Why does my Rails website timeout on Windows XP? - ruby-on-rails

YayMyLife.com is my first Rails site. I am using Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) Phusion_Passenger/2.2.2 .
The site works fine on Linux/Mac/Phones. However, it does not load on any browser on XP. This behavior is also found on other XP machines. The browser seems to wait for more content and it times out. I have checked headers with Live HTTPHeaders (the headers look okey) and also flushed DNS cache on XP box.
Can you please help me fix the problem?

Are you sure it doesn't work? I just tried it using IE7 and Firefox 3 within one of my Windows XP virtual machines and the site loads fine. I get a JavaScript error in IE but not in Firefox.

I got browser shots for those who are interested in solving this case:

This gentleman was on #rubyonrails previously and asked the same question, with little feedback
What is the error that you are getting? If you look at all the browsers, they haven't finished loading ... could it be excessive load on the server?
Have you tried getting a Windows machine and trying to test it? If so, what is the error (with screenshot and/or stack trace from your log).
If it was a problem with rails, it would not load on any browser, if it was a css problem it would give you crap on the screen.
This looks to be an excessive load problem and something that you should try and address by looking at the web server end at the amount of time it takes to load the page and whether you need some sort of template caching or to improve the performance of DB queries that are running.

I started using Mongrel instead of Passenger and this problem is fixed. Thanks to everybody who took interest; esp. Omar Qureshi


404 anomaly on one computer only

This is weird. On my personal computer at home when I type in my website, I get a 404 error.
No other computer gets the 404 error that I can see from several work computers to relatives, wife's laptop and even my phone using the same WIFI connection.
This only happened after switching my preferred domain under preferred hosting settings from www.xxx.com to xxx.com - perhaps coincidence, perhaps not.
I did this as links in Twitter and Facebook where directing to xxx.com and were giving me 404 errors. Note that the day I made the change the 404 errors went away and I was linking to my website. Then a day later, not working to access my website.
I would suspect nameservers etc but my computer is the only one seemingly exhibiting the problem.
I cleared the browser cache for Chrome and Edge still nothing. I downloaded FireFox and installed fresh and get the same 404 error.
I flushed the dns with ipconfig in administrator mode and it has been over 24 hours since the problem first occurred.
I can get to my website using the IP address fine. I can't using the URL, only on this computer. I even called GoDaddy to make sure it was only my machine and they say they see no problem.
The HOSTS file is virtually empty. and I can use the website with Visual Studio no problem.
Any thoughts? I am stumped on this anomaly.
Thanks again everyone! Your feedback helped me solve the problem. This project was originally started in PHP and moved to from Apache server to ASP.NET. My hosts file still had remnants to xxx.com being local, and not searching outside to the world. Removing xxx.com solved the problem.

Can't upload attachment on MoinMoin

I have installed MoinMoin on my Windows machine:
MoinMoin 1.9.7,
Python 2.7
However, I can't upload an attachment to any page. I got the following error whenever I click "Upload":
Bad Request
The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand.
I've tried Python 2.5 too and the behavior is the same.
well, you don't give enough details so one could really help you.
so I can just say that this is unusual. it is unlikely a problem in moinmoin or in python.
maybe some problem with your installation or web server configuration.
maybe have a look into the web server logs.

Pow domains not loading in Chrome

So, I struggled with this for the last hour. For some reason, my POW domains always hit a www.website-unavailable.com error in Chrome. Rails servers work great from the traditional rails s and pull up at localhost:3000. I'm using Anvil.app to manage the domains.
No matter what, I hit the www.website-unavailable.com page in Chrome immediately each time I try to visit a .dev domain.
The strangest thing is, the site loads great in other browsers. Just not Chrome. I even tried installing Chrome Canary and it hits the exact same error (fresh install!).
I tried, in this order, to no avail, to get the server running again:
pow restart in the terminal for various sites.
Reinstalling POW.
Clearing the DNS cache at chrome://net-internals#dns
Nothing seems to work. Any idea what I could do to get this working again? Not a huge deal to use localhost:3000 but I love POW. The strange thing is, it was working wonderfully for weeks.
I ran into the same issue, but changing from OpenDNS to Google's DNS servers didn't help. Apparently, this is an issue with the asynchronous DNS built into Chrome.
There are a couple workarounds:
Use .xip.io domain instead of .dev
Disable asynchronous DNS in chrome://flags
Disable NXDOMAIN helper
I ended up disabling asynchronous DNS and my .dev domains work again.
Here's where I found more information:
Issue reported on Pow
Issue reported on Chrome
How to disable NXDOMAIN helper for OpenDNS
Thanks to user Dan Reedy (see above) I was able to fix this by moving from OpenDNS to the Google DNS and settings. Now, pages load faster and Pow servers are working again. And they seem to actually load much faster. Awesome!
I look up my IP via Network Preferences on a Mac OS X, and navigate to a domain like so :
So an example would be :

WebGL just stopped working locally for no reason

I was playing with some WebGL tutorials and, for no reason, WebGL just stopped working. I even loaded an untouched WebGL HTML page that I downloaded from the web that worked fine before. When I FTP that same exact code to my web server and load it, it works fine. Two questions...
Why would WebGL all of a sudden just stop working locally across ALL browsers?
Why would WebGL HTML code run fine online, but not locally?
I should also mention I restarted my computer, uninstalled/reinstalled Chrome and Firefox, and cleared all my internet cache.
Thanks so much for all your wisdom!
Found the problem. To prevent a local page from accessing your whole hard
disk drive, each local file:// URI is its own domain, which means that
local textures are always treated as cross-domain. In Firefox, I was able to get around this by modifying the about:config and setting security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false
Easiest way to work around this problem:
Use some IDE like Netbeans or Visual Studio to run your application. They use a local server automatically, so you don't have to run it on your own server or mess around with your browsers. Letting browsers access local data is more or less a security issue.

.NET MVC Slow Site

I have a site that is taking around 20 seconds to load every page (no matter what it does)
So i put in a /scripts/test.html that isn't part of a route and it still takes this long... no db hit nothing.
I renamed the web.config to _web.config and it loads instantly, rename it back... back to around 20-30 second load times.
Running the application locally... i put a breakpoint on the RegisterRoutes in the Global.asax.cs and ran that... /scripts/test.html does not hit breakpoint normal site does (site loads instaly fast locally on the same database/code)
Server is Mosso IIS7/SQL Server 2008 Cluster
The site is being hit pretty hard... ANY help please? or things to test/debug?
Few things to try:
Try taking a look with FileMon/ProcessMonitor and see if there is a ton of disk activity.
If the above is not an issue, install an instance of Dot Trace by Jet Brains. Profile the app and see if there is some memory or performance issue that is not apparent on your local box.
I saw another related issue that was solved by disabling IPv6, maybe try that.
