What is Scaling? - ruby-on-rails

I always get this argument against RoR that it dont scale but I never get any appropriate answer wtf it really means? So here is a novice asking, what the hell is this " scaling " and how you measure it?

What the hell is this "scaling"...
As a general term, scalability means the responsiveness of a project to different kinds of demand. A project that scales well is one that doesn't have any trouble keeping up with requests for more of its services -- or, at the least, doesn't have to start turning away requests because it can't handle them.
It's often the case that simply increasing the size of a problem by an order of magnitude or two exposes weaknesses in the strategies that were used to solve it. When such weaknesses are exposed, it might be said that the solution to the problem doesn't "scale well".
For example, bogo sort is easy to implement, but as soon as you're sorting more than a handful of things, it starts taking a very long time to get the answer you want. It would be fair to say that bogo sort doesn't scale well.
... and how you measure it?
That's a harder question to answer. In general, there aren't units associated with scalability; statements like "that system is N times as scalable as this one is" at best would be an apples-to-oranges comparison.
Scalability is most frequently measured by seeing how well a system stands up to different kinds of demand in test conditions. People might say a system scales well if, over a wide range of demand of different kinds, it can keep up. This is especially true if it stands up to demand that it doesn't currently experience, but might be expected to if there's a sudden surge in popularity. (Think of the Slashdot/Digg/Reddit effects.)

Scaling or scalability refers to how a project can grow or expand to respond to the demand:

Scalability has a wide variety of uses as indicated by Wikipedia:
Scalability can be measured in various dimensions, such as:
Load scalability: The ability for a distributed system to easily
expand and contract its resource pool
to accommodate heavier or lighter
loads. Alternatively, the ease with
which a system or component can be
modified, added, or removed, to
accommodate changing load.
Geographic scalability: The ability to maintain performance,
usefulness, or usability regardless of
expansion from concentration in a
local area to a more distributed
geographic pattern.
Administrative scalability: The ability for an increasing number of
organizations to easily share a single
distributed system.
Functional scalability: The ability to enhance the system by
adding new functionality at minimal
In one area where I work we are concerned with the performance of high-throughput and parallel computing as the number of processors is increased.
More generally it is often found that increasing the problem by (say) one or two orders of magnitude throws up a completely new set of challenges which are not easily predictable from the smaller system

It is a term for expressing the ability of a system to keep its performance as it grows over time.
Ideally what you want, is a system to reach linear scalability. It means that by adding new units of resources, the system equally grows in its ability to perform.
For example: It means, that when three webapp servers can handle a thousand concurrent users, that by adding three more servers, it can handle double the amount, two thousand concurrent users in this case and no less.
If a system does not have the property of linear scalability, there is a point where adding more resources, e.g. hardware, will not bring any additional benefit, performance, for instance, converges to zero: As more and more servers are put to the task. In the above example, the additional benefit of each new server becomes smaller and smaller until it reaches zero.
Thus, scalability is the factor that tells you what you get as output from a given input. It's value range lies between 0 and positive infinity, in theory. In practice, anything equal to 1 is most desirable...

Scalability refers to the ability for a system to accomodate a changing number of users. This can be an increasing or decreasing number of users as we now try to plan our systems around cloud computing and rented computing time.
Think about what is involved in making an order entry system designed for 1000 reps scale to accomodate 100,000 reps. What hardware needs to be added? What about the databases? In a nutshell, this is scalability.

Scalability of an application refers to how it is able to perform as the load on the application changes. This is often affected by the number of connected users, amount of data in a database, etc.

It is the ability for a system to accept an increased workload, more functionality, changing database, ... without impacting the original design or system.


What is "expensive" vs "inexpensive" memory?

I've been reading that accessing data from lower components in the memory hierarchy is slower but less expensive. For example, fetching data from registers is fast but expensive. Could someone explain what 'expensive' means here? Is it literally the dollar cost of components? If so, I don't understand why faster components would be more expensive. I read this answer (Memory Hierarchy - Why are registers expensive?) and it talks about how accessing data in registers requires additional data paths that aren't required by lower memory components, but I didn't understand from any of the examples why those data paths would be required when fetching from registers, but not from something like main memory.
So to summarize, my two questions are:
1) What does 'expensive' mean in this context?
2) Why are faster areas of memory like registers more expensive?
1) What does 'expensive' mean in this context?
Expensive has the usual meaning ($). For integrated circuit, price depends on circuit size and is directly related to the number and size of transistors. It happens that and "expensive" memory requires more area on an integrated circuit.
Actually, there are several technologies used to implement a memorizing device.
Registers that are used in processor. They are realized with some kind of logic devices called latches, and their main quality is to be fast, in order to allow two reads/one write per cycle. To that purpose, transistors are dimensioned to improve driving. It depends on the actual design, but typically a bit of memory requires ~10 transistors in a register.
Static memory (SRAM) is designed as a matrix of simplified flip-flops, with 2 inverters per cell and only requires 6 transistors per memorized bit. More, static memory is a memory and to improve the number of bits per unit area, transistors are designed to be smaller than for registers. SRAM are used in cache memory.
Dynamic memory (DRAM) uses only a unique transistor as a capacitance for memorization. The transistor is either charged or discharged to represent a 1 or 0. Though extremely economic, this technique cannot be very fast, especially when a large number of cells is concerned as in present DRAM chips. To improve capacity (number of bits on a given area), transistors are rendered as small as possible, and a complex analog circuitry is used to detect small voltage variations to speed up cell content reading. More reads destroys the cell content and requires a write. Last, there are leaks in the capacitance and data must be periodically rewritten to insure data integrity. Put altogether, it makes a DRAM a slow device, with an access time of 100-200 processor cycles, but they can provide extremely cheap physical memory.
2) Why are faster areas of memory like registers more expensive?
Processor rely on a memory hierarchy and different level of the hierarchy have specific constraints. To make a cheap memory, you need small transistors to reduce the size required to memorize a bit. But for electrical reasons, a small transistor is a poor generator that cannot provide enough current to drive rapidly its output. So, while the underlying technology is similar, design choices are different in different part of the memory hierarchy.
What does 'expensive' mean in this context?
More and larger transistors (more silicon per bit), more power to runs those transistors
Why are faster areas of memory like registers more expensive?
All memory is made as cheap as it can be for the needed speed -- there's no reason to make it more expensive if it doesn't need to be, or slower if it doesn't need to be. So it becomes a tradeoff and finding "sweet spots" in the design space -- make a particular type of circuit as fast and cheap as possible, while a different circuit is also tuned to be as fast and cheap as possible. If one design is both slower and more expensive, then there's no reason to ever use it. Its only when one design is faster while the other is cheaper, does it make sense to use both in different parts of the system.

Scalability vs elasticity

What is the difference between elasticity and scalability in cloud computing
I read from the book of T.Erl (if I have understand it correctly) that scalability is the ability of a resource to increase or decrease by demand, and that elasticity is the automatic scaling of a resource by demand of a resource.
After some search on web (again if I have understand it correctly) the scalability is about adding or removing IT resources by demand, and the elasticity is about the same but for the virtual machines.
Which should I consider right?
Scalability is the ability of a system to be able to support increased processing/traffic by increasing a system's resources (scaling up) or increasing the number of systems supporting the process (scaling out). To be scalable, the relationship between resources and supported processing needs to be linear. A system has poor scalability if it takes four times as many resources to support a 50% increase in the number of users. Some systems are not scalable because of bad or limited architecture. No matter the number of resources added, you will not get an improvement (or may even experience decreased support).
Elasticity is the ability to scale up/down and out/in as a response to the processing needs of the system. For example:
A shipping company may need to increase resources during a holiday season, then reduce them after the holiday.
A stock trading site may be very active during trading hours, but have very little traffic outside of exchange hours.
Because of elasticity, a company no longer has to maintain support for peak use at all times. Companies can improve user experience by increasing resources at peak usage, and reduce costs by reducing resources when they are no longer needed.
There are cloud offerings that include elasticity with no effort from the consumer. You will simply see changes in cost based on use. Other products require your input. In these cases, elasticity does include some automation to complete the task of adding/removing resources. Performing such steps manually would be prohibitive in many scenarios. However, the decision to increase/decrease resources does not necessarily need to be automated. This can be a complex decision, and the ROI of automating the decision needs to be considered.
Elasticity assumes scalability, but it is not a hard requirement. If a system has poor scalability, you can still scale to support traffic. However, the ROI will be terrible.
See the definition of elasticity from AWS and Azure below.
To add to the previous answer, imagine two dimensions: resources on the x-axis, served demand on y-axis (throughput, goodput, or other quality criteria). Scalability of a system is all about finding the relationship (in theory) between these two dimensions whereas elasticity is all about making the system change its resources online to meet the actual demand.
When you say that a system is scalable you are talking about the ability of the system to process more/ do more, when you add more resources to it. When you say that a system is elastic then there is usually also a management layer involved that provisions and releases resources upon need ;)

What is the formal definition of scalability?

When I read about the the definition of scalability on different websites. I came to know in context of CPU & software that it means that as the number of CPUs are added, the performance of the software improves.
Whereas, the description of scalability in the book on "An introduction to parallel programming by Peter Pacheco" is different which is as:
"Suppose we run a parallel program with a fixed number of processes/threads and a fixed input size, and we obtain an efficiency E. Suppose we now increase the number of processes/threads that are used by the program. If we can find a corresponding rate of increase in the problem size so that the program always has efficiency E, then the program is
My question is what is the proper definition of scalability? and if I am performing a test for scalability of a parallel software, which definition among the two should I look be looking at?
Scalability is an application's ability to function correctly and maintain an acceptable user experience when used by a large number of clients.
Preferably, this ability should be achieved through elegant solutions in code, but where this isn't possible, the application's design must allow for horizontal growth using hardware (adding more computers, rather than increasing the performance of one computer).
Scalability is a concern which grows with the size of a business. Excellent examples are Facebook (video) and Dropbox (video). Also, here's a great explanation of various approaches to scalability from a session at Harvard.
Scalability also refers to the ability of a user interface to adapt to various screen sizes while maintaining the user experience.

Is it possible to quantify scalability as a requirement? [closed]

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I was reading the item Quantify in the book "97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know" (sanitised Amazon link) and it got me wondering how to quantify scalability.
I have designed two systems for a major British broadcasting corporation that are used to:
detect the country of origin for incoming HTTP requests, or
determine the suitable video formats for a mobile phones's screen geometry and current connection type.
Both of the designs were required to provide scalability.
My designs for both systems are scalable horizontally behind caching load-balancing layers which are used to handle incoming requests for both of these services and distribute them across several servers which actually provide the service itself. Initial increases in service capacity are made by adding more servers behind the load-balance layer, hence the term horizontal scalability.
There is a limit to the scalability of this architecture however if the load balance layer starts having difficulty coping with the incoming request traffic.
So, is it possible to quantify scalability? Would it be an estimate of how many additional servers you could add to horizontally scale the solution?
I think this comes down to what scalability means in a given context and therefore the answer would be it depends.
I've seen scalability in requirements for things that simply didn't exist yet. For example, a new loan application tool that specifically called out needing to work on the iPhone and other mobile devices in the future.
I've also seen scalability used to describe potential expansion of more data centers and web servers in different areas of the world to improve performance.
Both examples above can be quantifiable if there is a known target for the future. But scalability may not be quantifiable if there really is no known target or plan which makes it a moving target.
I think it is possible in some contexts - for example scalability of a web application could be quantified in terms of numbers of users, numbers of concurrent requests, mean and standard deviation of response time, etc. You can also get into general numbers for bandwidth and storage, transactions per second, and recovery times (for backup and DR).
You can also often give numbers within the application domain - let's say the system supports commenting, you can quantify what is the order of magnitude of the number of comments that it needs to be able to store.
It is however worth bearing in mind that not everything that matters can be measured, and not everything that can be measured matters. :-)
The proper measure of scalability (not the simplest one;-) is a set of curves defining resource demanded (CPUs, memory, storage, local bandwidth, ...), and performance (e.g. latency) delivered, as the load grows (e.g. in terms of queries per second, but other measures such as total data throughput demanded may also be appropriate for some applications). Decision makers will typically demand that such accurate but complex measures be boiled down to a few key numbers (specific spots on some of the several curves), but I always try to negotiate for more-accurate as against simpler-to-understand measurements of such key metrics!-)
When I think of scalability I think of:
performance - how responsive the app needs to be for a given load
how large a load the app can grow into and at what unit cost (if its per server include software, support, etc)
how fast you can scale the app up and how much buffer you want over peak period usage (we can add 50% more bandwidth in 2-3 hours and require a 30% buffer over planned peak usage)
Redundancy is something else, but should also be included and considered.
"The system shall scale as to maintain a linear relationship of X for cost/user".
Here's one way:
"assume that a single processor can process 100 units of work per second..."
From http://www.information-management.com/issues/19971101/972-1.html

Reasons for NOT scaling-up vs. -out?

As a programmer I make revolutionary findings every few years. I'm either ahead of the curve, or behind it by about π in the phase. One hard lesson I learned was that scaling OUT is not always better, quite often the biggest performance gains are when we regrouped and scaled up.
What reasons to you have for scaling out vs. up? Price, performance, vision, projected usage? If so, how did this work for you?
We once scaled out to several hundred nodes that would serialize and cache necessary data out to each node and run maths processes on the records. Many, many billions of records needed to be (cross-)analyzed. It was the perfect business and technical case to employ scale-out. We kept optimizing until we processed about 24 hours of data in 26 hours wallclock. Really long story short, we leased a gigantic (for the time) IBM pSeries, put Oracle Enterprise on it, indexed our data and ended up processing the same 24 hours of data in about 6 hours. Revolution for me.
So many enterprise systems are OLTP and the data are not shard'd, but the desire by many is to cluster or scale-out. Is this a reaction to new techniques or perceived performance?
Do applications in general today or our programming matras lend themselves better for scale-out? Do we/should we take this trend always into account in the future?
Because scaling up
Is limited ultimately by the size of box you can actually buy
Can become extremely cost-ineffective, e.g. a machine with 128 cores and 128G ram is vastly more expensive than 16 with 8 cores and 8G ram each.
Some things don't scale up well - such as IO read operations.
By scaling out, if your architecture is right, you can also achieve high availability. A 128-core, 128G ram machine is very expensive, but to have a 2nd redundant one is extortionate.
And also to some extent, because that's what Google do.
Scaling out is best for embarrassingly parallel problems. It takes some work, but a number of web services fit that category (thus the current popularity). Otherwise you run into Amdahl's law, which then means to gain speed you have to scale up not out. I suspect you ran into that problem. Also IO bound operations also tend to do well with scaling out largely because waiting for IO increases the % that is parallelizable.
The blog post Scaling Up vs. Scaling Out: Hidden Costs by Jeff Atwood has some interesting points to consider, such as software licensing and power costs.
Not surprisingly, it all depends on your problem. If you can easily partition it with into subproblems that don't communicate much, scaling out gives trivial speedups. For instance, searching for a word in 1B web pages can be done by one machine searching 1B pages, or by 1M machines doing 1000 pages each without a significant loss in efficiency (so with a 1,000,000x speedup). This is called "embarrassingly parallel".
Other algorithms, however, do require much more intensive communication between the subparts. Your example requiring cross-analysis is the perfect example of where communication can often drown out the performance gains of adding more boxes. In these cases, you'll want to keep communication inside a (bigger) box, going over high-speed interconnects, rather than something as 'common' as (10-)Gig-E.
Of course, this is a fairly theoretical point of view. Other factors, such as I/O, reliability, easy of programming (one big shared-memory machine usually gives a lot less headaches than a cluster) can also have a big influence.
Finally, due to the (often extreme) cost benefits of scaling out using cheap commodity hardware, the cluster/grid approach has recently attracted much more (algorithmic) research. This makes that new ways of parallelization have been developed that minimize communication, and thus do much better on a cluster -- whereas common knowledge used to dictate that these types of algorithms could only run effectively on big iron machines...
