So what was the point of OLE DB if you still wrote SQL? - oledb

In this OLE DB msdn example, (yes, it is dated 1997, but still works :)) I'm wondering what the historic point of OLE DB was if you still apparently wrote SQL to interact with the underlying datasource.
The one thing I'm thinking is if the ICommandText was not executed directly on the database, but instead somehow interpretted by OLE DB then passed off as a vendor specific SQL command/command to manipulate underlying datasource in format it understands. Is that true?

The intent of OLE DB technology is to have a generalized way to connect, work with transactions, and work with datasets. But you still have to write SQL queries. Remember, the intent of the SQL language was to have a generic language for querying data (but, as you've seen, certain parts of the language are platform-dependent). How you connect and how you query are mutually exclusive.
And, yes, the CommandText is executed directly in the database.
Perhaps you want something a level up such as NHibernate, Subsonic, Entity Framework, etc.?

I can vouch for the fact that there is NO translation done by OLE DB.
If you have different databases, you would have to provide different SQL statements based on the vendor. Always fun with dates and Oracle vs. MS databases...


Are there any disadvantage to use stored procedures with Dapper?

I'm have recently started to learn about the micro ORM named Dapper. We usually are relying heavily on stored procedures in MSSQL databases in order to avoid T-SQL together with mixed up with our C# code.
What are your experience with Dapper and stored procedures? Does Dapper require inline T-SQL to fully utilize Dappers all benefits\features?
What are your experience with Dapper and stored procedures?
Dapper is ultimately an object mapper, which works using ADO.Net APIs internally, though it does Cache certain data structures to make queries faster, but it works quite efficiently with the Stored procedures.
Does Dapper require inline T-SQL to fully utilize Dappers all benefits\features?
No, in-fact as Stored procedures are pre-compiled, so unlike Sql text queriues there's no scope of hard parse on every request, since optimum execution plan is already cached in the Sql Server.
In nutshell, stored procedures is indeed an ideal mechanism to use for dapper and SQl server combination for :
Clean and consistent code
Doing complex database operations, like working with TVP, it can take lot of data in single call and work with it instead of multiple Network request uisng Text queries

Stored Procedures and ORM's

What's the purpose of stored procedures compared to the use of an ORM (nHibernate, EF, etc) to handle some CRUD operations? To call the stored procedure, we're just passing a few parameters and with an ORM we send the entire SQL query, but is it just a matter of performance and security or are there more advantages?
I'm asking this because I've never used stored procedures (I just write all SQL statements with an ORM and execute them), and a customer told me that I'll have to work with stored procedures in my next project, I'm trying to figure out when to use them.
Stored Procedures are often written in a dialect of SQL (T-SQL for SQL Server, PL-SQL Oracle, and so on). That's because they add extra capabilities to SQL to make it more powerful.
On the other hand, you have a ORM, let say NH that generates SQL.
the SQL statements generated by the ORM doesn't have the same speed or power of writing T-SQL Stored Procedures.
Here is where the dilemma enters: Do I need super fast application tied to a SQL Database vendor, hard to maintain or Do I need to be flexible because I need to target to multiple databases and I prefer cutting development time by writing HQL queries than SQL ones?
Stored Procedure are faster than SQL statements because they are pre-compiled in the Database Engine, with execution plans cached. You can't do that in NH, but you have other alternatives, like using Cache Level 1 or 2.
Also, try to do bulk operations with NH. Stored Procedures works very well in those cases. You need to consider that SP talks to the database in a deeper level.
The choice may not be that obvious because all depends of the scenario you are working on.
The main (and I'm tempted to say "only") reason you should use stored procedures is if you really need the performance.
It might seem tempting to just create "functions" in the database that do complex stuff quickly. But it can quickly spiral out of control.
I've worked with applications that encapsulate so much business logic in SQL, that it becomes virtually impossible to refactor anything. Literally hundreds of stored procedures that are black boxes for devs working with the ORM.
Such applications become brittle, hard to debug and hard to understand. By allowing business logic to live in stored procedures you are allowing SQL developers to make design choices that they shouldn't be making, in a tool that is much harder to work in, log and debug than an ORM. I've seen stored procedures that handle payment processing. Truly core stuff. Stuff that becomes so central to an application that nobody dares to touch it, all because some guy with good SQL skills made a script 5 years to fix something quickly, it was never migrated to the ORM and eventually grew into an unmanageable monster, full of tangled logic nobody understands. Devs end up having to blindly trust whatever it's doing. And what's worse, it's almost always outside test coverage, so you may break everything when you deploy, even if your tests pass with mocked data, but some ancient stored procedure suddenly starts acting up.
Abusing stored procedures is one of the worst forms of technical debt you can accumulate. The database, which is the persistence layer, should not be used for business logic. You should keep that distinction as strict as you can.
Of course, there will be cases where an ORM will have horrible performance or simply won't support a feature you need from SQL. If doing things in raw SQL is truly inevitable, only then should you consider stored procedures.
I've seen Stored Procedure Hell. You don't want that.
There are significant performance advantages to stored procedures in some circumstances. Often the queries generated by Linq and other ORMs can be inefficient, but still good enough for your purposes. Some RBDMS (such as SQL Server) will cache the execution plans for stored procedures, saving on query time. For more complex queries that you use frequently, this savings in performance can be critical.
For most normal CRUD, though, I have found that it is usually better for maintainability just to use the ORM if it is available and if its operations serve your needs. Entity Framework works quite well for me in the .NET world most of the time (in combination with Linq), and I like Propel a lot for PHP.
I stumbled over this pretty old question but I am shocked that the most important benefit of Stored Procedures is not even mentioned.
Security and resource protection
Using SPs you are able to grand execution rights for that SP to a user. The user can execute the SP and only that SP. You do not even have to give the user read or write access to the tables used. The user does not even have to know the tables used.
Using ORM you have to give read or/and write access to the tables used and users. The user can read all data from all the tables you granted the rights and even can combine them in queries, if you want it or not, and also can run queries that creates heavy load on the Database server.
This is especially useful in cases where application development and database development is done by different teams and the database is used by more than one application.
The primary use I find for them is to implement an abstraction layer and encapsulate query logic. In the same way that I write functions in a procedural language.
As le dorfier mentions one of the the primary reasons sprocs (and/or views) should be used is to provide an abstraction layer between a database and its clients (web apps, reports, ETLs etc)
This 'DB API' can make it easier to change/refactor your database without necessarily affecting clients.
See - Why use stored procs - for a more in depth discussion
I mainly stick to linq to sql as an ORM and i think its great, but there is still a place for stored procedures. Mainly i use the when the query i want to run is very complex, with many joins (especially outer joins, which suck in Linq), lots of aggregation in subqueries perhaps, recursive CTE's, and other similar scenarios.
For general crud though, there is no need.

ADO.NET: do you have lots of stored procedure in your own systems?

hi all
We do know that CommandType property of a SqlCommand object has 3 options: TableDirect, Text and StoredProcedure or "SP".
Knowing that "SP" has benefits over two other options, my question is do you make lots of SP in your own systems?
Or What solution do you have instead of creating SP?
Thank you
Aside of creating Stored Procedures you can use Object Relational Mapping
Such as:
linq to sql
Entity Framework
Data Access :SP's vs ORMs
Choose the best way that suits you.
In all production system I used SPs and pure ADO.NET Core to access the data. Systems range from having 100-300 tables and about 500-1000 stored procedures.
Most of the Data Access code is generated using a tool. I've posted the source code and sample application on my blog if you're interested in using/modifying it. The tool can generate over 100,000 lines of code in about 20-25 seconds going against a database with about 750 stored procedures.
Data Access Layer - Code Gen
Of course if you're no familiar with Databases, data modeling/design and stored procedures you're probably better off using Linq to SQL or EF4 (Entity Framework version 4) or similar. If you need brute force performance then ADO.NET core along with Stored procedures is the way to go.
Re: your first question
When you go down the path of stored procedures, the number of stored procedures begins to grow continually for the life of the project. Outside of the basic CRUD operations, each stored procedure tends to be tightly bound to a particular problem and not very re-usable. A rule of thumb is that I can expect 8-12 stored procedures for each data table (excluding reference or code tables, such as the list of states or countries).
The very large number of procs makes naming conventions very important so that you can find anything without constantly visually re-scanning the whole list of 400-500 procs.
Re: your second question
There are a lot of ugly things that happen with sql written inside of strings inside of C# or VB.NET -- it's error prone, ugly, etc.
Linq, nHybernate and many others exist, but the "concept count" (the number of things you need to learn to start being productive), is much higher than learning how to write a good stored procedure executer in C#.
I try to make sure that stored procedures are only created for database functionality - not business logic.
It's Database Functionality when I have some database architecture that's a bit obscure and I want to hide that from callers.
It's Business Logic when it is simply the way in which my application adds or updates or how much validation they do, etc., etc.

Model for ASP.NET MVC

I just started with ASP.NET MVC 1.0. I've read through some tutorials but I don't have any good ideas on how to build my model.
I've been experimenting with LINQ to SQL. Can't say I like it that much, but I'll give it a try. I prefer using SQL Stored Procedures, but it doesn't seem to work very good together with the optional parameters in my stored procedures.
The project is a prototype, but I would like to start with a good design right away.
The database will probably contain around 50 tables and stored procedures will be used for all queries and updates. Some procedures will also return multiple results. How would the best way to design this model?
All and any ideas are welcome. Should I even use LINQ to SQL? Should I design my stored procedures to only return one result? I feel a little bit lost.
You can use stored procedures with LINQ. You simply need to replace the autogenerated statements on your entities with your stored procs. Look at the properties for the entity (table) in the designer to change these. Your stored procedures won't be able to return multiple results as they need to map onto a collection of either one of your entities or an autogenerated entity, i.e, onto a collection of a single class.
Having said all that, I'd give it a go without using stored procedures. The LINQ code is fully parameterized so you already have this benefit. You'll find that LINQ allows you to easily build up queries alleviating your need for the optional parameters in your stored procs and, likely, resulting in more efficient queries as you don't need to build extra logic into your query to handle the optional parameters. Once you start using LINQ I think you'll find that the power and expressiveness in the code will make you forget about using your stored procedures.
You may still have a need for stored procs or table-valued functions for complex queries -- that's ok. If they map onto an existing entity, you can simply drag the proc/function onto the entity in the designer and you get a nice method on your data context that runs your SQL and returns collections of that entity. If not, I often create a view for the proc/function schema, use that as an entity, and attach the proc/function to it.
May I ask why you need to use stored procedures for this project? They have almost no value today if you are working with a modern database. Parameterized SQL using a good ORM will give you the same cached execution plans and security benefits that you are looking for with stored procedures.
I would recommend NHibernate because it's a far better way to achieve persistence ignorance. And IMHO this is the goal of anyone designing a model. You should be thinking object first instead of data first.
The best resource around is a screencast series by Steve Bohlen "The summer of nhibernate"
Also LINQ to NHibernate is available and works great for any dynamic query that you might need to write.
The only pain you will notice with NHibernate is the XML, but if you really enjoy the ORM you could write a fluent interface instead using FNH.
I found NHibernate to be the best tool around for modeling a domain because your objects are 100% infrastructure free and this allows you to do anything you want with them without having to worry about the database. Also if you are into unit testing of any kind this will make your life much easier :P
Part of the reason I replied to your question is that I have built many a system using stored procedures and found to regret that decision later. But in my situation I had a requirement by a dba so I couldn't step away from the norm.
If you are already looking at LINQ to SQL I would simply encourage you to look at NHibernate as another great option to achieve the goal of persistence ignorance.
When I got away from thinking about the problem data first it allowed me to work at a much higher level and take advantage of the .net platform for solving problems. TSQL has its place but if you are writing an application and want to maintain it - try to think about how your domain objects will work together in memory first.

Would I use an ORM if I am using Stored Procedures?

If I use stored procedures, can I use an ORM?
If I can use a ORM, doesn't that defeat part of the database agnosticity reason for using an ORM? In other words, why else would I want to use an ORM, if I am binding myself to a particular database with stored procedures (or is that assumption wrong)?
Using ORM to access stored procedures is one of the best uses of ORM. It'll give you strongly typed objects, while you still have full control over the SQL.
In my experience I would let the ORM handle the 'CRUD' operations, and leave the specialty work to the stored procedures. Generally, using a stored procedure for 'CRUD' operations is overkill, and to let the ORM handle it, could drastically improve your productivity.
Yes, you can, all main ORMs support stored procedures.
As for your assumption, you are particulary right, when you use stored procedures with ORM you are coupling your project to a particular database. But in practice it is 99% that you will not need to change your database provider, so in this case you use ORM not to abstract from concrete DB provider, but to help yourself with object-relational mapping task - which is a main ORM's task and which ORM was originally made for.
It raises an interesting point.
Once you have ORM, and relatively simple queries, why do you need stored procedures? SP's are intimately bound to the database. ORM frees you from having to maintain a lot of DB-specific code. What is DB-specific can be isolated and managed.
I suggest that an ORM is a golden chance to cut the complexity and put all the processing in the code where it belongs.
Use the database for what it does best -- store data.
Use your application for what it does best -- process data.
You can use both ORM features and stored procedures functionality at once. Particularly use ORM until it fits you, but if you have some trouble with performance or need some low level tune - include stored procedures in your business-logic.
Yes you can but you will want to spend some time investigating what capabilities the ORM provides around stored procedures.
Most will allow you to run a stored procedure that returns a strongly typed object / entity. More advanced ORM's will allow you to plug stored procedures in for performing CRUD actions as well (so your generic querying, deleting etc goes via a stored procedure rather than a dynamic query).
Generally ORM's are great for generating ad-hoc queries and getting strongly typed entities but having strong stored procedure support has the benefit of allowing you to (sometimes) more easily access native capability of your RDMS that may not be exposed as first class citizens in the ORM - especially if the ORM supports many database engines.
Following up from your edit:
Often you will want to use the ad-hoc querying engine provided by the ORM however as I alluded to earlier - sometimes you want to query using a capability not exposed from the ORM.
The benefits of strongly typed entities is invaluable as it means you have domain object usually, rather than data readers, data tables etc. You can cleanly encapsulate behaviors and logic within those entities that you have retrieved.
The list of additional benefits is very long indeed - for example, with the LightSpeed ORM (and most others) your entities will support standard binding interfaces, error reporting interfaces, validation etc. On the querying side you will lose out on lazy loading etc unless you write it yourself.
Database "agnosticity" (?) is not the only reason to use an ORM. However, you could take advantage of being DB independent on 99% of your interactions with the DB and in 1% (or 2% or 10% or whatever) you might need stored procedures for speed/clarity/complexity. If you changed DBs, you would need to rewrite those.
I use netTiers a lot at work and we let it generate our stored procedures for us. These only handle the basic CRUD operations, but they are very fast and save me a TON of time. netTiers will also let us create custom stored procedures and generate our data access code with these procedures.
You can, but many of the more advanced ORM features tend to become more cumbersome to use. Something like iBatis is very easy to integrate with stored procedures, while the more sophisticated features of more complex engines like (N?)Hibernate like generation of dynamic SQL and lazy loading of large fields can become more of a hassle than they're worth.
I believe that any tool that frees you from redoing work and concentrate in solving the problems is valid. ORMs appear to be that tool when it come to basic CRUD operations - even if using SPs to better implement a requirement (like using a hammer on a nail, it's just the right tool for task).
The point is: there's no black or white, just a scale of gray. Very inneficient and badly coded applications use the excuse of being 'DB agnostic' to explain the exagerated use of DB resources. In many cases, being very tied to a database is not good too. The objective is: getting maximum 'DB agnosticism' while not wasting customer IT resources without need.
There's no 'old vs new', just people saying that extreme 'pure' approaches are better. I don't really believe so. I believe that, as with any tool, the 'best' (notice the quotes) approach is using ORM until still is the right tool to make your data access. And use SPs inside your ORM when you reach a point where you're wasting resources and reducing scalability and 'worth life' (I forgot the english expression equivalent for the portuguese 'vida Ăștil') of TI resources. Or, in other words, use SP when it's for the processing at hand what a hammer is for the nail.
