How to create password protected RSS feed in rails - ruby-on-rails

Creating RSS feed in rails is easy. I need a simple way to password protect the RSS feed. I am thinking http basic authentication.
I googled but could not find any article about creating password protected RSS.

I have this in my ApplicationController
def xml_authorize
if request.format == Mime::XML
authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |username, password|
username == 'foo' && password == 'bar'
Then I just apply a before_filter :xml_authorize to the actions that I want to password protect for XML requests only, but still want to serve normally with html.
Here's where I got the inspiration from.

Just use whatever auth system you use on your regular controllers. If the user is logged, and session is alive he will be able to download the feed.

How is HTTP authentication any different on RSS feeds than other controller actions? (This is not necessarily a rhetorical question - is it actually different?)
Have you tried just using the Rails HTTP Basic Authentication methods?

Feeds are meant to be fetched in regular intervals without user interaction.
RSS-Feeds can be consumed by something different than a browser. For example,
I have a phone where I can create a widget for the start screen from a rss-feed-link. Great function. Unfortunately authentication does not work for this widget.
And there is no user interface to put in username and password. So the authentication need to be part of the url, with all the bad security implications...
On the other hand you don't need a session to answer a feed-request.
So the solution is a create a special key for the user, and store it in the user table.
Then use it when you display the link to the rss-feed. In the feed-method, you use this key to retrieve the user, but you don't create a session. This way, even when a hacker somehow got a valid key, the hacker can only view the rss-feed, but not access the rest of your application.
If you already use some library for authentication, there may already some solution implemented for this. In Authlogic, is is the class SingleAccessToken, and you need to add a column 'single_access_token' of type string to your user table. Then authlogic creates some cryptic key when are saving the user record. You than add this key as the GET-Parameter 'user_credentials' to the url of the private rss-feed

Like knoopx said, If you use an authentication system like authlogic you should be able to specify the authentication type in the controller. You can then specify http basic authenication. Then you can, if you choose, include the authentication in the URL for the RSS Feed.
(sorry to break the URI up like that, but I don't have enough reputation points to post multiple links :( )


Getting past anti-CSRF to log a user into a site when you know their username and password

This sounds a bit evil, bear with me though. It's also not specifically a Rails question even though the two sites in question use Rails. (Apologies in advance for both these things)
Imagine two websites which both use Ruby on Rails:, on which i'm a developer and have full access in terms of changing code etc, and also have an admin login, so I can manage user accounts., on which i have an admin login but no dev access. I know the people who run it but i'd rather not ask them any favours for political reasons. That is an option however.
Using my admin login on each site i've made a user account for the same person. When they're logged into, i'd like to be able to provide a button which logs them straight into I have their username and password for stored in their user record in the database, to facilitate this. The button is the submit button for a form which duplicates the form on the login page, with hidden fields for their username and password.
The stumbling block is that handles CSRF with an authenticity_token variable, which is failing validation when the login submits from
My first attempt to get past this was, in the controller which loads the page with the form, to scrape the login page to get an authenticity token, and then plug that into my form. But this isn't working.
If i load the login page, and the page with the remote login button in two browser tabs, and manually copy the authenticity_token from the form to the form, then it works. This is because (i think) the authenticity_token is linked to my session via a cookie, and when i do it all in the same browser the session matches up, but when i get the authenticity token from via scraping (using Nokogiri but i could use curl instead) it's not the same session.
Question A) So, i think that i also need to set a cookie so that the session matches up between the browser and the Nokogiri request that i make. But, this might be impossible, and exactly the sort of thing that the anti-CSRF system was designed to defeat. Is that the case?
Question B) Let's say that i decide that, despite the politics, i need to ask the owner of to make a small change to allow me to log our users into when we know their username and password. What would be the smallest, safest change that i could ask them to make to allow this?
Please feel free to say "Get off SO you evil blackhat", i think that's a valid response. The question is a bit dodgy.
A) No, this is not possible as CSRF Protection is made to protect from actions like these only. So "Get off SO you evil blackhat"
As per the question I'm assuming that is using Rails(v3 or v4)
B) The smallest change that you could ask them to do is to make a special action for you, so that you could pass user credentials from your back-end and the user will be logged in from their on.
That action will work something like this :
You'll have a special code which will be passed along the credentials so that the request is verified on their servers. That code can either be a static predefined code or it can be generated on minute/hour/day basis with the same algorithm on both sites.
The function that you'd be asking to make for you will be like this:
Rails v3 and v4:
This action will be POST only.
#I'm supposing 'protect_from_forgery' is already done in
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
#changes to be made are here as follows
class SomeController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:login_outside] #this turns off CSRF protection on specific actions
def login_outside
if(#check special code here)
#Their login logic here
Check this link for further information on skipping CSRF protection in Rails
Rails 4 RequestForgeryProtection
This shouldn't be too hard to do.
You need to send an ajax GET request to their signup page, copy the authenticity_token with javascript, and then send an ajax POST to the actual log in route that creates a session with the right credentials and authenticity_token.
One tricky part is finding out their log in route. Try /sessions/new or perhaps they have the url in the form, so look at the html there. Good luck!
The other tricky part is knowing how the parameters are usually sent. Check out the form's html. If all the input tags have user_ before their name's then you'll need to structure your parameters similarly; i.e. user_email, user_password.
It's entirely possible to fetch the crsf token and submit your own form (because a log-in page is accessible to anyone!). However, it'll be difficult to know the details of their arrangement. The guessing and checking isn't too bad of an options (again, /sessions/new is how I route my log in; you should also try your route to see if they have a similar one.)
If that doesn't work, try taking a look at their github account! It's very possible they haven't paid $7 a month and it's open to the public. You will easily be able to view their routes and parameter parsings that way.
Good luck!
This is impossible. The anti-csrf works like you send cookie to an user, and inject token in form of hidden field into a form; if the token matches with cookie form post is accepted. Now if you run form on your side, you can't set the cookie (as the cookie can be only set in domain of its origin).
If there is just some particular action you want to perform on their site, you can get away with browser automation. (i.e. your run browser on your server-side, script the action and execute it).
As for B) safest and smallest change is contradiction :) Smallest change would be to create handler for POST request on their side where you'll send username and password (this handler HAS TO run over https) and it will create auth cookie on their side.
As for safest - the whole concept of storing encrypted (not hashed) passwords is questionable at best (would you like your site to be listed here ?). Also if user changes his password on their side you're screwed. Secure solution would be that you'll store just 3pty UserID on your side, and you'll send asymmetrically encrypted UserID with Timestamp to their side (you'll encrypt it with your private key). They'll decrypt it (they'll have to have public key), validate if timestamp is not to old and if not they'll create auth cookie for given user id. There are also protocols for that (like SAML).
What you are trying to do is really a form of a CSRF attack.
The idea behind a cross-site request forgery attack is that an attacker tricks a browser into performing an action as a user on some site, as the user who is using the site. The user is usually identified by a session identifier stored in a cookie, and cookies are sent along automatically. This means that without protection, an attacker would be able to perform actions on the target site.
To prevent CSRF, a site typically includes an anti-CSRF token in pages, which is tied to the session and is sent along in requests made from the legitimate site.
This works because the token is unpredictable, and the attacker cannot read the token value from the legitimate site's pages.
I could list various ways in which CSRF protection may be bypassed, but these all depend on on an incorrect implementation of the anti-CSRF mechanism. If you manage to do so, you have found a security vulnerability in
For more background information about CSRF, see
The smallest change which could do is to disable the CSRF protection check for the login page.
CSRF protection depends on the unpredictability of requests, and for login pages, the secret password itself protects against CSRF. An extra check through an anti-CSRF token is unnecessary.

How to let the Facebook scraper into dynamic, authenticated pages

I have a social network that requires authentication and email verification before a user can enter. Once inside, users can only see content from their friends. Its actually really simple, even if it doesn't sound it. Here is my authenticate before filter:
def authenticate
if logged_in?
redirect_to authentication_url if current_user.account_disabled
redirect_to root_url
The problem I have is letting the Facebook scraper in to get the meta tags from some of the dynamic pages. I read that you can allow the Facebook's User Agent into non public pages, but isn't that for pages that are protected in the robots.txt file? I'm not experienced with scrapers but surely it will need a cookie and an enabled account to scrape the dynamic information on my site? I'm not even sure how to actually write the method to let the scraper in or where to write it.
I'll though about generating a token with SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 for the scraper and making an exception on a blank page (with the meta data) that shouldn't be accessable to regular users, but technically that wouldn't be safe, considering that if you looked at the right JS file (for the URL reference in the Open Graph action POST) and meta tags you could get protected user data. This idea doesn't seem even close to correct...
Any ideas?
user agents are easily faked. Be careful allowing access based on user agent alone.
I believe they have a way to allow scrape via api instead.
As long as your content has unique URLs for what each user sees (normally protected by a login filter), you can allow access by checking the source IP or user agent to match the Facebook scraper.
However, like most social sites, you are likely using the same URLs to return customized contents rendered for the currently logged in user. This is inherently unscrapable - because there is a different version of say '/profile' for each user.

Rails: Devise Authentication from an ActiveResource call

My two rails applications(app1, app2) are communicating using active resource.
app1 calls app2 create a user inside app2. app2 would create the user and would like app1 then redirect the user to app2's authenticated pages.
going from app1 to app2 would invariably ask the user to log in.
I was looking for a way to avoid this login step in app2, instead make the user log in during the first active resource call to create user, and somehow get the authentication token written.
Authentication is done using Devise. Is there anything built into Devise that support this?
Is passing around the authentication token the way to go?
You are trying to implement a form of Single Sign-On service (SSO) (sign in with app1, and be automatically authenticated with app2, app3...). It is unfortunately not a trivial task. You can probably make it work (maybe you already did), but instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, why not instead integrate an existing solution? Or even better, a standard protocol? It is actually relatively easy.
CAS server
RubyCAS is a Ruby server that implements Yale University's CAS (Central Authentication Service) protocol. I had great success with it.
The tricky part is getting it to work with your existing Devise authentication database. We faced the same problem, and after some code diving, I came up with the following, which works like a charm for us. This goes in your RubyCAS server config, by default /etc/rubycas-server/config.yml. Of course, adapt as necessary:
class: CASServer::Authenticators::SQLEncrypted
adapter: sqlite3
database: /path/to/your/devise/production.sqlite3
user_table: users
username_column: email
password_column: encrypted_password
encrypt_function: 'require "bcrypt"; user.encrypted_password == ::BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret("#{#password}",'
enter code here
That encrypt_function was pain to figure out... I am not too happy about embedding a require statement in there, but hey, it works. Any improvement would be welcome though.
CAS client(s)
For the client side (module that you will want to integrate into app2, app3...), a Rails plugin is provided by the RubyCAS-client gem.
You will need an initializer rubycas_client.rb, something like:
require 'casclient'
require 'casclient/frameworks/rails/filter'
:cas_base_url => ""
Finally, you can re-wire a few Devise calls to use CAS so your current code will work almost as-is:
# Mandatory authentication
def authenticate_user!
# Optional authentication (not in Devise)
def authenticate_user
def user_signed_in?
Unfortunately there is no direct way to replace current_user, but you can try the suggestions below:
current_user with direct DB access
If your client apps have access to the backend users database, you could load the user data from there:
def current_user
return nil if session[:cas_user].nil?
return User.find_by_email(session[:cas_user])
But for a more extensible architecture, you may want to keep the apps separate from the backend. For the, you can try the following two methods.
current_user using CAS extra_attributes
Use the extra_attributes provided by the CAS protocol: basically, pass all the necessary user data as extra_attributes in the CAS token (add an extra_attributes key, listing the needed attributes, to your authenticator in config.yml), and rebuild a virtual user on the client side. The code would look something like this:
def current_user
return nil if session[:cas_user].nil?
email = session[:cas_user]
extra_attributes = session[:cas_extra_attributes]
user = => email,
:name => extra_attributes[:name],
:mojo => extra_attributes[:mojo],
return user
The VirtualUser class definition is left as an exercise. Hint: using a tableless ActiveRecord (see Railscast #193) should let you write a drop-in replacement that should just work as-is with your existing code.
current_user using an XML API on the backend and an ActiveResource
Another possibility is to prepare an XML API on the users backend, then use an ActiveResource to retrieve your User model. In that case, assuming your XML API accepts an email parameter to filter the users list, the code would look like:
def current_user
return nil if session[:cas_user].nil?
email = session[:cas_user]
# Here User is an ActiveResource
return User.all(:params => {:email => email}).first
While this method requires an extra request, we found it to be the most flexible. Just be sure to secure your XML API or you may be opening a gapping security hole in your system. SSL, HTTP authentication, and since it is for internal use only, throw in IP restrictions for good measure.
Bonus: other frameworks can join the fun too!
Since CAS is a standard protocol, you get the added benefit of allowing apps using other technologies to use your Single Sign-On service. There are official clients for Java, PHP, .Net and Apache.
Let me know if this was of any help, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any question.

rails authentication for an API

I'm currently working on an application that in addition to the usual visual web application goop also will expose a few RESTful API services for use by outside applications. I am using Devise to manage user authentication but I'm struggling with how to "manually" authenticate a user given certain input.
The case I have is that I want a user of the API to log in w/o actually going to the visual log in screen etc. I want them to submit a username and password and then authenticate and sign them in in my API services.
I know that you can sign a user in using the sign_in method that Devise provides, but that seems to ignore authentication entirely. here's what I wanted to do explained in a bit more detail:
Assume a GET route called connect in the user controller. the controller is replacing entirely the Devise registrations controller, but not the session one. The URL to my service would be:
and it would expect 'email', 'password' parameters in addition to some service specific and unimportant to my question goop.
What I want to know is how to implement something that is equivalent to the following pseudocode:
def connect
user = User.find_by_email(params[:email])
password = params[:password]
# here is the part I'm pseudo coding out
if user.is_valid_password(password) my stuff...
render :json ...etc...
I have been unable to find a method in the Devise source to do this--it's so generalized in so many ways that I'm likely just missing it.
Anyone have any ideas? I'm hoping not to a) have to implement my own thing and b) not have to move away from Devise. It provides me with so much for the non-API services...
I've left out th
Devise's token_authenticatable is the way to go for this. We've successfully used it many times to do api-based logins.
In config/initializers/devise.rb
config.token_authentication_key = :nameofyourapikeyhere
In user.rb:
devise … token_authenticatable, ...
In the above, you can name the api key anything and then have your route as /users/connect?apikey=whatever (using apikey as an example). In the database, it'll be authentication_token, but it'll work fine.
To clarify, if the user has an authentication_token and it's sent in the params (or it's alias- in the above example: apikey), they'll login.

Question about rails webservice and authentication

What I am doing is rails web service API that let user create traveling log when they access any sites, by using firefox plugin.For this requirement I needed 2 things.
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token in specific controller (Because I let user create it through API not the form, so I disable this).
user have to provided username and password every request (e.g. curl -u username:pass -d "..." http://localhost:3000/logs).
What I want to ask are
can I made it easier by letting my
firefox plugin ask for user login
then use cookies, so no need to send
username password every time with
Does skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token is bad thing or necessary thing to do for this ?
When Rails renders a form, it includes a hidden field with a long string (authenticity token). The verify_authenticity_token filter ensures that the user submitted a form that the server actually rendered (as opposed to forging a POST request, as hackers will do). If you use cookies and sessions you should really read about how this works and try to customize it to work with your plugin.
However, why not use HTTP basic authentication instead? It's slightly faster than sending a cookie on every page view and should be much simpler to set up. As you say, you can have your plugin prompt for a username/password, and then send them with every request.
If you need to store user data in sessions, though, you'll have to use cookies.
