mochiweb and gen_server - erlang

[This will only make sense if you've seen Kevin Smith's 'Erlang in Practice' screencasts]
I'm an Erlang noob trying to build a simple Erlang/OTP system with embedded webserver [mochiweb].
I've walked through the EIP screencasts, and I've toyed with simple mochiweb examples created using the new_mochiweb.erl script.
I'm trying to figure out how the webserver should relate to the gen_server modules. In the EIP examples [Ch7], the author creates a web_server.erl gen_server process and links the mochiweb_http process to it. However in a mochiweb project, the mochiweb_http process seems to be 'standalone'; it doesn't seem to be embedded in a separate gen_server process.
My question is, should one of these patterns be preferred over the other ? If so, why ? Or doesn't it matter ?
Thanks in advance.

You link processes to the supervisor hierarchy of your application for two reasons: 1) to be able to restart your worker processes if they crash, and 2) to be able to kill all your processes when you stop the application.
As the previous answer says, 1) is not the case for http requests handling processes. However, 2) is valid: if you let your processes alone, you can't guarantee that all your processes will be cleared from the VM after stopping your application (think of processes stuck in endless loops, waiting in receives, etc...).

The reason to embed a process in a supervision tree is so that you can restart it if it fails.
A process that handles an HTTP request is responding to an event generated externally - in a browser. It is not possible to restart it - that is the prerogative of the person running the browser - therefore it is not necessary to run it under OTP - you can just spawn it without supervision.


Erlang supervisor processes

I have been learning Erlang intensively, and after finishing 'Programming Erlang' from Joe Armstrong, there is one thing that I keep coming back to.
In my mind a Supervisor spawns One process per child handler. So each declared gen_server type handler will run as a separate process.
What happens if you are building a tiny web server and you want each requests to be its own process. Do you still conform to OTP principles and use a gen_server somehow (how ?), or do you create your own behaviour?
How does Cowboy handle this for eg. ? Does it still use gen_server ?
tl;dr: I find that trying to figure out the "correct" supervision structure a the beginning of a project is a form of premature optimization.
The "right" way to design your supervision tree depends on what the worker parts of your application are doing. In the case of a web server I would probably first explore something along the lines of:
top supervisor (singular)
data service supervisor (one per service type)
worker pool (all workers under the service sup)
client connection supervisor (one)
connection worker pool (or one per connection, have to play with it to decide)
logical supervisor (as appropriate -- massive variance here, depending on problem domain)
workers or supervisors (as appropriate -- have to explore/know the problem domain to have any idea how this should be structured)
So that's several workers per supervisor type at the lower level. I haven't used Cowboy so I don't know how it is organized. The point I'm trying to make is that while the mechanics of handling data services serving web pages are relatively trivial, the part of the system that actually does the core problem-solving work might not be and this is going to dictate everything interesting about the system.
It is a bad thing to have your problem-solving bits mixed in the same module as your web-displaying or connection handling bits. Ideally you should be able to use the same logic units in a native application, a web application and a networked service without any changes.
Ultimately the answer to whether you should have 1:1 supervisors to workers or 1:n depends on what you're doing and what restart strategy gives you the best balance among recovery to a known consistent state, latency felt by the user, and resource usage.
One of my favorite things about Erlang is that I can start with a naive supervisor structure like the one above, play with it until I see where its not so good, and rather easily switch things around and experiment with alternatives without fundamentally altering my system much. (The same goes for playing with alternative data representations if you write proper abstractions around them.) So first, get something that works in testing. Then load it up and see if you can break it. Then start worrying about the details, after you understand where the problems actually are.
It is a common pattern to spawn one server per client in erlang, You will then use a supervisor using the simple_one_to_one strategy for the children servers. This allows to ask the server to start a server on_demand. Generally this is used when you don't know how many processes you will need, and when the processes are independent (a crash of one process should not impacts the other).
There is a very good information in the site (LYSE supervisor chapter). the whole site is worth to read.

How to structure an Erlang OTP UDP server

I am just reading Manning's Erlang & OTP In Action. Very good book, I think. It contains a nice TCP server example but I'd like to write a UDP server. This is how I structured my app so far.
my_app % app behaviour
|-- my_sup % root supervisor
|-- my_server.erl % gen_server to open UDP connection and dispatch
|-- my_worker_sup % simple_one_to_one supervisor to start workers
|-- my_worker_server % gen_server worker
So, my_app starts my_sup, which in turn starts my_worker_sup and my_server. The UDP connection is opened in my_server in active mode such that handle_info/2 is invoked on each new UDP message in response to which I call my_worker_sup:start_child/2 to pass the message to a new worker process for processing. (The last call to start_child/2 is in fact, as per the book's recommendation, wrapped in an API function to hide some of the details, but this is essentially what happens.)
Am I suffering from OTP fever? Should the my_worker_server really implement the gen_server behaviour? Do I need my_worker_sup at all?
I set it up in like this so that I can use my_worker_sup as a factory via the start_child/2 call but I only use the worker's init/1 and handle_info(timeout,State) functions to first setup state and then to process the message before shutting the worker down.
Should I just spawn the worker directly? Is another behaviour better suited, perhaps?
The key answer to this question is: "how do you want your application to crash?"
If a worker dies, then what should happen? If this should stop everything, including the UDP connection, then surely you can just spawn_link them under the my_server directly, no supervisor tree needed. But if you want them to be able to gracefully restart or something else, then the above diagram is usually better. Perhaps add a monitor on the workers from my_server so it can keep a book of who is alive.
In my utp erlang library, I have almost the same construction. A master handles the UDP socket and forwards to workers based on a routing table kept in ETS. Each worker keeps a connection state and can handle the incoming information.
Since you don't track state, then your best bet is probably to run via proc_lib:spawn_link and then hook them to the s_1_1 supervisor as transient processes. That way, you will force too many crashes to be propagated up the supervisor tree but allow them to exit with normal. This allows you to have them run exactly once.
Note that you could also handle everything directly in the my_server, but then you will not be able to process data concurrently. This may or may not be acceptable. The general rule is to spawn a new process when you have concurrent work that needs to be executed next to each other, blocks or otherwise behaves in some way.

How to call (and sleep) on gen_tcp:accept and still process system messages at the same time?

I'm still kind of new to the erlang/otp world, so I guess this is a pretty basic question. Nevertheless I'd like to know what's the correct way of doing the following.
Currently, I have an application with a top supervisor. The latter will supervise workers that call gen_tcp:accept (sleeping on it) and then spawn a process for each accepted connection. Note: To this question, it is irrelevant where the listen() is done.
My question is about the correct way of making these workers (the ones that sleep on gen_tcp:accept) respect the otp design principles, in such a way that they can handle system messages (to handle shutdown, trace, etc), according to what I've read here:
Is it possible to use one of the available behaviors like gen_fsm or gen_server for this? My guess would be no, because of the blocking call to gen_tcp:accept/1. Is it still possible to do it by specifying an accept timeout? If so, where should I put the accept() call?
Or should I code it from scratch (i.e: not using an existant behavior) like the examples in the above link? In this case, I thought about a main loop that calls gen_tcp:accept/2 instead of gen_tcp:accept/1 (i.e: specifying a timeout), and immediately afterwards code a receive block, so I can process the system messages. Is this correct/acceptable?
Thanks in advance :)
As Erlang is event driven, it is awkward to deal with code that blocks as accept/{1,2} does.
Personally, I would have a supervisor which has a gen_server for the listener, and another supervisor for the accept workers.
Handroll an accept worker to timeout (gen_tcp:accept/2), effectively polling, (the awkward part) rather than receiving an message for status.
This way, if a worker dies, it gets restarted by the supervisor above it.
If the listener dies, it restarts, but not before restarting the worker tree and supervisor that depended on that listener.
Of course, if the top supervisor dies, it gets restarted.
However, if you supervisor:terminate_child/2 on the tree, then you can effectively disable the listener and all acceptors for that socket. Later, supervisor:restart_child/2 can restart the whole listener+acceptor worker pool.
If you want an app to manage this for you, cowboy implements the above. Although http oriented, it easily supports a custom handler for whatever protocol to be used instead.
I've actually found the answer in another question: Non-blocking TCP server using OTP principles and here
EDIT: The specific answer that was helpful to me was:
You can make it as a gen_server similar to this one:
As you can see, this process is doing tcp accept and processing other messages (e.g. stop(Pid) -> gen_server:cast(Pid,{close}).)

Otp application:stop(..) kills all spawned processes, not just spawn_linked ones?

I've set up a simple test-case at that shows that an otp application:stop() actually kills all spawned processes by its children, even the ones that are not linked.
The test-case consists of one gen_server (registered as par) spawning a plain erlang process (registered as par_worker) and a gen_server (registered as reg_child), which also spawns a plain erlang process (registered as child_worker). Calling application:stop(test_app) does a normal termination on the 'par' gen_server, but an exit(kill) on all others!
Is this nominal behaviour? If so, where is it documented, and can I disable it? I want the processes I spawn from my gen_server (not link), to stay alive when the application terminates.
Bart van Deenen
The application manual says (for the stop/1 function):
Last, the application master itself terminates. Note that all processes with the
application master as group leader, i.e. processes spawned from a process belonging
to the application, thus are terminated as well.
So I guess you cant modify this behavior.
EDIT: You might be able to change the group_leader of the started process with group_leader(GroupLeader, Pid) -> true (see: Changing the group_leader might allow you to avoid killing your process when the application ends.
I made that mistakes too, and found out it must happen.
If parent process dies, all children process dies no matter what it is registered or not.
If this does not happen, we have to track all up-and-running processes and figure out which is orphaned and which is not. you can guess how difficult it would be. You can think of unix ppid and pid. if you kill ppid, all children dies too. This, I think this must happen.
If you want to have processes independent from your application, you can send a messageto other application to start processes.

Erlang: Who supervises the supervisor?

In all Erlang supervisor examples I have seen yet, there usually is a "master" supervisor who supervises the whole tree (or at least is the root node in the supervisor tree). What if the "master"-supervisor breaks? How should the "master"-supervisor be supervised?? any typical pattern?
The top supervisor is started in your application start/2 callback using start_link, this means that it links with the application process. If the application process receives an exit signal from the top supervisor dying it does one of two things:
If the application is started as an permanent application the entire node i terminated (and maybe restarted using HEART).
If the application is started as temporary the application stops running, no restart attempts will be made.
Typically Supervisor is set to "only" supervise other processes. Which mens there is no user written code which is executed by Supervisor - so it very unlikely to crash.
Of course, this cannot be enforced ... So typical pattern is to not have any application specific logic in Supervisor ... It should only Supervise - and do nothing else.
Good question. I have to concur that all of the examples and tutorials mostly ignore the issue - even if occasionally someone mentions the issue (without providing an example solution):
If you want reliability, use at least two computers, and then make them supervise each other. How to actually implement that with OTP is (with the current state of documentation and tutorials), however, appears to be somewhere between well hidden and secret.
