Add OnClick Event to Html.RadioButton -

What I want to do is to call a JavaScript routine when the user clicks on a radiobutton. I've some fields to enable/disable when this happens. However, when I enter
<%=Html.RadioButton("obp17", "57", ViewData.Eval("obpValue17").ToString().Equals("57"), new {#onclick = "Yes()"})%>
I'm getting a "type or with" expected error when trying to add the onlick event. This should be easy, but none of samples I've found seem to work. The leading "#" is common in all the examples I've found, but something else seems to be missing.
And yes I know the way of checking for "true" is overkill, but it is created with a special purpose code generator, so it wasn't any extra work.
Any thoughts?

Pardon me for causing anyone problems. My problem was ultimately caused by delete the first line of the ASCX file that inherits "System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" Once I put that in, all the problems went away.
The line of code that worked was
<%= Html.TextBox("obpt9",ViewData.Eval("obpt9"), new { onclick = "alert('hi')" })%>
Different line than sample, but they are all the same.
Again, sorry for causing anyone confusion.

Is the page language VB or C#? If it's VB your syntax is wrong for creating the anonymous typed html attributes. See this MSDN reference on how to create an object with an anonymous type in VB.
New With { .onclick = "Yes()" } ) %>
Or change the page language to C#, if that's more appropriate.
Also, note that you could (arguably should) simply give the radio button a class, then add all the handlers at one time with jQuery. Usually you want to keep your javascript separate from your mark up.
New With { .class = "heinz" } ) %>
<script type="text/javascript>
$('.heinz').click( function() {
... implement the logic of Yes() here ...

The general structure Looks like the following:
#Html.RadioButtonFor(t => t.ViewModelVariableName,"RadioButtonValue", new {javascriptEvent = "javascriptMethodName"});

Do you have Yes() function correctly defined in your code ? Replace Yes() to the javascript alert() function ; if that works, then the line of code you posted is OK.
Also, please post Yes() function here, and I think there may be some error there.


Using #Html.ActionLink in a replace function in Razor View

I am returning data from my DB with multiple phrases. One of them being the following text : Submitted an Idea
I want to make the "Idea" in any an all text a hyperlink, so I want to use a replace function in my razor view to replace the word "Idea" with my Html Helper:
#item.RewardType.Replace("Idea", #Html.ActionLink("Idea", "ChallengeIdea", "Ideas", new { id = item.fkiIdeaId }, null))
I've looked around a bit but can not really find anything. Someone suggested using #Url.Action - But the issue remains the same.
How do I do this ? Or is using an Html helper the wrong way of doing this ?
Thanks for any help.
You can try this:
#Html.Raw(item.RewardType.Replace("Idea", $"<a href='/ideas/challengeidea/{item.fkiIdeaId}'>Idea</a>"))
#Html.Raw(item.RewardType.Replace("Idea", "Idea"))
Html helpers are there to help you in general situations. When they produce more complications than value, they have no use
<span>Submitted an Idea</span>
If you have RewardType in a resource and can not use plain html, you could set RewardType to "Submitted an Idea" And use string.format

Replace the confirm javascript function with a jQuery dialog solution

I'm novice with jQuery dialog and I'm looking for a way to replace to ugly confirm javascript function by a jQuery dialog. If possible I would like a solution as easy as possible to set in place.
if (confirm("Are you sure?")) {
// user click Yes
To be replaced by a simple jQuery dialog solution. If possible an 'inline' solution like:
if jQconfirm("Are you sure") { ... }
I don't know if some solutions already exist?
It is complicated to have such an inline solution since the confirm() halts the execution of the script, however you may modify you script a bit and use such a construct:
$.confirm("message", "title",
function() { /* Ok action here*/
Check this site for the solution.
try this
its the JqueryUI box, and works well in a model form

Accessing a list of params in controller

Im very new to grails (1.3.7) so please be patient :-)
I have a gsp where I have various checkboxes. A user can click on them and then send his answer to a controller. The controller is receiving this request correctly.
My problem is, that, for working with what the user chose, I have to check every parameter - to see if this checkbox was really checked. Thats really cumbersome and doesnt work very well, because the page displaying the checkboxes is dynamic - so the checkboxes which can be clicked are dynamic too. In my controller I dont know for which params I have to check then.
Is there any possibility to receive a list of all checkboxes (or better: all checked checkboxes) in my controller? I researched but didnt find an answer!
Thanks for answering! :-)
Thank you,{i->
is very simple and works :-) It just gives back the checked ones
It must be passed as an extra request parameter (it's a limitation of http). You can add following field into your form, for example:
<input type="hidden" name="checkboxes" value="${myCheckboxesNames.join(',')}"/>
or making same using JavaScript, as it names are dynamic on client side.
BTW, you can also check all request parameters, by
params.each { name, value ->
// so something
so if you are using some special prefix/suffix for this checkbox names, it would be:
params.entrySet().findAll {
}.each {
println "Checkbox $it.key = $it.value"

MVC DropDownList SelectedItem Value in ActionLink

I'm a bit confused and sorry if this question is repeated elsewhere, I did check and it didnt seem to be here yet.
Is there a way, (without use of JavaScript) to get the currently selected item of a DropDownList and say send it off to an ActionLink?
<%= Html.DropDownList("Elements") %>
<%=Html.ActionLink("Add Authorization Element", "AddElement", new {elementGuid = ??? }) %>
The bit I am looking for is something to replace:
Not without JavaScript, no. Of course, it's trivial with JavaScript.
If you want to do both, add JavaScript to the drop down, then put a submit button inside a noscript tag. Users without JavaScript will have to click the button. Users with JavaScript won't see it.

RJS method outputting raw javascript

I've got a page where I'm dynamically adding elements to a from a series of select boxes. I'm using RJS to do this and it's working great. Now, these elements in the div are a series of that are accompanied by Delete buttons, in case the user wants to remove a textarea. Here's where I'm hitting a wall.
Here's the code that runs the Delete button. This is working well to my knowledge:
<%= link_to image_tag("/images/button_delete.gif", :alt=>"Delete"), :controller=>"report", :action=>"remove", :id=> %>
In my report controller, I've got this very simple method being called by the above code:
def remove
#sentence_id = params[:id]
Again, I think that's working. Now, when I activate this action by hitting the button, off we go to the RJS file, remove.rjs:
page.remove 'sentence_'+#sentence_id
And here's what I get in my browser, instead of a happily removed element!
catch (e)
alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString());
throw e;
My understanding is that this happens when there's no page in the current context. Online documentation on this is kind of thin.
Any help appreciated!
Try link to remote. That will build the ajax call for you and should remove the element from the page.
Then link_to_remote syntax is slightly different than the link_to syntax, so don't let that trip you up either.
Since your remove function doesn't seem to actually delete a record, if you just want to remove an HTML element from a page you can use link_to_function with the Prototype remove() method for Elements. In addition, if you've got a recent version of Rails (for example, 2.3.2) you can take advantage of the dom_id helper to auto generate the sentance_id ID attribute
<%= link_to_function(image_tag("button_delete.gif", :alt=>"Delete"), "$('#{dom_id(#sentence}').remove();" %>
An approach like this could help keep the number of methods down in your controller (unless you intend on doing something else in the controller)
Your Delete link is setup as a normal link, i.e.
<a href="/report/remove" id="sentence_63">
<img src="/images/button_delete.gif" alt="Delete" />
which triggers a normal HTTP request. Since your intent is to trigger an AJAX request, try PJ Davis' recommendation and use link_to_remote
