todo.txt and task management [closed] - task

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Closed 10 years ago.
Apologies if this has been covered frequently, but I was wondering about how other people approach personal task management.
I've read (parts of) GTD, proceeded to get excited, installed a tonne of plug-ins all over the place, then let it all fall by the wayside. I've used todoist, outlook, google calendar, project. I've tried writing lists in a notepad, in 'notebook', on post-it-notes and in spreadsheets etc. None of it lasts.
Why is a simple and effective todo application so difficult to find? Because the application is so frequently used, I find that any small niggles with the application become overly exaggerated after a few days use.
So far, my favourite application is a variation of todo.txt called task
What do you use?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but a "simple and effective todo application" is so hard to find because you are using the tool as a substitute for self-discipline and commitment. Statements like 'I've read parts of this and tried that and that and that but minor interface issues cause me to drop it in a few days' imply that you are looking for magic bullets and excuses.
Minor issues with the tools are a poor excuse to abandon the effort.
Pick a system and a tool and stick with it
No tool will give you the self-discipline and commitment necessary to change your habits
personal time-management is about changing your viewpoint and habits, not finding the "right" tool
caveat: some systems are more suitable than others for your personal work requirements. If you're a developer, a calendar-based system like Franklin Planner is probably not going to work, while a list-based system like GTD probably will.
Suggestion: google and review the various systems, pick one, and commit to it for at least a month. Try GTD and pen-and-paper, for example, then get fancy once the system is a habit. Once you know how you need to work the system and are committed to it, look for the perfect tool. In the meantime, the perfect tool is the enemy of the good practice, to mangle a quote ;-)

I use text files. Each contains a list of projects, separated by blank lines. Each line of a project's space includes syntax like:
'-': Item of interest
'*': TODO's
':': Code changes
'AWT': (Awaiting something external)
Text files live together and projects move in and out fluidly:
work.txt: Current work / active projects
deferred.txt: Stuff to do someday
done.txt: Finished; archived for records
The text file system is fast, effective, globally compatible and loads in a fraction of a second.

I think I'm like you (were, 2 years ago): too lazy to do anything until I find the perfect tool for it..
Yes, folks saying tools should never be mistaken to be a substitute for executing the plan, are absolutely right...
That said, one tool that seems "perfect enough" for me to drop thoses excuses for GTD: org-mode for Emacs. I really hope so, anyway.

I think this is almost a duplicate of How can I apply David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” as a programmer?
See also:
What Can Someone Do to Get Organized Around Here?
Time management tricks, tools & tips
What do you use to keep notes as a developer?

ToDoList is also an alternative

This is related to Task/issue tracking system with command-line interface which also mentioned todo.txt
Personally, I use the to do list on my Palm PDA, which syncs with Apple iCal.

I'm experimenting with better managing my time. I like starting out simple and building to complexity as it's required, rather than implement some behemoth bollocks that's hard to maintain.
To that end, i use simple lists.
it's stupidly simple, free, and internets based so it follows me everywhere. winner

In our company we use Google Docs Spread Sheet - it's great beacuse you put all tasks into cells and you can share and coedit this document with others. It's very easy to use and doesn't require you to fill a lot of forms.

I use a sticky notes program called NoteZilla
Just scratch your task/idea/notes and forget about it. This is why I like sticky notes. No need to categorize, group. All that can still be done in NoteZilla.

I use TiddlyWiki. It's simple to use, all in one html file (so very portable).
It works great for me.

I'm echoing the above comment to some degree. For me, the tool is pretty much secondary to establishing the mindset and habits that would allow me to incorporate GTD principles in a consistent fashion. I really do love it, when I can get it to go. There's a nice sense of control and direction that comes when I can be disciplined about doing the small stuff - weekly sweeps, periodic reviews and all that.
My next GTD challenge is to get out of the trees so I can see the forest. :-) David Allen talks about the 50,000 foot, 30,000 foot, 10,000 foot views relating to goals. It's all very high-minded, but I have to get above 500 feet yet.
If you're familiar with GTD, there's a nice summary deck PDF over at DIY Planner:
If you're a paper planner junkie (I am) the site's like crack :D
Hope it helps.

I use myLifeOrganized. The bottom line is you just need to start documenting the next thing you have to do on each task. MLO lets you easily and quickly do that.
It has a handy rapid task entry dialog and you can quickly enter data into it. You can document as much or as little as you want. This software, because of the ease of adding stuff to it, has saved my butt many times. It has helped me remember things that I had forgotten. I now wonder how many things I've forgotten over the years and didn't realize it.
I run it off a usb stick and I have it on my phone. I even use it to help me outline code.

As others have said, GTD is all about discipline: actually doing the things on your list. But, be sure to prioritize.
For my task list management, I currently use Remember the Milk, which is fairly handy with its IM integration (it sends IM reminders). My biggest challenge has been remembering to add the tasks, but I'm getting better at it, since somebody pointed out I could make a recurring task to remind me :P.


Interview questions to detect copy-and-paste coders [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
What questions can I ask an interview candidate that would allow me to know whether he's a "copy-and-paste coder"?
We're finding that even when candidates answer coding questions well in an interview, once on the job they'll still tend toward copying rather than refactoring.
Anyone else have similar experiences?
The first step in our interview process is a 5-minute online question. We give the candidates something like "FizzBuzz" or "Recursive fibonacci" or "Find factorial of n".
We don't have any rules. Nothing about pasting, or the code needing to compile, or what language it should be in - just do it. The 5-minute timeframe forces most candidates down one of two roads - write some pseudocode (or mostly-working code), or Google it.
When we get the answer, we Google the answer. Roughly half the time, it's been copied from some site. Our expectation is that if they spent 5 minutes finding the answer on Google, it should not only compile but it should be the absolute cleanest, best example of a solution for that problem out there. About half the time, the pasted answers are utter crap. We even get a number that didn't paste the entire snippet in, missed a whole chunk!
Copy-pasters tend to be exposed when they don't have a compiler to check them. Their modus operandi is paste, compile, tweak, compile. If they just paste a solution from a web page into another web page and submit it, they have nothing telling them they need to fix it.
This has worked extremely well - no one has made it to the phone screening who shouldn't.
I have people describe (in detail) a hard problem than they were proud of having solved. It's pretty easy to tell if they never really understood the details or simply hadn't worked through the problem themselves. Enthusiasm (sparkle even!) while describing the solution is a big plus. Gotta have a love for problem solving!
I've had this problem with candidates as well. The trick is to reduce the number of questions that only rely on definitions. You can provide them with code that needs refactoring and ask them what they would do to improve the code. This is a very open-ended question that shows how the candidate thinks.
A lot of interviewers like to ask questions where the candidate writes new code, unfortunately it is rare that developer is writing new things from scratch. Focus more on presenting existing code to the candidate and asking them to work with it to solve a problem.
Even with these questions it is possible to get a copy-and-paste coder as an interview is not necessarily how they will act in the real world.
That's my two cents.
I have two approaches, and always use both of them. They take fifteen minutes total, and I use them as the last third of an entry-level job interview.
Ask a very simple question based in theory.
"Are you familiar with the Vector class in Java? Write in pseudocode an implementation of the class supporting add, get, and clear." If they're not familiar, ask about ArrayList. If they're not familiar on either, explain what they do. The idea is that they can write a
linked list, and know what one is.
If I'm unsure at that point, ask them to write a method to sort the list manually; no using Arrays.sort() or similar. Have them explain a sorting algorithm. I don't care which one they choose, I don't care how efficient it is, any will do.
"What's the last thing you wrote that you were proud of?"
We wrote a test that basically checks to see if someone knows how/why to refactor.
We created a simple mockup application (allow the user to create predefined shapes and move them around on the screen) but introduced many types of errors on purpose.
One of these was copy & paste coding (the same functionality repeated in multiple places). Another was to embed logic for each shape into the event handlers. Terrible, terrible stuff - the worst ideas we could think of.
This allows us to see whether the candidate would recognize the opportunities for improvement and which approaches they would take to solve them.
It was a take home test and the candidate could either rewrite the application or provide notes on what kinds of changes they would make.
Not that this excuses it, but one reason developers may copy and paste code is that they don't understand the code that they're working with. For example, if you hire a C# or Java developer, and put him on a Fortran system and tell him to get work accomplished, he is going to copy and paste throughout that system due to lack of understanding.
In addition that that, quality of code can play a part in this. I know of one particular system that was not allowed to be refactored, but new changes had to be introduced. The developers had to do what they had to do to get the task done in a timely manner.
Of course, both of these scenarios don't excuse copy and paste coding, but it's worth a look inside the organization to understand why this may happen.
Don't ask common questions and/or ask them to explain their code.
You could modify your approach a bit. Do your tech review and phone screen, sure, just up the challenge of your coding test. Instead of asking simple programming test questions as a pre-screen, come up with a fairly complex programming project that they can solve - something can be scrounged up pretty quickly that can be pretty much ungoogle-able. Give them time after the interview to complete it, and require that it be well document and easy to understand. Then schedule a follow-up where you discuss the solution and ask the candidate things such as "What were you thinking here?!"
Examples of the types of projects of which I am thinking:
Write a program that plays a single hand of poker among three players
Write a flood-fill program for a random field provided by the user
Write a small check register program that accepts input from a .CSV and a starting balance, and outputs the current balance, allowing the user to view the transactions that have been read.
If they are on-site, make them whiteboard something. Lets you see how they will divide-and-conquor a problem in abstract. Watch what they focus on, what they omit, ask questions as they continue, and if you want to be a little evil - change the rules halfway through.
Break out parts of it and have them write the pseudocode on the whiteboard.

What are some solo developer programming methodologies? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What are some solo developer programming methodologies for smaller projects?
Just about any development methodology will work in a solo environment except for those that explicitly require a team (such as side-by-side programming). But even then you could get around that by just creating some imaginary friends/teammates or developing a multiple personality disorder.
Even as a solo developer you can use methodologies applied to large development teams.
Write a Spec.
Layout a UML.
Do pencil-and-paper UI design.
Hallway testing: If your expect a large crowd, ask Mom if it's easy to use.
Peer review: You can build ad-hoc review teams with other solo developers.
Keep an up to date schedule.
and so on...
I solo develop all the time, and these practices keep me in line with my own work and give my bosses a great resource to know what I've done and how far along I am. And they keep me on track, to boot!
The rubber duck methodology comes to mind:
Many agile techniques work great solo:
User interviews and stories: If you don't know what your users want, why would your software be useful?
A simple spec: Or even just be a mission statement. "Let people broadcast short messages to their subscriber lists." "Use in-degree to sort internet search results." "Let people collaboratively answer programming questions." Whatever.
A strictly-ordered todo list: Helpful to keep you from drowning in thoughts.
Tangents log: A good to-do list has a "to-don't" component, so you don't obsess over things you aren't going to do (yet).
YAGNI: Stay on target. This is very important when working by yourself, because no one is there to tell you "No! Don't reinvent dynamic typing in Java! Get back to the project." To-don't lists help with this.
Test-driven development: Writing tests forces you to think about the end result, rather than getting bogged down in implementation details. You'll get bogged down enough anyway; no need to make it worse.
Frequent releases: Make yourself stick to deadlines. "We'll have a feature-complete version that includes user stories 1-4 by Friday. It won't connect to the network or save data to disk, but XYZ..."
User testing: Have your buddies look at what you're making on a decently frequent schedule -- maybe once a month, maybe every week, depending on how many friends you have and how much beer/pizza you want to feed them. Pay very close attention to what they say and do and think when using the software.
And other things that only seem like they make sense in big projects can help a lot:
Source control: Install git. It's bone simple. Use it. Don't obsess over it.
Off-site backups: Y'know. In case of house fires or floods.
A blog: But you're only allowed to write there when a release comes out. ;) Also helps you build an audience for your product before it even ships.
Hope this helps! Solo programming on a large project can be very daunting.
Follow what is laid out in this Stack Overflow question:
What Tools/Techniques can benefit a solo developer?
Also. Use Source Control. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been bitten by that on personal projects.
There's this:
It's probably overkill
The issue is more a question of what you are comfortable with and what problems you hope to solve. Most methodologies are used by a solo developer at some point (pair programming is a notable exception). The issue is are you actually alone, or just working by yourself? I have found that it is invaluable to have people I can bounce ideas off of. Furthermore having someone else to look at you code (peer review) is a great way to find issues that you just cannot "see". So to agree with Aiden Bell "Programming on your oen is uncool."
I would try and connect to a community (like SO) where you can bounce ideas off of others. Then you need to build your methodology in such a way as to allow for interruptions when you send an idea out.
Does that make sense? Why are you programming alone?
Pat O
Not really an official methodology, but I have done a lot of solo development (independent consultant and ISV), and here are the things I have found to be important:
Find an online organization (like to share thoughts and
Make sure you take time to interact
with actual people in the real world
Set project goals, deadlines, and
Take time to do appropriate up-front
design and project planning
Set aside working hours are stick to
Don't work too much and burn yourself
Nothing is ever perfect, so strive
for good code that works, not
Get some non-programming hobbies
This is more of trick than a methodology. When you're debugging, explain the bugs out loud to yourself as though you were trying to explain it to a co-worker. It feels silly, but forcing yourself to articulate the problem out loud often reveals what the problem is.

Does Pair programming mean you don't need design documentation? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In pair programming, the experience of every member of the team can be spread to new member. This experience is always in sync with the code, because the "senior" of the pair knows how the code works and what the design is.
So what is the utility of design documentation in this case ?
I don't imply no design, I imply no documentation.
With a team which practice pair programming I think that everybody is disposable, because everybody knows the code. If the senior developer leaves, I think that there is always at least one person who knows the code, because the experience was shared before.
What if your team is larger than 2 persons?
Just because two people know a part of a system does not mean it shouldn't be documented.
And I would be glad to know that I don't have to remember every tiny detail of a system just because it it's stored nowhere else than in my head.
For a small system this might work, but as the system gets larger, your limiting yourself and your colleagues. I'd rather use the memory capacity for a new system than to remember everything of the old system.
Have you ever played "telephone?" I don't think you should play it with your codebase.
What if the senior programmer leaves the company/project?
The set of deliverables should be decided independently of whether you use pair programming or not.
Six months or two years later, all the people involved could be in a different project (or a different company). Do you want to be able to come back and use the design documentation? Then, produce it. If you don't want to come back, or the design is simple enough that with the specs and the code you can understand it without the aid of an explicit design document, then you may skip it.
But don't rely on the two people explaining the design to you one year later.
Maintenance. You can't expect the team to remain static, for there to be no new members or loss of old members. Design documentation ensures that those who are new to the project, that have to maintain it years down the line, have information on decisions that were taken, why the approach was chosen, and how it was to be implemented. It's very important for the long term success of a project to have this documentation, which can be provided via a combination of traditional documents, source comments, unit tests, and various other methods.
I don't see that pair programming makes design documentation obsolete. I immediately have to think about the Truck factor. Sure, the senior may know what the design is. But what happens when he is ill? What happens when he gets hit by a truck? What if he is fired?
Pair programming does spread knowledge, but it never hurts to document that knowledge.
Who knows about the first-written code? The answer is nobody knows, because it hasn't been written. The reason it hasn't been written is because nobody knows what to do, hence the need for a design document.
Pair programming is just two people sharing one computer. By itself, it says nothing about what kind of design methodology the pair(s) uses.
Pair programming, when taking as part of "Extreme Programming", means following the Extreme Programming guidelines for design. This typically involves gathering and coding to "user stories". These stories would then stand in place of other design documentation.
The experience of people may be in sync with the code, as you say. But the design decisions are not all captured in the code - only the choices made are there.
In my experience, to really understand why code is designed the way it is, you need to know about the design choices that were not selected, the approaches that had tried and failed etc. You can hope that the "chinese whispers" chain transmits that correctly, given that there's no record of this in the code to refresh memories or correct errors...
... or you can write some documentation on the design and how it was arrived at. That way, you avoid being taken down a dark alley by the maintenance programmers in future.
Depends what you mean by "design documentation".
If you have functional tests - especially behaviour-driven development (BDD) tests, or Fitnesse or FIT tests then they're certainly a form of "active documentation"... and they certainly have value as well as being regression tests.
If you write user stories and break them down into tasks and write those tasks on cards for pairs to do then you're doing a form of documentation...
Those are the two main forms of documentation I've used in XP teams that pair on all production code.
The only other document that I find quite handy is a half-page or so set of bullet points showing people how to set up the build environment for a development machine. You're supposed to maintain the list as you go along using it.
The code base may be so large you can't humanly remember every detail of what you were intending to implement. A reference is useful in this case.
Also, you need a design if you are interacting with other components etc.
Well if you want a spreadsheet program instead of a word processor a design doc use useful :-)
XP, pair programing, agile, etc... do not mean you do not have a plan, it is just a far less detailed plan (at the micro level) of what is going on. The use cases that the user picks are more of the design, and it is more of a living document than with other styles of design/programming.
Do not fall into the trap that because youa re doing something "cool" that you no longer need good practices - indeed this style of programming requires more discipline rather than less to be successful.
Pair programming is an opportunity for the team to avoid having to spend a large proportion of the project time on documenting everything. But the need for documentation depends on how good you are at remembering the important stuff and how good your code is. You may still want lots of documentation if the code is difficult to work with.
You could try some experiments:-
Document a couple of small parts of
the design and note how often you
have to refer to it.
Document stuff that is always a pain
to work with.
No Nor does lack of pair programming mean you need documentation. Documentation is needed! What it looks like may surprise you!
An agile team will decide when and what documentation is needed. A good rule of thumb, if no one is going to read it, don't write it. Don't get caught up in the waterfall artifact thinking by provide artifacts because the Project Manager says so.
Most think of documentation as something you do with Word. If an agile team is working properly, the code itself, with TDD (test driven development) will have a set of automated test that document and enforce the requirements. Image, documentation that is in sync with the code ... and it stays that way.
Having said that, pairing does help domain, application, practice and skill knowledge propagate through the team very quickly. Pairing also helps ensure that the team follow the engineering practices including TDD and other automated test. The results are that the application remains healthy and future change is easy to bring about.
So, bottom line, pair programming produces better documentation. It does not eliminate documentation (although you might not be able to find a Word document).
I am a pro-advocate and a fan of documentation. Pair programming does not require "one senior developer". In my experience with pair programming, developers of all levels are paired together, for the purpose of rapid development. There are many times I worked with junior developers and would trade off on the keyboard. There are many times I worked with senior architects and would trade off on the keyboard. Documentation is still necessary, especially with your core components and database.
Pair Programming only enables your coding and logical aspect.
But documentation is good practice. Always do documentation...

General Development Notes [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
During a typical day programming, I implement functions in a way that I would like to remember. For instance, say I tuned a DB insert function that, when I come across the situation again, I want to find what I did to resuse.
I need a place to keep the solution(what I did), and I need to find it somehow, which may be months or a year later. Using a mind map sort of idea, I was thinking about a personal wiki, but then I heard the stackoverflow podcast mention using this site for such a reason. Does anybody else keep track of slick things they've done so that they may find it sometime in the future. If so, what did you use, and in general, how do you use it?
i like to personal blog idea and using the stack for it. i'll try the idea of posting at the stack and then answering it myself, with the benefit of other people potentially giving their opinion.
As long a the stack will be around for a while :)
Jeff Atwood recommends using Stack Overflow for this kind of thing. Post a question (your problem) and then post an answer (the solution you found). This lets you share the information with the world, and maybe get some valuable feedback or better solutions.
(Wow, I got downvoted for repeating what Jeff Atwood said. I won't do that again, I promise.)
I use neomem all the time. I write notes to myself. Then I can later search for it.
You may find these questions useful
Where do you store your code snippets?
Tracking useful information
What is you preferred site for code snippets?
I use a personal Wiki, my bookmarks and my own blog for that. Usually my blog: When I learn something that I know I might stumble on again I write a short post in my blog.
I use WikiDPad or Wiki-On-A-Stick. It works not only for code snippets but also to take notes, record typical problems you get and how to solve them and documentation. Take my word for it, it makes your job a LOT more easier if you have proper notes... and add the power of interlinking to it and you have a killer resource. I have very bad memory and taking notes has improved my performance by an order of magnitude. It also saves you from having to ask someone the same question twice or thrice. Also, if anyone asks the same question, you can just helpfully point them to the wiki and they can read it and add to it if they need to.
The technical term for what you are thinking of is "code snippets", and googling for that will find you many programs designed to store them for a variety of platforms, including entirely web-based ones such as this one.
I set up dekiwiki on a server at work that my coworkers and I use for company specifics stuff but also for general programming tips that arise as well.
A simple wiki, may be useful. SeeTiki Wiki
I always put it on my blog. Not only am I able to get back to it later, there is also a chance that it can help someone else as well.
It's oldschool, but I keep notes in a notebook. Makes remembering solutions (or the problems that caused them) a bit easier. Usually I make 1-2 pages of notes a day.
The digital equivalent of this would be keeping a private blog or journal. Easy enough to add a search program to help you find stuff.
Worthwhile things that my boss might be interested in, like bugs and user calls all get entered into bug tracking software where it is more formally handled.
I use the excellent Trac project management system for my personal projects, and I use it's wiki as a brainstorming and note-taking tool. And, because it also hooks into the Subversion repository and the bug tracking system, I can link from my notes right to a particular section of code or a bug report.
I keep my personal projects on assembla. Wiki, Issue Tracking, Source Control... very useful.
Check to see if your editor has some kind of annotations feature. Ideally you could link a particular location in code with a small note, and store it in a centralized place. If it doesn't, that kind of plugin wouldn't be too hard to build, your biggest hurdle is going to be how to link the piece of code to a file (due to the volatile nature of code) and even that one isn't insurmountable.

Anyone soloing using fogbugz? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Is there anyone working solo and using fogbugz out there? I'm interested in personal experience/overhead versus paper.
I am involved in several projects and get pretty hammered with lots of details to keep track of... Any experience welcome.
(Yes I know Mr. Joel is on the stackoverflow team... I still want good answers :)
I use it, especially since the hosted Version of FugBugz is free for up to 2 people. I found it a lot nicer than paper as I'm working on multiple projects, and my paper tends to get rather messy once you start making annotations or if you want to re-organize and shuffle tasks around, mark them as complete only to see that they are not complete after all...
Plus, the Visual Studio integration is really neat, something paper just cannot compete with. Also, if you lay the project to rest for 6 months and come back, all your tasks and notes are still there, whereas with paper you may need to search all the old documents and notes again, if you did not discard it.
But that is just the point of view from someone who is not really good at staying organized :-) If you are a really tidy and organized person, paper may work better for you than it does for me.
Bonus suggestion: Run Fogbugz on a second PC (or a small Laptop like the eeePC) so that you always have it at your fingertips. The main problem with Task tracking programs - be it FogBugz, Outlook, Excel or just notepad - is that they take up screen space, and my two monitors are usually full with Visual Studio, e-Mail, Web Browsers, some Notepads etc.
Go to then at the bottom under "Try It", sign up.
under Settings => Your FogBugz Hosted Account, it should either already say "Payment Information: Using Student and Startup Edition." or there should be some option/link to turn on the Student and Startup Edition.
And yes, it's not only for Students and Startups, I asked their support :-)
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with FogCreek and Joel did not just deposit money in my account.
When I was working for myself doing my consulting business I signed up for a hosted account and honestly I couldn't have done without it.
What I liked most about it was it took 30 seconds to sign up for an account and I was then able to integrate source control using sourcegear vault (which is an excellent source control product and free for single developers) set up projects, clients, releases and versions and monitor my progress constantly.
One thing that totally blew me away was that I ended up completely abandoning outlook for all work related correspondence. I could manage all my client interactions from within fogbugz and it all just worked amazingly well.
In terms of overhead, one of the nice things you could do was turn anything into a case. Anything that came up in your mind while you were coding, you simply created a new email, sent it to fogbugz and it was instantly added as an item for review later.
I would strongly recommend you get yourself one of the hosted accounts and give it a whirl
In addition to the benefits already mentioned, another nice feature of using FogBugz is BugzScout, which you can use to report errors from your app and log them into FogBugz automatically. If you're a one person team, chances are there are some bugs in your code you've never seen during your own testing, so it's nice to have those bugs found "in the wild" automatically reported and logged for you.
I use it as well and quite frankly wouldn't want to work without it.
I've always had some kind of issue tracker available for the projects I work on and thus am quite used to updating it. With FB6 the process is now even better.
Since FB also integrates with Subversion, the source control tool I use for my projects, the process is really good and I have two-way links between the two systems now. I can click on a case number in the Subversion logs and go to the case in FB, or see the revisions bound to a case inside FB.
I think it's great that Joel et al. let people use FogBugs hosted for free on their own. It's a great business strategy, because the users become fans (it is great software after all), and then they recommend it to their businesses or customers.
Yea FogBugz is great for process-light, quick and easy task management. It seems especially well suited for soloing, where you don't need or want a lot of complexity in that area.
By the way, if you want to keep track of what you're doing at the computer all day, check out TimeSprite, which integrates with FogBugz. It's a Windows app that logs your active window and then categorizes your activity based on the window title / activity type mappings you define as you go. (You can also just tell it what you're working on.) And if you're a FogBugz user, you can associate your work with a FogBugz case, and it will upload your time intervals for that case. This makes accurate recording of elapsed time pretty painless and about as accurate as you can get, which in turn improves FogBugz predictive powers in its evidence-based scheduling. Also, when soloing, I find that such specific logging of my time keeps me on task, in the way a meandering manager otherwise might. (I'm not affiliated with TimeSprite in any way.)
