How to show a semi-transparent dimmed panel/image in Delphi? - delphi

I wish to get a TPanel or TImage to show a dimmed background (with a veil), anyone knows how to accomplish this in Delphi (2010)? I would prefer not to use a component if possible, just raw code.
The idea is that when showing a new form the parent one visually shows the user it's "disabled".
Something like this:
alt text

This is the method that I use for my main form and then for all other forms that need the effect.

Maybe this can help you.
I would prefer not to use a component if possible, just raw code.
You can instantiate and use components from code, not only in the form designer.


How to prevent a firemonkey form to draw itself (for calling an own drawing function)?

I try to convert an existing OpenGL-Application from VCL-based forms to FMX-based forms in C++ Builder XE3.
For this purpose I use the handle of a Firemonkey-form to create the OpenGL device context and make this form a child of another form to mimic the panel inside the form which I had in my VCL-based application.
The problem is now that after a resize-event or in general after calling Invalidate() the form is rendered with its background. This causes a flickering or even worse: sometimes the background is shown instead of my OpenGL rendered scene.
How can I prevent the repaint of the region at the position of my Firemonkey-OpenGL-form. Alternatively, can I define an Ownerdraw-function or something else?
Please note, that it is no option for me to use a Firemonkey-3d-Form.
Have tried giving the form a transparent background? Then you can paint whatever you want 'over the top'.
The quick way is to set the forms Transparent property to True, but this creates issues with ComboBoxes.
Another way is to place a TRectangle on the form. Set it's StyleName to 'backgroundstyle'. Set it's Fill.Color to claNull. Set Stroke.Thickness to 0. This will replace the default background styling for the form.
If you want to paint your own borders too you'll need to investigate non-client area styling but I don't have a pointer to a good resource at present.
After hours of experimenting I found the solution: The "TCommonCustomForm" has the needed properties: (1) it does not draw itself, (2) it has a handle which can be used for OpenGL initialization.
I hope this information will help others.

how to make a transparent form inside Panel?

I need to create at runtime a partial transparent Form inside a Panel.
How might I be able to achieve this?
If your question is only related to the way to put the form in a TPanel then it's quite easy.
You only need to call Windows.SetParent() with the handle of the newly created form.
MyNewForm := TMyNewForm.Create(Self);
This would also work by using the TForm Property ParentWindow.
But it's (quite) possible that the transparency is not handled (I briefly tested with a semi opaque form and it's not drawn correctly, So if the transparency is mandatory it mights be impossible to reach your goal...)

Creating custom Hint window

I'm trying to find a way to use my 2nd form as a hint window for a component (for example a TLabel) in my 1st form.
At the moment, I'm exploring the use of THintWindow and HintWindowClass, but it is not possible to directly assign a TForm to HintWindowClass. Some examples I've seen so far use a TBitmap which is then drawn on the THintWindow.Canvas, which is not bad, but I'd still like to use some kind of integrated automatic mechanism.
Another solution that crossed my mind is to manually implement this functionality using OnMouseEnter, OnMouseMove and OnMouseLeave events of the said Tlabel.
If there actually is a way to "assign" a TForm to HintWindowClass, I'd like to ask if anyone can provide a code snippet illustrating this. Thanks.
THintWindow is a descendant of TCustomControl. TForm is not a descendant of either of those classes, so you cannot assign any TForm class to HintWindowClass. Hint windows need to descend from THintWindow. Anything you can put on a form you can also put on a THintWindow. You'll just have to instantiate it manually and assign its Parent property to make it appear.
The closest you can probably get to "visually" designing a hint window is to design a frame. Make your THintWindow descendant create an instance of the frame, and then override ActivateHint (and ActivateHintData, if you need the data) to forward the hint text and desired size to your frame.

Delphi - ListView Question

Is there a ListView (ListBox) or similar component that allows me to easily drop another component in a specific column. (Multiple columns)? Like a checkbox, button or drop down list or all the above. (It would be nice to be able to sort via the header also)
If not does anyone know of a resource on how to custom draw something like this?
Check out VirtualTreeView at
It does virtually everything :-)

Delphi control that could mimic "Add-ons|Extension list" of Firefox?

My aim is to update the look of the GUI in my app. Currently my GUI contains a lot of listboxes which are used to edit some objects in an old fashioned way, that is, user double-clicks an item and a dialog is shown to modify the corresponding object.
I think a good modern approach is how Firefox displays the extensions installed (a snapshot below).
My question is about how to build such a GUI in Delphi(win32) easily? Are there any components you use mimicing such behaviour or will I just need to code this from stratch using panels? (IMO a very cumbersome job I'd like to avoid - the selection logic, resizings, etc...)
You can do something similar (not exactly) with standard components; TDBCtrlGrid, TSpeedButton,...
alt text
If you're using Delphi 2007 or Delphi 2009, you might be able to do something similar using TCategoryButtons (from the 'Additional' component palette page). Drop it on a form and right click to display the popup menu, and then click "Categories Editor...". Add a category with the resulting dialog, set it's caption, and optionally set up Items it contains. Not exactly the same, but it might do what you need.
You could also use a dialog with a TTreeView (if you have categories of objects) or TListView to emulate the Delphi 2007 Projects->Options dialog. Clicking an item in the TreeView or ListView displays the proper page of a TPageControl to configure the object.
I mostly agree with Lars, but I would use a frame for each item instead of a panel. That would separate into its own file, and you would get easy designtime support for it.
Using a TFrame for each list item and put them all Aligned Top on a TScrollBox might work. Also see TDBCtrlGrid which does something like that in combination with datasets.
It can be done with existing Delphi controls.
For instance in the TCustomListBox control you can create your own OnDrawItem event to draw your own list item. You also need to create your own OnMeasureItem to change the item height.
In some cases it is very limited, so if you want more freedom you will need to do it from scratch.
