Zlib in Delphi 2009 - delphi

I am upgrading a app to Delphi 2009. The app uses Soap and we compress the soap request and response streams using Zlib. This works fine in Delphi 2006 but not in Delphi 2009.
So I went back to Delphi 2006 and changed to use FastZlib. It all worked fine in Delphi2006 but does not work in Delphi 2009 and I get Decompress errors.
Has anyone else had this problem?
How do I go about fixing this?

I just looked through the built-in Zlib.pas and it appears to have been updated for D2009 properly. What's giving you problems?

In delphi 2006 I had following methods to compress and decompress using Zlib(from Delphi 2006)
procedure CompressStream(inpStream, outStream: TStream);
InpBuf, OutBuf: Pointer;
InpBytes, OutBytes: Integer;
InpBuf := nil;
OutBuf := nil;
GetMem(InpBuf, inpStream.Size);
inpStream.Position := 0;
InpBytes := inpStream.Read(InpBuf^, inpStream.Size);
CompressBuf(InpBuf, InpBytes, OutBuf, OutBytes);
outStream.Write(OutBuf^, OutBytes);
if InpBuf <> nil then FreeMem(InpBuf);
if OutBuf <> nil then FreeMem(OutBuf);
{ Decompress a stream }
procedure DecompressStream(inpStream, outStream: TStream);
InpBuf, OutBuf: Pointer;
OutBytes, sz: Integer;
InpBuf := nil;
OutBuf := nil;
sz := inpStream.Size - inpStream.Position;
if sz > 0 then
GetMem(InpBuf, sz);
inpStream.Read(InpBuf^, sz);
DecompressBuf(InpBuf, sz, 0, OutBuf, OutBytes);
outStream.Write(OutBuf^, OutBytes);
if InpBuf <> nil then FreeMem(InpBuf);
if OutBuf <> nil then FreeMem(OutBuf);
outStream.Position := 0;
What should I change for these to work in Delphi 2009?

Something that might be worth trying - compress your data, and then UUENCODE it, and on the other end, reverse the process. This will detect if some code is not dealing with embedded zero's properly.
Sorry, this is only a partial solution to help you narrow the problem down.

The original poster's was clear about the problem: CompressBuf and DecompressBuf are GONE.
I also have a project that compiles just fine in D7, but fails to compile in D2010 because it can't find "CompressBuf" or "DecompressBuf".
A search using D7's very pleasant find command locates the routines at
c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Source\Rtl\Common\ZLib.pas
But searching with D2010's (awkward separate) "Find in Files" command fails to locate CompressBuf or DecompressBuf anywhere.
It's very disturbing that upgrading the IDE causes routines used and needed in projects to disappear!

in D2009 you can use ZCompress/ZDecompress instead of CompressBuf/DecompressBuf
I test it and there is no problem.


Where can I find System.IO to use FileSystemWatcher on Delphi 11?

I need to monitor real time if a new file is created on a folder. System.IO.FileSystemWatcher seems a perfect solution. But on Delphi 11 it is reporting
[dcc32 Fatal Error] F2613 Unit 'System.IO' not found.
Do I have to download something to have the .pas unit?
P.S. I have explored using the windows API FindFirstChangeNotification but this does not provide the filename created.
System.IO.FileSystemWatcher is a .net class and not part of the Delphi RTL. Therefore you won't find it anywhere.
I think the API function you need is ReadDirectoryChangesW.
You can also use DDNRuntime(Delphi .NET Framework/.NET Core Runtime)
It can help you call .net fuctions easyly
Just like
procedure TestMemoryStream;
LMem: DNMemoryStream;
LBytes: TArray<Byte>;
B: Byte;
LReadLen: Integer;
LMem := TDNMemoryStream.Create;
LMem.Write([1,2,3,4,5], 0, 5);
LMem.Position := 0;
Writeln('data Length: ', LMem.Length);
SetLength(LBytes, LMem.Length);
LReadLen := LMem.Read(LBytes, 0, Length(LBytes));
Writeln('len: ', LReadLen);
for b in LBytes do
Write(b, ' ');

Load TGPBitmap from MemoryStream

I have been asked to correct an issue (not related to this question) in a legacy Delphi program. After fixing some issues with missing components, I am now stuck with some GDI Plus functionality, which stops me from compiling the program. One of the functions where this is used is:
function TDownLoadItem.LoadRawBitmapFromStream(var bm: TBitmap): Boolean;
image: TGPBitmap;
Result := False;
if Content.Size = 0 then
// NOTE: Content is a TMemoryStream, declared globally.
image := GDIPlusHelper.LoadBitmapFromStream(Content); // <== This is where the problem is....
bm.Width := image.GetWidth;
bm.Height := image.GetHeight;
with TGPGraphics.Create(bm.Canvas.Handle) do
DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.GetWidth, image.GetHeight);
Result := True;
I think (not sure) the last Delphi version used was 2006, I am on Delphi Rio 10.3.
Online I have managed to find GDI+ 1.2, but this does not solve the problem. The procedure LoadBitmapFromStream does not exit in these libraries. GDIPlusHelper was apparently renamed to GDIPlusHelpers and most code has changed from classes to interfaces. I suspect an older edition of the GDI Plus libraries were used, but I cannot find these.
Reworking the code would be too complex as it would require Content to be an IStream instead of a TMemoryStream. Also, simply using a TBitmap is not feasible either as other code (not shown) uses functionality specific to TGPBitmap (e.g. RotateFlip).
Any suggestions on how to fix/work around this? Thanks in advance!

Is globalalloc with GMEM_MOVEABLE dangerous for local variables in Delphi?

Our programming dept just spent about a non-mythical man-month tracking down what we think is a bug in a 3rd party component, here's their copyrighted source code:
function TGDIPPicture.GetImageSizes: boolean;
multi: TGPImage;
pstm: IStream;
hGlobal: THandle;
pcbWrite: Longint;
result := false;
if Empty then
if FDataStream.Size = 0 then
hGlobal := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, FDataStream.Size);
if (hGlobal = 0) then
raise Exception.Create('Could not allocate memory for image');
pstm := nil;
// Create IStream* from global memory
CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hGlobal, TRUE, pstm);
pstm.Write(FDataStream.Memory, FDataStream.Size,#pcbWrite);
multi := TGPImage.Create(pstm);
FWidth := multi.GetWidth;
FHeight := multi.GetHeight;
Result := true;
We found the problem was with TMS's AdvOfficeTabSet. If we added tabs, then it crashed, if we didn't add tabs then it didn't crash. (the crash was one of those un-debuggable app hangs that hits you 10 steps after the real problem).
Following Raymond Chen's advice I replaced GMEM_MOVEABLE with GPTR and it appears to have fixed the problem.
I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if the above code had any legitimate reason for using GMEM_MOVEABLE. AFAIK it's only for the clipboard and it should always be used with GlobalAlloc.
while I was typing this another programmer got an error in the GlobalFree function using my code. So, apparently this doesn't work either. Could really use some help here!
*CreateStreamOnHGlobal is a Windows API function. (which apparently prefers GMEM_MOVEABLE)
*TGPImage is part of TMS's implementation of the GDI+ library.
Jonathan has identified the obvious problem, that being the double free of the HGLOBAL. But as you have found, the use is GMEM_MOVEABLE is correct.
Frankly, the code seems needlessly complex. I suggest you use the built in stream adapter and avoid any GlobalAlloc. To get an IStream you just need to do this:
pstm := TStreamAdapter.Create(FDataStream);
That's it.

Why do I get "left side cannot be assigned to" for TRect after upgrading Delphi?

I am migrating the code from Delphi 7 to XE2 one of the Graphical module.
we are using TRect variable , the old code is working in Delphi 7 without issue
Beold : TRect
Beold.left := Beold.right;
while porting the code to new XE2 we are facing the issue
E0264 : Left side cannot be assigned to
Can you please explain what is the changes in XE2 TRect and D7, how we can assign the valuse
The code you posted compiles and runs fine in a quick Delphi test app, so it's not your real code.
I'd suspect what you've hit is a change in the with statement when it's related to using properties, however. There was a bug in previous versions of Delphi that existed for many years that was finally fixed recently. IIRC, it was first mentioned in a note in the README.HTML file for D2010. It's been added to the documentation in XE2 (not as a behavior change, but the new behavior is documented). The documentation is located here at the docwiki.
(Additional info: It must have been 2010 where it changed; Marco Cantù's Delphi 2010 Handbook mentions it on page 111 as "The With Statement Now Preserves Read-Only Properties" which describes this behavior and the solution I indicated below.)
Instead of accessing the property of a class directly using a with statement, you now need to declare a local variable, and read and write the whole thing directly (error handling omitted for clarity - yes, I know there should be a try..finally block to free the bitmap).
R: TRect;
Bmp: TBitmap;
Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
Bmp.Width := 100;
Bmp.Height := 100;
R := Bmp.Canvas.ClipRect;
{ This block will not compile, with the `Left side cannot be assigned to` error
with Bmp.Canvas.ClipRect do
Left := 100;
Right := 100;
// The next block compiles fine, because of the local variable being used instead
R := Bmp.Canvas.ClipRect;
with R do
Left := 100;
Right := 100;
Bmp.Canvas.ClipRect := R;
// Do other stuff with bitmap, and free it when you're done.
turns out, using
with (Bmp.Canvas.ClipRect) do
Bottom := 100;
throws error: [Left side cannot be assigned to]
with Bmp.Canvas.ClipRect do
Bottom := 100;
does not.
Delphi 10.3.3 is just as finicky about parenthesis as the older versions.

How can I get this File Writing code to work with Unicode (Delphi)

I had some code before I moved to Unicode and Delphi 2009 that appended some text to a log file a line at a time:
procedure AppendToLogFile(S: string);
// this function adds our log line to our shared log file
// Doing it this way allows Wordpad to open it at the same time.
var F, C1 : dword;
if LogFileName <> '' then begin
F := CreateFileA(Pchar(LogFileName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
if F <> 0 then begin
SetFilePointer(F, 0, nil, FILE_END);
S := S + #13#10;
WriteFile(F, Pchar(S)^, Length(S), C1, nil);
But CreateFileA and WriteFile are binary file handlers and are not appropriate for Unicode.
I need to get something to do the equivalent under Delphi 2009 and be able to handle Unicode.
The reason why I'm opening and writing and then closing the file for each line is simply so that other programs (such as WordPad) can open the file and read it while the log is being written.
I have been experimenting with TFileStream and TextWriter but there is very little documentation on them and few examples.
Specifically, I'm not sure if they're appropriate for this constant opening and closing of the file. Also I'm not sure if they can make the file available for reading while they have it opened for writing.
Does anyone know of a how I can do this in Delphi 2009 or later?
Ryan's answer was the simplest and the one that led me to my solution. With his solution, you also have to write the BOM and convert the string to UTF8 (as in my comment to his answer) and then that worked just fine.
But then I went one step further and investigated TStreamWriter. That is the equivalent of the .NET function of the same name. It understands Unicode and provides very clean code.
My final code is:
procedure AppendToLogFile(S: string);
// this function adds our log line to our shared log file
// Doing it this way allows Wordpad to open it at the same time.
var F: TStreamWriter;
if LogFileName <> '' then begin
F := TStreamWriter.Create(LogFileName, true, TEncoding.UTF8);
Finally, the other aspect I discovered is if you are appending a lot of lines (e.g. 1000 or more), then the appending to the file takes longer and longer and it becomes quite inefficient.
So I ended up not recreating and freeing the LogFile each time. Instead I keep it open and then it is very fast. The only thing I can't seem to do is allow viewing of the file with notepad while it is being created.
For logging purposes why use Streams at all?
Why not use TextFiles? Here is a very simple example of one of my logging routines.
procedure LogToFile(Data:string);
wLogFile: TextFile;
AssignFile(wLogFile, 'C:\MyTextFile.Log');
if FileExists('C:\MyTextFile.Log') then
WriteLn(wLogfile, S);
IOResult; //Used to clear any possible remaining I/O errors
I actually have a fairly extensive logging unit that uses critical sections for thread safety, can optionally be used for internal logging via the OutputDebugString command as well as logging specified sections of code through the use of sectional identifiers.
If anyone is interested I'll gladly share the code unit here.
Char and string are Wide since D2009. Thus you should use CreateFile instead of CreateFileA!
If you werite the string you shoudl use Length( s ) * sizeof( Char ) as the byte length and not only Length( s ). because of the widechar issue. If you want to write ansi chars, you should define s as AnsiString or UTF8String and use sizeof( AnsiChar ) as a multiplier.
Why are you using the Windows API function instead of TFileStream defined in classes.pas?
Try this little function I whipped up just for you.
procedure AppendToLog(filename,line:String);
if not FileExists(filename) then
amode := fmCreate
amode := fmOpenReadWrite;
fs := TFileStream.Create(filename,{mode}amode);
if (amode<>fmCreate) then
fs.Seek(fs.Size,0); {go to the end, append}
ansiline := AnsiString(line)+AnsiChar(#13)+AnsiChar(#10);
Also, try this UTF8 version:
procedure AppendToLogUTF8(filename, line: UnicodeString);
fs: TFileStream;
outpututf8: RawByteString;
amode: Integer;
if not FileExists(filename) then
amode := fmCreate
amode := fmOpenReadWrite;
fs := TFileStream.Create(filename, { mode } amode, fmShareDenyWrite);
{ sharing mode allows read during our writes }
{internal Char (UTF16) codepoint, to UTF8 encoding conversion:}
outpututf8 := Utf8Encode(line); // this converts UnicodeString to WideString, sadly.
if (amode = fmCreate) then
preamble := TEncoding.UTF8.GetPreamble;
fs.WriteBuffer( PAnsiChar(preamble)^, Length(preamble));
fs.Seek(fs.Size, 0); { go to the end, append }
outpututf8 := outpututf8 + AnsiChar(#13) + AnsiChar(#10);
fs.WriteBuffer(PAnsiChar(outpututf8)^, Length(outpututf8));
If you try to use text file or Object Pascal typed/untyped files in a multithreaded application you gonna have a bad time.
No kidding - the (Object) Pascal standard file I/O uses global variables to set file mode and sharing. If your application runs in more than one thread (or fiber if anyone still use them) using standard file operations could result in access violations and unpredictable behavior.
Since one of the main purposes of logging is debugging a multithreaded application, consider using other means of file I/O: Streams and Windows API.
(And yes, I know it is not really an answer to the original question, but I do not wish to log in - therefor I do not have the reputation score to comment on Ryan J. Mills's practically wrong answer.)
