What's the most efficient way to keep a user database in sync with an external mailing list service? - ruby-on-rails

I'd like some advice on how I should synchronize a list of email addresses on 11k users against an external mailing list program, in this case Mailchimp.
Normally the way I'd do this is simply to have an :after_save callback, to send a single update to the external api.
But already each hour, a rake task is run to update a property on every user in the database. If I simply did that, every hour, the the poor mailchimp API would get be hit 11,000 times.
What's the most efficient, simple way to do this, to check only if a single attribute you're watching has changed from what it was before the save?
If there's a variable that persists across the transaction lifecycle I would simply do something like this, where I check if the value has changed, and if it's different execute come other code.
class User
:before_save :store_old_email
:after_save :sync_with_chimp
def store_old_email
$ugly_of_global_variable_to_store_email = user.email
if $ugly_of_global_variable_to_store_email != user.email
I've checked the rails api here, and I'm still slightly unclear on how I should be doing this.
Would you use the dirty? class here to do this?

This is the way I went with in the end.
It turns out Rails gives you loads of handy callbacks in the dirty to do this.
Any suggestions on how to make this code less repetitive wold be gratefully received.
def update_mailchimp(optin)
# Create a Hominid object (A wrapper to the mailchimp api), and pass in a hash from the yaml file
# telling which mailing list id to update with subscribe/unsubscribe notifications)
#hominid = Hominid.new
client_site_list_id = YAML.load(File.read(RAILS_ROOT + "/config/mailchimp.yml"))
case optin
when 'subscribe_newsletter'
logger.debug("subscribing to newsletter...")
"success!" if #hominid.subscribe(client_site_list_id['client_site_to_mailchimp_API_link'], email, {:FNAME => first_name, :LNAME => last_name}, 'html')
when 'unsubscribe_newsletter'
logger.debug("unsubscribing from newsletter...")
"success!" if #hominid.subscribe(client_site_list_id['client_site_to_mailchimp_API_link'], email, {:FNAME => first_name, :LNAME => last_name}, 'html')
when 'subscribe_monthly_update'
logger.debug("subscribing to monthly update...")
"success!" if #hominid.subscribe(client_site_list_id['monthly_update'], email, {:FNAME => first_name, :LNAME => last_name}, 'html')
when 'unsubscribe_monthly_update'
logger.debug("unsubscribing from monthly update...")
"success!" if #hominid.unsubscribe(client_site_list_id['monthly_update'], email, {:FNAME => first_name, :LNAME => last_name}, 'html')
# Keep the users in sync with mailchimp's own records - by only firing requests to the API if details on a user have changed after saving.
def check_against_mailchimp
logger.info("Checking if changes need to be sent to mailchimp...")
if newsletter_changed?
logger.info("Newsletter changed...")
newsletter ? update_mailchimp('subscribe_newsletter') : update_mailchimp('unsubscribe_newsletter')
if monthly_update_changed?
logger.info("update preferences changed...")
monthly_update ? update_mailchimp('subscribe_monthly_update') : update_mailchimp('unsubscribe_monthly_update')

you could change your users model to an active resource instead of active record and just use mailchimps api as your db for users
this is an older post about active resource but might get you started down the right path


How do I enter a record for every user where condition is true in Rails

So I have app that has political candidates.
When a new political candidate is entered, I want to enter a notification into the notifications table for every user that's state is equal to the state of the new candidate being entered.
Ultimately, I want to enter in records to the notification table for every single user where that condition is met.
I know I'm way off, but here's where I'm at now. I'm trying to loop through each user and then enter this record when that condition is true.
def create
#candidate = Candidate.new(candidate_params)
if #candidate.save
User.each do |u|
if Candidate.state == User.state
#notification = Notification.new(:message => 'Message', :user_id => U.id)
The candidate is created with this code, but the notifications aren't working. Basically I have two users where their state equals "Arizona" and I would expect if I create a new candidate where the state is "Arizona" that I should get two record into notifications, one with each user ID.
I think you got a bit mixed up between classes and instances. Here's the relevant bit:
#candidate = Candidate.new(candidate_params)
User.each do |u|
if Candidate.state == User.state
In your code Candidate is a class, and #candidate holds the recently created instance of a Candidate. Likewise, User is a class and u holds a User instance (on each loop iteration). Your comparison should actually use the instances rather than the classes:
if #candidate.state == u.state
Having sorted that, it's worth noting that your code has a couple of other errors -- User.each won't work. You need to specify a selector to get a list of User objects to loop through. One way would be to call User.all.each (which looking at your code is probably what you were trying). That pulls all User objects. But, since users can be from anywhere, if you do that you will cycle through a lot of users you don't need to.
Since all you need is users whose state matches the new candidate, you can use the where() method to pre-filter the list you are looping through. That way you don't need the if at all.
#candidate = Candidate.new(candidate_params)
User.where(state: #candidate.state).each do |u|
#notification = Notification.new(message: 'Message', user: u)
The other problem in your code is in the line to create a notification. You use U.id but the loop variable is lower case u. As an added tip, you don't need to set the object ID specifically. If you just pass the User object (as in the code above), Rails is smart enough to figure out the rest.
For performance don't iterate all users, you can search users that match the candidate's state then create notification for each user.
def create
#candidate = Candidate.new(candidate_params)
if #candidate.save
users = User.where(state: #condidate.state)
users.each { |user| #notification = Notification.create(:message => 'Message', :user_id =user.id } if users
render 'new'

Can't use upsert on existing member

I'm trying to subscribe users to Mailchimp with Gibbon 2.2.4 with a generic subscribe method I've been using, and then shortly after I want to add in some extra fields to track the results of a quiz they took.
I want to store this data on Mailchimp because I'd like to manage the emails I send off directly from Mailchimp's dashboard.
The service I created to handle my subscriptions:
class MailchimpService
def subscribe(list_id,email,first_name)
body: {
email_address: email,
status: 'subscribed',
merge_fields: {
FNAME: first_name,
double_optin: false,
update_existing: true
def subscribe_to_quiz(first_name, email, user_id, quiz_id)
if subscribe(list_id,email,first_name)
attempt = QuizAttempt.where("user_id = ? AND quiz_id = ?", user_id, quiz_id).last
correct = attempt.correct_answer_count
total = attempt.questions_answered
successful = attempt.successful?
send_quiz_results(list_id, email, correct, total, successful)
def send_quiz_results(list_id, email, correct, total, successful)
body: {
email_address: email,
status: 'subscribed',
merge_fields: {
correct_answers: correct,
total_answers: total,
successful: successful
update_existing: true
In subscribe_to_quiz, I'm subscribing the user to my quiz_list in Mailchimp. The values of the fields I'm updating here are irrelevant, but I think they're quite explanatory. When I try to run my upsert statement in send_quiz_results, I get the following error:
the server responded with status 400
#title="Member Exists",
#detail="foo#bar.baz is already a list member. Use PUT to insert or update list members.",
#body={"type"=>"http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/error-glossary/", "title"=>"Member Exists", "status"=>400, "detail"=>"foo#bar.baz is already a list member. Use PUT to insert or update list members.", "instance"=>""},
#raw_body="{\"type\":\"http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/error-glossary/\",\"title\":\"Member Exists\",\"status\":400,\"detail\":\"foo#bar.baz is already a list member. Use PUT to insert or update list members.\",\"instance\":\"\"}",
I have no clue why it won't let me do this... It seems like it's referencing a create statement, but the extracted source for the error references my upsert statement.
I know I'm using the corresponding PUT verb for Gibbon, since the following is taken straight from the documentation:
Of course, body is only supported on create, update, and upsert calls. Those map to HTTP POST, PATCH, and PUT verbs respectively.
I have no clue why this isn't working... I've tried taking out the other fields and just simply throwing in the ones I'm updating. I've also tried running it straight from the terminal to make sure nothing's overlapping.
The MailChimp API docs show that when updating a member you must provide the member's subscriber_hash, which the MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the members email address.
Use Digest::MD5.hexdigest to hash the email address with MD5:

Case statement for STI type column

I have a User model that can have many Websites. For example, I will be able to call User.websites and it will pull up an ActiveRecord array of all of the websites that the User owns. But each website uses Single Table Inheritance (STI) and a type column that will determine the type of the website, like commercial, advertising, or forum. My problem is, that I was to make a case/when statement that runs a function if the the User has a website that is of a certain type. for example:
#user = User.first
case #user.websites
when includes?(Commercial)
'This user has a commercial website'
when includes?(Forum)
'This user has a forum website'
when include?(Ad)
'This user has a advertisement website'
Does anyone have a clue on the best way to do such a thing?
Shortest way to do this is using a the map method. Just one line!
|x| puts "This user has a #{x.type.downcase} website"
Or if you want to have these strings in an array.
#user.websites.select(:type).uniq.map{|x| x.type.downcase}
If you want to run functions. I would advice naming the functions in a friendly way such as commercial_cost, forum_cost, etc.. so that you can use the send method which makes your code compact.
#user.websites.select(:type).uniq.map{ |x| #user.send(x.type.downcase + "_cost") }
def types
'This user has following websites: ' +
websites.pluck(:type).map(&:downcase).join(', ')
def return_data(*types)
types.each do |t|
if Website.where(:user_id => self.id, :type=> t).length>0
send "method_for_owners_of_#{t}_site"
def method_for_owners_of_Commercial_site
#user.return_data(["Commercial", "Ad"])
According to Rails API
When you do Firm.create(name: "37signals"), this record will be saved
in the companies table with type = “Firm”.

confused and disoriented with paypal ipn

I am using this gem for payments in paypal https://github.com/tc/paypal_adaptive
I am very confused and disoriented with this gem. It has a poorly documented and is difficult for me to understand how to get the data from paypal on ipn response.
I hope this question will help more people having the same problem.
My steps are:
1º I send request to paypal from my orders_controller.rb with method preaproval_payment.
def preapproval_payment
preapproval_request = PaypalAdaptive::Request.new
data = {
"returnUrl" => response_paypal_user_orders_url(current_user),
"cancelUrl"=> cancel_payment_gift_url(#gift),
"requestEnvelope" => {"errorLanguage" => "en_US"},
"senderEmail" => "gift_1342711309_per#gmail.com",
"startingDate" => Time.now,
"endingDate" => Time.now + (60*60*24) * 30,
"maxAmountPerPayment" => "#gift.price",
"ipnNotificationUrl" => ipn_notification_url,
"ip" => request.remote_ip
preapproval_response = preapproval_request.preapproval(data)
puts data
if preapproval_response.success?
redirect_to preapproval_response.preapproval_paypal_payment_url
redirect_to gift_url(#gift), alert: t(".something_was_wrong")
2º These are the data of my request in my log console from command puts data :
{"returnUrl"=>"http://localhost:3000/en/u/maserranocaceres/orders/response_paypal", "cancelUrl"=>"http://localhost:3000/en/gifts/gift-1/cancel_payment", "requestEnvelope"=>{"errorLanguage"=>"en_US"}, "senderEmail"=>"gift_1342711309_per#gmail.com", "startingDate"=>2012-07-29 13:05:49 +0200, "endingDate"=>2012-08-28 13:05:49 +0200, "currencyCode"=>"USD", "maxAmountPerPayment"=>9, "ipnNotificationUrl"=>"http://localhost:3000/ipn_notification?locale=en", "ip"=>""}
3º I redirect to paypal page, and I make the payment on paypal successfully :D.
4º When payment is completed successfully, I am directed to:
I have response_paypal action in orders_controller.rb. It is GET action and my code for this action is:
def response_paypal
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to user_orders_url(current_user), :alert => "works fine return url"}
Up to this point everything works fine.
Now what I need is to get the data I received from paypal and save my database a new order if payment is successfully processed.
5º For this purpose I make a file in lib/paypal_ipn.rb and I add to this file the content from https://github.com/tc/paypal_adaptive/blob/master/templates/paypal_ipn.rb
# Allow the metal piece to run in isolation
require(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/environment") unless defined?(Rails)
class PaypalIpn
def self.call(env)
if env["PATH_INFO"] =~ /^\/paypal_ipn/
request = Rack::Request.new(env)
params = request.params
ipn = PaypalAdaptive::IpnNotification.new
if ipn.verified?
#mark transaction as completed in your DB
output = "Verified."
output = "Not Verified."
[200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, [output]]
[404, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Not Found"]]
In my routes.rb I add:
match "/ipn_notification" => PaypalIpn
My 2 problems are:
a) I do not see that after making the payment this file to be fired and I can not see in my console data I get from paypal.
b) I want to send to paypal in my request, the id of object #gift for being able to recover later in paypal_ipn.rb and to save my database.
What am I doing wrong and how I can solve these problems?
Thank you
I haven't used that gem, but I've used PayPal IPN before. Here are some things you should check:
Do you have your PayPal account set up to use IPN? You must enable this setting on the account for this to work.
Have you verified that when you pass ipn_notification_url during the payment process, that it matches your "/ipn_notification" route?
For this to work, PayPal must be able to communicate directly with the server that is running this app. This means that typically, unless you have a custom setup on your local machine with dynamic DNS or something, that you will need to actually deploy this code to a server in order for PayPal to be able to communicate with your app. In other words, if this is running on http://localhost:3000, this will not work.
To answer your second question, how to recover #gift in order to record the fact it was paid in your database, I'm not entirely sure how to do it with this gem, but I'll tell you how I do it using ActiveMerchant - it is probably quite similar.
In your payment request to PayPal, you can pass in an invoice number. I believe the field is just called "invoice". Here you would pass the ID of the gift.
When PayPal notifies your app via IPN that the order was paid for, it will pass the invoice number back to you. Retrieve the #gift using this invoice number and then you can do what you need with it.
Here are the relevant parts of my working PayPal code, using the ActiveMerchant gem: https://gist.github.com/3198178
Good luck!

Resubscribe an email address in Campaign Monitor

Has anyone had success in resubscribing an email address after being unsubscribed via the Campaign Monitor API.
I ask as i want to keep a list of Active User's email addresses in my CM Active List. When they are suspended they get removed, when they join or pay their fees before getting deleted they are (re)subscribed.
Looking at the Rails API docs:
# File lib/campaign_monitor.rb, line 241
def remove_subscriber(email)
response = #cm_client.Subscriber_Unsubscribe("ListID" => #id, "Email" => email)
Result.new(response["Message"], response["Code"].to_i)
# File lib/campaign_monitor.rb, line 445
def unsubscribe(list_id)
response = #cm_client.Subscriber_Unsubscribe("ListID" => list_id, "Email" => #email_address)
Result.new(response["Message"], response["Code"].to_i)
On the CM website to move an email in the subscriber list to the active list you need to confirm you have permission to resubscribe them, can anyone say for sure that this applies to the API too?
I've just found the Subscriber.AddAndResubscribe method, undocumented in http://campaignmonitor.rubyforge.org/
