What do people do with Parsers, like antlr javacc? - parsing

Out of curiosity, I wonder what can people do with parsers, how they are applied, and what do people usually create with it?
I know it's widely used in programming language industry, however I think this is just a tiny portion of it, right?

Besides special-purpose languages, my most ambitious use of a parser generator yet (with good old yacc back in C, and again later with pyparsing in Python) was to extract, validate and possibly alter certain meta-info from SQL queries -- parsing SQL properly is a real challenge (especially if you hope to support more than one dialect!-), a parser generator (and a lexer it sits on top of) at least remove THAT part of the job!-)

They are used to parse text....
To give a more concrete example, where I work we use lexx/yacc to parse strings coming over sockets.
Also from the name it should give you an idea what javacc is used for (java compiler compiler!)

Generally to parse Domain Specific Languages or scripting languages, or similar support for code snipits.

Previously I have seen it used to parse the command line based output of another software tool. This way the outer tool (VPN software) could re-use the base router IPSec code without modification. As lots of what was being parsed was IP Route tables and other structured repeated text.
Using a parser allowed simple changes when the formatting changed, instead of trying to find and tweak the a hand written parser. And the output did change a few times of the life of the product.

I used parsers to help process +/- 800 Clipper source files into similar PRGs that could be compiled with Alaksa Xbase 32.

You can use it to extend your favorite language by getting its language definition from their repository and then adding what you've always wanted to have. You can pass the regular syntax to your application and handle the extension in your own program.


Parsing of language fragments

For better Unit testing of my language, I want to test every rule separately.
However, the ParseHelpercan only parse input that fully corresponds to the defined grammar.
Consider a language like HTML. I want to test parsing paragraphs without having to nest them in html->head->body etc.
I think ANTLR offers similar possibilities.
Is this achievable in Xtext too?
Github issue https://github.com/eclipse/xtext-core/issues/16 addresses this feature. I guess the next release will do what you need.

Parsing a Programming Language and Identifying Components of it

I'm looking for steps/libraries/approaches to solve this Problem statement.
Given a source file of a Programming language, I need to parse it and Subdivide it into components.
Given a Java File, I need to find the following in it.
list of Imports
Classes present in it
Attributes in the Class
Methods in it - along the Parameters if any.
I need to extract these and store it separately.
Reason Why I want to do it?
I want to build an Inverted Index on the top of these Components.
Example queries to Inverted index
1. Find the list of files with Class name: Sample
2. Find the positions where variable XXX is used within the class AAA.
I need to support queries likes the above
So, my plan is given a file, if I build these components from it, It would be easy to build an Inverted index on the top of it.
Example: Sample -- Class - Sample.java(Keyword - Component - FileName )
I want to build an Inverted index like above.
I see it is being implemented in many IDEs like IntelliJ.What I'm interested it how much effort it would take to build something like this. And I want to try implementing the same for at least one language.
Thanks in advance.
You can try to do this "just" a parser; for your specific example, that might be enough.
But you'll need a parser for each language. If you stick to just Java, you can find Java parsers pretty easily; just reuse one, there is little point in you reinventing one more set of grammar rules to describe Java.
For more than one language, this starts to get tricky. You can:
try to find a separate parser for each language. This may be sort of successful for mainstream languages. As you get to less well known languages, these get a lot harder to find. If you succeed, you'll have the problem that the parsers are likely incompatible technology; now gluing them together to collectively collect your index information is going to be a mess.
pick one parsing technology and get grammars for all the languages you care about. You have only two realistic choices: YACC/Bison, and ANTLR.
As a practical matter the YACC and Bison have been used to implement LOTS of languages... but the grammar files are not collected in one place, so they are hard to find. ANTLR at least has a single repository you can find at their web site. So that might kind of work.
Its going to be quite the effort to assemble all these into an integrated whole.
A complication is that you may want more than just raw syntax; you might want to know the meaning of the symbols, and for each symbol, precisely where it is defined in which file. After all, you want your index to be accurate at scale, and this will require differentiating foo the variable name from foo the function name. Arguably you need symbol tables.
As a general rule, this is where pure-parsing of languages breaks down;
there is serious Life After Parsing.
In that case, you want an integrated set of tools for extracting information from the different languages.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is such a framework, and has some 40 languages predefined for it. We use something like OP's suggested process to build indexes of a code base for search tools based on DMS. Building something like DMS is an enormous effort.

Parsing web pages

I have a question about parsing HTML pages, specificaly forums,
i want to parse a forum or thread containing certain post criterias, i havent defined the
algorithm yet, since i have only parsed structure text formats before,
A use case may be copy and paste each thread into the program by hand, or insert a URL like
http://www.forums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46875&page=3 and let the program parse the pages
Given all this i would like to know:
Is it possible to parse a forum thread on a HTML page?
what would be the best/Fastest/easiest language for doing this?
If i prefer Java what tools/libraries do i need for this?
Any other thing i should consider?
1 / yes
2 / Use some compact language like python or ruby for prototyping.
For python there is a neat library for HTML/XML parsing called beautifulsoup
For ruby, you could try: nokogiri or hpricot
3 / A Java tool to consider: htmlparser
4 / If you are interested only in some particular text or some special classes, a regular expression might be sufficient. But as soon as you want to dig deeper into the structure of the content, you'll need some kind of model to hold your data, and hence a parser, which, in the best case, can cope with the occuring incosistencies of real world html.
You might want to look into some sort of html parsing library, rather than using regular expressions to do this. There are some really good html parsers for ruby and python, but a quick google shows there to be a number of parsers for java as well. The benefit of these libraries is that you don't have to handle every edge case with regular expressions/they handle malformed html (both of which can be impossible with regexes, depending on what you want to do) and they also give you a much way of dealing with the data (for example, beautiful soup lets you grab all elements which belong to a specific class or to use some other css selector to limit which page elements you want to deal with).
Personally, I would, at least for the beginning, start in ruby or python, as the libraries are known and there is a lot of info about using them for this purpose. Also, I find it easier to quickly prototype these types of things in ruby or python than in the jvm. You could even later bring that code onto the jvm with jruby or jython, if it becomes necessary.
regular expressions, any flavor.
probably the ones w/regex
there are tools out there that will do this for you.

How do I implement forward references in a compiler?

I'm creating a compiler with Lex and YACC (actually Flex and Bison). The language allows unlimited forward references to any symbol (like C#). The problem is that it's impossible to parse the language without knowing what an identifier is.
The only solution I know of is to lex the entire source, and then do a "breadth-first" parse, so higher level things like class declarations and function declarations get parsed before the functions that use them. However, this would take a large amount of memory for big files, and it would be hard to handle with YACC (I would have to create separate grammars for each type of declaration/body). I would also have to hand-write the lexer (which is not that much of a problem).
I don't care a whole lot about efficiency (although it still is important), because I'm going to rewrite the compiler in itself once I finish it, but I want that version to be fast (so if there are any fast general techniques that can't be done in Lex/YACC but can be done by hand, please suggest them also). So right now, ease of development is the most important factor.
Are there any good solutions to this problem? How is this usually done in compilers for languages like C# or Java?
It's entirely possible to parse it. Although there is an ambiguity between identifiers and keywords, lex will happily cope with that by giving the keywords priority.
I don't see what other problems there are. You don't need to determine if identifiers are valid during the parsing stage. You are constructing either a parse tree or an abstract syntax tree (the difference is subtle, but irrelevant for the purposes of this discussion) as you parse. After that you build your nested symbol table structures by performing a pass over the AST you generated during the parse. Then you do another pass over the AST to check that identifiers used are valid. Follow this with one or more additional parses over the AST to generate the output code, or some other intermediate datastructure and you're done!
EDIT: If you want to see how it's done, check the source code for the Mono C# compiler. This is actually written in C# rather than C or C++, but it does use .NET port of Jay which is very similar to yacc.
One option is to deal with forward references by just scanning and caching tokens till you hit something you know how to real with (sort of like "panic-mode" error recovery). Once you have run thought the full file, go back and try to re parse the bits that didn't parse before.
As to having to hand write the lexer; don't, use lex to generate a normal parser and just read from it via a hand written shim that lets you go back and feed the parser from a cache as well as what lex makes.
As to making several grammars, a little fun with a preprocessor on the yacc file and you should be able to make them all out of the same original source

Suggestions on how to make a configurable parser

I want to build a parser for a C like language. The interesting aspect about it is that I want to build it in such a way that someone who has access to the source can easily modified it to extend the language (a new expression type of instance) with the extensions being runtime configurable (they can be turned on and off).
My current intent is to build a recursive decent parser as an object. Each production will be a method of an object. The method of extension will be to derive classes from this base replacing methods (and production definitions) as needed. I'm still trying to figure out how to mix and match extensions. One idea is to play games with the v-tbl. Objects would be constructed with a v-tbl that is a copy of the base but with methods replaced from derived classes.
Aside from the bit-twiddling nature of the solution the only issues I have with it is
a reasonable way to do the v-tbl mixup
what to do when 2 extensions alter the same productions (as most replacements will end up calling the original having one replacement call the other would work but the mechanics of setting this up are the issue)
how to allow the extension of extensions (this might end up looking like a standard MI system, but I've never got how they work)
Another solution (a slightly more mundane version of the same same approach) would be to use static member variables to store function-pointers and call them for the same effect.
Edit: I have already built a system that lets me build productions from BNF definitions. I can alter it to support whatever I decide on.
These are some of the challenges the Perl 6 design effort has faced. You may find it worthwhile looking into some of the solutions they came up with. Or you may find that to be gross overkill.
I made a configurable parser I uploadei it some time ago at
The project there is not up-to-date but is working fine.
If I recall my university courses correctly, recursive descent parsers have some limitations that might bite you, especially since you're allowing extensions - somebody elses language extension could cause issues.
A proper compiler toolkit - such as the open source ANTLR - might make things easier, and might also provide some different approaches for you.
another option is to express the parsing rules in XML or something, instead of in code; less efficient, but far more dynamically configurable; each language or variant can just use its own (XML) file, and even include/reference other files as 'base' files...
Frankly, I am not even sure I understood everything you wrote... :-)
But when I see parser and flexibility, I think about LPeg - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua. It might not fit your needs but it is well worth a look... ;-)
