Why is my DataContext null in only one action? - asp.net-mvc

I have a property on my BaseController called DataContext that holds my LINQ to SQL data context (or fake context for testing). When using a parameterless constructor (in other words, when a request to ASP.NET MVC is made), a new instance of my LINQ to SQL data context is assigned to the property:
public class BaseController : Controller {
public IDataContextWrapper DataContext { get; set; }
public BaseController() : this(new DataContextWrapper<MyDataContext>()) { }
public BaseController(IDataContextWrapper context) {
DataContext = context;
Also in my BaseController, I set some global ViewData items:
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
ViewData["Example"] = DataContext.Table<Example>().Count();
This is working fine for almost every action. The only one that doesn't work is the Logout action on my AccountController:
public ActionResult Logout() {
return RedirectToResult("Login");
This raises a NullReferenceException during BaseController.OnActionExecuting. When executing that particular action, the DataContext property is null.
Why would this only occur on one action?
Note: IDataContextWrapper and DataContextWrapper simply wraps the existing functionality of the LINQ to SQL DataContext object so that it can be replaced with a fake context in unit tests. It doesn't do any disposing on its own, but leaves it up to the underlying DataContext, so I'm pretty certain that's not the problem.

To follow up my comment, check out this link and more specifically the link Microsoft documentation here which state:
In general, a DataContext instance is designed to last for one "unit of work" however your application defines that term. A DataContext is lightweight and is not expensive to create. A typical LINQ to SQL application creates DataContext instances at method scope or as a member of short-lived classes that represent a logical set of related database operations.
Microsoft did a terrible job explaining this and frankly explaining using Linq in an n-tier environment in the first place. In my particular case, I had one (static) datacontext implemented via Singleton pattern, which I am guessing is what you have done as well. ( As it is the most logical design, IMHO ). This however, is extremely NOT the way to do things. In my case, the fix was actually pretty easy, changing my GetDataContext() call to return a new DataContext every time, instead of returning the static instance. This however, you will find, creates a whole new crop of problems. None of them are insurmountable once you figure them out, but definitely a pain.
If you have such a setup ( Singleton accessors for your DataContext), change it to see if it fixes your problem.
Regardless, do not use a global DataContext, nor persist a DataContext if dealing with an n-tier architecture.
Even if this doesn't solve your particular problem, I highly suggest you re-architect your solution to make DataContexts have a unit of work lifespan, if it hasn't bitten you already, it will.

For reasons that I don't quite understand, when a new AccountController is created for the Logout action, ASP.NET MVC is using the second constructor with a null parameter (could be a bug?). I changed the class to create a new default DataContext when the parameter is null:
public class BaseController : Controller {
public IDataContextWrapper DataContext { get; set; }
public BaseController() : this(null) { }
public BaseController(IDataContextWrapper context) {
DataContext = dataContext ?? new DataContextWrapper<MyDataContext>();
Now it works.
It strikes me as strange that ASP.NET MVC used the default constructor in some cases, and an overload in others, though. Can anyone shed some light on this?


Dispose DbContext in MVC Controller, which way "better"?

In MVC 5, the scaffolding codes will have something like:
public class MyController : Controller
private MyContext db = new MyContext();
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
otherwise, I need to have
using (var db = new MyContext())
in each action.
The codes look good, so I don't need to use using in each action. However, is this subject to preference of programmers, or such style has some advantage over using in each action that needs to use the dbcontext?
Both solution are good - both solution will dispose db context. But in my opinion the second option will be better - you create db context just where you have to.
But what if another class (some service class) also uses db context. It is good practice to have one db context for the whole web request. In that case you should pass previous created db context to all classes that use db context to prevent creating new db context in all clases. So I will consider usage of IoC containers. IoC container will resolve your dependencies and also will mange object lifetime. Bellow
I listed a few IoC containers:
Castle Windsor
Spring Framework
For simple scenarios calling Dispose (or using Using) is not necessary at all :)
"The default behavior of DbContext is that the underlying connection is automatically opened any time is needed and closed when it is no longer needed."
From here:
In terms of best practices, you should absolutely use the template scaffolded stuff and not mess with the using(){} pattern unless you have some really good overriding reason. Both solutions produce the same result, but both are not good solutions. The reason why the template has a single DbContext is to make it easier to test - heres an example:
public class SomeController : Controller
private ApplicationDbContext db;
public AccountController()
db = new ApplicationDbContext();
public AccountController(ApplicationDbContext context)
db = context;
The first constructor with no arguments is that which is used in production and automatically creates a new db context based on the app config file. The second allows you to inject a mocked db context when you are doing unit testing.
At the end of the day, this question and my answer isn't really about disposing db contexts - it's about why the code template designers chose to take the approach they did and why it will help you. You should read more on unit testing.
A Using statement calls the Dispose() method at the end of the Using block automatically. The Using statement calls the Dispose() method even if there was an error in the code.

When/How to dispose DbContext when returning IQueryable?

I've recently started using IQueryable inspired by http://www.codethinked.com/keep-your-iqueryable-in-check. So I've been used to doing this in my repos:
public IEnumerable<POCO> GetById(int id)
using (var ctx = new DbContext())
var query = from ...;
return query.ToList();
Now I'm doing this instead:
public IPageable<POCO> GetById(int id)
var ctx = new DbContext()
var query = from ...;
return new Pageable(query);
But I'm wondering if this is the best way to handle new DbContext().
Is it better to place DbContext as a class member
public class Repo
private DbContext _ctx = new DbContext();
Or even injection it
public class Repo
private DbContext _ctx;
public Repo(DbContext ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
What are the pros and cons to:
a new DbContext in each method.
a new DbContext per object (class member).
injecting DbContext.
I'm using Ninject so I can use .InRequestScope(); (if that should effect the answer)
A couple other questions:
Should my repo implement IDisposable if DbContext is kept as a class
Is there an even better way to handle disposal of DbContext then the above?
I would always go with injecting the DBContext, with the InRequestScope. Gives all benefits of dependency injection.Ninject would also dispose the DBContext on the end of the cycle as DBContext implements IDisposable. See this thread
If you use DI, your other two questions become irrelevant.
Entity Framework loves caching. If you are constantly changing your application and reloading it in your browser, you'll probably notice that the first time you reload it, it takes a couple of seconds to load, but after that, pages are almost instantaneous. This is because MVC and EF are caching common queries that are repeatedly used, making your app faster to use after that initial load time.
Because of this, it is not of huge concern where you create your DBContext. Yes, creating anything takes time. However, EF will recognize these queries and will load them quickly, even if you have just created a new instance of your context.
On a side note, if your application doesn't have a large amount of queries, the use of Using blocks around your DbContext would be considered ideal (as this handles the dispose for you), but again, the runtime and memory use results would be negligible.

Does IoC with constructor injection in asp.net mvc controllers waste resources?

I'm not sure if its just me, but I get the feeling that constructor injection used in ASP.NET MVC controllers is causing unnecessary resource consumption.
Components that's not being used for a particular web request still needs to be created when controllers are created. It's like buying booth milk and juice when I'm thirsty for milk and then I just throw away the juice.
Compare these examples of constructor injection and service locator for controller to clarify my concern.
Constructor Injection, booth deps are created but only one is used.
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly IDep1 _dep1;
private readonly IDep2 _dep2;
public MyController(IDep1 dep1, IDep2 dep2)
_dep1 = dep1;
_dep2 = dep2;
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult PageTwo()
return View();
Service Locator, each dep are created only when its being used.
public class MyController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var dep1 = ServiceLocator.Resolve<IDep1>();
return View();
public ActionResult PageTwo()
var dep2 = ServiceLocator.Resolve<IDep2>();
return View();
PLEASE NOTE that an IoC container (which is beneficial for many reasons) can still be used for the Service Locator pattern. I do not want this to be a discussion around IoC and container frameworks neither other benefits from constructor injection (clear visibilty of dependencies etc). It's the constructor injection pattern and how it wastes resources in ASP.NET MVC controller situations that is my concern.
I guess the main question here is:
Is Service Locator a better solution performance wise for the above scenario (ASP.NET MVC controllers) ?
If the object creation is your bottleneck you are in either a very good situation (everything else works like a charm so the < 1 ms operations count) or in a very bad one (your constructors are doing some heavy lifting - which they are not supposed to).
Mark Seemann already covered the subject here:
In many cases that's a performance hit you'll have to take because you
need those classes anyway, but sometimes you might be concerned with
taking this performance hit too early. However, I make the claim that
in the vast majority of cases, this concern is irrelevant.
And supplied a possible solution if it still matters to you (deferred branches).
If you don't want to construct something you don't need / use pass in something that can construct what you do need.
Using the service locator + DI in our controller factory we can pass in a dep factory to the controller and allow the controller to decide what to ask the factory for.
Is this not the reason we have the factory pattern?
So to refactor your example in the question you might want to do something like this ...
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly IDepFactory _factory;
public MyController(IDepFactory factory)
_factory= factory;
public ActionResult Index()
var dep1 = factory.Get<IDep1>();
return View();
public ActionResult PageTwo()
var dep2 = factory.Get<IDep2>();
return View();
This is both efficient and a good use of patterns.
From a testing point of view you can mock the passed in IDepFactory so that it always returns some constant that when queries returns a known result to allow you to confirm that your logic in your controller is behaving right.
From a performance point of view I would think that the difference depends mainly on the depth of your dependency stacks in each case, you may prefer to not use a factory and pass in both deps as you were doing before if the dependency stack is very shallow as the gains are virtually nothing.

Where should 'CreateMap' statements go?

I frequently use AutoMapper to map Model (Domain) objects to ViewModel objects, which are then consumed by my Views, in a Model/View/View-Model pattern.
This involves many 'Mapper.CreateMap' statements, which all must be executed, but must only be executed once in the lifecycle of the application.
Technically, then, I should keep them all in a static method somewhere, which gets called from my Application_Start() method (this is an ASP.NET MVC application).
However, it seems wrong to group a lot of different mapping concerns together in one central location.
Especially when mapping code gets complex and involves formatting and other logic.
Is there a better way to organize the mapping code so that it's kept close to the ViewModel that it concerns?
(I came up with one idea - having a 'CreateMappings' method on each ViewModel, and in the BaseViewModel, calling this method on instantiation. However, since the method should only be called once in the application lifecycle, it needs some additional logic to cache a list of ViewModel types for which the CreateMappings method has been called, and then only call it when necessary, for ViewModels that aren't in that list.)
If you really don't want to use a bootstrapper, then at least a static constructor is an easy way of ensuring your CreateMap is called at most once. (With less messing around and more thread proof than Jonathon's answer.)
public class AccountController : Controller
static AccountController()
Mapper.CreateMap<Models.User, ViewModels.UserProfile>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Models.User, ViewModels.ChangePassword>();
If you use profiles, you can place all of your "CreateMap" calls there. Additionally, you can create a static bootstrapper class that contains your configuration, and have the startup piece just call the bootstrapper.
OK, the way I'm currently doing it is this:
I add some logic to the constructor of my BaseController, which runs the 'CreateMappings' method, but only once per Controller Type:
public abstract class BaseController : Controller
public BaseController()
if (!controllersWithMappingsCreated.Contains(GetType()))
protected virtual void CreateMappings() { }
In each concrete controller, I use CreateMappings to declare the mappings for all the Models/ViewModels relevant to that controller.
public class AccountController : BaseController
public AccountController() : base() { }
protected override void CreateMappings()
Mapper.CreateMap<Models.User, ViewModels.UserProfile>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Models.User, ViewModels.ChangePassword>();
I also found some interesting alternatives involving Attributes here and here, however they strike me as a bit overcomplicated.

Why are there 2 constructors in the Default AccountController provided by the MVC?

here's the default AccountController.cs that's generated by the framework.
public class AccountController : Controller
public IFormsAuthentication FormsAuth { get; private set; }
public IMembershipService MembershipService { get; private set; }
public AccountController()
: this(null, null)
public AccountController(IFormsAuthentication formsAuth, IMembershipService membershipService)
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationService();
MembershipService = membershipService ?? new AccountMembershipService();
This is easy to understand.
public AccountController(IFormsAuthentication formsAuth,
IMembershipService membershipService)
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationService();
MembershipService = membershipService ?? new AccountMembershipService();
What's this? What's its purpose? Is it particular to the Account Controller or is it a requirement for other controllers? and, why should I incorporate it in my project?
public AccountController()
: this(null, null)
They seem to use this type of constructors in two other places.
Thanks for helping
This is actually an implemenation of the Bastard Injection anti-pattern.
The idea is that Constructor Injection is supported to allow Dependency Injection (DI), while still providing a default constructor for default behavior.
It's really not necessary to have the default constructor, but if you omit it, you must supply a custom IControllerFactory, as the DefaultControllerFactory assumes that all Controllers have default constructors.
ASP.NET MVC is built with DI in mind, but I guess that to keep it simple, the Bastard Injection pattern was used for the project template to avoid forcing a specific IControllerFactory upon developers.
If you use a DI framework (like Unity) and you active your controllers via the container, it might not find the dependencies and use the default constructor (in this case).
If you would like use use generics, something like ... where T : IController, new() you will need a default constructor.
Another reason for having a default (no parameter) constructor is for Reflection.
The classes in the System.Reflection namespace, together with Type, allow you to obtain information about loaded assemblies and the types defined within them, such as classes, interfaces, and value types. You can also use reflection to create type instances at run time, and to invoke and access them.
There might be times where you need to create a temporary object of that type in order to reflect over it's properties or methods, but don't want or need the overhead of creating a real object - especially if that entails accessing a database or remote service for example.
