Firefox Add ON - To Check for Absolute and Relative Links - firefox-addon

Does anyone know if there is some type of tool, preferably a Firefox add on that can check the links on a page if they are absolute links (going to another website) or relative links (within the website)...
I have searched on Google, and the Firefox add ons and haven't seen any. How hard would it be to make my own? What do you guys suggest.

Did you checkout ExNewT ?
btw, it is not that hard to search on, you should have do it yourself.

Write your own Javascript to go through all the elements in the document, or maybe there is a better way to access links using a Mozilla class, and use this guide to discern between absolute and relative links.


How to customize guacamole login page?

good day to all,
My question is very simple, I would like to customize the guacamole logging-in page and remove the logo of guacamole the problem is I have no idea where to find the HTML file of the login page. do you have any idea how to find it and where, I am new to guacamole and the search on the internet has no clear info about it?
Guacamole front-end runs on AngularJS (Angular 1 I think some people call it). You will probably need some understanding of the framework to edit it.
I can give you where to start, but not really a full guide(not the best with Angular).
Look inside the /guacamole/src/main/frontend/src/app directory inside your project (here is the link on Github), you will find where the general structure of the front-end is. The modules, directives and all that.
Specifically for the login page, go to your /guacamole/src/main/frontend/src/app/login/templates/login.html file inside your project. (You can find it here) on Github.
Hope this helped and the best of luc :)
There is a popular guacamole-client replacer called guacamole-lite which allows you to integrate guacamole easily into your frontend.
I also wrote a C# version of that replacer with ready to use docker image. Check it out: guacamole-sharp

TYPO3 v10 - absolute links - config.absRefPrefix dead?

How to tell TYPO3 v10 (globally) to generate absolute links in frontend? config.absRefPrefix doesn't seem to work any longer. Also, using absolute urls as base in site configuration doesn't have any effect. Still relative links in frontend.
config.absRefPrefix seems to work for embedded resources (script, img etc.) but not for usually generated hyperlinks (MenuProcessor, RTE links etc.). Do i really need to set option absolute=1 for all my links generated by view helpers and configure RTE processing to generate absolute links? Thought that's why the global option "absRefPrefix" exists...
This problem already exists since TYPO3 v9. There is a ticket in the bug tracker regarding this issue. I assume that in TYPO3 v12 config. absRefPrefix might be removed completely.
In the ticket comments you can find a number of hints, how to implement absolute links in various places:
use (NO/ACT/...).stdWrap.typolink.forceAbsoluteUrl = 1 for HMENU
for links in the CKEditor RTE this config make every link absolute:
lib.parseFunc_RTE.tags.a.typolink {
forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
forceAbsoluteUrl.scheme = https
if you want to globally rewrite all links to absolute links, you can implement the middleware mentioned in the ticket.

Remapping URLS in web.config

I need to add a term to the URL's within a sub-directory of a website I'm working on to boost/enhance SEO. For example, should go to instead. I need to set this up in web.config and looked at examples on here but couldn't find anything similar. Any help?
The feature you are looking for is called URL Rewriting.
You should have a look at the following link, it will provide everything you need:

Menu dropdown messed up after translating page using Google translator

My menu drop-down is now messed up, after I translated the page using on-the-fly Google translater. It refuses to recognize CSS classes I have created and used for exclusion (e.g, I have a class like this class="notranslate", which is no no longer working).
For demostration purpose, I have source code
Note: Must register to the site first. Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
Not sure what is going on but look at this tool: Translate This
This uses the Google Translate but is easier to use.
Hope this can help you.

Markdown editor in ASP.NET MVC

I'm looking to use markdown in my website, and I'd like the editor (or something similar to) the one used here at Stackoverflow. As far as I can see, I can get this from the google code site.
What I want to know is, how do I then use this in my site? I see perl files etc included with this.
Anyone done this before, or have links to good documentation (the site of the original WMD appears to have disappeared).
Here is StackOverflows fork/branch:
