart. It was decided to round nums, I don't know if this was causing a problem - perhaps good to be aware of? And, of course, remember to be beware of things like dates, times, or anything that could legitimately vary.
The doc linked by Seth Ladd now include info:
They need not be consistent between executions of the same program and there are no distribution guarantees.`
so technically hashCode value can be change with same object in different executions for your question:
I have 'always' thought that a hashCode on the same set of values would return the same number, am I missing something?

Order of items being compared?

I've seen this around, but never heard a clear explanation of why... This is really for any language, not just C# or VB.NET or Perl or whatever.
When comparing two items, sometimes the "check" value is put on the left side instead of the right. Logically to me, you list your variable first and then the value to which you're comparing. But I've seen the reverse, where the "constant" is listed first.
What (if any) gain is there to this method?
So instead of:
if (myValue > 0)
I've seen:
if (0 < myValue)
if (Object.GimmeAnotherObject() != null)
is replaced with:
if (null != Object.GimmeAnotherObject())
Any ideas on this?
Some developers put the constant on the left like so
if(0 = myValue)
This is because you will get an error from the compiler, since you can't assign 0 a value. Instead, you will have to change it to
if(0 == myValue)
This prevents lots of painful debugging down the road, since typing
if(myValue = 0)
is perfectly legal, but most likely you meant
if(myValue == 0)
The first choice is not what you want. It will subtly change your program and cause all sorts of headaches. Hope that clarifies!
I don't think a simple rule like but the constant first or but the constant last is not a very smart choice. I believe the check should express it semantics. For example I prefer to use both versions in a range check.
if ((low <= value) && (value <= high))
But I agree on the examples you mentioned - I would but the constant last and can see no obviouse reason for doing it the other way.
if (object != null)
In C++ both these are valid and compile
if(x == 1)
but if you write it like this
then the assignment to 1 is caught and the code won't compile.
It's considered "safer" to put the const variable on the left hand side.
Once you get into the habit of putting the const variable on the left for assignment it tends to become your default mode of operation, that's why you see it showing up in equality checks as well
For .Net, it's irrelevant, as the compiler won't let you make an assignment in a condition like:
because (as everyone else said) it's bad practice (because it's easy to miss).
Once you don't have to worry about that, it's slightly more readable to put the variable first and the value second, but that's the only difference - both sides need to be evaluated.
Its a coding practice to catch typos like '!=' typed as '=' for example.
If you have a CONSTANT on the left all assignment operators will be caught by the compiler since you cannot assign to a constant.
Many languages (specifically C) allow a lot of flexibility in writing code. While, the constant on the left seems unusual to you, you can also program assignments and conditionals together as,
if (var1 = (var2 & var3)) { /* do something */ }
This code will get the boolean result into var1 and also /* do something */ if the result is true.
A related coding practice is to avoid writing code where conditional expressions have assignments within them; though the programming language allows such things. You do not come across such code a lot since assignments within conditionals is unusual so typical code does not have such things.
There is a good C language coding practices article at the IBM DeveloperWorks site that is probably still relevant for people writing in that language.

Should I use unsigned integers for counting members?

Should I use unsigned integers for my count class members?
For example, assume a class
TList <T> = class
FCount : Cardinal;
property Count : Cardinal read FCount;
That does make sense, doesn't it? The number of items stored in a list can't be negative, so why not use an unsigned integer type for it? I think it's in general a good principle to always use the least general (ergo the most special) type possible.
Now, iterating over a list looks like this:
for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
Writeln (List [I]);
When the number of items stored in the list is zero, the compiler tries to evaluate
List.Count - 1
which results in a nice Integer overflow (underflow to be exact). Combined with the fact that the debugger does not show the appropriate location where the exception occured, this was very hard to find for me.
Let me add that if you have overflow checking turned off, the resulting errors will be even harder to track, because then you will often access memory that doesn't belong to you - and that results in undefined behaviour.
I will be using plain Integers for all my count members from now on to avoid situations like this.
If that's complete nonsense, please point it out to me :)
(I just spent an hour tracking an integer overflow in my code, so I decided to share that - most people on here will know that of course, but perhaps I can save someone some time.)
No, definitely not. Delphi idiom is to use integers here. Don't fight the language.
In a 32 bit environment you'll not have more elements in the list, except if you try to build a bitmap.
Let's be clear: every programmer who is going to have to use your code is going to hate you for using a Cardinal instead of an integer.
Unsigned integers are almost always more trouble than they're worth because you usually end up mixing signed and unsigned integers in expressions at some point. That means that the type will need to be widened (and probably have a performance hit) to get correct semantics (ideally the compiler does this as per language definition), or else you'll need to be very careful in your range checking.
Take C/C++ for example: size_t is the type of the integer for memory sizes and allocation, and is unsigned, but ptrdiff_t is the type for the offset you get when you subtract one pointer from another, and necessarily is signed. Want to know how many elements you've allocated in an array? Perhaps you subtract the first element address from the last+1 element address and divide by sizeof(element-type)? Well, now you've just mixed signed and unsigned integers.
Regarding your statement that "I think it's in general a good principle to always use the least general (ergo the most special) type possible." - actually I think it's a good principle to use the data type that will cause you least angst and trouble.
Generally for me that's a signed int since:
I don't usually have lists with 231 or more elements in them.
You shouldn't have lists that big either :-)
I don't like the hassle of having special edge cases in my code.
But it's really a style issue. If 'purity' of code is more important to you than brevity of code, your method is best (with modifications to catch the edge cases). Myself, I prefer brevity since edge cases tend to clutter the code and reduce understanding.
It's not just going against a programming idiom, it's an explicit request to the compiler to use unsigned arithmetic, that is either prone to anomalous behaviors (if you don't guard against overflows) or to irrelevant runtime exceptions (if you guard against overflows, a temporary overflow will be fatal, f.i when you subtract before adding, even if the final result is positive, and I'm referring to the CPU opcode-level ordering of operations, which may not bear a trivial relationship to what you have in your code).
Keep in mind "unsigned" does not translate to "positive", it translates to "doesn't have a sign", which is different. The term "unsigned" was picked for good reason (and naming it "Cardinal" in Delphi was a poor choice IMO).
Unsigned types are for raw storage specifications, bitwise operations, ASM code, embedded controllers and other specialty uses. When you're doing high-level programming, you should forget you ever heard about unsigned types.
Moral: use iterators and foreach when you can, because it avoids this question altogether.
Boundary conditions frequently present problems. Allowing for a type that can go negative may just shift the issue. Perhaps it shifts it in a way that's easier to debug, perhaps not. I started off using integers for counting loops like that, but later on switched to cardinals to help me catch errors.
