Comparing a pointer to function's value in Delphi - delphi

How can I compare the value of a variable that contains a pointer to a function with a function address?
I'm maintaining some code, and it is failing in Delphi 2007. The declaration is:
EditorFrameWindow: Function: HWnd Of Object = Nil;
In a form activation, I've got:
procedure TEditForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
EditorFrameWindow := GetFrameWindow;
And in the form deactivation I've got:
procedure TEditForm.FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);
if EditorFrameWindow = GetFrameWindow then
EditorFrameWindow := nil;
So what is happening is that the form is being deactivated twice, and it is failing as nothing else got activated. The FormDeactivate is called, it matches, and the EditorFrameWindow global is set to (nil,nil) (according to the debugger). Then it is being called again, and the function stored in the variable is called, but of course there isn't one stored so it jumps through nil and creates an exception.
What should I do to stop this happening? (The framework has been changed to a tabbed system, so the operation probably changed.)

procedure TEditForm.FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);
if Assigned(EditorFrameWindow) and (EditorFrameWindow = GetFrameWindow) then
EditorFrameWindow := nil;
work per chance?
You don't compare function addresses, you compare the results of those functions. So even though the fixed code above can no longer cause an exception it may still not do what you want it to. Another function that returns the same result would also reset the event handler.
To really check whether the variable is set to a specific event handler you will need to compare both elements in the TMethod record. Something like:
procedure TEditForm.FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);
if (TMethod(EditorFrameWindow).Code = #TForm1.GetFrameWindow)
and (TMethod(EditorFrameWindow).Data = Self)
EditorFrameWindow := nil;

There are two ways you might want to compare method pointers. Method pointers consist of two pointers, a code pointer and an object pointer. Delphi's native way of comparing method pointers compares only the code pointers, and it looks like this:
if #EditorWindowMethod = #TEditForm.GetFrameWindow then
EditorWindowMethod := nil;
It checks whether the code pointer in the EditorWindowMethod variable matches the starting address of the GetFrameWindow method in TEditForm. It does not check whether the object reference in EditorWindowMethod is the same as Self. If you want to make the the object references are the same, too, then you need to break apart the method pointer into its constituent parts with the TMethod record, which Mghie's answer demonstrates. (And you probably do want to compare the object references since it sounds like you have multiple edit forms. They all have the same GetFrameWindow code pointer, but they have different object references.)
The reason for the # in the code is to tell the compiler that you want to refer to the method pointers. Without it, the compiler will try to call the method pointers, and that's what was getting you into trouble. The first time the window was deactivated, you called EditorWindowMethod and compared the resulting window handle with the return value from calling GetFrameWindow. They matched, of course, so you unassigned EditorWindowMethod. The next time the form was deactivated, you tried to call EditorWindowMethod again, but it was a null pointer.
You should consider getting rid of your dependence on activation and deactivation notification. Instead, simply check whether the form is active inside GetFrameWindow.


Delphi TDictionary : values are replace automatically when have the same key

I am using delphi XE5.
This a resume of my code, Next code works, but there have to be something in my code that destroy normal behaviour:
unit Class1;
TClass1 = class
constructor create;
procedure insertValue(key,value:String);
constructor TClass1.create;
procedure insertValue(key,value:String);
FDic[key] := value
And now another unit:
unit Class2;
uses Class2;
TClass1 = class
class2 :TClass2;
TS: TStringList;
procedure DoSomething;
procedure TClass1.DoSomething;
i: Integer;
c,test: TClass1;
c := TClass1.create;
c := TClass1.create;
test := TS.Objects[0] as TClass1;//test.FDic height should be .34cm but gets the value of the last object create, the same for width an common keys.
//here when I look for the values of FDic test.FDic.Items['height'] the value is .88cm instead of .34cm, each time the values of any element of the Dictionary is replace with the previous of the last object created. And the memory address is the same. Why don't create a new memory address for any new element if it is a different object.
That is a resume of my code, I can put all my code because is too big, but I would like to know where I can search to resolve this problem. I am not is not easy, maybe I am not the only one with that problema, maybe some class in the uses, class variables, there is something that causes a memory problema in that dictionary, but no way to find it.
It's a little hard to be sure of the problem because you posted code that does not compile. For future reference, please don't do that. It's good to cut down the code to a small size, but you should then make it into a small console application that compiles and runs and demonstrates the fault. In spite of this, I think that I can see where the problem is.
You are creating objects and then adding them to a string list with
But then you never free those objects. That, I guess, is the source of the leak. You can deal with this by setting the OwnsObjects property of the string list to True.
Specifies whether the string list owns the objects it contains.
The OwnsObjects property specifies whether the string list owns the
stored objects or not. If the OwnsObjects property is set to True,
then the Destroy destructor will free up the memory allocated for
those objects.
That I think will explain the leaks. The other part of your question is why index 0 contains the item that you added second. The only explanation for that, given the code in the question, is that your string list has the Sorted property set to True.
Again, I'm inferring this with a little intuition, but if you have only posted a complete program that compiled and run then your question could have been answered with complete certainty.
I do wonder whether or not a string list is the correct class to be using here. Perhaps you would be better with TObjectDictionary<string, TClass1>. You would create it like this:
dict := TObjectDictionary<string, TClass1>.Create([doOwnsValues]);
The use of doOwnsValues tells the dictionary that it is take assume ownership of the objects that you add as values and destroy them when they are removed from the dictionary, or when the dictionary is destroyed.
Note also that your insertValue method can be implemented in a far simpler way using the AddOrSetValue method.

Access Violation when handling forms

I have procedure to show/hide one element on TForm like that:
procedure ShowHideControl(const ParentForm: TForm; const ControlName: String; ShowControl: Boolean);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to pred(ParentForm.ComponentCount) do
if (ParentForm.Components[i].Name = ControlName) then
if ShowControl then
then I try to use it like:
procedure TForm1.Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
ShowHideEveryControl(TForm(TForm1), 'Button4', True);
Why do I get Access Violation on Button6 click?
For me everything is OK... Button4 exists as a child :)
This cast is wrong:
You are telling the compiler to ignore the fact that TForm1 is not a TForm instance, and asking it to pretend that it is. That is fine until you actually try to use it as an instance, and then the error occurs.
You need to pass a real instance to a TForm descendent. You can write it like this:
ShowHideEveryThing(Self, 'Button4', True);
Just in case you are not clear on this, the parameter of your procedure is of type TForm. That means you need to supply an instance of a class that either is, or derives from TForm. I repeat, you must supply an instance. But you supply TForm1 which is a class.
And then the next problem comes here:
if (ParentForm.Components[i].Name = FormName) then
if ShowForm then
Again you have used an erroneous cast. When the compiler tells you that it a particular object does not have a method, you must listen to it. It's no good telling the compiler to shut up and pretend that an object of one type is really an object of a different type. Your button is categorically not a form, so don't try to cast it to TForm.
It is very hard to know what you are actually trying to do here. When you write:
ShowHideEveryThing(Self, 'Button4', True);
It would seem to me to me more sensible to write:
It is not a good idea to refer to controls using their names represented as text. It is much safer and cleaner to refer to them using reference variables. That way you let the compiler do its job and check the type safety of your program.
The names used in your function are suspect:
procedure ShowHideEveryThing(const ParentForm: TForm; const FormName: String;
ShowForm: Boolean);
Let's look at them:
ShowHideEveryThing: but you claim that the function should show/hide one element. That does not tally with the use of everything.
FormName: you actually pass a component name, and then look for components owned by ParentForm that have that name. It seems that FormName is wrong.
ShowForm: again, do you want to control visibility of the form, or a single element?
Clearly you need to step back and be clear on the intent of this function.
As an aside, you should generally never need to write:
if b then
Instead you can write:
Control.Visible := b;
My number one piece of advice to you though is to stop casting until you understand it properly. Once you understand it properly, design your code if at all possible so that you don't need to cast. If you ever really do need to cast, make sure that your cast is valid, ideally by using a checked cast with the as operator. Or at least testing first with the is operator.
Your code shows all the hallmarks of a classic mistake. The compiler objects to the code that you write. You have learnt from somewhere that casting can be used to suppress these compiler errors and now you apply this technique widely as a means to make your program compile. The problem is that the compiler invariably knows what it is talking about. When it objects, listen to it. If ever you find yourself suppressing a compiler error with a cast, take a step back and think carefully about what you are doing. The compiler is your friend.

How to set a record field as 'Procedure of object' before an object exists so that it can run

Very un-snappy title I know.
I have a series of text lines that I need to perform certain operations on in a certain order. I have come up with a means of doing this by defining the following record structure:
TProcessOrderRecord = record
RecordTypes: TByteSet;
InitialiseProcedure: TPreScanProc;
ProcessProcedure: TProcessRecord;
FinaliseProcedure: TEndScanProc;
AProcessOrderArray = array of TProcessOrderRecord;
Initialise tends to call a constructor which will fill a field in the host object.
Process will be a procedure on the object which will be called for each text line that matches one of the record types in RecordTypes.
Finalise will tend to call the destructor and possibly do any checks when it knows that the full set of records has been processed.
The means of processing this array is quite straightforward:
procedure TImport.ScanTransferFile;
i: integer;
lArrayToProcess: AProcessOrderArray;
lArrayToProcess := SetUpProcessingOrder(NLPGApp.ImportType);
for i := low(lArrayToProcess) to high(lArrayToProcess) do
ProcessRecordType(lArrayToProcess[i].RecordTypes, lArrayToProcess[i].InitialiseProcedure, lArrayToProcess[i].ProcessProcedure, lArrayToProcess[i].FinaliseProcedure);
procedure TImport.ProcessRecordType(const RecordTypesToFind: TByteSet; PreScanProcedure: TPreScanProc; OnFindRecord: TProcessRecord; OnCompleteScan: TEndScanProc);
lLineOfText: string;
lIntegerRecordID: byte;
if Assigned(PreScanProcedure) then PreScanProcedure;
if assigned(OnFindRecord) then
while not Reader.EndOfFile do
lLineOfText := Reader.ReadLine;
lIntegerRecordID := StrToIntDef(GetRecordID(lLineOfText), 0);
if lIntegerRecordID in RecordTypesToFind then
on E: MyAppException do
// either raise to exit or log and carry on
// OnCompleteScan usually contains calls to destructors, so ensure it's called
if Assigned(OnCompleteScan) then OnCompleteScan;
My problem is that I want to define a record as such:
RecordTypes = [10]
InitialiseProcedure = ProcToCreateFMyObj
ProcessProcedure =
FinaliseProcedure = ProcToFreeFMyObj
This compiles fine, however when ProcessProcedure is called, as FMyObj was nil when the ProcessProcedure is set, the instance of TMyObj is nil even though FMyObj is now set. Is there any clean way to get the record to point to the instance of FMyObj at the time of calling rather than at the time of first assignment?
At present I have resorted to having 'caller' methods on the host object which can then call the FMyObj instance when needed, but this is creating quite a bloated object with lots of single-line methods.
Edit to clarify/complicate the problem
Sometimes one instance of FObj can handle more than one types of record (usually if they have a master-detail relationship). In this case, InitialiseProcedure of the first record type will create FObj, FinaliseProcedure of the second record will free FObj and each record's ProcessProcedure can reference different procedures of FObj (do1 and do2).
At present I have resorted to having 'caller' methods on the host object which can then call the FMyObj instance when needed, but this is creating quite a bloated object with lots of single-line methods.
That is the right solution. Since the instance is not available at the point of initialisation you have no alternative.
When you use of object you are defining something called a method pointer. When you assign to a variable of method pointer type, the instance is captured at the point of assignment. There is no mechanism for the instance associated with a method pointer to be dynamically resolved. The only way to achieve that is to use runtime delegation, which is what you are currently doing. As is so often the case, another layer of indirection is used to solve a problem!
Your record that contains a number of methods looks awfully like an interface. I suspect that the most elegant solution will involve an interface. Perhaps at the point of calling you can call a function that returns an interface. And that function will using the value of FMyObj at the time of calling to locate the appropriate interface.
Yes it is possible to make additional runtime initialization of your record:
A: TProcessOrderRecord;
TMethod(A.ProcessProcedure).Data:= FMyObj;
though I would prefer a different solution, like the one you already use.

Can NIL be used for a Sender object?

Recently I was asked to automate a little sub-routine that presented a series of data records and any two of four potential buttons for the user to select after seeing an analysis of the record. The boss said having the users see the analysis was wasting time since the users invariably selected the number one choice in the button list and he was prepared to live with my guesses for all but the best of his users. So, he wanted a NEW series of buttons added to offer Handle Automatically, Handle Manually and Handle Case by Case. The last button would just run the already existing code. The second button would essentially do nothing and just exit. The first button? Well, that was the rub.
What I decided to do was to use a couple of flags and then have the automatic path just simulate the click of whatever sub-button was best, based on the analysis. The issue was that calling Button1Click(Sender) wasn't possible because the procedure running the Analysis was called RunAnalysis and wasn't attached to a specific object to pass the TObject through. I eventually refactored the guts of the Button1Click method into Button1Pressed and then called THAT from Button1Click. Thus I was able to call Button1Pressed from within RunAnalysis.
The avoided path would have been to call Button1Click(Nil). I didn't try it since I had an easy solution (Thanks Modelmaker, by the way). But my question is, would the nil reference have worked or would it have caused a disaster. Could I have called a higher function (randomly?) that did have a sender, JUST to have a sender object in the procedure call? Just how important IS the Sender object, if I don't use anything that actually REFERENCES the Sender?
System details: Delphi 7 in Win 7 programming environment for use in Windows XP.
Thanks in advance for any wisdom, GM
I tend to put the event handler's code into another method when possible:
procedure TForm1.DoSomething(const Test: Boolean);
// Do Something based on Test
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
DoSomething(False); // init here
procedure TForm1.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
So when I have a need to call CheckBox1Click(nil) it's a good sign for me to pull off the code from the event handler into a separate method.
A callback or "event" is no different than any other function. You can pass a NIL reference anywhere you want, as long as you either (a) wrote that code and know it's nil safe, or (b) you have read that code and everything it calls without checking for nil, and know it's nil safe.
Some programmers use NIL freely and some consider using NIL parameter values to be bad style. My style tends to be "don't assume Sender is assigned and don't assume that it is of a particular type", which leads to lots of check-code in my event handlers, but other code than mine, it varies widely and so the First Rule of coding comes in; "Don't make assumptions. Read the code.".
You can use nil as a parameter to a TNotify event (or any other expecting a Sender), as long as the code doesn't reference Sender:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.DoSomeStuff(Sender: TObject);
// Safe
// Safe
// Do stuff with Sender
if Sender is TButton then
TButton(Sender).Caption := 'In DoSomeStuff'
// NOT safe!
with TButton(Sender) do
Caption := 'In DoSomeStuff';
Short Answer - yes.
I use it to distinguish whether (say) a menu Event was clicked by a user or called directly by code.

Getting object as a result from func/proc in Delphi

What is the best practice for returning simple objects from functions / procedures in delphi?
eg. 2 kinds of code:
pass created object as reference, populate object in Proc, destroy it afterwards
procedure Proc(var Obj: TMyObject);
// populate Obj
O := TMyObject.Create;
// manipulate populated object
get created object as result from function, destroy after manipulation
function Func: TMyObj;
Result := TMyObj.Create;
O := Func;
if O <> nil then
// manipulate
There is no best practice. The primary thing you should do, though, is to make sure it's always clear who is responsible for destroying the object at any given time, even when an exception occurs.
There's nothing wrong with a function creating a new instance and returning it. Such a function is a factory. You can treat it just like a class's constructor, so you should make sure that it behaves like a constructor: Either return a valid object or throw an exception. It never returns a null reference.
function Func: TMyObj;
Result := TMyObj.Create;
Result.X := Y;
That's an exception-handling pattern you don't see very often, but it's important for this style of function. Returning the object transfers ownership from the function to the caller, but only if it manages to execute completely. If it has to leave early because of an exception, it frees the object because the caller has no way to free it itself. (Functions that terminate due to an exception do not have return values.) The caller will use it like this:
O := Func;
If there's an exception in Func then O never gets assigned, so there's nothing available for the caller to free.
When the caller creates the object and you pass it to another function to initialize it, do not make the parameter a "var" parameter. That places certain restrictions on the caller, who must use a variable of exactly the type requested by the function, even if some descendant type was created instead.
Such a function should not free the object. The caller doesn't grant ownership responsibility to the functions it calls, especially when it plans on using the object after the function returns.
It depends on the lifetime of the object and on who is responsible for it.
Most of the time objects should be created and destroyed by the same entity.
Let's say your method fills a TStringList with results from parsing a file.
Should you let that function create the TStringList, or should you create it and pass as a reference?
I find it more readable to create it, pass it as reference, and later destroy, all in consecutive lines of code.
Now let's consider that you have a function that returns a TCustomer, for each customer added. In that case I would use a function, because I suppose that my entity would have a list, or something, of customers responsible for destroying them when not needed.
It is a common Delphi idiom to let the caller create the object and pass it as a parameter. Note that you don't have to declare it var in almost all cases.
procedure Proc (Obj : TMyObject)
Obj.SomeProperty := 'SomeValue';
Calling Code:
Obj := TMyObject.Create;
Proc (Obj);
FreeAndNil (Obj);
This avoids confusion about who has to free the object. Note that if you have a chain of method calls it can quicky become very complicated to keep track of objects that need to be freed somewhere along the line.
One more drawback: having creation and destruction scattered in the code makes it impossible to use try...finally blocks, which is just another helpful idiom to avoid resource leaks.
If you want your method to create the object, I would make it explicit in the function name, something like CreateAndInitializeList sounds right to me.
My rule is to have ownership and creation altogether. I always have the creator be the owner and thus have the responsability of destroying the object. The creation of the object is explicit in the invocation code, it is never a side effect of the invocation.
So the usual signatures of my functions are
function Func(o:tMyO): TMyO;
// ....
Result := o;
this way I may do either
o := func(TMyO.create);
o := TMyO.create;
// ...
As mentioned, in general the same entity that created the object should free it and that means that the caller should create the object reference rather than having it done inside the function.
However, this is only possible if the caller knows the exact type of the item to be returned rather than a supertype. For instance:
var E: TEmployee;
E := CreateEmployee(EmployeeID); // Could return TEmployee or subclasses TManager or TRetiredEmployee
if (E is TRetiredEmployee) then
In cases like this, I find it's helpful to include the word "Create", or other indicator, in the name of the factory function I'm calling.
I often use the construct
FUNCTION SomeFunction(SL : TStrings = NIL) : TStrings;
IF Assigned(SL) THEN Result:=SL ELSE Result:=TStringList.Create;
// Use Result for the remainder of the function
That way, I can use it both as a PROCEDURE with a passed-in reference, and as a FUNCTION which creates the instance itself.
