How do I assign a device level hotkey to my Blackberry App? - blackberry

Blackberry devices have shortcuts to open applications. For example, if you hit the 'T' button, the tasks app will open.
(BTW, you have to have "Call from Home Screen" disabled in the Phone App Settings for this to work)
How can I assign a shortcut key to open my own application?
For clarity and in case the link dies, I'll post the instructions here:
Complete the following steps:
In your Project Properties in the Integration Development Environment (IDE), click the Resources tab.
Under the Title ID option, specify the Resource variable name (App_Title) which corresponds to the actual text to be displayed (myApp) on the ribbon.
If you want the A in myApp to be a hotkey, insert the unicode underscore character (\u0332) after the A. Therefore, in your resource package, instead of specifying myApp as the value for the variable App_Title, specify the following:

See this knowledge base article. Of course you have to avoid collisions with other applications.


Localise App display name that have append suffix

I have a issue with getting app display name to include the appending suffix when adding localisation to InfoStrings.plist.
I have add different scheme and User-Defined attribute. So in my info.plist, i have App Name $(BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX) in my CFBundleDisplayName. It will append a -S to my app name when running on development scheme and normal app name on release scheme that i created. Everything is working well.
However, when I try to translate the app name, it does not work anymore. So in my infoPlist.strings, I tried the following:
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "App Name ";
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "App Name $(BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX)";
Both does not append the -S anymore when I run on development scheme. Does anyone know how I could still do that? Like maybe how to get the $(Bundle_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX) to be read in the infoPlist.strings.
More specifically, how do I include a preprocessor in InfoPlist.strings?
I found the answer to your question in another thread, here, but it says you need a scrip for this.
How you create different suffixes (not what was asked for)
Here is how you set up different display name of your app based on the your scheme. You can do this by setting up different configurations. Go to the project settings -> select the project (not the target) -> Info tab -> then create as many configurations you would like. Maybe one for Production, Debug and one for Beta releases.
Then select your Target -> Build settings tab -> Enter display in search. Under User defined you can create your own variable, call it e.g. BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX. Give it different values for Production, Debug and Beta.
Open your Info.plist file, under Bundle display name, your see maybe MyApp, append the string ${BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX} so it makes MyApp${BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX}.
Finally configure your schemes to use the correct configuration. You probably want to use Production for Archive and Debug for Debug.
Here is an image of the User defined variable

How to change homepage by Registry in Edge Browser

I want to change the homepage in the Edge browser via Registry but it's encrypted and I see (Protected - It is a violation of Windows Policy to modify. See in Registry. Please help me to edit homepage in Registry or find where it's a violation of Windows policy to modify. See
ProtectedHomepages value is not really encrypted, instead it is an obfuscated buffer which contains homepages strings and the cryptographic hash for these strings. Buffer is obfuscated using the random generated seed which is also stored as a part of the buffer. I have done some reverse engineering research and published the results here.
So, basically, reading and decrypting this value is easier than modifying due to the required crypto-hash. However, reading capability is the only required for anti-malware software. I don't know what reasons you have to modify this value, hopefully you are not writing a piece of malware...
If it is only the homepage in Edge you want to set then change the URL below to your preference and then save this as a .reg file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge\Main]
Currently it is not possible to change the startpage of Microsoft Edge writing string or binary value into the registry. The entry to change is "Protected - It is a violation of Windows Policy to modify. See" -> Value "ProtectedHomepages". The value is a encrypted binary value, in which the current homepage is not readable.
When you have to set a specific homepage more than one time and you want to do it with C# here a Workaround:
Set the startpage you want via UI of the Microsoft Edge browser. After Change of it restart the browser and export the registrykey named above. Open the exported file and copy the binary data into a string constant or resource in your C# Solution. In the function to write this Setting you can copy the string into a byte-Array and than writing as binary value into the registry. This entry has effect after restart of Microsoft Edge.
The same way you should use also when you want to Change the Default Search Provider. But in this case in addition to the value "ProtectedSearchScopes" one more registrykey is to use -> "OpenSearch". This key does/should exists by third Party search Providers only. This key should be deleted or does not exist if the search Provider is Bing.
Disable your computer's network interface
Launch MS Edge. The recovery page will error out
Open a new MS Edge tab
Close the MS Edge tab containing the error message
Close MS Edge
Enable your computer's network interface
Launch MS Edge
Some malware will change the Edge homepage. You can see the malicious URL in address bar, record it.
Kill Edge with Task Manager or reboot.
Edit your hosts file in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc, from an Administrative command prompt go to that directory and type notepad hosts and hit Enter.
Add a host entry like this bad.url (substitute the URL you recorded above for bad.url)
Save the hosts file then open Edge. This method is helpful when you are remoted in and cannot disconnect the network connection.
No need to do it in registry. You can now change the homepage via the settings in Microsoft Edge

Pentaho 5.0.1 CE Adding folder to pentaho-solutions directory

How do I get a folder to appear in the browser after adding it to \pentaho-solutions in Pentaho 5.0.1 CE. The documentation I read does not seem to work with this new version.
1. Create a new directory in /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/.
Use underscores instead of spaces in the solution directory name. Ensure that the directory has the appropriate user
and group ownership to be writable from the BI Platform.
2. Using an XML-aware text editor (or Design Studio), create a file named index.xmlin your new solution directory.
3. Copy the following text into the index.xml file, changing the content accordingly:
<name>Example Solution</name>
<description>This solution contains examples I created while learning to
work with action sequences.</description>
4. Save the file and close the text editor.
5. Log into the Pentaho User Console as an administrator.
6. Refresh the solution repository cache by going to the Toolsmenu, then selecting the Refreshsubmenu, then
clicking on Repository Cache.
You now have a new solution directory. It will show up in all file dialogues in the Pentaho User Console as well as the
Solution Browser in the left pane.
Every time you add or edit an action sequence to your solution directory, you must refresh the repository cache as
explained above. Each user currently logged into the Pentaho User Console must also refresh their session cache; this
is best done by re-logging into the Pentaho User Console.
I am using Pentaho design studio to develop an xaction sequence script. I followed this procedure:
1. In Design Studio, go to the Filemenu, then select New, and click on the sub-menu.
The Newwindow will appear.
2. In the Newwindow, click the triangle next to Pentaho, select New Action Sequence Wizard, then click Next.
3. In the File namefield, type hello_world.xaction.
4. Select Hello Worldfrom the Templatedrop-down box, then click Finish.
The wizard will generate the new file and bring you back to the workbench.
5. Click on HelloWorldComponentin the Process Actionssection on the left.
The right side of the screen will change to show the options available for this action: Nameand Message. The
Name field controls the name of the component in the Process Actions list on the left; it doesn't do anything else of
note. The Message field contains the text that will appear on the screen when the action sequence is run. It is prepopulated with %quote, which is a token that represents a quote message in a nonexistent properties file. Pentaho
used to provide properties files for each example, but they have been removed from the standard Pentaho Business
Analytics distribution.
6. Replace the %quotewith a sufficiently inspiring message.
Alternatively, you could create a hello_world.propertiesfile and populate it with the appropriate messages and
tokens, but that has no advantage unless you intend to internationalize this action sequence.
7. Save the file.
You now have a working action sequence that prints a short text message: "Hello, World." plus whatever you typed into
the Message field. The first part of the message is determined by a message bundle packaged with the Pentaho Web
application archive.
To test the action sequence, use the Test tab if you are on Windows or OS X, or log into the Pentaho User Console and
run it from the Solution Browser.
Running the sample xaction fails with
Sorry. We really did try.
Something went wrong. Please try again
or contact your administrator.
I figure this is because pentaho cannot locate the xaction file as specified in the file path when I generate the url from within design studio. The folder I created within the solution directory does not appear in the browser directory list despite refreshing the cache. Any help?
With Version 5 the files and folders are no longer stored in "/pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/..."
It is stored now in a jackrabbit repository.
You can create folders and upload files in the user console.
I did mistake after starting biserver 5.2. Unexpectedly i deleted Public folder after configuring to jackrabbit. Now how do i create the folder so that i can see Public and Home Folders.
Sorry for getting back to this question some time later, just in case someone searches something related to Pentaho repositories management with no success, i hope this information can help.
Just to make things more clear, i'm using version 5.2.x and i'm supposing you want to create a new folder on the root directory of Browse Files screen, something that is not allowed on Pentaho5 CE Web Console.
The answers about repository management based on JackRabbit are correct, so the old way we used to configure new "solutions" folders doesn't work anymore. From version 5 on, Pentaho exposes an interesting REST api that allows you doing things not allowed in web console.
For instance, for creating a folder in root directory you should create a http REST PUT request against Pentaho Server (using tools like curl or if you appreciate Google Chrome, something like Advanced Rest Client, etc.) using the following URL:
Pentaho repository directory REST api is documented here:
It's worthy to spend some time reading REST API the documentation.

where does asp and iis 6.0 get its date format

I've found a dilly of a pickle with a new web server. We have a new web server that is displaying dates differently than our old web servers.
We are running asp classic web pages on IIS 6.0 with windows server 2003.
We have logged in as an administrator and set the regional settings as appropriate and then applied the settings to current user and default user profile.
We then went into registry and update the appropriate formats under HKEY_USERS/.default/control panel/international.
Update the configuration for our websites to the correct code-page and locale.
Does anyone have other places that the application could be getting date formats from?
I know this isn't the 'proper' way to fix the issue. However, the application was written many years ago, getting something through planning/change control would be a pain, and is the only application running on the server. Thus it is okay to configure the server to cater to this single application. Besides it was driving me crazy that a new server that should be configured identically to an old server was not working.
It turns out that in addition to HKEY_USERS/*/Control Panel/international, there is a setting for non-unicode programs. It can be found under HKLM/system/currentcontrolset/control/nls/language/Default. Set that to the correct code page and it is golden.
On the other hand, if you prefer to not modify the registry directly, you can update all these values through the Regional settings from the control panel.
You can adjust the formats through the 'customize' button.
You can change the 'language for non-unicode programs' under advanced tab.
Just make sure that you check the 'apply to the default profile' at the bottom of the advanced tab.
I don't think the highest vote answer is right, though it's close.
I had to use regedit to change all the internationalization settings of HKU\S-1-5-19\Control Panel\International (NT Authority) and HKU\S-1-5-20\Control Panel\International (Network Service) to match the settings that were already in HKU\S-1-5-18\Control Panel\International (Local System).
This worked perfectly.
I modified all the settings I could see which were different, by hand.
I should think I only really needed to change the settings for S-1-5-20 (Network Service).
Go to Control Panel -> Regional And Language Options, set all options you need, then under 'Advanced' tab select settings for non-Unicode programs and check 'Apply all settings to the current account and to the default user profile.'. Press OK and restart server.
On Windows Server 2008 administrators have additional 'Administrative' tab. There press 'Copy to reserved accounts'.
Classic ASP Defaults to the Locale ID that was configured when the server was Setup. If you have access to the original server run the following code to get Locale ID it's operating under and verify that the new server is using the same.
If the Locale IDs are different and you cannot change it on the new server then you can add a line to the Session_OnStart sub in the global.asa for the application that assigns the correct Locale ID to Session.LCID.
Using an ASP page with the content:-
Response.Write GetLocale
Might be informative, it'll show you what locale VBScript thinks its using.
I've seen issues like this in the dim and distant past when using integrated security. The ASP caches the regional details from a user hive when it first needs to use them then continues to use those settings until the process dies. ASP gets these settings from the user hive associated with the user identity the code is currently running under. Most of the time that would be DEFAULT because the user doesn't have a profile on the system.
However if the user happens to have logged on interactively to the server they will have a profile and so their settings are used. Hence I've seen situations where the server appears to have intermitten problems with regional settings.
I can't recall if I've seen this on IIS6, I've definitely seen it on IIS5.
If you run your ASP application under a different account (not IUSR_Guest)
Login as that account, set date/time format to what you want and restart IIS.

How to change system default regional settings in windows XP?

How can I change the system-default regional settings in windows XP for use by services (run by the system user)?
Regional and Language Options in the control panel modify the settings for the logged-in user. However, services don't use the user's settings - they use the system settings. I know that they can be found in the registry here:
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International
My question is: What mechanism is there for changing the system-language/date/etc from en-us to en-gb?
This was helpfull for me
"Apply regional and language settings to reserved accounts".
In short (Windows 7): Open "Region and Language" dialog, then click the "Administrative" tab, and then click "Copy settings...", select "Welcome screen and system accounts", OK.
There is no documented way to do that.
A quick look in the Regional Settings Applet dll shows that it calls a totally undocumented API: NlsUpdateSystemLocale().
Why do you want to do that? Do you want to control the locale of a service of yours? Then let your service run under a user account you control.
Could you not use regedt32 on a machine and make all the correct settings...then export the International folder by right clicking and export the reg file.
you can manually edit the exported reg file if you dont need all the settings
then you can run that reg file on a new machine to import the registry keys etc?
Not so easy.
Fast way: define a specific user to run the service, logon with that user, set the regional settings, run the service.
IM not sure if this will help
First type in gpedit.msc from the run command and a dialog box should now open.
Navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Regional Settings.
This shows the group polcies for the PC/s, maybe you can just set it so en_gb is the only option!!
Group Policy is not my strong point, but do a google search and go from there, I would imagine that you should be able to set up who and what can do what from here.
