Sending WM_COMMAND to a TMenuItem - delphi

In my Delphi form's OnShow method, I determine that a dialog must be opened automatically once the form is opened - and I should be able to do this by simulating a click on a menuitem.
However, calling menuitem.Click brings up the dialog before the main form has opened - which is not what I want.
I expect that should do what I want, but I cannot find what parameters to pass for "wparam" to send the click to my menuitem.
PostMessage(handle, WM_COMMAND, wparam, 0)
The MSDN WM_COMMAND docs talk about IDM_* identifiers, but how does that appear in Delphi?

(I know this is a very old question but despite being resolved in some way the real question has really gone unanswered.)
The command item identifier of a 'TMenuItem' is in the Command property. According to WM_COMMAND's documentation the high word of 'wParam' would be '0' and the low word would be the menu identifier;
PostMessage(Handle, WM_COMMAND, MakeWParam(MyMenuItem.Command, 0), 0);
or simply;
PostMessage(Handle, WM_COMMAND, MyMenuItem.Command, 0);
With a popup menu item there would be a slight difference: the VCL handles popup menus' messages with a different utility window. The global PopupList variable has the handle to it in its Window property;
PostMessage(PopupList.Window, WM_COMMAND, MyPopupMenuItem.Command, 0);

Perhaps you can try to open the dialog in the OnActivate event ?
I am not really sure if the OnActivate gets fired again other than when the form is shown but if it does you can use :
procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
Self.OnActivate := nil;

Wouldn't you have to do this with a one-time timer, if you want the form to appear as per a normal Show/ShowModal, get drawn (etc) fully, and then immediately do something else?
tmrKickOff : a TTimer, 100 ms interval, disabled at design time,
fires off a 'tmrKickOffTimer' event.
in form create,
tmrKickOff.Enabled:=false; //just in case something happened in IDE
in form show, at end of all other stuff;
in tmrKickOffTimer
with apologies for style, form and any error-trapping :-)

Alternatively, handle the Application.OnIdle event with something along the lines of ...
if not DialogDone then
MyDialogForm.ShowModal; // or menuItem.Click ....
DialogDone := true;
OnIdle won't fire (for the first time) until the Form is shown and the message queue is empty.

I don't think you can send a message directly to your menu item, but you can just post it to the main window and show your dialog from there. I do this and it works great so that the dialog box (in my case, a login prompt) appears on top of the main window to avoid confusion.
procedure WMPostStartup(var Message: TMessage); message WM_POSTSTARTUP;
procedure TMainForm.WMPostStartup(var Message: TMessage);
// Now show the dialog box.

One method I have used, which is very simular to MarkF's solution, is to create a new user defined message type and send a message using that type to yourself when you determine that you need to perform this other process after your main form displays:
wm_SpecialProc = wm_User + 1;
procedure TForm1.WMSpecialProc(var Message:tMessage); message wm_SpecialProc;
procedure TForm1.OnShow(Sender:tObject);
if true then
The nice thing about this method is that you are in control of the message generation, so can populate ANY lparam or wparam you want to later use by your handler. I sent the message directly through the application.mainform but you could also just say handle for the current form.


Delphi: How to make ENTER key works as TAB key in TFrame

I have a Frame and some controls on them (edits, buttons, etc.). How to intercept pressing of ENTER key anywhere on a frame control and translate in to TAB key (taking into account SHIFT status)?
All you need is to modify the handling of CM_DIALOGKEY.
TMyForm = class(TForm)
procedure CMDialogKey(var Message: TCMDialogKey); message CM_DIALOGKEY;
procedure TMyForm.CMDialogKey(var Message: TCMDialogKey);
if Message.CharCode=VK_RETURN then
Message.CharCode := VK_TAB;
Well, it's pretty obvious what this does and how it works.
You ask how to do this in a frame. It's not possible to handle dialog navigation in a frame. That's done by the form for fairly obvious reasons. So you'll need somehow to splice this code into the form that hosts your frame.
For a memo control this will have no effect. They will treat pressing ENTER as input of a line break. But I presume that's what you would wish to happen. Otherwise the memo control would be completely unusable.
Here's some example code that would handle a message on the frame to be able to navigate to the next control when Enter is pressed. Note that this sample does not modify the Enter key to become a Tab key. Instead it selects the next control and prevents further processing of the key down message.
Also note that the code may require further tweaking. One for, if any of the controls actually need to process the Enter key, for instance a TMemo, you need to add an exception. Second for, the navigation is wrapped in the frame, i.e. after the last frame control the first frame control is focused - not a control on the form and not on the frame. For these, you might want to add conditions for the message return, if you want default processing on some condition simply call inherited without doing any other thing.
TFrame2 = class(TFrame)
procedure CMChildKey(var Message: TCMChildKey); message CM_CHILDKEY;
procedure TFrame2.CMChildKey(var Message: TCMChildKey);
if Message.CharCode = VK_RETURN then begin
SelectNext(Screen.ActiveControl, not Bool(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) and $80), True);
Message.Result := 1;
end else
I think there is a lot of "drop and forget" components to do it, for example on
For instance, such a component was part of RxLib and later was inherted in JediVCL with TJvEnterAsTab name.

DELPHI Edit.OnExit by TAB, show window result on focus bug

I'm having trouble with the following scenario:
2 Edit's
Type something in Edit1 and press TAB, focus goes to Edit2
Edit1.OnExit -> show a Form with a message "Processing..." (makes a lengthy validation)
After the form closes, the focus on Edit2 seems to be "crashed"...
- the hole TEXT in Edit2 isn't selected
- the carret isn't flashing
Create a new form
Put 2 edits
Set this as OnExit event in Edit1:
procedure TForm1.Edit1Exit(Sender: TObject);
with TForm.CreateNew(self) do
Width := 100;
Height := 50;
Position := poMainFormCenter;
Run the application
Set focus in the Edit1 and press TAB
I'm using:
Delphi 7 Enterprise
Windows 7 x64
This is a known problem. Windows has problems when you change focus before it's completed the last focus change (eg., focus starts changing from Edit1 to Edit2, but Edit1.OnExit does something to change focus to another control or form.
This happens, for instance, when apps try to do validations in an OnExit event and then try to return focus to the original control when the validation fails.
The easiest solution is to post a message to your form handle in the OnExit instead, and handle the focus change need there. It will fire once the target control gets the input focus, and Windows doesn't get confused.
procedure UMEdit1Exited(var Msg: TMessage); message UM_EDIT1_EXITED;
procedure TForm1.Edit1Exit(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(Handle, UM_EDIT1_EXITED, 0, 0);
procedure TForm1.UMEdit1Exited(var Msg: TMessage);
// Show your other form here
From an old Borland NG post by Dr. Peter Below of TeamB:
here is my general sermon on the "show dialog from OnExit" problem:
If an OnExit handler is triggered (which happens in response to the
message WM_KILLFOCUS) Windows is in the midst of a focus change. If you do
something in the handler that causes another focus change (like popping up
a message box or doing a SetFocus call) Windows gets terribly confused.
missing cursor is a symptom of that.
If you have to display a message to your user from an OnExit handler, do
this way:
Define a constant for a user message somewhere in the INterface
of your unit, above the type declaration for your form
Give your Form a handler for this message, best placed in the private
section of the class declaration:
Procedure UMValidate( Var Msg: TMessage ); message UM_VALIDATE;
Post a UM_VALIDATE message to the form from the OnExit handler if
the contents of the field are not ok. You can pass additional
information in the wparam and lparam parameters of the message, e.g.
an error number and the Sender object. In fact you could do the whole
validation in the UMValidate handler!
I'm not sure precisely what's going on here, but it looks like the order of processing of messages is a bit messed up. Instead of killing your other form with Free, use Release and the focus will behave as you desire.
Another option is to use ShowModal instead of Show. Normally you show a processing dialog modally because you don't want the user making modifications to the main form whilst you are processing. If you do that then you can carry on using Free.

Main Form not displaying when showing modal form in main form's OnShow?

I have created one application in which Main Form Calls Sub Form on FormShow event of Main Form. Sub Form is displayed and gives two options to choose. If First option on sub form is selected then then a Message is displayed and after that Main form will be displayed. Now when application runs on first time then after option selected on subform Meassage will be displayed. But i want to display message with Main Form as Background. So any solution to this. below is the FormShow code.
Procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender:TObject);
if (SubForm.ShowModal = mrOK) and bOption1 then
ShowMessage('Enter the value');
If I understand correctly then your problem is that when the message box show up your main form is still invisible.
If this is the case then you have two options:
Don't show your SubForm from the OnShow event of the main form, but at a later time
Don't show the message directly after ShowModal returns, but at a later time
For point number 2 you can use a similar approach as I suggested here, using PostMessage. So your code would look somethind like this:
procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender:TObject);
if (SubForm.ShowModal = mrOK) and bOption1 then
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_SHOWMYDIALOG, 0, 0);
The handler of WM_SHOWMYDIALOG then displays the actual message. This approach can also work for point 1, see ain's answer.
PostMessageposts a message to your application's message queue which will be processed after the main form finished becoming visible.
Another Option would be to use OnActivate of the Mainform instead of onShow.
If I understand you right you want
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure UMAfterShow(var Msg: TMessage); message UM_AFTERSHOW;
procedure DoShow; override;
procedure TForm1.DoShow;
PostMessage(Self.Handle, UM_AFTERSHOW, 0, 0);
procedure TForm1.UMAfterShow(var Msg: TMessage);
ShowMessage('Enter the value');
By showing your message in the UMAfterShow handler you give the main form opportunity to become visible and thus to be in background.
The problem you are seeing (if I understand properly) is that FormShow is called before your main form is actually visible. So the message dialog shows before your main form.
What you need to do is use PostMessage to post a message to your main form that you then handle. This will allow your FormShow code to finish and the code will be triggered after the form is shown.
Take a look here for an example.
Yet another option would be to drop a TTimer component on your main form to trigger the message dialog.
Drop a TTimer component on your main form and set the enabled property to False and change the time from 1000 to 100. Code your message dialog and also set the Timer.Enabled property to False in the timer event to avoid repeated firings.
Now you can Enable the Timer at the point where you would have shown the message dialog in your main form's OnShow event.

Fake modal dialog using Show?

My application have several modules, each in one tab on the mainform.
When using a dialog it is convenient to call ShowModal because you know when the dialog is finished. But for the user it is not good as it lock the whole program until the dialog closes.
I want to have a locally modal dialog. So one module can open a dialog and it locks current module only. The user can still switch to another module and continue to work. If the user return to the first module the dialog is there waiting for close before the user can continue to work in that module.
I have to make some kind of framework for this that all dialogs in the application can use.
I have a baseclass for all dialogs TAttracsForm and I think here is the place to add my Show() method.
This should lock access to all wincontrols only in the current module.
It should simulate a call to ShowModal(). How can I achieve this ?
You will have to do the following:
Have an identity for each module
Have a flag that is active or inactive for each module
Have a flag that stores the modality of the attached dialog. If it is modal and the module is active, then call the show method in the appropriate eventhandler. Remember to update these values in the onshow and onclose events of each dialog.
You may have to fine tune this suggestion till you achieve the exact functionality that you require.
Do you still want to implement this with "you know when the dialog is finished" metaphor?
So like
if the answer is yes, you would try to implement this with threads, like Google Chrome do this with tab pages. But without threads only you can catch message processing with a code like this
function TFakeModalDlg.FakeShowModal(FormParent: TWinControl): boolean;
SetBounds((FormParent.Width - Width) div 2, (FormParent.Height - Height) div 2,
Width, Height);
while NoButtonIsPressed() do
And you even have code below...
(Sender as TButton).Caption:='Going modal...';
(Sender as TButton).Caption:='Returned from modal';
called multiply times from your tabs, but the problem is the these "dialogs" should be closed in "stack order" i.e. reverse to the order they were showed. I think it's impossible to force users to close forms in developers preference order :)
I have actually almost implemented local modal dialogs now.
It is built around that when a TForms Enabled property is set To False the whole Form is locked from input. And my modules is just a descendant from TForm.
My ViewManager class that decide what modules is current add/close modules etc got 2 new methods. LockCurrentView and UnLOckCurrentView.
function TViewManager.LockCurrentView: TChildTemplate;
Result := CurrentView;
Result.Enabled := False;
Result.VMDeactivate; // DeActivate menus and toolbas for this module
procedure TViewManager.UnLockCurrentView(aCallerForm: TChildTemplate);
aCallerForm.VMActivate; // Activate menus and toolbas for this module
aCallerForm.Enabled := True;
TAttracsForm is the baseclass of all dialogs. I Override FormClose and add a new method ShowLocalModal to call instead of ShowModal. I also have to add a TNotifyEvent OnAfterDestruction to be called when the dialog is closed.
procedure TAttracsForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
if Assigned(fCallerForm) then
ClientMainForm.ViewManager.UnLockCurrentView(fCallerForm as TChildTemplate);
if Assigned(OnAfterDestruction) then
Action := caFree;
{ Call to make a dialog modal per module.
Limitation is that the creator of the module must be a TChildtemplate.
Several modal dialogs cannot be stacked with this method.}
procedure TAttracsForm.ShowLocalModal(aNotifyAfterClose: TNotifyEvent);
fCallerForm := ClientMainForm.ViewManager.LockCurrentView; // Lock current module and return it
PopupParent := fCallerForm;
OnAfterDestruction := aNotifyAfterClose;
Some test with simple dialogs looks promising. So the module just have to call ShowLocalModal(myMethod) which have a TNotifyEvent as parameter. This method is called when the dialog is closed.

Delphi custom message handlers

When a user double-clicks a dbgrid, I show a non-modal form.
When they close that form, I want to refresh the grid.
To accomplish that, I have tried the following:
1 - Define a custom message constant:
WM_REFRESH_MSG = WM_USER + 1; //defined in a globally available unit
2 - In the OnClose event of my non-modal form, I have this:
procedure TMyNonModalForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
3 - In the private declarations of the form that holds the dbGrid, I have this:
procedure OnRefreshRequest(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_REFRESH_MSG;
procedure TMyFormWithADBGrid.OnRefreshRequest(var Msg: TMessage);
After doing these things, the PostMessage fires fine, but the OnRefreshRequest procedure never runs. What am I doing wrong?
Note that WM_USER is not the correct constant to base your own messages on, unless you are writing a custom control directly descending from TWinControl. Use WM_APP instead.
Also, it's considered good style to use UM_ for User Message instead of WM_ because that prefix is supposed to be reserved for the Windows header files.
Aside from the message name in the other answer, you are posting a message to Self.Handle while Self is going away. You probably meant to post to a different handle (the window that launched the modeless one). Give your modeless window access to that handle when you create it, and post the message there instead.
The post message needs to be sent to the other window handle, not the self.handle that you have listed. One way to do this would be to create a new property on your non-modal form and assign it the handle of the other form just before you show your non-modal one.
Other than that, and implementing the WM_REFRESH_MSG properly (CheGueVerra has it correct) it should work fine.
You might try and change the end of the declaration to match the message you are trying to send.
procedure OnRefreshRequest(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_CEA_REFRESH;
Should be this
procedure OnRefreshRequest(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_REFRESH_MSG;
I've uploaded an example of "What would Kevin do?" to Embarcadero's newsgroup forum embarcadero.public.attachments.
Basically it's a custom event that the main form (or whatever form/object you want) subscribes to when the non-modal form closes. In the main (or whatever) form...
NonModalForm :TfmNonModalForm;
NonModalForm := TfmNonModalForm.Create(nil);
In the Execute method
procedure TfmNonModalForm.Execute(YourListenerMethod: THeyIClosedEvent);
FHeyIClosedEvent := YourListenerMethod;
If you can't get to the forum and need the additional code, leave a comment and I'll post the missing pieces.
Good luck
